Page 4 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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The Gold Bug, Sept. 27, 1951 On The Hill Kefauver Counsels College Freshmen Such men are not happy, Kefauver Senator Estes Kefauver (D., Tenn.) has t\,rned back the clock W. O. years declares. "Their souls know no true by Eva Lindahl feel too well, she will come and talk by Jack Molet!wQrth to his own student days to counsel or lasting peace regardless of the to you. No, no! No Florence Nightin- college freshmen of 1951. money they make, the contracts they gale. She is a joker and a riot, this "If I were a freshman today I would land or the special interests bills they girl; and maybe her visit will put up place more emphasis on two funda- push through Congress." your fever a couple of degrees, but mental goals of life: working for He finds Washington's "few genu- you do feel much better afterwards. others and diversity of interests," he ine idealists" a striking contrast. Sec, she knows most evcrything going writes in the last article of MOTIVE, "Whether they work in behalf of world on up on this campus. Dances? Yes, a Christian student magazine pub- peace, better living standards for the 'cause most of the week before she has lished on a non-denominational basis poor, 01' some similar idealistic cause, spent making posters for it. Speakers? by the Methodist Church's Board of they share in common a repose of Yes, 'cause she is in the SGA. Re- Education. spirit and a happiness of soul which citals? Oh yes, 'cause she is a member In the magazine's current "orienta- those who struggle only for material of-.J;he Choir and goes to practice al- tion issue,'~ the crusading Tennessean ends can never attain." most every Thursday (or isn't that so, draws upon his Washington experi- Take it from Senator Kefauver, the Mr. deLong?). Well, how about the ence, and his recent nation-wide in- Golden Rule is not 'old hat.' He rec- religious events? Does she know any- vestigation of organized crime, to ommends it as "an insurance policy thing about that? Of course! She is an advise collegians that "accomplish- foru truly satisfyin&: life." indispensable member of the SCA. ments, not money, are the only sources However, he fears that young peo- How about campus gossip? Oh, you of true happiness." ple today, as in his own youth, type bet Libby is informed. She talks Senator Kefauver received his A.B. the Golden Rule "as a fine and noble to everybody about everything; and degree at the University of Tennessee ideal but as something which actually' what's tmore, everybody talks to her in 1924, and a LL.B., at Yale Univer-, has little place in the modern world." about everything. But--and I won't sity in 1927. is wrong, he con- Such an attitude Libby Schubert forget to make this postscript--if lI1itch Tullai "In my 12 years in Washington, I -tinues, "because the rules of life which to his compared Although reactions of those serve the whose sc:':~~t~l~~~Jy c:~:'e!~ I~~~~:t Ik~:~ ;~:u;~:e a~d h:ou~~~~,YS~~~IlP~:~~~:~ small Mitch possesea the have had many opportunities to ob- have largely come to take its place and unhappi- bring only restlessness beefier teammates, the language (once in a while I almost your confidence and keep it. drive and will to win that makes him accomplishments are only for them- . .. out of which has come the sprained my tongue making the new J I must mention Eddie, because to a giant on the gridiron. Whether it selves or for some narrow, selfish moral breakdown characteristic of our sounds), and I was unsure of myself. 'talk about Libby without mentioning be Monday afternoon on the practice group," he writes. times." American customs are very different Eddie just wouldn't do. You see, Eddie field or game time Saturday, you will If he could recall his college years, from Swedish ones and usually more is the young man that this art and find Mitch driving equally hard. Every ern Maryland recently displayed their the senator states that he would "soak informal. Gee, did I worry in vain. education student saves pots and pans goal he scores is a just reward for faith in Mitch as a leader when they up" the best books available on his- You see, my big sister was Libby for. (Perhaps she should have been a hours of hard work. Always encourag- elected him to the office of president tory, literature, the arts and the Schubert, this year's president of the home ec. major, no?) She thinks he is ing, seldom complaining, constantly of the Student Government .. His elec, broad humanities. Women's Council of SGA. Wright for her, and so do I. Let me driving-that's Mitch Tullai in sports tiort met the full approval of the fac- Libby does not need introduction to tell you something funny tbat hap- and in life. ulty as well as the student body. "A well-read person is well-informed the upperclassmen. She is a well- pened last year. Lib and Ed had in- Mitch's ability to score applies not Mitch is majoring in history and he and a useful. citizen. specialization known campus figure, and maybe the tended to see a movie together; but only to athletics, but to academic and hopes to enter the field of education. has been carried too far in education, freshmen would like to know a little the night before, they had a little extra curricular activities as well. His His high intelligence, deep sense of particularly in physical sciences. With about this remarkable girl. I do not fight. "Ah, here goes my movie date", high grades do not come easily; they responsibility, and keen sense of hu- everyone a specialist, or trying to be- intend to tell you about all committees Lib thought, but did not let it go at are the result of long hours of con- mor provide assurance that he will come one, no one has time for civic improvements." and dubs she belongs to; you will find that. She wanted to be sure; so she centrated study. The students of west, excel in his chosen profession. During that out yourself, instead I will tell called him up. "Ady, sees eea Eva, I Miteh Tullai landed at Western his college career, Miteh married a Consequently, he says, "we find our- you about Lib herself. Maybe .you vender eef you and Leebee are going Maryland College in September, 1948, very lovely girl from his home town selves suddenly confronted with the never will get to know her very well, to see movies tonight?" Wonder fresh from a tour of duty with Uncle of GJen Lyon, Pa. The Tullaies now crime problem, with the problem of since she is a very busy girl. But first what she felt like when she gets his Sam's paratroopers. As an inhabitant reside at 206 Schaffer Ave., in West- juvcnile delinquency, and with similar of all, I take the privilege to call Lib answer: "O.K. Libb:j, I'll pick you up of the Hill, he has made a series of minster. problems, all of which stem from the mybestcgirt friend, and that explains at 7." important jumps in other directions. Mitch is easy to locate on the cam- same root cause-the lack of interest everything if you think I am a little I guess you will have some idea of These include: high scorer on the Ter- pus because he is usually everywhere in civic affairs." generous with the compliments. what kind of a girl Lib is by now. ror football team, officer of the Delta at once. Just look for a shock of black Lib has a personality that 'makes You'll meet her; she'll be around. Of Pi Alpha Fraternity, member of the hair with a friendly smile beneath it. you feel at ease at once. If you are all wonderful people I have met in Inter-Fraternity Council, a regular That's Mitch Tullai, a regular Joe. SMITH &:: REIFSNIDER alone, she will introduce you to other the States, I think Lib is the one I Dean's lister, member of the Ar- You will have no trouble finding Mitch Incorporated kids and make you feel at home in the will miss most. So take care of her, gonauts, andJ;he president of the Stu- at Western Mar-yland-c-ha will find LUMBER-COAL crowd, and, if you are sick or don't will you? dent Government. you. WESTMINSTER, MD. Rosenstock's ea·· s. ~ ... IN WESTMINSTER ~ Fashions Pour Ie Sport! A GENERATION OF WESTERN MARYLAND WOMEN have found at Rosenstock's the ."very thing" they've needed to augment the wardrobes they took back to school. ESPECI4LLY WHEN IT'S SPORTSWEAR 'THAT YOU WANT does Rosenstock's prove a paragon of convenience ... so very handy when you have a last minute need for a particular kind of skirt, blouse, sweater, jacket or jumper. HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE NAMES that have helped make Rosen- stock's a "must" on Western Maryland shopping lists: "College Town" (for skirts) ... "Peggy Parker" (for sweaters) ... and Ship'ri Shore (for blouses). P.S.-Stop in and see our smart new selection of dressy tee shirts. 67 E. MAIN ST.--JUST A FEW MINUTES WALK FROM THE W.M.C. CAMPUS
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