Page 29 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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Library -.iestern Mat'yland College ruaB SCA Confere~ce Bachelors, To n --e"Ji'\S~' Mel. a F:~,~~~!~t:~~,~~~~Crown Alpine '1 ur; was sponsored by the SeA and which D ~~=i;~~:YOfD~heD~V~:a::;~:[!o~:: ance ueen Z280 ligion at Beloit College, Beloit, Wis- Alpha Gamma Tau will present the consin, was held on February 10, 11, Alpine Winter Carnival at 8:30 p. m. Vol. 29, No, 8 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. and 12. The theme of the conference in Gill Gymnasium on Saturday, Feb- was "The Acquisition of a Faith." "'- ruary 16. During intermission a silver The seA program began when Dr. loving cup will be prcsented to the Pershing RiRe Soci,ety Soper spoke at Chapel Sunday eve- Carnival Queen who will be selected ning on "Love Without Prayer is Self- by those attending the dance. Love," followed by an informal dis- Photographs of contestants for Inducts New Members cussion at Fireside that same eve- Carnival Queen have been submitted Ceremonies were held on January On Monday at 6:45 p. m., he to the book store where the cup has 21 in Yingling Gymnasium for the been on display for the last two weeks. semi-annual initiation of new mem- The six finalists for the contest will be bers to Western Maryland's Com- chosen by the fraternity dance com- pany M-5 of the National Society of mittee and theifpictures will be posted Pershing Rifies. Twenty-five freshmen on the main bulletin board tomorrow. and sophomores were inducted during The tickets for the dance are ballots an impressive service. and each person will vote upon enter- The initiation was conducted by in~!::r~:nn;e. from the traditional ~;~;~!~~L~!~;en:~~:t~h:;ie~i~l~e~~~ crepe-paper streamers and decora- Weldon Reed, Steve Pupa, Ted Bobi- tions, the..gymnasium will be decor- lin, and Sergeants Kenny Shook and ated to simulate an Alpine winter Don Smith, officers of the fraternity. lodge, complete with rustic fire-places, They explained the significance of the deer heads, and a large picture window crossed rifles and the American Flag overlooking the graceful Alpine ski in relation to the organization. A slopes. Costumed waiters and recep- brief biographical sketch of General ~~:~;~~~n:~ill~~~!d~~~;~~l~~h :~~ John J. Pershing, founder of the So- Seated: Betty Walter, Glen Ashburn, Bob Wilson, Barbara Bankson, Carolyn .Mangels. danceable music will be supplied by ~il:t;e~~:d ~~~~;!r:'o~r~~e~i~:S~'~~~ Standing: Ed Smith, Gus LaMar, Betty McWilliams, CharMS Wheatley. Larry Abell and hie orchestra. The the rest of the men looked on the oath Alpine Winter Lodge's Snack Bar will • was administered to the member's- Dr. Soper serve sandwiches and soft drinks at elect. McLeod Announces GOLD BUG reasonable prices. Qualifications Stated lectured on "Today's Faith or Yester- Marvin Seigle is chief coordinator Qualifications for membership stated day's Forum" and spoke to the stu- for the dance; Tom Scott is in charge in the Constitution provide that bids Staff Appointments For 1952-53 dent body at an assembly on Tuesday of publicity; Joe Eline, tickets; John may be tendered only to those men at 11:30. This evening at 6:45 p. rn. Haller, decorations; Dennis Boyle, who are second semester ROTC stu- Jane McLeod, recently named editor-in-chief of the 1952-53 the theme of his lecture will be "The orchestra; Dick Durst, refreshments, dents with at least a "B" in military GOLD BUG, has announced the flew editorial staff positions for the Whole Christ." and Jack Urion, clean-up. . science for the preceding semester. year. In Demand As Lecturer The dance, scheduled from 8:30 to In addition, the candidates must have Named to the position of managing editor of the GOLD BUG Dr. Soper is much in demand as a 11:45 p. m., is semi-formal and non- at least a "C" average in overall col- for the ensuing year was Bob Wilson, a sophomore and past editor lecturer and conference leader, and corsage. Tickets at $2.0o._a couple may lege work, show potential leadership of th~ sports page. Bob, a chemistry major, is also vice-president has written the' book, "These Found be obtained from any Bachelor or at ability, be proficient at drill, and have of his class, a member..of the Student It Way," which contains accounts of the offices of the girl's dormitories any an active and constructive interest in Government and of Gamma Beta Chi. thirteen converts to Protestant Chris- time this week. the military. Club News Appointed co-news editors were tianity. He has also edited a volume The Pershing Rifie Society was ini- Barbara Bankson and Carolyn Man- entitled "Room for Improvement" tiated at Western Maryland only last gels, both juniors. Barbara, an English steps for Sturdivant Appointed v,;hich discusses the next year. It has in that short time, how- French Club major, has worked with the GOLD French Club will next meet on Wed- year ticles and essays, and has personally President 01 ASS ever, secured a place for itself along nesday, February 20, from 7 to 8 p. m. BUG since her freshman news-feature and Protestants, has published many ar- has served as reporter, on the Hill. with the other fraternities interviewed thirty of the world's lead- Dr. H. P. Sturdivant, head of the Among those inducted were Arthur in'McDaniel Lounge. It should prove and assistant news editor. She is also ing theologians. Biology Department, has accepted the GernllJ;'ld,David Horton, Carl Halle, to be a gala evening of entertainment a member of Sigma Sigma Tau, in Dr. Soper enjoys the stimulation position of President of the Associa- James Harrison, Jim Marshall, Don with bridge and bingo being played which she serves as editor of the of the student mind, and the SCA has tion of Southeastern Biologists to Hensler, Richard Linton, James Le- a la francais and with a pleasant sorority yearbook. Carolyn has pre- hoped that Western Maryland's' stu- succeed Professor W. M. A. Deacon of vay, John Hasllp, Paul Lambertson, interlude of la danse. Whether or not viously served in the capacity of news- dents have profited by his lectures. Vanderbilt University, the' associa- David H. Gwynn, and Roy Etzler. you know French, be sure to attend feature editor and has contributed tion's executive board has announced. Ellis Cline, Robert Davidson, James if you wish to have a grand hour of much along the news writing line. A Seventeen New Students The ASB, with headquarters at Monninger, Barry Winkleman, Barry fun. IRe math major, she is also a member of Phi Alpha Mu. Pickus, Sam Mann, Donald Radcliffe, Enroll At Mid-Semester Emory University, Georgia, meets Philip Lowyer, and Donald Haut com- The IRC held elections for officers Betty Walter, past assistant editor each spring. ASB members are large- ly biological research workers from plete the list of Induetees. for the second semester, and the fol- of the feature page, has been named Student enrollment at mid-semester lowing were elected: Edward Early, to the position of feature editor. A brought seventeen new students to such institutions as Duke 'University, president; Wesley Stone, vice-preai- junior English major, Betty is a mem- Western Maryland, of whom 13 are University of North Carolina, Univer- Vincent To' Lecture dent; Kay McLaughlin, secretary; and ber of the College Players and Phi men and four are women. Five of sity of Virginia, and Oak Ridge, Corrinne Schofield, program chair- Alpha Mu. these students transferred from other Tennessee. On American Novel man. The IRC wishes to announce A newcomer to the masthead is Ed colleges; 12 are freshmen. Pour Dr. Sturdivant has been a member that it has been invited to send dele- Smith, sports editor, and a freshman \Vestern Marylanders have returned for the past nine years, and has served Dr. Howard P. Vincent, Professor gates to the Interregional Conference from the Eastern Shore. A graduate to the campus to continue their as vice-president of the organization of English at the Illinois Institute of of IRCs at Notre Dame of Baltimore of Cambridge High School, he was studies, two having been in the serv- since last April. He says his duties as Technology, will be the guest speaker on February 16. The conference con- editor of both the paper and yearbook will consist of setting president up ice. the programs for' meetings and pre- at an assembly in Alumni Hall on cerns the Middle East trouble spot, and president of the Student Govern- At the end of last semester five siding over them and over the func- Tuesday, Fcbruary 19. and Mr. Early has been asked to be ment. students completed their studies here tions of the executive board. Dr. Vincent win lecture to the stu- the main speaker in one of the panel Charles Wheatley, a sophomore, has on the Hill and will receive their Dr. Sturdivant, a resident o:(.West. dents and faculty on the subject groups on the subject, "Economic As- been selected for the position of news- diplomas in June. The mid-year "Moby Dick, the Biography of a pects of the Middle East." Senator feature editor, having previously graduates are Jane Babylon, William minster, is also president of the local Book." Apparently, the Professor is O'Conor is to speak at the luncheon worked with the GOLD BUG as re- Hallmark, James Gordon, Charles Kiwanis Club and of the Maryland well-acquainted with his subject, for and other notable speakers, including porter and proofreader and handled Immler, and Ernest Makowski. Biology Teachers Association. he is the author of a book entitled The Admiral Hill, are to be there. Contact the job of copy editor on the 1951-52 The number of students leaving the Trying Out of iUoby Dick and editor one of the officers of the IRC if you staff. He is a member of Gamma Beta college at the close of the semester women who left showed an increase of a selection entitled The POemB of are interested in attending this con- Chi. was less this year than last, the but the total was approximately two- Her-mum; .Melville, the former publish- ference, which will cost approximate. Freshman Appointed 'regtsbra'r reported. The number of thirds of last year's figure. ed in New ¥ork in 194.9,the latter in ly $2.00 including luncheon. Appointed to the position of copy Chicago in 1947. In addition, Dr. Vin- cent has edited Moby Dick in ecllab- The IRe is sponsoring the movie editor was Gus LaMar, also a new- Sororities, Fraternities Elect Omcers , oration with Luther Mansfield. The "It's a Big Country" on February 13 comer to the staff. A freshman, High he graduated from Bladensburg and it is sincerely hoped that every- publication date of this book is Feb- School where he was editor Second semester officers for the secretary; Janet High, treasurer; ruary 14., 1952, Chicago. Dr. Vincent one will support this function so that newspaper. of the the IRC may be able to bring to the eight sororities and fraternities on the Debbie Wilbraham, alumni secretary; is also well-known for his many ar-ti- campus speakers of good quality. Asked to retain their positions were cles and reviews on art and literature. Hill have been elected and are listed Nancy Kroll, sergeant-at-arms; Nell Besides his job as English Profes- The February meeting of the IRC Betty McWilliams, typing editor and below. Hughes, inter-sorority representative. will be held Monday 'evening, Febru- a senior economics major; Ernie Nancy Neel was elected president sor, Dr. Vincent is at present a Ford ary 18, at 6:45 p, m. The speakers Green, photographer, also an econom- of Delta Sigma_Kappa; Joan Grube, Fraternities Choose Officers Foundation Travelling Scholar. In will be Miss Gwyneth Davies and ics major and president of the Camera vice-president; Nancy Walker, trees- Alpha Gamma Tau elected John March he leaves for France to pur- Miss Mary Jenkins, two exchange Club and a member of Pi Alpha urere ; Susan Rinehart, chaplain; Vir- Haller president; Bill Jones, vice- sue his studies of the Fr~nch artist teachers from Wales who are now Alpha; and Jim Muller, cartoonist, a ginia Schoellner, sergeant-at-arms; Daumier. teaching in the Ham~stead High senior English major' and secretary Marie Chenette, alumni secretary; !::Si~~~~, ;;:a~u:!~h~:hn s~~~~7s: School. They will speak about the edu- of Gamma Beta Chi. Dorothy Bliss, inter-sorority repre- ehaplain ; Myron Brodie, sergeant-at- C.mpus Sororities Accept cational system in Wales in com- As previously announced, Glen Ash- sentative. arms. parison with the American educational burn, a junior, will serve as business Iota Gamma Chi chose Joan Ham- President of Delta Pi Alpha is Walt Eleven New Members system. manager of the GOLD BUG, on which pel, president; Sally Griffin, vice- Hart; vice-president, Alton Davidson; LSA he has held the positions of circula- president; Pat Crawford, recording secretary, Mike Rentko; treasurer, Sorority bids were sent out on Tues- The Lutheran Students Association tion manager and assistant business secretary; Dorothy Phillips, corres- Gil Stang; sergeant-at-arms, Ed Kel- day evening, February 5, after the is holding its February meeting in manager. ponding secretary; Doris Reck, treas- ly; chaplain, Pete Warner. meetings and were accepted Wednes- 203 Science Hall at 6:45 p. m. on Wed- Co~tinuing in her. capacity as. cir-' urer; Liz Kuhn, historian; Nancy Gamma Beta Chi's president is Pat day evening between 8:00 and 8:30 in nesday, February 20. Dr. Falkenstein, culatto~ ~anager WIll be Sue ~lmp- \Vagner, inter-sorority representative. Huddle: vice.president, Jim Sullivan; the various dubrooms. Phi Alpha Mu's new president is secretary, Jim Muller; treasurer, Bill Marlona Wine, Sally Marable, and ~:~!:ra o:r~:l:~~:~~~: :n~~~~ ~~ • ~~~: J;:~~r and a member of Sigma Donna Kohl; vice-president, Anna Lee Callas; sergeant-at-arms, Ira Zepp; Annette Shick are the new members Park; secretary, Jean Curl; treasurer, Beta Pi, Stu Abrahams. of Delta Sigma Kappa; Iota Gamma Shortest Wa.y Home. There will fol- Canterbnry Club Iowa brief business meeting in which Ina Grice; alumni secretary, Nat Don Smith was elected president Chi rook in Charlotte Bonneville, June plans will be made for the second an- The Ce.nterbury Club had its annual Grace; ch~plain, Mary Hawkins, ser- of Pi Alpha Alpha; Mike Chirigos, Lambert, and Bev Stringfield: and nual spaghetti supper, which is to be spaghetti supper on Monday, Febru- geant-at-arms, Patty Ray. vice-president; Roger Ault, corres_ Carolyn Brenner, Laurrie Shakarjin, held in the immediate future. ary 11. The faculty, students, and Marvina Munch will serve as presi- ponding secretary; Ken Shook, record- Emma Lou Downs, Mary Brown, and AU Lutheran students and friends church parishoners all had a delicious dent of Sigma Sigma Tau; Betty Cal- ing secretary; Dan Osborne, treasur_ Joyce McClaren accepted bids from 1ender, vice_president; Doris Corbin•. er; Ed Landefeld, Sergeant-at-arn;s. Sigma Sigma Tau. have been urged to attend.
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