Page 11 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Oct. 30, 1951 3 Inter-Class Hockey Green Tearn Wins Fifth Tilt Program Initiated Tigers Stopped, 20-15 On October 23, the girls' intra- mural hockey program opened. The Western Maryland spoiled the conversion to give the victors a 20-7 girJs participating were selected and Hampden-Sydney homecoming last lead midway in the final quarter. assigned on the baSIS of their class Saturday as they notched their fifth But the Hampden-Sydney squad and skill. The program operates like a and most expensive victory of the was still fighting hard. They tallied tournament in two parts. The winner season, 20-15. Skltch Henderson, a safety as Jim Overby crashed his of the first round of games will com- Western Maryland's ace tailback, suf- way through the WMC line and pete with the successful team in the fered a bone separation in his left dropped Warren Bimestefer behind second series. In this way, the WMC shoulder late in the third quarter and the goal line a few moments after the hockey champions are determined. will probably be on the side lines for final Terror tally. The Tigers cli- The hockey managers for the various the rest of the season. maxed their scoring with a 62 yard classes nre: Senior, Janet High; A:f4;era scoreless firat quartet, the effort as Holland plunged four yards Junior, Bobbie Davison; Sophomore, Terrors broke the ice in the second over the middle and Blair converted Marie Kramer; and Freshman, Irene period as Henderson's passes provided to complete the scoring for the day. Pope. The first game scheduled was two touchdowns. A fumble led to the Western Maryland gained 13 first played on October 23 between the first tally with Vic Makovitch recov- downs to the hosts' 10 but were out- Sophomore and Junior teams. The ering on the Hampden-Sydney 43. As gained in total yardage 259 to 200. game was a hard fought one with both Tullai showed the way, th~victors' The highly regarded Terror ground teams playing an excellent game. The drove to the 19, where Henderson game was well bottled up by the Tiger which held the attack defenders to a 2, Sophomores Homecoming Tilt Terror Tearn final score was Juniors point for Bank- passed into the end zone. A few min- net gain of only 67 yards. Hampden- 1. Bobbie Davison and Barbara Warren McFague re- utes later after 189 yards. for Sydney rushed How- one the made son each covered a Tiger fumble on the 26, end Victory or Defeat D D"I Juniors, and Audrey Boyer made thc Walt Hart grabbed another aerial for ever, thc game in the air was in the favor as they gained Terrors' 133 to making a 13-0 advantage for only Sophomore goal. paydirt When one writes an editorial or a owns eVI 5 the Terrors. A spectacular tackle by 70 for the vanquished. The Tigers sports column, it is always easy to Ronnie Jones stopped a Hampden- fumbled four times, and the Green team scored on three of the mistakes. many things to criticize and often Western Mar-yland College con- Sydney threat as the half ended. to find things to praise. In writ- tinued its winning ways at Carlisle, Hampden-Sydney rallied after the Pa., on October 30, where it decisively . I am certainly fortunate for took over command of the Mason- second half kickoff, and paced Tigers Grads Present by .IIP;,,;,,''-''',h) has an infinite number of Dixon Conference title race by sound- Blair to Hostel passes, the rolled 73 yards for a score. Tom Mc- attributes. ly thumping Dickinson, 33-12. This Nair tallied as he went five yards on Athletic Views organization is its coaching extended the Terror team's unde- an off tackle slant. Blair muffed the and Western Maryland h~~ one feated efforts to four in a row. conversion. With Henderson sidelined At WMC HomecoU:ing time, it is finest. Coaches Charlie Havens, Beginning its unmerciful attack due to an injury the Green-and-Gold always good to hear from our alumni. Harlow, Bruce Ferguson, and early, WMC began a sustained drive passing chores were shifted to Tullai. Last year's Homecoming Queen, Giannelli have done a great job of 75 yards in the opening period. It The Terror back proved equal to the who is now teaching physical educa- in training this year's Terror grid was Mitch Tullai on his first of two task as he hit Ira Zepp on a 47·yard tion at Sykesville, writes, "Any girl squad. TD's that pushed off right tackle scoring play. Vic Makovitch made it intending to have anything at all to On the squad itself we all hear the from the two-yard line for the initial two out of three with a successful do with physical education should names of such fine players as Warren six-pointer of the game. Makovich be- take coaching." She believes that in McFague, Mike Rentko, wan Hart, gan another of his stellar perform- this course if one learns nothing else, Zepp and many other fine players ances by booting the extra point f~om "the experience of seeing the game always gain yardage and make placement to give the Hill boysl an from the r~feree's viewpoint is a val- , but let us go "backstage" early 7-0 lead. uable one." and look at the boys who make the In the second period, Tullai again There are several other things in gains possible and halt our opponents' scampered around right end on a re- Vic lI1akovitch, II1wrd the WMC sports program which she efforts. Heading the list would cer- verse for a 60-yard haul to the end feels benefited her. She says, "In the tainly be Vic Makovttcn, Jim Marsh, zone. Makovich split- the uprights: Round-Robin Grid freshman-sophomore physical educe- OUs Shearer, Pat Rogan, Don Phil- WMC led,14-0. I tional classes, I remember Miss Park- Paul Welliver, Ed Kelly, Jack Dickinson threatened to make it a Tourney Begins er and Miss Todd would break up Joe Renaldi, Bruce Rudi- real ball game when Gobrecht snared each sport into component skills. Re- , Andy Rusinko, Skip Berends, and a fluke pass and ran into the end zone. Four fratel'nity teams, the Semi- membering how much this helped me, of other fine men, some of whom However, the extra point atempt was nary team, and the Drapes, a new particularly in hockey. I have tried minutes of football every Sat- not good. independent team, make up this year's to teach my games in the same way. , and some who' will feel lucky if intramural football schedule. The first Speaking of hockey, Miss Parker's get a chance to play at all this Terrors Dominate 31'4 Quarter game was scheduled fo. October 23, constant reminder, 'Play your posi- season. Each man on the squad is an A couple of touchdowns by Warren the opponents being the Blaelc and tion, girls,' leaves a familiar ring in intricate part of the total strength of McFague, a conversion by Makovlch, Whites versus the Drapes. On the my ear. In the county high schools, the team and is a very necessary part outstanding passing by Skitch Hen- 24th, the Preachers tussle with the we play speedball and the positions of that strength. derson, and the offensive efforts of Bachelors. The golf course will be are very much alike. I find myself For the rest of the season, the Ter- Walt Hart, resulted in three scores as closed in the afternoon from four un- sounding off in the same manner, ror squad will be seriously hampered the Terrors completed third quarter til six so that these games may be 'Play your positions I' " These are the by the loss of their ace quarterback, play. played. A single round-robin schedule Mitch Tullai, back reactions of a popular WMC gradu- Harlow Henderson. Skitch was in- A last minute effort to tighten the was agreed on by the captains who ate, Barbara Pfoutz. jured in the Hampden-Sydney contest score was successful when, from the are-Pi Alpha Alpha, Ken Shook; the Another member of the Class of last Saturday and his dislocated .left eleven-yard line of Western Mary- Drapes, Ed Curley; Gamma Beta Chi, '51, who was prominent in the WAA shoulder will probably keep him on the land, Gobrecht passed into the wait- Jim Sullivan; the Seminary, Darrell and other student activities, says that sidelines for the 'final three games. ing arms of Dick Terry, to complete Mitchell; Delta Pi Alpha, Art Press; one of the fine things she remembers As for the Homecoming game this both teams scoring efforts for the and Alpha Gamma Tau, Jack Urton. about the WMC women's sports pro- Saturday, we shall take a look at the day. The fraternity tournament takes place gram was the playing with other record. Drexel, on the r-ebound of a The 33-point array exhibited by the November 16, 19, and 20. schools. She believes that this activity six win, one loss (at the hands of Terrors boosted their total output for develops a comradeship which is very WMP, 26-26) season last year, has the year to 105 as compared to a The schedule is'll valuable. The player forgets what not fared as well this fall. They have lowly 32 for the opponents. October: sorority or class she is a member of two wins and have lost to Gettysburg, 23 Black and Whites vs. Drapes. because no distinction is made be- 21-0, and to Dickinson, 1?-8. In thc 24 Gamma Bets va. Seminary. tween either upper or lower classes Gettysburg contest, the Dragons fin- Hockey Starts' On 25 Preachers vs. Bachelors. or sorority and non-sorority members. ished the game with minus 48 yards 29 Black and Whites vs. Gamma "We made very good progress in the gained on the ground. both Team For Field Day Bets. intercollegiate program last year and The Terrors have beaten 30 Drapes vs. Seminary I feel that the time spent by the girls teams that have taken Drexel; Get- WMC hockey players will tangle 31 Black and Whites vs. Bach- was worthwhile, and the facilities of tusbufg, 13-6; and Dickinson, 33-13. with strong opponepts this year. On elors the school are not lacking to continue As far as the Western Maryland- October 27, the season opened with a November: this program." Drexel rivalry goes we have won all College' Play Day at Baltimore. Fif- four games; 1920,14-13; 1921,14-0; teen girls from WMC left Saturday Gamma Bets vs. Preachers uate These are the comments of a grad- who is now teaching Drapes vs. Bachelors physical 1923,14-0; and 1950,26-25. morning to participate in the all day Black and Whites vs. Preach- lVa,rren JI1cFugue, buck education and science at Westminster Although the records show a de- program. All American hockey play- cided Western Maryland advantage ers demonstrated various skills to the er-s High. She is sponsoring a drill team at of fifty girls which wiil participate and we expect a win this Saturday, girls chosen by the schools invited to Seminary vs. Bachelors be careful of the Drexel Dragons. participate. After a short period of Drapes vS. Gamma Bets Compliments of WMC on November 3. This graduate They have most of their team back play by each of the teams present, an 12 Seminary vs, Preachers is Charlotte Janney. from last year, and the records do not all star hockey team was selected to 13 Gamma Bets vs. Bachelors Wine's Sport Shop Whites Preach- Black and 14 show potential strength. compete with an All Baltimore Team. VB. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS SPORTSED. era The following girls represented 15 Black and Whites VB. Semi- WMC; Becky LeFew, Ina Grice, Jean "''Y WMC Fights To Hoyt, Pat Fetcho, Joan Kellogg, Bob- Economical and Dependable bie Davison, Char Doris Tuckwood, Dry Cleaning Service &: REIFSNIDER Cra- Kramer, SoccerStalemate Reed, Pat Marie Herman, Mary Shirley Sebas- SMITH Incorporated mer, E. On October 20, the booters of West- ~:~iec~:rvi~.onnevill~ Lois Ohler, and LUMBER-COAL THE ern Maryland College fought to a 1-1 WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER tie with the Washington College Schedule of Games ~oremen. Scoring their first goal of November 1, Towson, Home, 3:00 p. LAUNDRY the season at>the right time, the boys m. from WMC tied Washingtofl College, November 6, Mt. St. Agnes, Away. It Pays To Look Well Phone 328 1-1, in a game that went into two November 16, Notre Dame, Home, 'kI~MrI. five-minute overtime periods. 3:00 p. m. Visit The Washington College scored early in Save up your pennys and Leave your bundle at the the first period on a shot that spun Avenue Barber Shop Laundry Room in crazily past the outstretched hands of The Coffman-Fisher Co. - come on down to Old Main goalie Chuck Hammaker. The Green Where The Students Go Team fought back spiritedly; and in DEPARTMENT STORE Men Stu.denu-A8k About Our the third quarter, Ray Davis, a prom- 85 Pennsylvania Avenue BENNY'S Green Twket College Special ising freshman, boomed the tying 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 kick into the net.
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