Page 33 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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Library 'je at.em Maryland College ·,f)~"t;:11~wt8r, 1',Id. LETTER TO THE LOCKER ROOM EDITOR LOWDOWN PAGE 3 PAGE 2 February 26, 1952 Vol. 29, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Simpson Awarded Students, Faculty. Episcopal Students President Ensor Approves Rotary Scholarship Schedule Game Slate Conferences SGA Student Lounge Plan Gill Gym will be the scene of the· Western Maryland's Canterbury William H. Simpson, .mmm.a cum second annual Student-Faculty bas- Club will participate in the 29th An- At the request of the Student Government Association, Presi- lunde Western Maryland graduate in ketbal l game to be played at 8 p. m. nual 'I'ri-Diocesan College Conference dent Ensor has anounced that the basement room in McDaniel Hall the class of 1951 and music teacher on Tuesday, March 4. on Saturday and Sunday, March 1 will be converted to a student lounge. at Westminster 'High School, has The profits from this game, which and 2, The conference is for college - The details concerning the use of the proposed lounge and its been selected as one of the 109 recip- were originally to go to the World and university students from the die- supervision will be worked out by a ients of. the Rotary International's Student Service Fund, are now going eesea of Easton, Maryland, and Wash- Rotary Foundation Fellowship for ad- toward a scholarship fund for a ington, D. C. It will be held at the Alumni Board Of ~~~~c~~m:~~e:~~~~~:;:~:~~ ~~~~:;: vanced study for outstanding grad- foreign student- here at Western Claggett Diocesan Center at Buckeys- ing the meeting of this committee uates from 34 countries. GovernorsMeets sometime this week, announcement :~a~:!a;:e~~~e~~~;~~~ \:~~~~e ~~e:~ll; ~~:~~:;,h the theme "Christianity on will be made of all provisions govern- Bill, whose scholarship entitles him ing the use of the room. to a year's schooling at the University be used to better advantage right here The Reverend Samuel J. Wylie, who Western Maryland's Alumni As- At present the room is being used of Edinburgh, Scotland, will leave this on campus rather than sending it is the chaplain to the Episcopal stu- sociation Board of Governors held its as a study room for women day stu- fall for the University where he will elsewhere. dents at the University of Virginia, mid-winter meeting on Saturday, dents. The furnishings are meager will be the main speaker. The confer- February 17. This board determines ~:::i~g ~~e~o::ree:n~n ~~~::~anmeU;~~ Co-eds Selected As Managers ence will consist mainly of addresses, the policies of the Association and and 11 great deal of work will be neces- cation and church music. When he An innovation thus for the .stu- group discussions, and reports of meets three times a year: the first, at sary to convert the day room to a returns he will continue his studies at :;n;~;lP~:ni:g!~:.g;:c~ \~~s~e ::: ~~: Canterbury Clubs' Activities. Homecoming, 'the second, around Jan- Nell' Hughes is secretary of the uary or February, and the third, a- ~;:n:::i~t~n~~e\~!y EaV:~:~~;ale:~~ representative, making a total of four conferenc~, The following Western lumni week. Reformed Church. - managers for the student team, They l\fa'l'ylanders will attend: Mary Ellen The board is interested in aiding are as follows: Meta Justice, _fresh- Earl, Jayne Hisle, and Ken Ruehl. the students. Before the students had Award Announced man; Patsy Herman, sophomore; Nell Annual Conference Planned appealed to the Trustees concerning The award announced from Chi- Hughes, junior; Mary Hawkins, sen- Another future activity of the club Sunday activities, the Board of Gov- cago Rotary headquarters last week,_ ~or. Players on the. student team .will includes the annual conference to be ernors had recommended action per- includes tuition, traveling, and living include Paul walhver, Marv Seigel, held here on campus, March 8, 2 to 8 mitting sports on Sunday afternoons. 'expenses, and provides for his visit- Joe Eline, Mac MacTeer, Ellsworth p. m. It had always been an alumni policy ing within a 300 mile radius of Edin- Schubert, Ted Samokouris, Don Phil- The participating schools will be to admit the graduating class to the burgh in order to help establish in- lips, Nick Gwynn, - Glen Ashburn, 'Goucher, University of Delaware, Alumni banquet held on commence- Bruce Rudisill, Jack Molesworth, and ternational good will in accord with Mike Rentko. Acting as coaches of the Johns Hopkins, University of Mary- ment weekend. However, a new policy the purpose of the Rotary Fellowship- land, Morgan, Howard, Washington, has been inaugurated. Grant program, During his travels he team are Ashby Collins and Art Hood, George Washington, American Special Senior Dinner Planned will speak at various Rotary Clubs Press. University, Gettysburg, and Wilson, At a special dinner for the seniors This annual event has been organ- and when he returns, he will be ex- ized through the help of Dean' Free. The presiding guest speaker will be sponsored by the Board of Governors, pected to speak to the clubs here. Another faculty member who has gone Dr. Charles M, Couldren of Frederick, two awards will be made-c-one each From a slate of three candidates, to much trouble to organize the fee- and his topic will be that of the Atone- to the girl and boy showing the best Bill was made the local choice by the . ulty team is Dr. Huber. Those faculty ment. The lecture will be given at citizenship on the campus. This 'ban- Dr. Lowell S. Ensor 2 :30 p. rn. in McDaniel Lounge ful- Westminster Rotary Club last Octo- members who will be present to per- lowed by individual discussion groups. quet and presentation of awards will lounge. The student government will ber and was entered in the district form for the spectators are not yet be held for the first time. need aid in this job and the coopera- competition as one of the seven can- known. The convention will then be adjourned In order to create a better under- tion of every student must be forth- didates. Again successful, he went Referees of the game will be Jim to the Episcopal parish house where standing of the Alumni's functions, coming if the lounge is to be present- into the International competition. Butts and Bilyl Wilhelm. Admission supper will be served. After a general the senior class president automatic- able and meet its purpose. becomes an ex-facto ally discussion there will be evening pray- (non-vot- A veteran of eighteen months in price for' all will be thirty-five cents. er, directed by the Canterbury Club ing) member of the Board of Gover- Tentative plans for the lounge in- the Army during World War II, Bill students in the church, A social in clude a television set as well as other came to Western Maryland in 1947. the parish hall will conclude the an- nors. Through this action, the alumni recreational facilities. To defray some the attitudes of the students, learn While on the Hill, he was student Spring Football nual conference. who, in turn, become informed as to of the financial expenditures, the government president, received the The committee chairmen include the procedure and poiitics of the or- SGA has arranged for the Baltimore Bates award :Corbest all-around Col- lege man, was included in Who's Who Practice Banned Anne Smutney, Bob Leather, Ken ganization of which they will pres- City College Glee Club to make an evening appearance at 'Western Mary- in American CoUeges and Universi- College authorities have announced' Ruehl, Laura Lee Kline, and Jayne ently become a part. vice president, land in April. Hisle. Chuck Hammaker, ties, and is a member of the college that spring football practice will be substituted for the president of the honorary scholastic society. He was discontinued. senior class, Jack Lambert, who was Heggemeier To Pres.nt also outstanding in the college music This action was taken by the GOLD BUG HAS NEW POST unable to attend the mid-winter meet- organization, being particularly noted Athletic. Council at Western Mary, OFFICE BPX ing. Chuck feels that having a mem- Second Faculty Recital for his baritone voice. Miss Arleen Heggemeier, pianist, land which directed that "in keeping ber of the senior class on the board with the recent actions of the Execu- The GOLD BUG now has a proves beneficial to both the board wi!! present the second in the series \ box in the post office that is to Fraternities Accept tive Committee of the American be used for faculty correspond- and the students. of annual faculty recitals on Friday, February 29, at 8:15 p. m. in Alumni Council of Education, and in order to Micl- Year Initiates diversify the sport program and ence and letters to the editor. Savin Appointed Hall. This box is located with the de- strengthen spring sports, spring foot- partment boxes so that corres- A graduate of Oberlin Conserva- Fifteen men have accepted bids to ball practice at the college would be pondence can be put directly in- tory of Music, Miss Heggemeier has three fraternities on the hill. The stu- discontinued." , to the box rather than being Language Instructor also studied at the Diller-Quaile dents, 12 sophomores and three The Athletic Council is composed sent through the post office, School of Music and came to Western juniors, will be initiated this wgek. of representatives of the Academic Mr. William Savin, new instructor Maryland last year as instructor in Accepting bids to Gamma Beta Chi Faculty, the Administration, and the in the Modern Language Department, piano. This is her second recital ap- were Don Chambers, Art Gernand, Athletic Department. appointed to replace Dr. Hildebran pearance at the college, and she has Jim Levay, John Mallonee, and Ken 'ColI.g. To Ceeperete I" this semester, comes to Western" chosen selections to form a varied Ruehl. Those to be initiated into Al- Trnband. Maryland from a position as instruct- program. pha Gamma Tau are: Marshall Har- Pi Alpha Alpha will induct four- County Air Raid OJ' at the orientation center for for- Her first group of selections will vey, John Haslip, Paul Koukoulas, Ed- James Dix, Frank Grumbine, Walter Carroll County's first Air Raid eign students and trainees in Wash- include Toccata and Fugue in D ward Peeling, John Thomas, and John Preston, and Bob Schnitzer. Warning Test, in which the college ington, D. C. Majol' by Bach, Thirty-Two Varia- has been asked to participate, is Mr. Savin, a. native of' Philadel-' tionB on an Original Theme, by ROTC Cadets To Visit Academy schedulcd for Wednesday, March 5, at phia, received his B.A. from the Uni- Beethoven, and Chopin's Fania.8y in and also did 6 p. m, versity of Pennsylvania, He received a F Minor. Brahms' Op!Ul 119, Inter- work there. i~ E graduate mezzo in B Mino)', Intermezzo Lt. Colonel Robert S. Redfield, head be submitted to the military depart- Dean L. Forrest Free, chief air of the Western Maryland College ment upon their return. raid warden, has appointed a campus French graduate degree, which is Minor, Intermezzo in C Major, and military department, recently an- They will join 112 ROTC students crew and these people will be request- equivalent to our M.A., from the Uni- Rhapsody in E fiat major; Ravel's nounced the selection of Cadets Ed from other colle~s, living with cadets ed to bc at th~l' posts. All traffic will versity, of Aix-Marseille. done His other Sonatine; .II-fomentMusicale in E fiat was at graduate work minor by Rachmaninoff; and Prelude, the Coffman and Tom Scott to participate in the West Point barracks. Indi· be stopped and the streets are to be Sorbonne and the National University OpUB 11, Number t, and Etwu, Opus in a four·day visit to the United vidually, they will have cadet escorts deared of people. Everyone will be of Mexico. 8, Number 12, by Scriabin, will con- States Military Academy at West who will take them to classes and asked to remain indoors in a shel- Served In The Navy Point. The date scheduled for their meals. Over four weekends some 444 tered area until the all-clear is Before the war, Mr. Savin taught clude the program. journey is the weekend of February ROTC students will go to West Paint sounded. the romance languages at Wildcliffe 28 through March 2. as part of an over~all indoctrination Ordered by the Maryland Council The chief object of the trip is to program. for Civil Defense in order to acquaint College in Swarthmore, Pa. During Club News provide a clearer insight into the mode In addition to its instructive mer- the county with all phases of ·the the war, he served as an officer in the of life of a cadet at West Point. This its, the trip should prove t6 be an alarm system, the te~t will be 30 min- Navy and worked with the French S_ c. A. Navy in Dakar, French West Africa. will prove beneficial in comparing and enjoyable one since this year is the utes in length. The alert will be Red, Later, he acted as Assistant Naval All students are urged to attend evaluating the processes of learning Sesquicentennial Observance of the a three-minute waving of the fire services of Holy Communion which at the two institutions. The impor~ founding of West Point, A tour, siren; and the all clear, the White, Attache at the United States embas- will be held every Wednesday begin- tance of this is clear since commis- movies, athletics, demonstrations by three one_minute blasts at one-minute sies in Mexico, and Bogota, Colombia. ning tomorrow (Ash Wednesday) and After the war, he lived in Mexico for sioned graduates of Western Mary- t,h,e 1802nd Special Regiment, and a intervals, several years where he was in the ex- continuing throughout Lent at 6:30 land must assume identical duties in hop are on the age!1da. Both Coffman The test, which will come during a. m. in Baker Chapel. 27, the Next Wednesday, February the Army with those graduated from and Scott were enthusiastic when in- the college dinner hour, cannot be suc- port business. 1950, Mr. Savin travelled SCA is beginning its series of Lenten During West Point. fJrmed -of their selection and envis- cessful unless each person cooperates and studied in Spain and France, and programs by having a speaker give All. transportation charges for the ioned the experience as a rare oc- fully. As a college community we in Hi51 he was appointed instructor at the history, meaning, and significance pair will be financed by the United casion. Cadet Scott, when questioned, have been reminded of our responsi- the Washington orientation center. At of Lent, This, the initial meeting will States Government except expenses remarked with a smile, "This is that bility to the community as a whole be an informative one' ...vith the gen- for meals, which will be paid by Coff- once in a lifetime opportunity, and and each person is requested to follow this time he also lectured on interna- eral topic "What Has Lent Got To Do em- tional relations, with particular man and Scott. A report of their ob- both Ed and myself are very anxious the detailed directions that will be phasis on Spain. With You?" servations and recommendations will to see just how the other half lives." issued.
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