Page 6 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 6
2 The Gold Bug, Oct. 16, 1951 House To Hqlf In many colleges'today, students stand in long lines thtee times a day to . . . Switches In Dean Samuel B. Schofield receive their meals cafeteria style. We at Western Maryland are fortunate that our administration still maintains the dining room system, in keeping by Roy R. Jones "See Dean Schofield." That par- Preparatory Department for the year with the traditional family atmosphere present at the coUege. Two switches snap on the control ticular phrase is familiar to almost prior to entering WMC. After receiv- However, many problems not evident to the average onlooker present panel. ... The backstage work lights every Western Maryland Student. ing his Bachelor of Arts here, he went themselves in the use of this method of dining. It is in an effort to solve these flick out. A hand grips the smooth Whether one wants to .paint a door to Princeton University for his mas- problems that the College Dining Hall is experimenting with the new seating handle of the main house-light dim, green or to fly a kite, one is' advised ter's, and then received the Doctor of plan, a set-up which has met the disapproval of ~any r~sidents. . to see Dean Schofield. Small wonder ~Science degree from Dickinson Col- Food costs are rising at an alarming rate, while our tuition bill has remain, mer, starting it on the steady slide that he is one of the busiest persons lege. In addition, he has done three ed reasonably stable, a condition which necessitates strict conservation of that will, thirty seconds later, leave on campus! and one half years' graduate study at food in our Dining Hall: the auditorium in total blackness. At Princeton. Last year, when we were using the must be devised, or we must "igain the midpoint on the dimmer seale, a Dean Schofield sums up his duties single-table arrangement, many tables revert to the old method as the better voice breaks the stillness with: "House as Dean of Admirrista-atdon as those were left well stocked with food while of the two trials. Or, the problem may to half .. Switches In." And then, pertaining to the general area of op- people at other tables had lapped the resolve into a demand for tuition bills with the sureness born of practice, eration of the college plant. We must platters clean and were clamoring commensurate with the inflating food another set of hands begin to move, admit that covers a lot of territory. for more food. To alleviate this situa- costs so that greater quantities of food smoothly and quickly, along the rows He has occupied this post since 1939, of open-knife switches', accompanied tion, the Dining Hall staff instituted would be available, a decision which by the muted whisper of heavy am- before which he served the college as the strange table arrangement found may not meet the favor of our pocket- Dean of the Faculty, and prior to by the freshmen and upper-classmen books. ~~:a~:i:~~~ :~ ~t:~::~:c!~ ~~: ~oaudse~ this, as Dean of Men. In addition, he who were on the Hill during Orienta- The administration of the Dining light dimmer reads full dim, and the was, and still is, a professor of chem- tion Week, long lines of tables extend- Hall is striving to serve us efficiently switch breaks the circuit. Then, softly, istry. He enjoys teaching and is most ing the length of the hall. This method without raising our bills. Constructive happy when he is working in the co~dd have helped in proportionally criticism rather than the prevalent overtone on overtone, the stage lights chemistry laboratory. distributing food; but as it completely type is needed, assistance in allowing are brought up, heralded in the dim ruined the appearance of the room and this experiment a fair trial is request- recesses of the wings by the steady , Active In Community Affairs met with strong student opposition, ed. Let's give it a try! rhythm of dimmer interlock handles Dr. Schofield takes a dynamic part the plarrwaa abandoned jat student re- falling into the leather-lined pockets in the Methodist Church and its work quest, and the traditional system re- of the cams on the main dim-up bars. and in community affairs. As a mem- adopted. Budding Genius The mood music fades to silence, a ber of the American Chemical Society, cue light flares on the curtain galley, All went well, but not for long! The proscenium rigging goes taut, and the he participates in many of its activities, gripe of all food here, no food there, Emerges Intact curtain bellies open. The run is on. and when it is possible, pursues other returned. Also, waiters began to drop Cue follows cue; the intermissions activities related to chemistry, his platters by the tray-load. The reason- Signs of budding genius are some- are checked against dock and schedule. Dean Saanuet B. Schofierd first love. At this point in the inter- there wasn't sufficient space in the thing for which every parent is al- When the curtain rides shut for these view, your reporter mentally skipped area between the four tables in a "set" ways looking. As soon as the child breaks, the shift crew swarms on, Samuel B. Schofield was born in the next question, per-taining tto hob- to maneuver successfully. Obviously, crawls out of its cradle, mother and changing years and miles in minutes Georgetown, Cecil County, Maryland. bies-it didn't seem possible that this this method wasn't ideal either. father hover over it anxiously, wait- and feet. Illusion follows illusion while To native Marylanders that spells busy man could engage in still fur- A compromise was devised, the ing for the glorious moment when ages of theatre experience stand and Eastern Shore, and Dean Schofield is ther interests! Yet, he is an avid method now in,service, where tabl~s ,Junior shows evidence of becoming proud of his "upper" Eastern Shore gardener and has a thriving vegetable are arranged in pairs so that there is another Mozart or Shakespeare, or, if watch. The crew clears, the stage heritage. He became a 'Western Mary- garden in season. During the winter, more room for waiters to use and so these are modern parents, a new Dali manager checks the stage; procedure lander early, having attended WM he plans and probably mentally plants that food can be proportioned over a or T. S. Eliot. Properly-trained par- is repeated. The run continues. cue his garden for the following spring. An emergency arises-missed wider area. ents try to supply their offspring' or equipment ftaw-c-and is met and The Schofields reside at 82 West It is this system which is today with those materials which will more compensated for. Out front nothing Green Street and are a true Western meeting the adverse criticism of many quickly bring to light their hidden tal- seems amiss; but backstage, anxiety Maryland family. Mrs. Schofield is a members of the student body. If this, ents. So the modern child has no ex- dies hard. Sweat is shed, and nerves member of our home economics de- too, is a failure, to what are we to cuse for not developing correctly. are worn; a 'fear of failure in some by Tom Page partment and is a frequent visitor to turn? But why is this not successful? Parents vs. Small Fry phase of action is a ghostly visitor By this time, the hectic events that her daughter's room on second floor of The most prevalent reply to that ques- But when I was young (so many •waiting for his chance. Gradually opened this school year have been Blanche Ward. This is Corinne's first tion would be that the people at the years ago), things were not so good relaxing, the pattern is resumed. concluded, and most students are set- year of residence on the Hill, and she first table hog the food intended for for the small fry set. My parents tling down to some serious work. I thoroughly enjoys dormitory life, al- both, leaving ten famished creatures were not as concerned with what I Closing Brings Nostalgia would like to take this opportunity to though she misses her father's vege- to starve quietly at the other end. To was to become as. with what I was; A flare of emotion sweeps the com- explain the purpose of this column. table garden! prevent this occurrence, waiters have and their main problem was to keep pany at final cottain; and on closing Its function is to keep you informed been instructed to start the platters night, it is often tempered with as to the activities of your Student one at each table, providing the identi- their juvenile delinquent, junior nostalgia, for creating illusion breeds Government. In as much as the space Condemnations Of cal amount of food to each, just 'as grade, from terrorizing the neighbor- a particularly tenacious type of mem- here is limited, only the major activi- hood. :And I'm afraid' they saw only though it were separate. If one "set" ory, memory that is triggered by the ties may be reviewed. If you have any consumes all the food available, the new forms of mischief, not the sweeping hiss of the curtain, blend, problems or suggestions, please con- The Common Cold waiters can obtain more from another first signs of a great career, ih my ing with the sound of applause. Reali; tact your representative. Your sug- "set" where the item happens to be pranks. ty is loath to return to minds, and gestions are as vital as your support. Tonight many moaneth with loud in surplus-if such a situation exists. Parents had not yet come under the bodies, and features, that have lived Both are' necessary if this Student voices. For they know that the horn For what other reason is this system influence of psychologists, and they a world apart from personality. Government is to be a success. bloweth at midnight and it availdth being condemned? It is a change; and blissfully spanked their young'uns Even while the curtain bellows In response to numerous requests naught. Tonight many reclineth upon any change is resented, especially here with nary a thought of the deep scars closed for the last time on a run, the for a return to tbe old table arrange- pillows, but sleepest not, for there where traditlonj pleye such an impor- it might leave on their infant minds- switch is thrown. Two sets of dim- ment in the dining hall, representa- commenceth the battle of the Kleenex tant role. However, it becomes neces- not to mention another portion of mers pass in opposite directions; the tives from the SGA met with Mr. versus the nose drop. Tonight misery sary at times for us to evaluate a their anatomy. Children were brought house lights coming up and the atage, Rice. He has asked that the present reigneth in the drafty dorm. Oh, why situation and determine whether or up to be strictly obedient to their lights dimming out. And the master arrangement be 'allowed tl? continue inRicteth thou us with thy mysterious, not a change may not be for the best. parents-none of this modern self- elcctrician's voice comes: "House up mult.itudincus microbes, ye common The change in this case does not expression for them. Theirs not "to half. .. Switches out! The run is for a trial period of several weeks. If, cold of old? are still dis- time, students at that drastically alter the appearance of the wonder why; theirs but to do--or over." satisfied, Mr. Rice has agreed to dis- Daily proceedeth pilgrimages to Dining Hall. Nor does it prevent stu- else! And afterwards, then what? Per- continue the present system. yon infirmary where the lady in white dents from dining with their select Children Brave Adolescence haps, the mind that controlled a pair General Assembly Is Held and her trusty thermometer, which group of friends. It is more convenient Yet, despite this harsh treatment, of hands that ran a throbbing board The first General Assembly of this sayeth not forsooth, findeth nothing for the waiters and waitresses, ac- which all good psychologists join in hears again the quiet voice, and; school year was held today. At this amiss. And daily retumeth yon piJ- cording to the great majority of those condemning, some of these children, "House to half . Switches In." time the Homecoming Queen, the grims, extremely sad of countenance, interviewed. If this be true, service blighted in mind and spirit, struggled members of her count, and the vari- with many a powder and pill. Hast by this procedure should be speedier through the perils of adolescence. thou no Hadacol, oh lady fair? For and more efficient. Some brave souls even hurled them- Pins 'n Points ous class officers were elected. A re- we are weak in soul and reacheth the the port was also made regarding This plan is an experiment. If it, selves against the greater bulwark, rapidity with which the plans for the point:' of desperation while yon wire- too, fails in its purpose, another way college. less commendeth strongly this product And now, four year's and one hun- Betsy Tipton, '52, and John Isaacs, Homecoming Feativit.ieg were taking dred t{(,enty-eight points later, we '52; Betty Simpson, '52, and Pvt. Her- shape. Every effort is being extended as of recent alchemy. to make this occasion as successful Curl, USMC, are bert None Escapeth Spell THE GOLD BUG see thcm emerging from the farther couples that we .missed two engaged that of tbe previous years. Prizes are Aloof and distant standeth ye play. in our last door. A few bruises mark their ath- letic struggles, the battle of the books issue. Come on girls, let's have some to be offered for the best Roat in the ers of football, for disgust filleth them is revealed by some new pairs of more names to add to the list. parade and f(;r the best campus dis- at sniffles and sneezes. This iniquity glasses, but their minds seem to have Among the newlyweds are Betsy play. Success, however, is dependent showeth great patience in professors. escaped intact. Oh well, they must be Muth, ex '54, and Mickey McCall, '51; upon the degree of cooperation that is For they must needs drown out nu- the exceptions that prove the psycho- Peggy Timmons, '51, and Guy Smith; forthcoming in the following weeks. merous atonal qualities which pro- logical rule. Marilyu worden, ex '53, and Jack Let's all work together to make this ceedeth from yon nasal recesses. Yon But, with all their maladjustments, Frank; Tomi Thomas, '51, and Ells- fall festival a major event in campus student sitteth a-weary and a-worn these are our seniors; and we know worth Bunce, '51; Doris Rothhaupt, ex history. at his small desk as midnight draweth we'Ufnever find another class to quite '53, and Francis Fream; Lida Bird, near. Volumes awaiteth with silent take their place. D. S, sau, ex '52, and Vance Hale, '50; Right Hand And Left tongues, but he stirreth not; for he Beverley Brockelbank, ex '51, and fecJeth likened unto an amoeba. He Norm Siamecka, '51; Marie Righter Hind Are At Odds penneth an epistle to yon mother. He and Larry Loper, '51; and Margie sayeth that in sweaters and coats he Bright and Ray Warlick, '53. Best "Just because you're her left-hand wishes from the Hill., man, you needn't give yourself airs. is supplied a-plenty, but pleadeth that Attention first floor Blanche Ward: Remember, I knew you long before she send him soon his woolies from the finalist cheer leaders are Nancy she gave you this special priority." yon attic. Moyer and Pat Hamersley for the "But even then I was preferred; Thus serfdom reigneth in the small freshman squad and Joan Kellogg for you must admit that!" province of Westminster and none the varsity. Your afternoon naps will "Not at all! In those days, no one, escape the evil spell~ BUSINESS STAFF now be interrupted. You sounded not even she, distinguished between Oh, noble science, which guards us DUllin.... Manager ._Jack Loper. '52 great, girls, keep it up at the games us. At one time, she didn't know one 'gainst disease, A""istant Businesa Mannger Glen Ashburn, '53 and we'll be sure to win. Protect us from the sniffle and the Circulation Manager ._._SueSimpson.·53 of us from the other. Even now, we sneeze. Let's find something besides the din- still look a great deal alike." Nt~~~t:~~~~&~·~i~~~r.·.JJ~~:$r~r!~: ing hall to gripe aoout. hom _the those inner thoughts and feelings Join with me now, my sister, brother, resemblance! But. in "Mere surface all- ample proportions seen around cam- FE~,?,~EEII~J-"\f~~lPt':"D~':.ot~~!"°Su:h;"ji~n" pus, it dot'sn't look as if many are suf- which make up the true men, we are Nothing saves us, not even Hada- SP&~!~l~~;~, :~~o~~~~f~1~mE~rS';!Uh: fering from malnutrition. by the no more alike than a marble stairca"Se col!! Several rUnners employed and a fire escape." C~~r.!:u~~~ :;~~~ZK!:~:;~~~:~o.,;:r&:~ WMC underground have informed us worry about right; my feelings. me. Cast me DEADLINE COPY: Don't "That's FOR NEXT ISSUE insult that some of the co-eds want to read ny. Mary Lee YounKer. gossip. What's the matter, kiddics, aside like an old glove! But neither CONTRIBUTORS: Doris Lee Sampson, John Wednesday, October 24 Suckling. aren't your hearing aids in tune? (Continued on page 4, column 5)
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