Page 31 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 31
The Gold Bug, Feb. 12, 1952 3 Phi Alpha Mu Cops Terrors Score Decisive Win Intersorority Title Over Visiting BlueJay Squad By Marlonna Wine Playing host to the highly-tutored Blue Jays of Johns Hopkins The Intersorority Basketball Tour- University, the Western Maryland College Terrors completely out- nament ended with the Phi Alpha hustled, out-classed, and out-scored their opponents and annexed Mu team on top. For several succes- a smashing decisive 65-45 Mason-Dixon Conference victory last sive years the Phi Alpha girls have Saturday in Gill Gym. captured the intersorority'trophy. The initial period featured keen competition between the Five teams were entered this year squads. Press and Hammaker dumped in several field goals, and the including the four sororities and an' Terrors led at quartertlme by a scant 15-14 margin. independent team. The recorda of wins , In the second period the WMC de- and losses for the sorority teams were fense tightened considerably and the as follows: Preachers Cage visitors were allowed to score only Team three times from scrimmage in this Phi Alpha Mu_ won 3 al)d loot 0 To Intramural Lead Sigma SI~ma Tau_ won 2 and loot 1 period .. Meanwhile the Terrors broke Independent team_won 2 and loot 1 the game wide open as Hammaker Delta Sigma Kappa won 1 and loot 2 Delta Pi Alpha's basketball team Iota Gamma Chl_ won 0 and loot 3 has forged ahead of the field In- the dropped a trio of "two-pointers" and The girls who played for Phi Alpha intramural loop by virtue of seven Press also was burning the cords with Mu were: Jean Hoyt, Bobbie Davison, victories. Harlow Henderson, quite an array of action shots. As the Pat Fetcho, Becky LeFew, Virginia s'tr-aig'ht periods closed Western Maryland held high scorer for the entire league with Hale, Jane Babylon, Ina Grice, Pat 85 points to his credit, has paced the a commanding 34-23 lead. Herman, Joan Kellogg, Adeline Allen, Preachers in three of their seven At the start of the second half the Joan Brengle, Nancy Holloway, Vir- games, and was runner-up in another hosts once more gave an inkling of ginia Andrews, Esther Gross, Estelle cage contest. "Skitch" has an average their determination when again they Zies, and Ethel Coffman. of 14 points per game, second only to limited the jays to but three field Joan Kellogg was high point girl Ed "Speed" Landefeld's 18 point aver- goals in the third period. Charlie in the tournament with 29 points, age racked up for Pi Alpha Alpha. White entered the game for the Ter- Pat Fetcho runner up with 27 points, Since their close victory over the rors and bolstered the offense as he followed by Bobbie Davidson 23 and Bachelors a month ago, the Preach- scored on two action shots from the Jean Hoyt 22. All four girls are Phi ers have gone on to win four more. jumping circle. The visitors, a de- Alphs. In the three games played the They easily subdued the Seminary moralized aggregation, were unable winners scored 110 points to their and the Hearts, 64-39 and 71-26 re- to close the gap as WMC continued opponents' 44. spect'ively. In the next game the pace- to match each shot of the 'JHU cagers. The girls' big Intramural Basket- setters set back the Gamma Bets by The final period was but a continua- ball Tournament began at the open- 20 points, Mitch 'I'ullai capping seer- tion of what had begun in the third ing of the second semester. The teams ing honors for the victors with 20, quarter. Press found the range again have all..been chosen on the basis of' and "Easy" Zepp for the losers, with and the onslaught continued. Neither skill, class, and attendance at prac- 11 points. The leaders' latest victory' team enjoyed a good night at the foul tices. The schedule and team rosters was over the Kegs, 73-46. mark, since the Terrors converted 17 have been posted. Games wiil be play- lIfq.kowski, the Terrors' only 108s becq.use of February g-radtw.tion, pulls down Henderson Takes Over Scoring Lead for 29 while the Jays displayed an ed daily at 4:25 'in the girls' gym. The another rebound. The leading scorers in the league even poorer eye, dropping only seven interest shown in basketball this sea- are: Skitch Henderson, Delta Pi of 18 attempts. son should make the tournament a WMC Nimrods IlHillmen II Trot To Alpha, 85 points, averaging fourteen "Artful Artie" again led the way very exciting one. points per game; Joe Deering, Alpha for the Hillmen by posting a high 29 Before the close of the season there Lose To JHU Gamma Tau, 74 points, tallying 12 points. Hammaker donated 13 and will be several inter-collegiate games. Easy 67-53 Win points a game; Mitch Tullai and Mike freshman Harry Tun obliged with an The girls chosen to represent WMC The Western Maryland College rifie Rentko of Delta Pi Alpha with 65 11 point effort. will be taken from the intramural squad bowed to the nimrods of Johns Despite an unimpressive third and 71 points respectively. Jack Urion, The win brought the Terrors' reo- I teams. The first home game will be Hopkins University 1323-1303. last quarter the WMC Terrors defeated Alpha Gamma Tau, holds fifth place crdto a respectable 7 and 5 log. with Mount St. Agnes on February 20 Saturday afternoon. visiting Baltimore University 67-53 on with 57 markers. Merrill Trader, at 7 :30 in the girl_s' gym. Shooting their highest scare since December 28, to boost their season Hearts, and Ed Landefelt are sixth Terrors Trounced the loss of their coach last fall, the record over the .500 mark for the and seventh with 55 and 53. Terrors should be well braced for the first time in the current campaign. In second place, a tall, fast Bache- WMC Scores two shoulder-to-shoulder matches com- The victory brought the log to five lor team is vying for top honors with InOvertime Contest ing up this week. record an enviable of six and one. Topping 57-42 Victory were Bob Wilson and John Clayton wins, as against four setbacks. Here are the atandings ;" Won Lost ern Catholic University handed West- the Green Terror squad team play and con- The aggressive its first Maryland Mason-Dixon Team with 264 and 262 respectively. Head- stant scoring of Walt Hart led the Pr .....cher1l ~ , • I) , setback as they nipped the visiting Baohelor1l Terrors, and thrilled the crowd to an Turning on the steam with a 23- ing the victor's five were Fadder with overwhelming 16-2 advantage in the K~. S S 2 2 'I'crrors by a single point, 67-66, in an Gamma Bets __. point final quarter, Western Mary- 297 and Addler with 271. initial period. RlackandWhitell_l 2 overtime tilt. land's cagers captured their second Wilson __ .~_._ 264 Seminary I) 0 S S Mter amassing a slim 26-22 advan- Rebels Clayton 262 game in a row as they ran away from noyle~ '" Big Chuck Hammaker began to Hearts • • tage at halftime, the Green and Gold an upset-minded Mt. St. Mary's quin- Titlow __ .._ 260 prove his worth in the second quaster "Anyone having scores of Hearts vs. fell victim to a CU rally during the Huback 21;7 when he capably controlled both back- tet, 57-42 on January 21. boards while also contributing 11 Rebels, Kegs va. Seminary, and Gam- third quarter. At the gun ending the Rallying from a 10-8 deficit at the ma Beta Chi vs. Alpha Gamma Tau fourth quarter the clubs were knotted end of the first quarter, the Green Terrors Top BU points to the local cause. Press and (first game), please put them in the up at 58 apiece. It looked as though an Terrors chalked up a 23':>20half time Makowski continued to set up the acorebook on a separate sheet of additional over-time canto would be bulge. Mter a see-saw third quarter In Cage Victory plays and Harry TuB also found the paper. required as both teams battled to an- for 4 points. These offensive range the Green and Gold was still on top, efforts, combining with Hart's stellar other deadlock. this time with both this time by virtue of a single point: Western Maryland made a clean defensive play gave the "Hillmen" an Terrors Easily aggregations showing 66 points, but 34-33. The teams battled to a 36-36 sweep of its two game series with - George Hughes provided the winning saw the visitors Beaten By Eagles deadlock before the Western Mary- Baltimore University when on Feb- impressive halftime lead. margin for the homesters as he con- land surge. . ruary 5 it scored a 'fW-58 win, also The third quarter verted a ~oul shot. It was his only Jack Rockford, Mountie sophomore enabling the Terrors to keep intact beginning to close the gap. However, Western Maryland's four-game win point of the evening, and came with center, slipped 14 points through the its win streak. at this point and throughout the final streak "was severed last Thursday five seconds left to play. hoop to pace the evening's scoring. With Press, Hammaker, and Hart period, Art Press and Ernie Makow- night when the bigh-flying Eagles of Artie Press, talented Terror for- Ernie Makowski tossed in 13 markers hitting eonststentlv to the tune of 19, ski returned to their usual outstanding American University visited the Hill ward, sent 27 points through the to take second spot and lead his team- 18, and 15 points respectively the form and led the squad on to a 67-53 and walked away with a 71-54 victory. mesh to walk off with the individual mates. Lanky Chuck Hammaker caged local quintet grabbed an early lead win. Press, dumping a last second The Terrors displayed their usual scoring honors for the evening.' A 12 and he was followed by push-shoot- that was never topped although scrimmage shot, led the attack again form as they battled their visitors to scant basket behind him was the viai- ing Walt Hart, who netted 11. threatened on several occasions. with a 21 point barrage, while Hart a halftime 32-28 score with the Ter- tors' bespectacled forward who sank Johnny Simon, outstanding Balti- dropped 19 for the winning cause. 25 points. Chuck Hammaker, elongat- more U. backcourtman, led the Uni- rors on the long end. ed Terror pivotman, took third honors A burst of points in the initial peri- Sho'men Toppled versity men with an 18 point flurry "Ern~e Makowski Night" Celebrated od by Walt Hart enabled the locals as he chalked up 18 points. . in the Iast half. Ma- "Ernie The college celebrated Baltimore U. was also outplayed kowski Night" since this was the last to grab a slight early lead. The second period followed much the same pattern In 72-71 Thriller from the foul line as the Terrors made game the February senior would play of the first as the Hillmen continued Compliments of good on 8 of 12 free throw attempts for the Green and Gold. Ernie in re- to hold on to the lead. Playing before a capacity crowd at for a 66% and Baltimore U. converted turn for the honor, pocketed 9 points The second half, however, was very Wine's Sport Shop Gill Gym January 18, the Green Ter- on 10 of 16 tries for a 62% average. and was also outstanding in his de- unimpressive as the Eagles returned rors annexed their second Mason-Dix- fensive efforts. much inspired and outecored the Ter- on Conference win at the expense of rors 19-4 in the third quarter. The the visiting Washington College to IT'S A BIG COUNTRY final stanza also offered little for the the tune of 72-71. with an local fans to yell about. , Western Maryland's 4-2 advantage ALL STAR CAST J. WM. HULL,Jew.ler This brought the Terror record to It Pays To Look Well was soon overcome by the visiting at the a six and five log. Sho'men-but not for long as the For Over Half Century Visit The Terrors came back hard and roared CARROLL THEATRE Expert Watch. Jewelry on to a 20-16 first period lead. February 13 & 14, 1952 Compliments of The second period provided an even Sponsored by and Eye-Glass Repairing Avenue B.rber Shop closer duel between the visitor's Nick International Relations J. R. EVERHART Scallion and Press. However, as Club COLLEGE BARBER Where The Students Go crafty as Scallion was, he greatly 105 W. Main Street At the Forks lacked the accuracy and precision of 40c 85 Pennsylvania Avenue western Maryland's "two points" hero. Press dropped six shots from scrimmage while Scallion showed only two scrimmage shots during the Compliments of FRESH! second period. VALENTINE CANDIES Pop Corn "MEET AT The second half lacked the "scor- ing-duel" interest of the first half , Caramel Corn but brought into focus the outstand- AVENUE LUNCH and CARDS Peanuts PET E'S ing offensive tactics of the Terrors Hart, Makowski, and Hammaker, and 104Yz Penna. Ave. or Sho'men Donny Sameie, and Jay Home-made Candy To Get Your Eats" Taylor. . Griffin's With less than 80 seconds remain- Main St. ~White Neon Sign ing, Walt Hart dumped the vital - THE TREAT SHOP scrimmage shot that again provided WMC a one point, 72-71 advantage.
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