Page 10 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 10
2 .The Gold Bug, Oct. 30. 1951 Horror Stricken Catastrophe! Ghost Leaves Hill So you think you've got troubles! The word "Homecoming" has a tre- You think your life is full of inevi- mendous impact if we but stop to con- My name is Crankenstein; and I'm table catastrophes that you can't seem to avoid. Permit me to tell you a sider it. It cerrtes the thought of the what you earthly mortals commonly little incident that happened to a absent member of the family return- term ghost, ghoul, goblin:'!r spook. friend of mine while she was home ing home. For the visit to be II. mern- I've been pretty successful at my pro- or-able one, home must be in the spirit resston. I received my Doctor of Hor- last weekend. Then judge for your- self. that the visitor remembers ; yet he rors degree at Petrified U. two hun- Two other girls were visiting Sue, will not be proud if time has marched dred years ago, and got my first pro- and their dates were due to arrive at on, without marked improvements and motion in the house of the seven 7 p- m. So at six a vicious knock came progress. gables. Since this break there's been at the door, just as Sue had settled to- The old grad wiJI speak with nos- no holding me down. Thousands of a quiet game of Uncle Wiggily with talgia of the times when dating was mer-tale have shook, shrank, swooned, little brother. She managed to tear called "parlor" and consisted of talk- or had epileptic fits at my mere pres- herself away from this intellectual ing to dates for a,. half an hour after "ence. I really wowed 'em, and my boss pastime and flung open the door. dinner, in one of the parlors under was beginning to take notice. He There stood three' distinguished gen- the scrutinizing eyes of the deans. - called me into his attic one day. tlemen apparently anxious to get Yet not one of these alumni would "Crank,. old boy," he hooted, as I started for an evening of fun. Sue vote for a return to those methods to- floated up to the desk, "you've got was amazingly calm in facing this - day. He will miss the old buildings but terrifying possibilities. I've got a situation and tactfully handed the will feel a sense of pride as he views special assignment for you. If you boys a deck of cards to keep them the new ones. succeed, I will bestow on you the busy during their wait. Homecoming carries with it a spirit Heathcliff Medal for haunting above She and her friends made an exit of welcome. Everyone needs a little and beyond the point of panic." and began the painful ritual of con- company now and then. It is inevitable Without fur-ther ado, I took off for verting the only available components that no matter how particular one is, mission X. It was Hallowe'en eve into a thing of beauty. Shifts were there is just a little more care taken when I landed at my destination. I taken for the tub and soon progress when one's efforts are to be observed. rubbed my pseudopodia in delight as was obvious. This was-a- big night for The corners are dusted a bit more I surveyed my prospects. This job was Sue and, after weighing the problem, carefully, the food is served with a bit a cinch! The place was on a high, she decided the girdle was necessary. more style, and manners are more windy, dark hill with lots of fore- Going to the bureau, she searched carefully observed. boding buildings with rattling win- every drawer-each corner and crev- dows. One building looked especially Western Maryland College, Novem- ice-then in the closet and under the ber, 1951, is in excellent shape for inviting-J overheard some young bed. Then it happened! The light Homecoming. We have a football team rascal call it Old Midn. Gliding into a dawneth upon the fair damsel. While of which everyone - homefolks and dim passageway, I was about to climb watching television the previous eve- grads-c--can be proud. True, some of a lonely sagging staircase-then it ning, she had removed said implement Dr. John D. Makosky the guests will recall the days of happened! From somewhere below me and placed it in the drawer of the "Charlie Havens", "Greasy Ncal", came the most outlandish nerve-rack- coffee table. Dr. John Donald Makosky is a "Harry Lawrence", and many others ing strains of frightful music and Sue galloped madly downstairs and graduate of Western Maryland Col- who have since made football history. noise my poor unaccustomed ears had ran hcadon into her father. "Oh, lege. He went to Columbia University They may not realize that in looking yet heard. J took off out a back win- Dad, Dad," she whispered with great frJr both his Master of Arts and Doc- at the WMC grid roster of 1951 that dow-but fast! emotion, "please go into the living tor of Education degrees. He fulfills they are looking at many possible Now here I saw real potentialities. room and bring out the coffee table." 'the positions of Dean of Faculty and A huge, grassy turf spread out before greats of the future. me, and the bleak shadowy hill fell The father, seeing his darling so pan- Professor of English here on the Hill. The college spirit today is tops- off at one point into some huge de- ic-stricken inquired what the great These are the catalog facts. But it the type of spirit that has always serted ampitheater or moor. My stage need was. "My girdle-it's in the is almost sacrilegious to reduce to been and always will be Western was set! This somber scenery was drawer and I just have to have it!!" bare facts anything concerning a man Maryland. perfect for chilling the blood of some Pau~ing a moment t,o consider all the with such a dynamic personality. Dr. As our predecessors return for lone passerby. So J deposited my mist conditions, the father stalked into the Makosky is known informally among their brief visit to the Hill, we will be on a handy stone bench and waited. adjacent room-a s~ining knight res- the students as the ideal college pro- dis- because fessor he wears that reliving with them the days of past Alas, in vain! No single wayfarer ap- cuing a damsel in l(]istress. He re- tinguished "scholarly" look so casual- achievements and glory, and they will peared. At long last a youth and a turned in a matter of seconds, meek be living with us our present hopes, maiden approached holding hands. I and humble. "But Hill.drawer is open ly, is warm and friendly, not staid and and they're playing cl'lrds on the table." possesses. a keen fears, triumphs, and set-backs. visualized that medal and said to my- Just as Sue collapsed from shock distant, of knowledge, and mind and wealth enhances So it goes-Homecoming! The jell- self, "Crank, old friend, this is it! on a nearby bed, ~'other came gal- his lectures with his dry, subtle wit. ing of the old and new. Let us show Two's better than one." I hooted, loping in. Soon Ihe~oming aware. of To be a "Makosky student" is to be our alumni that they have nothing to howled, cackled, and moaned. They the tragedy, she walked calmly mto numbered among the fortunate, for fear, that Western Maryland is in the strolled right past me and kept star- the living room, removed the drawer, his classes are so interesting and in- best possible hands-c-oure l ing into each other's eyes! I could see and proudly returned with the cap- formative that learning is practically those impudent snips didn't believe in tive. painless. As his classes are famous on . I me. Don't think I was discouraged! In a half hour, Sue and her friends campus, so are his tests legends. Stu- Dean John D. IIfakosky DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE "There are other fish in this sea, and made II. dramatic, but calm entrance. dents will testify that he never asks on his list of interests, and he likes COPY: you're going to catch one," I drolled "Well, I trust you boys aren't too meaningless or ufIreasonable ques- them all, but is especially fond Qf to myself. So I sat down on the stone tired of waiting." A few ohs and ebs, tiona, yct many stories are circulating track, football, tennis, and golf. Par- Wednesday, November 7 ~ bench again. - a swish of skirts, and they were gone. about the pointless details one should ticularly significant of his golfing Seconds later another hypnotized Thus we have another proof that "all know. Of Dr. Makosky's courses, stu- prowess is the 79 he shot at the couple neared my spot .."I'll wreak my the world's a stage." But, oh, what dents always say that he is the only Clifton Park Course in Baltimore two direful revenge but good this time," I happens behind the scenes! one who can "flunk you and you can weeks ago! He also enjoys hiking and thought. I recalled all the sure-fire still smile, because you have learned has covered half of the Appalachian scare techniques I had learned at 8.. 0 much from him!" This may be a Trail. In the literary field, Dr. Ma- Petrified U., decided on Shriek 101, hulk, wrapped my clouds around me rather back-handed compliment, but it kosky has read quite extensively, and by lIfarvina .lIftmch and started to jump up and go to and beat it out of that disgusting is additional proof of his magnetic has completed his project of reading For the first time in this school town-but it was too late. This long- place as fast as I could float. Such re- ~::~st~~ i~;; year, ail campus organizations are legged, cow-eyed young man had sat volting indifference! I don't know who ap~::l~ Makosky defines his duties as ~~~~:~fS~~~;::;~~e~:~ cooperating on a united effort to make down on top of me! That did it! I ~ot the medal, but I asked for a quick Dean of Faculty as those pertaining record. house of the to the transfer back Homecoming the outstanding event of squeezed myself out from under his seven gables. to the academic life of the institution. The Makoskys are another true 1951. Under the direction of the SGA, _J' ~ This adds up to quite a bit of work, Western Maryland family. Both Dr. Bob eIIU"t- plans have been made for a variety . _ but he goes on to say that it is an and Mrs. Makos~y are WMC. gradu- of campus displays and projects. j.l II . easy j04 because of the excellence of ate~; Donal~, their oldest.son, is now a Wilson, as the parade marshal has /y,",",,- the Western Maryland faculty. In a semor ; Dor-ia entered t.hia fall as a organized a pre-game parade that will less serious vein, Dr. Makosky quotes freshman; but it will be a few years include floats, decor-ated cars, and the definition of dean as "a man who before eleven-year-old Edmund makes bands. The enthusiastic cooperation is too dumb to be a teacher and too his momentous deciaion. of campus organizations will not go .smart to be a president." As a Pro- un rewarded. The SGA is offering $25 ~~:k~ne~ THE GOLD BUG for the campus display judged to be ~:i~~O\:: !~!;iS:;o~:S::;:Yi~ the best, and $15 for the best display partment, the honor students, and the in the parade. All in all, it seems that good English students. the response of the organizations Our Dean of Faculty is a -very ver- combined with SGA direction and the satile person, and his interests and individual students' enthusiasm will abilities are extensive. He has taught make this Homecoming a day to re- in seven different fields, including Memb.r member for both students and a~umni. mathematics, history, public speaking, Associated Collegiate Press Despite the addcd pressure of an surveying, parliamentary law, music, approaching- Homecoming, SGA has and English-which we think is quite been carrying on its usual campus an admirable record. Sports rank high EDITORIAL STAFF duties. Plans are being made to pro- Edit<>r_in-ehief __ ...... ._.__Stan Bowl5bey. '5Z vide ~casonal deeorations for the ree Manajtin" Editor_._. ._.Jane McLeo<\ ~3 room, the rules for posting bulletin Pins 'n Points New. Edito'1o________ .. B~~b:::nBa~:~I:~: ::; Fie.-y, '53 Anita board notices have been explained and Feature EditoMl__..__ . Betty Walter, '53 .......__ BobWilson.'5' are being enforced, and the effort to The College has announced that the _~_ _~.Carol)'n Mangels.'53 obtain a lounge and television set for appearance of Miss Ruth Draper _ ___ .._._Paul Wbeatle-y. '64 '53 Cbarl ... Farnham. the students i\ being continued. scheduled in Alumni Hall this Friday __. _.._Betty .__Ernie Gr""n. '53 McWilliam •• '53 Western Maryland has a reputation has been cancelled, as Miss Draper ______ ,~Jim Muller. '62 for being a friendly, unified college. has gone to England. Attempts to BUSINESS STAFF Under the auspices of the Student find a' suitable replacement for her Business Manllger .._. .__Jaek Loper. '52 Government, a plan has been devel- were not successful. Assistant BU9in"'5 Mannger Glen A.hburn,'53 oped that will carry our friendliness On October 15, Betty Simons, John Circulation Manager __ ._ ..__ Sue Simpson. '53 Barun. to visiting students from other col- Isaac, Rogel' Ault, Essel! Thomas, and NEWS STAFF: Carter Coleman, Janet Don Boller. Burket. Carol Rita Haut, Sbirley leges. The duty of the athletic recep- Millard LesCallette, each donated a Mary Ann Kifer. Ann Smutny, Rickenl.. Dnria Lee Sampson, Jo Ann Taylor. tion committee is to greet and aid vis- pint of blood to the Red Cross at Man- Mary L"" Younger. iting teams. At this stage, it is an ex- chester. t FEATURE Ellen STAFF: Joanne Dorothea Althouse. Jane Logan. Rudu]ph. Schmidt. periment. However, if the plan should Lowell Haines, '52, and Dolores SPORTS STAFF: Tom Dryden. Tom Dougl"" •. Bob prove successful, the committee will Lewis, also Bob Wilson, '54, and Mari- Harry Grander. Marlonna Schnitzer, Ed Smith. Merrill Wine. Trader, resolve from year to year among the RAY! RAH! -uh- RAY! RAH! lyn Linhart, have taken the prelimi- COPY STAFF: Carville Down .... Jean Franz. fOllr fraternities. ZI,ONKEKORSEWITZ! ZLONKEWITZEKORF! .wl1'l!J:gJ.oONJ{lI:J'EL nary step and will soon be altar-bound. :~~~.ra Harlow. Gua LaMar. Kenneth
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