Page 8 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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4 The Gold Bug, Oct.' 16, 1951 Club News II College Calendar I Library Announces English••Education Iytajors Head ALOHA Staff WAA Wednesday, October 17 New Return System Maryland College Li- The Western Hockey practice for those inter- Soccer, Delaware, Away. brary has something new in their by Betty Walter by Kenny Sho~k Friday, October 19 ested began the second week cf-sehcol. Pep Rally, Alumni Hall, 6:30 p. m. book lending system this year. To You say you're looking for Mary? The other evening, as I was r-un- Even those who knew nothing of the Saturday, October 20 make matters simpler for the student, Well, try the ALOHA Office. If she is ning down the exact definition of game were invited to come out. Intra- Football, Dickinson, Away. Wednesday of each week has been not there, she might be in the Grille "ambiguity," I stumbled across the mural hockey games this year will be Soccer, Washington College, Away. designated as "return day." As a re- playing bridge-{"Won't anyone be a term Donald in the dictionary. Hav- played in two rounds. Sunday, October 21 sult of the new system, no book can fourth?" she says in a voice which no Freshmen are particularly invited Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, be taken out for less than a week or one could resistl) but, if you still to attend the annual hockey party. 9:15 a.m. remain in the students' hands for can't find her, go down to the dra- The date has not yet been set, but at Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. more than thirteen days. Either Miss matic art room. She's sure to be in one this time, the various awards for par- Monday, October 22 Ward, Miss Simpkins, Miss Frior, the of these places. However, if you still ticipation will be announced. Argonaut Meeting, McDaniel librarians, or any of the library as- haven't caught sight of this tall, at- Western Maryland has been invited Lounge, 6:45 p. m. sistants will be glad to answer any tractive brunette with the smile that to bring a hockey team to participate Tuesday, October 23 questions concerning this system. starts in her eyes and works down- in a Field Day on October 27 spon- Concert, Miss Evelyn Smith, Alumni Students are always in need of the ward to a few provocative dimples, sored by The Baltimore Field Hockey Hail,8:15p.m. reserve books and for those who are just ask anyone if they've seen Association. Soccer, Franklin and Marshall, unable to get to the library and use "Mar," "Hawkins," or "Ark." sex Away. them, the library announces that they Mary's ability in school publica- A fall area conference for those Friday. October 26 can be taken out at the following tions-she was advertising manager interested in the SCA work will be Pep Rally, Alumni Hall, 6:45 p. m. times: overnight-9:15 p. m.-9:30 a. of the GOLD BUG and is editor of held in Michaux, Pennsylvania, Octo- Saturday, October 27 m.; weekends--3:00 p. rn., Saturday; this year's ALOHA____":isnot exceeded ber 19-21. This conference is open to Football, Hampden-Sydney, Away. 9 :30 a. m., Monday. Soccer, Johns Hopkins, Home by her flair for dramatics. She ex- any college student wbo would like to Sundar, October 28 R'9'd.IkuuJ . . . celled in "Riders to the Sea," one of attend; transportation will be fur- Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, the Junior plays given last Spring, nished. 9:15 a. m. (Continued from page 2, column 4) and her talents are requested at"vari- A student dance will be the main Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. ous social functions. The many stu- feature of the October 17 meeting of Tuesday, October 30 yo~ nor sh~ could. get along without dents who admired Mary's ability last the SeA. Assembly, Alumni Hall, 11:30 a. m. me." "I wouldn't say that! As for me, I The Canterbury Club wouldn't even miss you. No one's in- ing a roommate by that name, I in- Included in the memorandum of the Costumes Highlight dispensable, you know." "You're a tine one to talk.'You quired further. Other than being mas- Canterbury Club is the religious week to think you are." seem The Shipwreck culine in nature, it was symbolic of at the University of Maryland. Dance "Tush, tush, my dear fellow. Just strength and leadership. speaker will be Brian Green, an Epis- because I do all the work around Why had he not mentioned this be- copal priest from England. Sponsored by the combined efforts here fore? Imagine, living with royalty! This year the club presented the of the SCA and the SGA, the Ship- "All the work! Well, I like that. All Hurrying back to our humble dwell- library with two books, "History of wreck Dance held in Blanche Ward ing in Hering Hall, I made known my the American Episcopal Church" and Gymnasium last Saturday evening the easy things, the pleasant tasks, findings. Don Makosky, whose pro- "The Faith of the Episcopal Church." was a huge success. maybe. But the dirty work is left to found contemplation on the Odyssey I Decorations of traditional ship's me." "Now stop,fuBsing. Everyone to his was by then completely shattered, ac- Lutheran Student Association gear such as anchors, yacht flags, life own talent! It just happens I can do knowledged my dry humer with a On October 10, the Lutheran Stu- preservers and rope coils set the salty some things better than you. And I response conforming to the situation. dent Association held its first meet- atmosphere, while thos~ who attended help you on all the hard jobs, you Shortly afterward my roommate ing of the year. "came as they were when the ship was seen, satchel in hand, migrating The meeting, held in McDaniel went down." The survivors danced to must admit." south. For those souls among you who Lounge, was especially for the new the strains of the nickelodeon while "Well, I guess so. But it still doesn't think in terms of cause and effect, I members. Among the topics discussed square dancing and the Hokey Pokey seem fair. I know lots of places where our positions Ev- would be reversed. should like to state that this action was the subject, "Lutheran Missions added variety. erybody isn't like her, thank good- had no bearing on our personal affilia- Round the World." The coming year A quartet of "ship's mice" scurried ness!" tion. Don, being strictly a family promises to be an interesting and off with the prizes for the most "1 wouldn't complain, if I were you. man at heart, often packs his things eventful one for LSA members. . original costumes. The sponsors and Mary Hawkins and travels the long three blocks other faculty survivors participated as She takes just as good care of you as home. Sunday Fellowship judges, and their selection was widely ef me; we get the same clothes to year are locking forward to seeing Speaking of travels, I am reminded The Sunday Fello.Fship announces approved. wear. It's really a soft life." her in the senior play which is on the of Don'a love for the out-of-door life. its program arrangement for the re- 'General chairmen of the affair were "That's true, but still. .. agenda for November. It should be Each summer he heeds the "call of mainder of this month. Nell Hughes and Marty Munch who "That's the spirit! Besides, I'm the noted that upon request she will the wild" by camping for a week or Following the central theme of were assisted by Jane McLeod, Pat one who has to write all this down, "make like a bunny"--complete with two in some secluded mountain re- "World Missions" introduced last Fetcho, Dadie Davis, Bob Wilson, and I'm getting tired. What d'ya say, whiskers. treat. A dream, which may someday Sunday by Dr. Lowell B. Hazzard, the Tom Page, Millard LesCallette, Skip- shall we be fr-iends?" Ii you happen to catch sight of become a reality for him, is to cross topic of thought this Sunday will deal py Edwards, Carol Stockard, Corinne "Okay, left hand, I take back all Hawkins scurrying for the bus on the Atlantic and roam the continent with "Missionaries of Biblical Days." Schofield; Bob. Leather, Ann Trice, the things I said. But I sure do wish Saturday morning, perhaps the gold at will, sharing the diverse cultures Dr. Reuben Holthaus, Associate Pro- and Kay McLaughlin. she were. ambidextrous." lieutenant's bar will explain the rea- he has encountered solely through the fessor of Philosophy, wi!! be the guest . speaker. son for her hurry. The original own- literary medium. er of the bar is Lt. James Hackman,_ Don has dreams and ambitions, On October 28, Dr. Murray Thurs- The 3 T's "MEET AT a Western Maryland alumnus now true; but what's more important, he ton Titus, who for forty years has stationed at Indiantown Gap. Contri- has that certain something vital to served the Methodist church as a mis- Confectionery butions of gold polish will be grate- success. Call it "drive," "determina- sionary to, India, will discuss mts- PETE'S fully accepted. tion," or whatever you like, it's .pres- siena in the modern world. 166 W. Main Street Mary, usually wearing her Phi ence is visible to even the near- Special music for these services, Alph jacket, can be seen in numerous sighted individual. An impressive ar- will include a selection by tbe "Black ICE CREA~i To Get Your Eats" and White Quartette," and a duet by places in a matter of a few minutes. ray, from the presidency of the Ar- Bey 'Varner and Paul Tbronburg. SOFT DRINKS - Her proficiency in this ability to gonauts to the musical directorship Main St.-Red Neon Sign travel fast will undoubtedly charac- of the Sunday School, is present on 'Vesleyanettes DRUG SUNDRIES terize her success after graduation. Den's calendar this year. He has On Friday, OctoberTu, at 7:00, the Whether Mary chooses a career teach- started on the varsity golf team; he Wesleyanettes will hold their meeting ing English or one in the business has shown an active participation in at the home of Mrs. Lester Welliver. world, her inherent good sense, the Black and White Fraternity, the T'aeko Kamiyama and Sonia da Silva friendliness and sense of humor will College Choir, and intra-mural sports; will present a talk on United States assure her success. and he is now serving as business missions in their respective countries. manager for the 1951-1952 ALOHA. Homecpming plans are to be made at Need one consult a statistician to pre- this meeting; therefore, all members Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and FRESH! dict the outcome of such a collection are urged to be present. Holidays. Holidays. ' Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 of data! Sunday Matinee!!: 2 and 4 p- m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week- Pop Corn As all students of Shakespearian Matinee 2 p. ~._Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows eont!nuous from 4:30 p. m. drama well know, each great person- Caramel Corn ality has that one small flaw. Don has TUES., OCT. 16 Peanuts his. He has failed to take Dr. Holt- TUES., WED., OCT. 16, 17 HE RAN ALL THE WAY haus's practical logic course. ANGELS IN THE OUTFIELD or Janet Leigh Paul Douglas John Garfield Shelley Winters Home-made Candy THURS.,.OCT. 18 WED., THUR., OCT. 17, 18 Double Feature I THE TREAT SHOP It Pays To Look Well 'kI~MJ. Lana Turner IHR. IMPERIUM Ezio Pinza FLAME OF· STAl\IBOUL SMUGGLERS GOLD Visit The SAT., OCT. 19, 20 Avenue Barber Shop Save up your pcnnys and IUCH, FRI., YOUNG, and PRETI'Y FRI., SAT., OCT. 19, 20 Janc Powell Wendell Corey WHIRLWIND Gene Autry "Drif' In" Where The Students Go come on down to Technicolor 85 Pennsylvania Avenue SUN., MON., TUES., OCT. 21, 22, 23 SUN., MON., TUES., WED., RENNY'S OCT. 21, 22, 23, 24 SATURDAY'S " to John Derek HERO Gregory Peck Susan Hayward DAVID and BATHSHEBA Donna Reed Griffin's MURRAY CLEANERS J. WM. HULL, Jew.l.r James Stewart IN THE SKY Teehnicolor - Advanced Prices WED., THURS., OCT. 24, 25 THURS., FRI., OCT. 25, 26 NO HIGHWAY BROTHER Marlene Dietrich MY OUTLAW Pick Up and Delivery For Over Half Century FRI., SAT., OCT.' 26, 27 Mickey Rooney Wanda Hendrix SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 Every Expert Watch, Jewelry MILLIONAIRE FOR CHRISTY THE 'FORT DODGE STAMPEDE Monday and Thursday Fred MacMurray Eleanor Parker Allan "Rocky" Lane Compliments of and Eye-Glass Repairing Phone SUN., MON., TUES., OCT. 28, 29, 30 SUN., MON., TUES., Wine's Sport Shop Reisterstown 371 105 W. Main Street PAINTING THE CLOUDS WITH OCT. 28, 29, ao SUNSHINE THE MOB Dennis Morgan Virginia Mayo Broderick Crawford Betty Buehler
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