Page 30 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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2 The Gold Bug, Feb. 12, 1952 The Dec/ine Ana We See By The Papers Looking some back old. through Years ago one lanky states- Fall Of History GOLD BUGS, we came across several man from Illinois said something By anonymous request, the GOLD interesting ideas in the February 1'T WMC as a. issue of '44, concerning about a government of the BUG now presents a leftover portion Dr. Thomas Frederick Marshall, college. This was apparently provoked people, by the people, and for of English History; professor of Amer-ican Literature, is by a general student sentiment which, one of ·Western Maryland's most. out- the people, We, the new staff, Part 76 (1537·1564) standing professors. His abilities and translated into language of the cynic, would like to paraphrase that accomplishments seem almost in- said-"Why bother?"- The Common People, or Esne, tiro for our own purposes and say ing of the incessant wars which King numerable. To many students, he is Some alumni, during their four publication of the students, by Reginald forced upon them, decided personification of their "ideal" college years on the Hill, had discovered the the students, and for the stu- to alleviate conflicts of all forms. professor. answer to this question. Dr. Charles dents. Reginald was currently planning a Dr. Marshall "grew up" in Phila., Bisk, a former classmate of Dr. Ma, We all know that the editorial war with Bervia for the following delphia, and went to school there. He kosky's, had this to say in excerpts and business staffs are composed causes, or otherwise: received the A.B. degree from Temple from a letter written to Dr. Makosky of students, but these are only 1. Things had grown almost stifling- and the A.M. and Ph.D. degrees from and also to the GOLD BUG- a small segment of the entire ly dull since the "Bloody Ear the University of Pennsylvania. Prior "I think I shall send my son to campus population, so that al- Massacre" in 1537. to his coming to WMC in 1943, he had Western Maryland, not because it is though the newspaper is by and 2. Bervia was conveniently located. taught in a Delmarva Peninsula high a college gone Country Club, but be- for students, it is not really of 3. The Prince of Bervia, school ahd rthe U. of P. He is widely cause it is a College and a Country Club." recognized as an authority in the field The Esne (people) decided that this ~~u~~~~:ibI~t:a~~~~~~~:aiow:~~ war talk would not be put into execu- of American poetry and drama and In writing directly to Dr. Makosky, locally as an authority on Edgar Allen newspaper, then the final pro- tion. Consequently., they drew up a Poe. The distinction of being the first he said, "I sincerely hope that he will duct would represent the com- document, cleverly entitled "A Docu- professor of American literature in so react to your stimulation that he will enjoy Mrs. Browning when he is bined efforts of WMe'ers, The ment" which averred that: . this state is his. middle-aged. But I want him to be sign on the GOLD BUG office 1. There must be no wars of any As all English professors do, he en- able to do more-to get along wen door reads "Student Publication sort. joys reading "books that I don't have Dr. Thomas F. lIfarshall with people. I want him to participate Office", and our primary purpose 2. These wars should not be folfght to read for my classes." He is also a in its program-to take part in some is to enrich the meaning of that without a good (or in some cases, music lover, and the Marshalls have quite extensive. To mention some, he of the dramatic productions so that phrase, To do this we need the bad) reason. a large record collection in addition is National Director of the College he can better interpret and under- cooperation and support of all 3. If the King insisted on belliger- to a well-stcckad library. He sings English Association and former presl- stand a wide variety of emotions and of you, We will fulfill our jobs to ent actions, the people would, in bass in the college choir, and states dent of the Middle Atlantic College personalities. I sincerely hope he can English Association. At present he is serve you to the best of our abili- order to preserve peace and save that he is not taking the course for compiling a twenty-five-year index of participate in some athletic activi- ty and will attempt to make our lives, start a bloody revolution. credit. At one time, he sang with the ties-and learn to take'it--after he's newspaper truly a student pub- The story goes that\ Reginald Philadelphia Civic Opera Company. the Amet·ican Literature magazine of hurt. which he is bibliographer. He is a lication, burped in his coffee while reading the The list of the organizations of member of the Edgar Allen Poe Soci- "Don't sell a college short that's document at breakfast with the re- which he is a member and the posi-. full of experiences consistent with In doing this, we will strive to ety and the Modern Language Asso- good living." as a maintain the high standards set suIt that this was interpreted people tiona he has held and does hold now is ciation. On the international scale, he Betty Bryan, who had spent some the belligerent action by by our predecessors, to cover all (Esne). is a member of the Modern Humani- time on the Hill and was then study- of the campus news, and to re- ties Association. He is president of ing at UCLA said she felt that "the So at 9 a. m. (after the King had flect student views and opinions, finished his coffee), the Bloody Revo- Women Are Great the local AUP and the Delta Pi Alpha dim twilight of the Hill is superior to We will try to commend those lution commenced, proceeding East- fraternity here on campus is proud the daylight in other institutions of programs and activities which ward at a speed of approximately 15 But Are They Real? to have him as faculty advisor. higher learning," are laudable and to detect weak- m.p.h. The results which resulted Dr. Marshall is fond of gardening There were other letters-all of nesses in those which do not were: Just how much woman is there in under the direction of Mrs. Marshall, them applauding Western Maryland, conform with the standards of 1. In 1547 King Reginald was mur- who, he claims, is the horticulturist not only aa a college but, more im- our college. We will undertake dered to death. a woman? That's a question that has of the family. He and his wife have portant, as a preparation for life. It gardens visited many of the ~mous been in the back of my mind now for to preserve and enhance the ex- 2. An act of 1553 stated that all some time. What has happened to that in. the Eastern part of the United is a sentiment which few of us bother celJent student-faculty relation- children born to him in the next desirable creature portrayed by the States. Their own flower garden is to cultivate----or, if we do, we wait ship we have here on the Hill, 10 years should be executed. bard as "a phantom of delight"? very lovely and is one of the show- until we are no longer part of the To the'best of our knowledge and In 1560, the war mysteriously ceas , I had just returned from a dance places of Westminster in the spring. college. ability we will follow the stand- I'd and was almost immediately fol- and was sociably seated in a comfort- On the sporting side, Dr. Marshall Perhaps if we would think about it ards of good journalism, and we Iowed by: ably furnished Jiving room, a glass of is a one time professional baseball while we are still here-still bene- fiting not only from the educational hope to publish a newspaper of 1.1561. punch in one hand, and a fist full player. He was active in college ath- aspects but from the countless other which WMe'ers can be proud, 2. The Prince of Bervia. of cookies in the other. Pleasant fe- letics, winning letters for baseball, sides of life which we can find, if we In order to celebrate the peace, the male type chatter was issuing back football, and track. Many WMC'ers people (Esne) and Esne (people) and forth and t found myself drtft- will remember him on the basketball only take the time to look or them, we would not have to be like so many I Pins ,~ Points chose up sides in 1564, and began a ing into the long practiced unlike the of court last year! others and discover what we've missed stage great conflict called the war of 1562. dreamy half attention-not Test Paper-Part 76 eight. o'clock lecture attitude-when -when it's too late. 1. What were the Prince of Bervia's the Love Comes In Bill Simpson, our able student gov- objections to the Revolution? my reverie was suddenly exploded by ernment president last year, has again 2. What were King Reginald's ob- the calm question posed by given us reason to be very proud of jections to the Prince of Bervia 1 mother of my host. him, He is one of the winners of the 3. Comment briefly on at least sev- "And what color is --'s hair Strange Packages Fullbright Scholarships to the Unl- eral of the following: now?" she inquired. by JI.1arvina Munch versity of Edinbergh, We're not sur- a. 'Henry II. Without batting an eyelash, my Love has come to Blanche Ward prised and we're sure he knows our 4. Answer in three words or less: date replied with equal equanimity, Hall. It made its entrance quietly BeJore the close of first semester, best wishes go with him, a. What were Reginald's four "Oh, it's natural now ... " sometime after Christmas with the the Student Government Council was confronted with a serious and unprec- Libby Schubert and Ed Wright, as famous words before dying 1 "What a shame," murmured our appearance of a number of brightly edented problem, involving not only well as Janet High and Henry Lewis OR hostess, "she had such a pretty shade colored books-a welcome relief from infractions of regulations by a few have added their names to our honor b. Imitate the facial expres- the last time she was here. It's nat- the dull textbooks so much in evidence but a general roll of engagements. Our felicitations! sions (if any) of Reginald ural, you say 1" before and dur-ing exams. These individuals, and immaturity attitude of prevalent flagrancy Whoever is responsible for putting during the entire fiscal year "Umm humm, she got tired of books, known to the initiated as "love in a large group of students. This atfi- up the doors in the grill should reo of 1562. touching it up and had it dyed back." comics," are avidly read, and eagerly tude found expression among the men ceive a loud round of applause, It (Students are required to refer to Uncorking my neck, I took another exchanged from girl to girl. The titles students through wanton destruction was a great idea. Now we can engage Patrick Henry whenever possible). squint at my date, and cast a apeeula- in themselves are intriguing, to say of college and private property, and in late afternoon dissertations until tive eye over her beautiful blonde the least. "Lovers' Lane," "Love Con- among the women students through the bell summons us to dinner. DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE hair. Nope, it didn't look redone fessions," "Love at First Sight," and several instances of complete disre- The new students that we've seen to me. Later I was to find out that it many others, all on the same time- gard for the necessary rules govern. dashing f.rom classes to the .gfill and COPY: wasn't, but how can a poor man tell 1 honored' subject. Some of the covers ing the conduct of women on this earn- back agalD, seem to be addmg a lot How many more tricks did women offer tantalizing glimpses of the story pus. to the campus-besides new faces. Wednesday, February 20 have up their starched little puffed inside-"I \Vore A Price Tag," "One A solution to the perplexing situa· They certainly look like a promising sleeves 1 Reckless Moment," "One~Date Aman. tion was not reached easily or quickly. group and we're sure they'll live up da." One cover showed a weeping girl Finally, however, those men partici· to expectations. who sobbed, "The saddest words I pating in activities detrimental to the ever heard-'Be seein'..ya!'" The story safety of their fellow dorm residents Need we mention the fact that so depicted was liberally sprinkled Thursday will bring the renowned with that little gem "Be seein' ya!" were given the alternative of con· Cupid out of hibernation for a few ducting themselves as mature college hours." Amazing what a card can do! In fact, so many of these stories men or remaining in their rooms from Girls please note-it is leap year. have' young people (usually in. high 6:30 p. m. to 7:00 a. m. The women school) falling in love on the first date who premeditatedly given violated college I in front of mirrors with tears in their ness of their offenses. The punish~ or with each other and being married the were regulations punishments THE GOLD BUG next week that it is not uncommon ~hat the Women's Student Council felt to see girls in Blanche Ward standing were applicable in view of the serious~ is wrong eyes wondering just what ments were not given vindictively with them that nothing like that has happened to them. But in spite of the of a few offenders. Rather, their pur· inferiority complexes so developed, in an attempt to make an example pose was to show that college regula. these books remain ever popular, even tions are for the benefit and protec- Member among the so-called intellectuals. tion of the students and are not estab- Allociated Colleglat. Press It is hard to define the charm of lished merely to be broken. A firm Subscription Price $.2.00 a Year these books. Surely they were not stand has been taken in matters of written for intelligent" (?) college this type, and the council will main. EDITORIAL STAFF students-but then why are they so tain its position. It is sincerely hoped Editor_in·chief _______.Jane McLeod, '63 popular 1 Perhaps a psychologist or that the students will consider the Managing Editor Bob Wilson, '64 New. Edtton Barl>o.ra B..nkson, '[;8 sociologist would have some good council's action with a view to under- C..rolyn M ..ngels, '58 ideas. It could be sheer boredom from standing and accepting the responsi· Feature Editor __ .....Betty Wal"'r, '53 Sporta Editor Eddie Smith, '55 too much academic work that makes bilities of college men and women. New.·}'eature Editor __ Charl ... Wheatley, '64 Copy Editor GU8 LaMar, '65 them a welcome relief; it could be In an effort to raise more funds for Typing Editor __ Betty-McWilliam", '63 that in Leap Year, a young maiden's the student lounge, SGA is sponsoring Photographer Ernie Green, '53 C..rtoonist ._._~Jlm Muller, '52 fancy lightly turns to that ever- a concert by the City College Glee BUSINESS STAFF interesting subject. One thing sure- Club on April 29. This group's pro~ Bu.in_ Manaa-er Glen Ashburn, '53 Advertising M..nager __ Paul Lambertson, '54 whoever does any research work on gram was received enthusiastically Circulation M ..nager 8ue Simpaon, '53 the Jove comics will have a pleasant last year when they appeared at an CONTRIBUTORS, Joanne Althouse, Rita task. Imagine! Reading all of those assembly, and it is certain that their" Burket, Carol Coleman, TOlD Dougl ..... , Paul Farnham, George Glpe, Harry Grander, John fascinating things you want to purely spring concert will be even more en- Haller, Bob;L ..ll, Jean Nicodemus. Shir· "Let's take it easy on the throw.away bottles, Jack!" in the interest of science! joyable. ley Ricard., Ellen Rudolph.
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