Page 34 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 34
2 The Gold Bug, Feb. !6, 195! Letter ToThe Editor Civil War Myth Is Proved True To The Editor: Saturday mornings an exodus be. Many people are under the imprea- Inspired by the story of the Prtet, gins on WMC's campus. W~! Quite aicn that the passage of the Univer- chie House in Frederick or perhaps Although well-known to compara- often the answer to this query is that sal Military Training Bill will im- driven nuts by the fervent lectures of tively few students on the Hill, Robert there is nothing to do on the Hill on mediately strengthen the United their history prof, three or four West- Saturday, nights. With certain excep- States Armed Services and will help ern Maryland College students threw S. Redfield, Lt. Colonel, US Army, tiona, there are no planned activities them to meet better the present emer- themselves into the task of establieh- Professor of Military Science and which can compete with those in the gency. That is simply not true. The in'g the truth of a local tradition run- Tactics, is. a most colorful and inter- esting person, who has added much "home town". This is not the only present draft law is working efficient- ning back to the Civil War ,-a rredt- to the prestige of Western Maryland reason for students' going home for ly ; it will remain in effect, or be tion fixing the .famous meeting of College. the weekend, but in too many in- 'renewed, as long as there is a national Generals Lee and Grant on or near Most of his early life was spent in stances it is the case. emergency. The military leaders are College Hill. the Mid-west and the South, as he This is a sad situation, but it seems not prepared to administer the Sensing the magnitude of the dis- lived in Chicago until he matriculated that it is a more acute problem for U.M.T. Bill, nor do they desire to covery they hoped to make and un- at the University of Alabama, where the many who remain on campus. As adopt it at this time. They do not willing to share the glory either with he later received his A.B. degree and a general rule, those who do go home wish to train 18 year olds for six nosey professors or the public in gen- a reserve officer's commission. While or to their friends' homes for the months as U.M.T. provides; they eral, the young men waited until dark. attending the Medical School on that weekend usually have something want them for two years or more. Then loading their CRr with supplies campus, he instructed under-gradu- planned to do. But "{hat about those In the present world crisis the United drawn from the local dinre store they ate classes in histology and compara- students who either by choice or cir- States is compelled to enlarge its drove at break-neck speed and with- tive anatomy. He also undertook some cumstance stay on campus? And what armed forces. U.M.T. provides for a out lights some three hundred yards graduate study in neurology at. the can be done -to appeal to those who static-sized force, unless the 18 year along the Uniontown Road to a University of Chicago. habitually leave on Saturday-some- olds are required to serve for a speci- spring. A large maple tree fifteen Colonel Redfield's active' military thing that will arouse interest so that fied period of time beyond the ad- feet away next arrested their atten- life began in 1937 when he accepted there is not such a wide-spread vertised six months. When that hap- tion. Careful examination by the light a second lieutena~t commission in ~he egress? pens, we have nothing but Selective of the moon established beyond cavil >- regular army, his first duty station Lt. Col. Robert S. Redfield It is not feasible or desirable to Service under another name. Then that the spot they had found was not being at F.ort She~idan, Illinois. From schedule fraternity-sponsored dances why, you may justly ask, are the the location of another Frietchie there, he .was assigned to CCC duty leave in the United States and re- every Saturday night nor can the ath- military men fighting for Universal House, but in truth the meeting place in washington state, Idaho, and turned to Germany, where he soon letic department 'be expected to so Military Training! It is because this of the g~eatDc~Ptains before their trip ~~t~~ Ins~::~ih: at;::~ed became Director of Training at the arrange the sports events. Recently, piece of legislation would give them t B~h:ni~~~ Third and Seventh Army School Cen- in an effort to improve the situation, personal contact for six. months and ac~s:i:n ein :h:~:;te~r and design be- ~~~:g~~e~Vrh;:; ~\~Or~~a:i;e~ea~e~~~:d ter in Heidelberg. He also. served as the student government asked the absolute control for eight years over G-3 of the First Infantry Division, various campus organizations to spon- the life of' every able-bodied young training at the Tank Destroyer School operating in Bavaria. He attended the Armed Forces Staff sor activities for the "forgotten" Sat- man in America. It would give the at Camp Hood, Texas and at the College in Norfolk and commanded urday e~enings. Many of the organi- military leaders and their philosophy Command and General Staff School at two batallions of the 10th Infantry Di- aations are responding to this call a dominant influence upon these men Fort Leavenworth before he was as- vision at Fort Riley, Kansas, before for help and plans are well under way. during one of the formative periods signed as G-3 (Operations Officer) of being appointed PMS&T at Western However, this is merely one part of their development. The bill is being the G3rd Infantry Division, whieh Maryland College in 1950. of the program. After planning comes pushed in Congress now because, in a landed in Southern France in 1944 and While being a professor on a college had ~arched into Germany before the participation. If these activities are normal peacetime situation, it would close of the war. faculty is in sbarp vcontraet to his to be a success and if they are to serve have absolutely no chance of passing. After the' war, Colonel Redfield was previous assignments, the 'Colonel is the purpose for which they are in- Even the military leaders admit that. assigned to the Theate"r Headquarters especially pleased that he could estab- tended, they must be supported by In peacetime America no one would in Paris. He was given a three-month lish a permanent home during this the students. It takes time, effort, and think of proposing or approving a period and spend more time with his money on the part of the sponsoring U.M. T. Bill. But in this postwar cold- family, which consists of "my wife, organization to set up a program, war crisis, the people, dominated by the dedication of the park. Further, it three daughters-and one male boxer and then if it is not supported, the fear and anxiety, are being hood- ordered all cadets at West Point to dog." entire idea will be abandoned, in all winked into the belie! that Universal train for a pinochle tournament and In his "spare" time, Colonel Red- probability. That will lead right"back Military Training can bring us more appropriated $2,000,000,000 in Con- field enjoys several hobbies, of which to the present situation. security in the present and near fu- federate currency to be awarded the photography, wood work, and stamp Saturday night is traditionally a ture than Selective Service alone. winning team in course of the grand collecting are the most important, is special one. For this reason this prob- We need to consider also certain opening. This is not the home of BlLrbaro, President Harry Truman kindly active with the local Kiwani; Club ~~~~~~~I~t b i : ~:t ct~nece~:t:f o:v:~~ facts in the realm of philosophy and Frietchie consented to speak. In appreciation of and the American Legion, and follows BUT \VMC athletic events. This summer, administration to outline a program i~:~:~~dl:OkMuo;!n o:het;;n:~o;~t~! his readiness to help in this emergency he will be the S-3 at the ROTC Sum- and of his long and fearless struggle ;!r s;~:alst~~:nt:~c;::~O~:1 a~ct~;~~~~ as a more or less imperialistic nation "On this sit", G.-ant played pinochle to conduct the government at Wash- mer Camp at Fort Meade, Md., a duty with Lee before the battle which will be familiar to him as he tunity for students to think and plan . ~:k~:y ~n d~~~~:::r~;a~:~yc~~~s~r~~i of Trenton." ington on the highest plain beyond assisted that post last summer. of influence for themselves. that does not change their opinions. Admisswn 50 cent8. the slightest the insinuation Commissioners In addition to his wide experience favor or Park The adoption of U.M.T. would inten- Look For The sify their mistrust. "If you preach fitting the importance of the discovery wish to state emphatically that guests and knowledge, Colonel Redfield is one of those rare individuals who also while erected peace," they will query, "why do you was immediately the other and students in mink coats will not be admitted to has the ability to impart that which the park. The Commissioners for this one stood guard Sunny Side subscribe to this policy?" raced through the streets of West- occasion will wear a uniform which he knows and is respected as 'One of For some of these reasons, and for minster telling the great news. One in its simplicity and design is calcu- the finest teachers on the Hill. I am a campaigner. Open your ears, some of their own, the Labor Unions, cannot reduce to print the thrill of lated to delight the thrifty and charm oh ye students, and listen to my plea. the Farm Bloc, and most churches joy that spread through the town or those who feel that the official dress I stand here upon my Duz soap box have taken a firm stand against the tbe deep sense of gratitude that at should preserve something of the past. Pins 'n Points and say that Duz does not do every- U.M.T. Bill. Fo.,. those who still con- long last the truth of this tradition In emulation of the example of one thing, but you can. I have what I sider a practical peace possible, I see was established beyond question. A of the great soldiers to be honored Seems as if two engagements pas- feel is a most nobJe cause----one which no other choice. swelling tide of emotion finally burst this day, the Commissioners will wear sed liS by. Myron J. B,ooie, '53, and may lift our heavy heads and souls' Sincerely, all bounds and found expression in a union suits. Charlotte Glovsky of Swampscott, toward steeples and towers rather single statement-"The South Will Mass.' Also Ed Crawford, '52, and than contemplation of the gutters_ D07!Q.ld Mako4ky. Rise Again." Phil Smith, '51. Our apologies~the The answer-an Optimist Club. A committee of students, faculty, Weep For The wires ltl'IIst have gotten crossed along Now you must realize that this or· the-line. ganization is in its rudimentary DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE and citizens was immediately formed for stages. But we have a motto, on, yes to speed the work of arranging Na- Wallow Works Liz Kuhl! and Cassie Loose are indeed. It is "day by day, in every COPY: the creation of the Lee-Grant sporting diamonds - both received way, things are getting better and WednMiday. l\larch 5, 1952 tional Park. Congress dropped all oth· Once upon a bed, there lay an old since our last issue. better." We maintain that due to 'er matters when informed of the dis- lady named Sarah Slush'. She lived in If you're wondering where the vari. repetition, rhyming and great hidden covery and fixed April Fool's Day for a very poor section of town with her OilS mops, brooms and cans of wax meaning, this slogan will come to be beautiful daughter, Ophelia. They are taking some of the students, take a great one by which to Jive. Say it were practically starving to death as a look at the education room. After over at least three times aday-per- the only job that the old widow could this prematur'e Spring housecleaning, haps after meals. get was that of Swine washer, 3rd it should really sparkle! The dire need for optimism cannot class, at the Wilson Wallow Works. be denied. Noted psychologists agree . Ophelia had decided long ago that it that the period of the year from Janu- was better for her to stay home and THE GOLD BUG ary until spring is a time of great de· protect her precious beauty. which pression and the student bows his she did. head in great sorrow before the first Then, one day, it happened!! . month has ended. Weare not anti- A wealthy Prince just happened to be examinations as we do not support riding a dirty swine past the Slush futile causes, but we do say that one home. He stopped in to have the ani- Member should be optimistic about the out- Associated Collegiate Press cOlJle. For you see, we have hopes mal cleaned; and at the first sight of that the professors, upon joining our the lovely Ophelia, he fell wildly in Subscription Price $2.00 a Year noble cause, will be optimistic about love ' the old widow, to whom he proposed. our talents and thus raise our grades. When the Prince left, Ophelia be- EDITORIAL STAFF Concerning the formal structure of came so furious that she grabbed her the club, there is none. We are opti- mistic enough to hope that each of mother, and boiled her to death in ~;~~~~;:=-~C=~'ikYf'~~:~::::';;.;:l!,:i you will accept the responsibility of peanut butter. N"",._F" ..tu<" Ed,tor DO grabbing any forlorn, lost soul and However, as the daughter was leav- ~~~rngEdi!!:~r-~::::,:...:...: convincing him to smile a while. How- ing the house one day, she tripped Photographer._ .....__._ ever, some individuals have started a over a dirty swine that was in the CsrWoni.t ~ _ counter movement. They are bitter front yard. She fell on her face, mess- BUSINESS STAFF and refuse to reconsider. They go ing up her lipstick. Being very proud, ~~~~~~~£y:~~~~~~~~~~:~~~E::~~ about shouting "day by day, in every she would not get up, lest someone see way, things are getting worse and her smeared countenance, so she lay N~i.i~e:T;;~:;.d".cN~~e~OIW~:~~r;r~:ryP'l:; worse." Now this dangerous under- there for three months until she Younger. ground treachery of pessimism must finally died of a cold in the cheek- F~~~3.!~. ~Jn~F[~ga~~Ell:n'ii~~::;'h:D~~ be overcome. Fight it with every inch bones. ~hea Schmidt. of your Pepsodent smile. And may When the Prince heard of Sarah's SPORTS STAFF: Tom Dough ...... Harry Gra,,· the Optimist Club be the first suc- misfortune, he committed suicide by der. Marlonn .. Wine. Dadie cessful organiz~tion without any or- diving into a patch of poison ivy. He COPY STAFF: Kohout. Davi •• George G;pe. Anne Martha ganization. died 67 years later, still scratching. CONTRIBUTORS: S. Bowl.bey. T. Whitfield.
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