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Library ter-n Maryland College qOUB "9 . Z28. Vol. 29, No.4 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. November 13, 1951 Delta Sigma Kappa Guidance Service Recital To Include Wins Scholastic Cup Offered By College A Sonata By Ives The Intersorority scholastic cup has The second recital of the year by been won by Delta Sigma Kappa sor- . The vocational testing and guid- members of the Western Maryland College music faculty will be given by ority for the academic year 1950-51. ance service offered by the college will Philip Royer, violinist, with Oliver begin after the mid-semester testing With an overall average of 1.9121, Spangler at the piano, on Friday, De- the Delta edged out Iota Gamma Chi, period in November. The service is cember 7, at 8:15 p. m. in Alumni whose average was 1.813!! nnd Sigma designed tov students uncertain 'about Hall. Sigma Tau, who averaged 1.735G. their vocational objectives and should A program of three sonatas will be discover help individuals more to The cup will,be awarded at a tea about their- own skills and weak- presented: Sonat(l, No.5 in F Major given by the Inter-sorority Council in nesses and to learn something about by Beethoven; Sonat(l, No. s by the McDaniel Lounge, on December G, at the qualities most desirable in special American composer, Charles Ives; 4: 15 p. m. President Lowell· S. Ensor fields in which they think they are and Sonata. j~n A Majm', by Cesar will make the presentation to Dorothy Franck. FinJt row: Corin11e Schofield, J(ay McLaughlin; Second row: Libby Schubert, interested. Don ltfakosk.y, IIfiliarcl LesCallette, lIfa1'Y Hawkins; Third row: JMk Loper, Lien, president of Delta Sigma Kap- The charge for the service is ten Of special interest to the perform- pa. All members of the Delts and the Ira Zepp, Stan B01lJIsbey, Mitch Tullu,i. dollars, as stated in the college cate- ers is the Sonata by the American faculty will be honored guests, while logue. Tests will be given during part composer, Charles Ivcs, which was of the Delta, Mrs. de Long, sponsor Who's Who Selects Ten and Miss Howery, Dean of Women, of two evenings, with a choice of sev- written in 1903 and published fOl' the for taking possible dates eral first time in 1951. the to make use tests. Students will serve the punch. A girls' quartet desiring Charles Ives is one of the m~st ex- Western Maryland Students will provide musical entertainment. of the testing and guidance with service tr aordinat-y figures in the music Con- of names leave their should Dr. Born in Danbury, our country. Representatives to the Council will bl! in charge of the refreshments and Ridington in room 20G, Lewis Hall, necticut, in 1874, he had already ex- Who's Who Anwng Students In American Colleges and Universif7ies, a na- entertainment. Invitations will be is- by November 15. Dates on which tests perimented with tonalities and with tional publication published annually, has named the following ten Western sued by Ch'arlotte Reed, Patty Ray, will be given will be posted on the complex rhythmns when Schiinberg Marylanders for this year: Stan Bowlsbey, Mary Hawkins, Millard LesCaliette, and Anna Lee Park, Phi Alpha Mu; bulletin boards. Dr. Ridington will be and Stravinsky began writing their Jack Loper, Don Makosky, Kay McLaughlin, Corinne Schofield, Libby Schu- Corinne\ Schofield, Barbara Bankson glad to discuss the service with stu- revolutionary compositions. dents who desire to know more about bert, Mitch Tnllai, and Ira Zepp. and Marvina Munch, Sigma Sigma it. Increasing interest in his remark- Each year, students are selected upon evaluation of their college life based Tau, will take charge of refresh- able works reached a climax when he upon an analysis of character, scholarship, leadership in extra-curricular ments; and Mary Belle Shawn, Sally was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for activities, and potentiality for future usefulness in society in their respective Griffin and Audrey Phillips, Iota Homecoming Draws Music in 1949. The tunes he heard fields. A biographical sketch of each of the ten seniors chosen will be included in sung at camp meetings when he was a the national publication. These students will also have access to the organiza- Gamma Chi, will do the clean-up Crowd Despite Cold boy, the stomping melodies played at tion's placement bureau, which furnishes recommendations to employers and work. barn dances, the marches practiced by graduate schools, and they are entitled to wear an honorary key of the group. Despite winter weather conditions, small local bands-all these things Stan Bowlsbey, a French-English a large number were on hand Satur- have had a marked influence on Ivea' major, has served as Editor-in-chief Weslevnettes, MSM, the Argonauts, New Books Added day for the college homecoming music. The Sonata No. z for Violin of the GOLD BUG and is an active IRC, College Choir, the Orchest-ra, events. The parade as planned, moved and Piano, is a reflection of these in- member of the Band and the Orchee- Iota Gamma Chi, and has also won To Library Shelves from Longwell Avenue to College Hill. fiuences, as the titles of the three tra. Mary Hawkins, Editor-in-chief of recognition as a Trumpeter. Recently added to the reference col- The soror-ities, fraternities, classes movements indicated: I-Antumn; the ALOHA, is a member of the Col- Mitch Tullai is student president of and clubs on the hill, were respon- 2-In the Barn; 3-The Revival. lege Players and of Phi Alpha Mu the school. He is a member of the Ar- lection of Western Maryland's library "sible for this part of the day's pro- The public is cordially invited to sor-or-ity. gonauts: Delta Pi Alpha, and is an is a copy of Current Biooraphy 1950. gram. The several floats drew much hear this Sonata recital for which Millard LesCaliette, nn active Black outstanding player on the varsity The life histories of forty women favorable comment. there is no admission charge. and White, is a member of the Ar- football team. Ira Zepp serves as and 295 men, all of whom made the The homecoming queen, Virginia gonauts. _In-the past, he has won sev- president of the SCA, is a member of ~headlines during the last year, are Hale, and her court, Betsy Bowen, eral history awards; and last year, the Wesleyans, the inter-fraternity covered in this selection. The ma- Patricia Fetcho, Sally Fisher, and third, the Scotch Kittie unit of Delta he served as coordinator of the Junior council and is' president of Gamma jority of the biographies are Ameri- Sigma Kappa; and honorable mention, Follies. Jack Loper is president of Tri Beta Chi fraternity. He, too, is a can, but the book also includes valu- Nancy Walker, rode on a colorful the float of the United Nations with Beta, business manager of the GOLD bulwark of the football squad. able sketches of approximately eighty float to head the parade as they fol- the foreign students of the college BUG, treasurer of the.FTA, and a personalities who do not come from lowed the college president, Dr. participating. Prizes were awarded by member of Pi Alpha Alpha. the United States. Lowell S. Ensor and Mrs. Ensor, rid- the Student Government Association. Don Makosky, pr-esident of the Club News An interesting and useful Indero by ing in an open car. It was a Western Maryland day Argonauts, holds the position of busi- Pro!eBBunw includes thirty-four dif- Committee Judges Floats again, the Terrors keeping their all- ness manager of the ALOHA, is a ferent fields of endcavor, with the The parade encircled Hoffa Field time record clean, with a "homecom- member of the College Choir, the Sunday Fellowship United States Government and Edu- grand stand twice, and the partici- ing win" over Drexel, 6 to 0. FT A, and Pi Alpha Alpha. The Sunday Fellowship will hear cation having the most rcpresenta- Kay McLaughlin, who has attended Miss Dorothy Nyland speak on No- tives. pants were judged by a committee The queen and her court were pre- WesterQ, Maryland College for only vember 18. Miss Nyland is a dynamic The yearbook is a one_alphabet consisting of Howard E. Koontz, Jr., sented during the half-time of the competed in game, and the freshmen James Mann and Gladys M. W·imert. two years, is a Trumpeter, belongs to personality whose experiences and as- cumulation of articles and obituaries a tug-of-war with the sophomores. the Mcthodist Student Movement, the sociations make her especially appeal- that have appeared in the monthly First prize went to the junior class Wesleyanettes, the IRC, SCA, and ing to thi! college audience. These ex- issues during the year. An eleven-year for a float on the barber giving Drex- Though the sophs were victorious, Sigma Sigma Tau sorority. Another periences include missionary work in index which is comprised of over el a good trim; second, the Terror they graciously lifted all frosh rules Trumpeter chosen to Who'8 Who is Japan, Wesley Foundation work in 7,000 entries includes all articles that football player running to the goal anyway, ,vith the exception of the Corinne Schofield. She is president of Oregon, secretary of the Church have appeared since Gun'cnt BioO- post, arranged by. Pi Alpha Alpha; wearing of the beanie. Sigma Sigma Tau, vice-president of Council of greater Cleveland, and di- the SCA, and a member of the MSM, rection of religious education of The rl1,.phy began publication in 1940. The College Players To Present the College Choir, WAA, and the IRC. First Methodist Church, Houston, Libby Schubert holds the offices of Texas. At present, Miss Nyland is Fraternities Accept vice-president of the SGA and presi- student secretary of the Women's McEnroe's IfThe Silver Whistle" dent of the Women's Student Govern- Division of Christian Service of the 47 New Members ment. She is on the state executive Methodist Church, and at the same board of the FTA, and belongs to the time a regular contributor to the This week marks the initiation of magazine, MOTIVE. Undoubtedly ca- 41 new members to the fraternities pable of speaking from experience here on the Hill. Absence Notice about the American scene, her focus The new members of Alpha Gamma likely to be more uni- is nevertheless Five-dollar Days versal than national, for she has just Tau will be; Skip Berends, Harry Ail students will note that returned from a trip around the Grander, Lefty and Kline, Dick Linton, Don Radcliffe Zimmer- Howard Wednesday, November 21 and world. Monday, November 26 will bc Wesleyanettes five dollar days. Any dass ab- Mrs. Murray Titus will speak on Delta Pi Alpha has pledged: Wil- scnce for reasons other than the subject, "Present Day Needs of liam "Soup" Campbell, Dick Carvel, Greismyer, illness or some unavoidable ne- India," at the home of Mrs. Lester George Daviglus, Ed Bob Kelly, Guy Stage set of "The Silver Whistle" Charles Harvey, cessity will be unexcused and K. Welliver, on November 16, im- Mitchell, William Pfeifer, Joe Raven- will incur a five dollar fine. mediately following the Pep Rally. The Silver Whistle by Robert E. Bradie; Mr. Reddy, by Donald Smith; The regulation five dollar As Mrs. Titus has recently returned is, Bob Ricker, Ray Stevenson, Al McEnroe will be presented by the and the Policeman, by Charles Wheat- absence fine also applies to the from India, her talk should be inter- Treventhan, and Pat Rogan. College Players on Friday evening, ley. following situations·: absenc~ esting as well as enlightening; and Gamma Beta Chi's new members November 30, at 8:15 p. m., in Al- The entire action of this three-act from a final examination in everyone is urged to attend. will be: Jim Butts, Spike Dennie, umni Hall. play takes place in the garden, of a either semester, absence on the seA Carville Downes, Nick Gwynn, Don The cast of this first production, church adjoining a home for the aged. day preceding or following the The SCA Pan-Hellenic plaque has Haut, Fred Hubacll, Paul Lambert- directed by Miss Esther Smith, in- Oliver Erwenter, an elderly traveler, Christmas holidays or the been permanently placed in the col- SOll,Faion Lott, Tom Pearce, Charles cludes: Mr. Beebe, Roger Ault; Mrs. being a fellow of high spirit and rich Spring vacation. lege grill and will be inscribed with Wheatley, and Bob Wilson. Hammer, Mary Hawkins; Miss Hoad- imagination, takes it upon himself to Fines are payable directly to the names of the fraternity and sor- Those joining Pi Alpha Alpha are: ley, Velma Hall; Miss Tripp, Anna help the inmates by showing each that the college treasurer and go ority winners of the annual SCA Pan- Tom Douglass, Jerry Grander, Arnold an individual js only as old as he feels. into the Student Loan Fund. Hellenic award. Hayward, Harold Johnson, Bob Lee Park; Reverend \Vatson, Ken- As Oliver transforms the old people Regular announced meetings by The Association has also joined a Leather, Don Lurie, Weldon Reed, neth Shook; Mrs. Sampler, Donna from a state of depression to one of the Committee on Absences will British Book Club. These books will Ellsworth Schabert, Ed Shattuck, Kohl; and Mrs. Grass, Dorothea cheerfulness, the drab, dismal setting be held to review cases. Time be placed with others of a religious Chick Silberstein, and Mike Trupp. Schmidt. Mr. Cherry will be portrayed is also changed to a one that is bright and place of these meetings is nature on the shelf reserved especial- Monday night these pledges were by Donald Stanton; Oliver Erwenter, and full of life. Although the theme postcd on the bulletin boards a ly for the SCA in the library. greeted by the Fratel;nity members in by Charles Hammaker; Emmett, by of the play would lend itself to serious few days before the meetings A special Thanksgiving program the club rooms. Initiation will con- Paul Dawson; Bishop, by Roland treatment, the author has chosen to are held. has been planned for tomorrow night's tinue throughout the week, and will fleischer; Father Shay, by Paul weave his philosophy of life and death meeting. be climaxed by Hell night on Friday. Thronburg; Mr. Beach, by Myron into· a sparkling, buoyant comedy.
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