Page 14 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 14
2 The Gold Bug. Nov. 13. 1951 Paper Restates Sigmas Delighted Policy On Clubs By Dutch Painting As the Thanksgiving season ap- Dean Helen G. Howery proaches, it is fitting that we spend a In the statement of policy in our Sigma Sigma Tau has a new and Dean Of Women. A portrait oi'a stern and forbidding Mrs. Simon Legree. few moments in grateful recognition first issue last February, the first goal unusual water color now hanging in Not so our dean. For the women students of WMC are so fortunate as to be of all those blesaings, with which we set forth for the GOLD BUG read: its clubroom, A gift of gratitude on guided by a person of unusual tact and understanding, Dr. Helen G. Howery. have been showered during the past "To print all available school news, as the part of a Hollander, this painting A summons to Dean Howery's office . year. We have been thankful many, far as space permits, which reaches will afford the Sigmas the chance to is more often a pleasant experience many times deep within our hearts, us by anncuuced deadlines." Unlesaa tell every visitor the story behind it. than not. Her duties as general co- but not often have we stopped to ex- reversru of this policy is published, it Early in the first semester, 1950, ordinator and supervisor of every- press our appreciation to the many will stand as stated. the Sigma Sigma Tau Sorority started thing pertaining to women students - people who are enriching our lives. It has come to our attention that selling birthday calendars to students cover more areas than merely the un- First, we thank our parents for all considerable disturbance has resulted and faculty of Western Maryland Col- pleas~nt one of discipline. W.pmen the love they have given us and for from the. fact that Club News was lege. Those who bought a calendar students are advised to consult Dean the sacrifices many of them have omitted from the last issue. This was had their name printed on their birth Howery about special late leaves, made and are still_ making to see us done deliberately in order to print the date. Clever, original drawings, sorority affairs, study pro b I ems, prepared for the journey of life. We large picture of the Terror team and sketched by the" club artist, adorned emergency absences from school-the want to thank our teachers for their news of Homecoming activities, a the calendars. The money obtained list could continue ad infinitutn. Also, kindness and patience in dealing with decision which we believe justifiable from the sales amounted to enough to she plays the role of a combined ou,r inefficiency and stupidity, for and think you do, too. send CARE packages to the needy Dorothy Dix and Emily Post. their willingness to share their learn- All of this adds up to a rather ing and experience with us. he~:de~nc:ml:nt:eti~l~:e:~a:u::r d;e~~ peri~:'i1~; t~~e N:~~~~ll::ld~~onths, the large order for one human being, and We thank those who are guiding the BUG I will no longer print news of club received polite thank-you notes one of the main difficulties for Miss destiny of our school for maintaining campus organizations without a from the recipients. But last week ali Howery is the fact that she doesn't it as it is':"'a school which teaches the charge per inch. In the first place, the - the club members were pleasantly like to say "no." She is always sym- love of God, loyalty to country and paper staff docs not set financial surprised when a package came as a pathetic toward our problems and al- fellowman, and which stu-vas to lead policy-c-it has been set. for years, the very sincere thank-you for a CARE ways has the "right" solution! She us "from darkness to light". \Ve are only paid matter being advertise- package. A letter w~ enclosed and has endeared herself to the students thankful for our friends here at West- merits. In the second place, we are was indeed welcome in that it was the in many ways, especially by being a ern Maryland; nowhere will you find safely within our budget and have no club's first intimate glimpse of Hol- very willing listener to the sensible them more tried and true. need to solicit extra money from the land. The following is an example: ideas of her girls. Dean Helen G. Howf!.'t"y We are g-rateful to our older broth- students. "I must write from my wife that you all people walk must not think that ers and friends who faee an icy win- In trying to trace the rumor to its on wooden shoes here in Holland and Campus Capers Dean Howery is a native Virginian ter in Korea that we may continue source, we learned that a student, and received her B.S. degree from our education and be ready to help upon seeing the volume of Club News in costume fashion. Only the farmers Confuse Co-eels Radford State Teachers College, which build a better world of the future. We received per issue, jokingly remarked wear such clothes." is now a division of Virginia Poly- are thankful to those men and women that if material kept coming in, the But the package held further tree- There is a scientific, methodical way technic Institute. She received both her M.A. and Ed.D. degrees at Coium- of great spirit and love of country paper oueht to charge the clubs to sure. After eagerly removing the to do everything, including studying. bia University. Of especial interest is who, day and night, are meeting the finance another page devoted entirely wrappings, the girls found a beauti- Making use of a few fundamental that Dr. Howery, in addition to her forces which would engulf and de- to them. From this humble birth, this ful water color of a scene common in rules which we college students know doctorate in education, has also corn- stroy us. idea has flourished to. alarming ]lro- Holland, a scene which may best be plated the residence (all of the course And above all, we are thankful to portions. described in the Hollander's own facilitates fast, thorough learning work) for the Ph.D. degree. We think God for healthy bodies, sound minds, Is it too much to ask, as we repeat- words: and insures more points and hours. that she has earned another super and a courageous soul, fllled with the edly have done, that if you questjon or "The outside of the town is flat Let me demonstrate my hypothesis to doctorate for living with four groups prove my theory. spirit to attack life each day as it fail to understand paper policy, to land and is hardly almost arable land First I get out my Ed Psych book of freshman girls in "The Deanery!" brings a new challenge and its result- write to the editor or visit the office and meadow land. You write us that and open to the chapter on "Efficiency Miss Howery, associate professor of ant victory or defeat. . for information? your town is on a hill. We not have in Studying". I shut the door, curl up English, is noted for her interesting Thanksgiving! Each one of us, in The process of collecting club news here hills and to give you an idea and lively classes. Like most champ- our own humble way, will be express- does present a problem which we about our country, we sent to you a on my bed, and begin work. "Some ions of English she enjoys reading, ing our gratitude to all who are mak- would like to clarify at this time. The photo and a drawing. There are will become sleepy in a comfortable and says that sometimes she must ing it possible to acquire wisdom and calendar of student events, located in made before our window and you see chair or couch," it says-so I move ignore even her favorite, Shakespeare, faith; and in no better place can they ;~a;i:;~y o~la~k~i~~:~i~!iO;:q~::;:!~~ the kitchen garden." over to the hard desk chair, prop up for the manuscripts which "students my legs and continue. I'm really ab- be acquired than at Western Mary- sorbing this chapter. "Any kind of insist upon turning in!" land. list activities there. As this is the noise tends to be distracting and fa- source of the GOLD BUG'S CoUcgc Calendar, we must either print a most tiguing." I struggle up, turn off the "Common sense plus actual test The Sest flies incomplete list of campus happenings clanking radiator, and set my Baby shows that studying is less effective when a radio is"~I am jolted from In spite of the unexpected snow and or find other means to uncover the un- cold, the students and organizations Ben outside the door. Now, all factors my reverie by blasts of "Hey, Good I, am ready for real being adjusted, Are Deael flies! listed ones. reporters were dele- did a tremendous job and made concentration. Lookin'" floating through the wall at In the past, gated to scour the campus for club Homecoming the huge success that it "It is recommended that studying my back. A polite as possible yell from I have-been accustomed to thinking news. Only those who have attempted was. Thanks to everyone from the be done in a relatively bare' "room." me and the melody becomes faintly of these little creatures as sojourning such an assignment can realize the SGA. Excuse me while I take down my pen- audible. I guzzle an aspirin to sooth here in the summer only. Come the extreme difficulty encountered. As An assembly will be held in the nants, football programs, dance dec- my frazzled nerves and start that first frost, I assumed they dropped organization leaders are usually hard very near future to present the SGA orations, and rogues gallery of photos paragraph over again. dead, flew south, went into hiberna- to locate, many groups were omitted. awards to the winners of the parade staring at me from the wall. Big Down to the third sentence, "The tion, or something. Could be I'm For this reason, we are asking your and display competition. This special brother won't mind being stuffed in only safe rule for any person who has wrong; from all evidence I must be. help in trying a new system. If every assembly presentation of awards is an the drawer _for the cause, I assure difficulty in studying is to turn off the (Biology majors, quick, to my assist- club would assign one member to be innovation, as the SGA has not pre- myself, as I plop some pillows on the radio and avoid conversationv-c-the ance!) responsible .to notify the GOLD BUG viously given the awards in this way. chair and settle down once more. -At door collapses under roomie and six Flies Stay North of its activities, a plan in existence in A matter of special importance has this point, my mouth is parched with other eager females bursting with At any rate, from all I can observe, most colleges, the problem would be been brought to the attention of the thirst. The author advises proper food gossip. This is where I put my powers and I've had my spies out covering solved. Listings for the College Cal- SGA by Dean Free. In view of the and exercise for mental health; so I of concentration to the crucial test. I the countryside, the majority of so- endm· will be regularly printed; and present Civil Defense program, Dean arise for a Coke. No nickels and no face the wall, bury head in book, focus cial-minded flies are staying north for if there is news of interest to the Free will appoint two men from each roommate in sight. I bombard 'every my eyes on the lines, and clog my the fall season. True, they're not quite student body, brief paragraphs for of the men's dormitories to act as room on the hall pleading, "Got a cars with my fingers. Meanwhile the as alert and quick-darting as during Club News will be welcomed and used Civil Air Raid Wardens in case of an nickel for five pennies?" till I begin room has become a veritable Grand their carefree summer days. Indeed, as often as space permits. If an event atomic attack on Baltimore. to wonder if they still mint such Central Station. "Bridge, bridge", they seem to spend most of their time is planned of such proportion that a In the absence of Libby Schubert, rarities. Finally I succeed, gingerly someone is screaming into my subcon- sitting on my ceiling; whence I, in separate article would be desirable, Jane McLeod, junior representative to pamper the temperamental mighty scious haze, from somewhere in the my top bunk, can observe them closely we suggest that you consult the news the Student Government, will be act- Coke machine, return triumphantly turmoil. "A fourth?" The screamer is through my roommate's binoculars. editor in regard to the availability of ing vice-president of the organization. with the precious bottled stimulant breathing on my hand now. Speech- Impossible To Catch space in the next issue. We ask your All notices for the bulletin board are and get situated for intensive brain less from nervous and mental ex- However, they're just as pesti- cooperation in submitting· this infor- to be signed by her. work. h7liStion, I shake my head vigorously ferous as ever, and they've added new mation by the deadline announced for in compliance, and slam the book lazy tactics to their bag of tricks. In- each issue to the news editor. shut. stead of zooming past the tip of'your The GOLD BUG is your paper. It nose, scaring you out of seven years' cannot do a good job without your growth, they now temptingly flutter help. Let's not work at cross-purposes, THE GOLD BUG by, so slowly you know you can get but together for the glory of WMC. them. But you never Call! Though you land that book right on top of them, there's never a fly there when you Pins 'n Points pick it up. They just must have good guardian angels. Maybe they're looking for a place to With sorority initiation over after Member hibernate after all. For ~ey have those three hectic days, the campus Associated Collegiate Press has finally settled down to normal-c. suddenly developed a rare affinity for we hope! Subscription Price $2.00 a Year flying into dark caverns-mouths, for instance; also, on occasion, ears and Congrats to the football team for EDITORIAL STAFF noses. If you give them time (several F.:dito._in_~hief, St&n '52 sa Editor__ hours), they may decide they don't their Saturday win over Drexel-c. M"nu:lnR: Editon____ ::~ New. especially after having to play in all care for that place and leave. the muck and mire. .'n Be On The Lookout ,'53 Now what I want to know is what is Apparently the alumni retain very ::H the ~eaning of all this! Are these pleasant memories of WMC. Despite ,'53 flies just staying here for the sake of the weather a large crowd turned out. ::~i insect companionship or is there some - diabolical plot under feeler? Every- It seemed like old times. Bu.ln .... Manage BUSINESS STAFF Lope .., ·SZ _.]"a~k one else may be watching the Rus- A casual observer might have got- A.. iatant Bumn Manage,. sians, but I've got my eye on those ten the idea that a large majority of CIrculation Manager Glen Ashburn, ·53 '53 Sue flies. You can't be too careful these the co-eds are interested in living in days! wedded bliss. Dr. Paul Popenoe drew So, western Marylanders, prepare. the largest crowd we've seen in a long Remember! the only good fly is a dead time-Get any ideas? FEATURE STAFF: J"a;n@ Althouse. Lou Kellner. Jane fly! Get in your fall supply of sticky thea S~hmidt. Logan, Ell@n Rudolph, Doro- paper now. Make sure your fly swat- DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE SPORTS STAFF: Tom Dryden. T"m Dougl ......, ter is in working order. Then every COPY: Harry GrAnder. Marlonna Schnitzer, Ed Smith, Bob Merrill Trader, Wine. man to his post! And don't swat till "ltmight_ mjmt Gil eOIlY, dear, to hold you, h!!!EI COPY STAFF: Carville Downes, Jean Franz, you see the whites of their eyes! Wednesday, November 28 ..._,'till find mOt'e th{>br,uh" Barbara H..r!ow, Gu. LaM"r, Kenneth Ruehl.
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