Page 35 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 35
Terror Grapplers I Locker Roo 'J1 Lowdown To Attend Tourney L_ CJ SIHitI. The matmen of Western Maryland B leave the Hill tomotrow day period in which they for a two- will ap- pear as representatives from WMC Shanklin' Bolsters in the annual Mason-Dixon Confer- ence Wrestling Tournament. Coach Wrestling Team Ray F'aby in a statement today said, "Things this year should go better than last. We are hopeful of climbing In '52 Campaign out of the position we now hold." F'aby, of course, is referring to the "At this point I feel we have a very meet last year in which the local grap- good chance of improving upon our' plers had quite a bit of difficulty and mark of last year in the coming landed in last place. Mason-Dixon Conference Wrestling The squad, strengthened by the ad- Tourney." Speaking was Art Shank- dition of Jack Rail and John Mallonee, lin, one of the mainstays on Western together with several promising fresh- Maryland's 1951-52 wrestling squad. men, appears to be a better balanced Returning to the sport for the first one and is hopeful of living up to time since his high school days at Faby's desires. Patterson Park, Baltimore, Shanklin In the interview with the popular -a junior at WMC-has made quite mentor he also stated that Baltimore a name for himself this year in col- year, is currently playing in the semi- University and Galludet seem to be in legiate wrestling circles. pro Eastern Shore Basketball League the best condition and will probably While a student at Patterson Park, and was chosen February 17 to a be vying for top position. meet is held an- The seven-college Art went undefeated in the dual meet berth on the league's select all-star nually. This year's meet is being held season, his senior year and went on to squad. Phipps, in an article from an cop third place in the Maryland State Eastern Shore daily newspaper, is at John's Hopkins. Scholastic Association Wrestling acclaimed as "unquestionably one of Tournament. the better shot makers of the loop" League Tilt Taken Since he made his first appearance By Hopkins on the Hill in the fall of 1949 he has Unofficial rumors have it that Coach pursued biology as his major and upon Frank Hurt has sounded the call for Rallying in the last half, the Blue completion of his studies here plans spring tennis drilts. The weather will Jays of Johns Hopkins went on to de- to enter medical school. Art was vice- "break" soon and full scheduled ae- feat the visiting Terrors from WMC presidentrof his class during his fresh- tivity will begin. It is hoped that sev- 69-57 last Saturday at Homewood. man and sophomore years here, and is eral promising freshmen will bolster The Terrors grabbed an early 19- "Artful Art Press" drives in a.nd scores another. a proud member of Gamma Beta Chi the squad considerably in order to 18 first quarter lead and the sharp- fraternity. compensate for the loss of the 1951 shooting of Artie Press and Walt ace, Ned Brown. Anyway, whether or Hart stretched this to a 32-26 advan- Green Successful This an.d. That. WMC Defeats Shanklin, with great pride, quickly not the call has officially been issued, tage at halftime. Over CU And TST will relate that his hometown is Mill- all this is thought for Grille discus- Returning from intermission the Mt. St. Agnes ersville, Maryland, a thriving com- sion. Jays, led by Margolis and Fortunato, After getting off to a slow start munity of 1.7 located near Annapolis. Already sharpening their eyes for began their frantic drive to pull the in the beginning of the season the . . Art points to Donny Turke of the coming golf campaign are Ed game out of the fire and keep alive PI'aying host to visiting girls from Terror matmen have rallied to win Gallaudet as his toughest opponent in Coffman, Ward Glasby and others. JH.U's tourney hopes. Mt, St. Agnes, WMC defeated their two of their last three meets, beating Mason-Dixon competition encountered Interest should reach a high peak this Hart continued his rapid pace hit- visitors 72-28 in the first inter-collegi- Catholic University and Towson to date.. . Not to be overlooked are year and competition for positions ting on scrimmage shots from most ate basketball game of the season last a'eechers. the two seasons of varsity lacrosse should be stiff . every angle. Chuck Hammaker, mean- Wednesday in Blanche Ward Gym. The Green then traveled to Wash- enjoyed by Shanklin also . . . Hats Word has been received fr2m the while, was busy on thebackboards and The local attack was sparked by ington to meet Catholic University. off to a great guy and good lUCKin Middle Atlantic States Collegiate Ath- also made several impressive tap-in three freshman forwards, Carter The match started off unhappily for sports. letic Conference that sophomores Dick shots of Press's rebounds. s by Hart Baum, Jo Taylor, and Betsey' Bowen. WMC when Walt Preston lost by de- The Terror scoring was-jed Dave Buffington, number one man Linton and Nick Gwynn placed on the with 20 points and Hammaker with Baum was high scorer with 33 points, fault because of an injured shoulder on the 1950-51 Wl,IC rifle squad, who Honorable Mention soccer team of the 15. Press, off his usual pace, donated while her teammates scored 24 and muscle sustained in the final period. accepted a regular Army commission Southwest, District in that conference. 12 marker's. The rest of the scoring 15 points, respectively. by The defense Le Bob Trimble fought hard but lost a was capably handled Becky upon graduation last year, is soon to (Editor's note: Spotts informa.tion was well distributed among the other Few, Lois Ohler, and Mary Lou Arnie. decision, S-O. John Mallonee pinned report for duty with the Far East or "tips" ')JULy be left in the GOLD playing members of the squad. Har-riet Haverhurst led the visitors' Dick Scheetz \ half way through the Command .... BUG office or sent to Bo» F, WMC. The preliminary game, pitting the second period, and from that point Spectators at the recent Western Sports EdUol·.) Freshman teams of the two institu- scoring with 12 points. The home on things began to look up. Joe Ra- pinned his opponent and Jack Maryland-Loyola College wrestling tions against each other, was also team's reserves were strengthened by venis decisioned Grover Manderfield Rail Dixie Davis and Jackie Palmer. :~;~: ~~ ~!~s~~:n ~e::kq~~~lt~nt~~: Riflemen Win Two Meets; captured by the hosts, 63-56. WMC girls journeyed to Frederick's 6-3. Art Shanklin easily won over Gene Elsewhere in the Conference, Bill Hood College to participate in the an- Pyfrom in a 9-2 decision. Ray Faby ~~:tl::t~ro~n th~a~k:~hO~iCs~~:~~t:~ Down G·8urg ard frederick Cook of Loyola tapped in a rebound nual Sports Day last Saturday to decisioned Bill Curey, racking up an- with but three seconds remaining to other three points for the visiting tion. In scoring a decision over the The Western Maryland College give Loyola a 61·59 Mason-Dixon vic- compete with girls' teams from other visitor, Duhl also gave an inkling of rifle squad won their second victory tory, over Mt. St. Marys. Action took Middle Atlantic colleges. Terrors. In the unlimited class again, his worth to the squad and his prom- of the current season with Ii smashing place at Emmitsburg. WMC was successful in basketball, Duhl showed his fighting spirit when to the mat, ise for coming years. . 1322·1240 victory, over Gettysburg. Baltimore University, leading all beating Towson 29-11, and Hood, 29- he brought Joe Heffernan the shoulder and in doing so, injured Recognized at the past Loyola- Paced by Fred Hubach's 272 and the way, defeated visiting Catholic 15. The local girls took second place of the Cll matman, thus winning by WMC cage tilt were two well-known Dick Titiow's 268, the Terrors took U. 62-49 in another conference ball- in swimming behind the Hood girls. state legislators, Senator Frederick an easy lead and held it all the way. game. Barbara, Harlow, posting a respect- ~~v:u~tjirxe;~e;~e ~:::~~:r~ ~;e~~h:~ C. Malkus and Representative Fred- i!!~~o";h_:::=~=._:==::::::= m PREACHERS TOPPED able 96 average, led the pinmen of lie University, for last year, Bob Wil- WMC to second place in the intercol- ~~~:~~. ~:I:su~f i~or:he:;:~u~~nt:f :lr~d~===:==_::==: m BY VISITING FRAT . legiate competition. The badminton sey, 137 Ibs., won by default when his his arm dislocated opponent during by Nell Hughes doubles was captured Western Maryland College where he Revenging an earlier one point Delta Pi Alpha, playing hosts to a and Corrine Schofield. Towson took a bout. majored in education and was a mem- defeat, the Green Terror nimrods visiting fraternity from Gettysburg the lead 'in singles competition. Towson was the next victim of the bel' of the college tennis team. Repre- crushed the Frederick National Guard College, lost a hard-fought contest to matmen from the Hill, when the sentattve Lucas is well known team 1332-1329 in a shoulder to shout- the visitors 57-53 before some 100 The next intercollegiate basketball locals journeyed to TST and scored 27 at throughout the state as president of del' contest on the victor's range. spectators, last Wednesday at Giil game will be played February an 18-13 victory. - Goucher College in Baltimore. the now defunct Class D Eastern Tied for top Terror honors were Gym. Shore Baseball League and as a scout John Clayton and Fred Hubach with for the Pittsburgh Pirates, as well as ' 268 points each. Coming in with a for his legislative ability. . close third was Bob Wilson who fired PIuuJr.u phi/Mophi
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