Page 32 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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4 The Gold Bug, Feb. 12, 1952 I College Calendar I ,qep p,.u,'" St.ukj (j,_.uu- 12 ~ Tuesday, February Dr. Soper, Speaker, Survey Results Show Stude SCA Meeting, By Joh.n Suckling By Roland E. Fleischer McDaniel Lounge, 7 p- m. This semester brought a new face "J. C., you old coot, where are you Wednesday, February 13 Opposed To Loyalty Oath to 148 Ward Hall. According to Dean going?" boomed a voice in the hall Canterbury Club Meeting, Baker Free's official listing, Stanley Bowls- outside Mrs. James' psychology room. Chapel, 6:45 p. m. bey has been a resident of this room A quieter voice>very simply answered, IRC Benefit Movie, It'8 A Big by Roland Fleieeher, SU1'vey Editor since September, 1951. However, his . "Psychology." Then, as he came into Country, Carroll Theater. Following is the second in a series of articles revealing the results of the friends knew" that the logical place the room, I saw Jack Loper for the Basketball, Loyola, Home. National Poll of Student Opinion conducted on campus last semester by the to look for him was in the GOLD BUG first time. He was wearing a black GOLD BUG for the Associated Collegiate Press. office. Now, his reign as editor-in-chief checkered wool shirt, blond hair, and Thursday, February U (ACI') College students tend to disapprove of loyalty oaths, and college over, our wandering boy has come a sadistic grin, and his walk made him IRC Benefit Movie, Carroll Theater. graduate students arc overwhelmingly opposed to them, according to results home. Just h_owlong he will remain look like he was still holding onto the Saturday, February 16 of the ACP National Poll of Student Opinion. plow. In the three years that I've Sweetheart Ball, Gill Gym, 8:30 Students in 63 colleges and universities were asked: In general, do you known him, neither his grin, his walk, p.m. approve or disapprove of having college professors take an oath stating that his hair, nor his checkered shirt has they are not members of the Communist party. The results: changed, but somehow my admiration Sunday, February 17 National WMC for him continues to grow. Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, 1. Approve __. .. 39% 26% Jack came to WMC from Sykesville, 9:15a.m. 2. Disapprove . .. .. 47% 66% Maryland, but, contrary to popular Chapel, Alumni.Hali, 7:15 p. m. 3. No opinion _. :.. .. ._.___ 12% 2% belief, he is a graduate of the high Monday, 'February 18 4. Other "- __.__._._ .. 2% 6% school, and not the state hospital. He IRC Meeting, Misses Davies and The prospect of a good job is the reason most students go to college. The is majoring in biology and education Jenkins, Speakers, Me Dan i e I "desire for more knowledge" is another frequently stated reason, but only a and supplements these majors by be- Lounge, 6:45 p. m. few attribute this motive to other students. College students from all parts of the country were asked to pick either Tuesday, February 19 one or two choices w~ich came closest to their reasons for attending college. Assembly, Dr. Howard P. Vincent, The results: Speaker, Alumni Hall, 11:30 a. m. National 'WMC Basketball, Catholic U., Home. 1. A good job after college _._._._ ..._ .... 537'0 41% 2. Desire for more knowledge __._ ..._.. 36% 41% Wednesday, FebrU':""lry20 3. To tind a mate _.__. . ._ .._._ 2% 6% LSA Meeti ng, McDaniel Lounge, 4. It was "the thing to do" _.__ ._...._.__ 3% 7% 6:45p.m. , 5. The parents wished it __._.__._..__ . . 4% 4o/c Girls' Basketball, ~H. St. Agnes 6. None of these _.__ ._ ...__... .______ 2% 1% College, Blanche Ward Gym, 7:30 Students were then asked: Which of these reasons do you feel fits best p. m. for the majority of college students? Here's how they answered: Argonaut Tea, McDaniel Lounge, National WMC 4:30p.m. 1. A good job after college _..._._______ 60% 47% among us no one will venture to pre- Friday, February 22 2. Desire for more knowledge 11% 23% dict; the educational department will FTA Afternoon Meeting, McDaniel 3. To find a mate ... ..._ 5% 6% have something to say about his loca- Lounge, 2-5 p. m. 4. It was "the thing to do" ._._______ 14% 13% tion in the near future. 5. The-parents wished it . ._.._...._.. 8% 11% Satu:day, February 23 6. None of these __ . . ... . 20/0 0% Finds Time For Band Basketball, JHU, Aw.ay. Many of the students commented that their choice of professions-such as law, education, medicine-required them to go to college. Even with his obligations to the Sunday, February 24 GOLD BUG fulfilled, Stan has his Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, In the same poll students were asked to rate the education they have fingers in enough activities to keep 9:15a.m. received so far in college. Here are the results: him occupied during his collegiate Jack Loper Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. 1. Excellent National WMC 22% 17% "old age." Between staff meetings 'and Monday, February 25 2. Good __ 57% 64% tinal printings, this member of Who's ing president of 'I'r-i-Beta and trees, Basketball, Washington College, 3. Fair 23% 14% Who has found time to be tirst drum- urer- .of the FTA. And as if this Away. 4. Poor 2% 0% mer in the Band, tympanist in 'the weren't enough, he has been business Argonaut Meeting, McDaniel 5. No opinion 1% 0% Orchestra, and a first bass with the manager of the GOLD BUG jmd the Lounge, 7 p. m. On the national level, the women appear slightly more satisfied wit'h their Men's Glee Club He even manages penny-pinching treasurer of the Black education tlian the men. Seventy-nine per cent of the women say their educa- to make frequent trips to Baltimore and Whites. tion has been either excellent or good, as opposed to 70. per cent of the men. where he often winds up as a substi- But these activities have had no However, at 'VMC, the men have a tendency to give their education a higher tute teacher at his alma mater, Balti- bad effect on his scholastic grades, G.C. Murphy & Co. rating than the women do. more City College. for he is also a member of the Ar- In another important question, students were asked about the chances The summer months hold no rest gonauts and will remain so until they The Friendly Store of the United States and Russia settling their differences peacefully. Three- for Stan, who spends his vacation as. check to see who owes them dues. fourths of the nation's college students feel "there is still a chance," but not a senior counselor of the Red Shield a good one. Results of the ACP National Poll of Student Opinion indicate that Boys' Club at Camp Puh'tok. Boys' Enjoys Life Dormitory and ctasuoom seven per cent of the students feel that chances for peace are good, while 13 Club work seems destined to play an But realizing that all work and no Supplies per cent think there is no chance. Many feel that "chances would be improved even more important part in the fu- play would make J. C. a dull boy, he by more 'give and take,' " as a sophomore at an eastern engineering college ture of this English-French major. finds time to really enjoy life. Last 6-10 West Mflin Street put it. In spite of his influence on this summer, he traveled to Canada with Students were asked: How do you feel about chances for a peaceful campus, Stan is not to be considered Brothers Isaac, Albert, and Fraser, Westminster. Md. settlement of differences between Russia and the United States? The an- as one of the local "big wheels." The and the summer before, he went to main reason for his lack pf wide- California with Immler and Boots National WMC spread fame i~ his habit of doing a Council. His love of bull sessions will 1. Chances are good ._ ...._._._._. .. 7% 12% job instead of talking about doing it. occasionally lead him to "La Grille 2. Chances are fair .. . .._. .. 31% 32% Yet he is well-known and well-liked Royale" where he and his friends ma"y Good Health 3. Chances are poor .__._._ 45% 48% by many among the student body as be seen continuing the discussion. 4. No chances __ . . ._._._ 13% 6% well as the faculty. Those who con- Jack has learned to take every- To 5. No opinion .. _.. ._________ 4% 2% sider themselves his friends believe thing in his stride whether it be l,lelp- Students who fez-see little chance of peace blame the situation on Russia, that this is because ,he speaks softly ing Ed Foote use contour plowing on All human nature, and United States diplomacy. and carries a big smile. his moustache, listening to hillbilly music at summer camp, becoming a From member of Who'8 Who, or "fouling up SMITH &: REIFSNIDER of his platoon leader at camp, we can REXALL So in the words the whole battalion." Incorporated LUMBER-COAL all refer to Jack as "Loper, my WES'IMINSTER, MD. friend." Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays. Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m, Evening show 9 p. m. Week- Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day showa continuous :from 4:30 p. m. WED., THUR., FEB. 13, 14 WED., THUR., FEB. 13, 14 IT'S A BIG' COUNTRY THE SEA HORNET Ethel Barrymore Gary Cooper Rod Cameron Adele Mara FRI., SAT., FEB. 15, 16 FRI., SAT., FEB. 15, 16 (Supercinecolor) (Trucolor) THE BAREFOOT l'oIAILJ\IAN HONEYCHILE a~d on I rode ..•• Robert Commings Terry Moore Judy Canova Eddie Foy, Jr. and greater was my thirst SUN., MON., TUES., FEB. 17, 18, 19 SUN., MON., TUES., FEB. 17, 18, 19 SAILOR BEWARE THE SELLOUT Tem1YSOD: Holy Grail Dean Martin Jerry Lewis Walter Pidgeon Audrey Totter WED., THURS., FEB. 20, 21 WED., THURS., FEB. 20, 21 HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS I'D CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN The farther you go the more Susan Hayward William Lundy FAMILY and SECRETS you need refreshment. That's why John Derek Lee J. Cobb you'll hear folks say, "Let's have FRI., SAT., FEB. 22,23 FRI., SAT., FEB. 22, 23 a Coke and get going." It's one (Technicolor) THE RETURN OF FRANK JAMES CIMARRON KID way to get somewhere. Henry Fonda Gene Tierney Audie Murphy Beverly Taylor SUN., MON., TUES., FEB. 24, 25, 26 IOmfO UNDERAt1THORll"YOF TliE cocccou COMPANY sv SUN., MON., TUES., FEB. 24, 25, 26 (Technicolor) WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. DECISION BEFORE DAWN FLAME OF ARABY "Coh"h o...",.,._,truJe-marIc. © 19~.2, THE C0C4-COIA COMPANY Richard Basehart Gary Merrill Maureen O'Hara Jeff Chandler \
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