Page 27 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Jan. 15, 1952 restling' Squad Prfi!achers Lead Tullai Retells ows To Balto. U. Inter-Frat League Experience At Western Maryland lost its first mat Delta Pi Alpha, winning three ISsIeto a strong Baltimore U. team straight games, has zoomed off to a Bowl Contest st Friday by a score of 26-8. fast head start over the rest of the George Daviglus started the match field in the intramural basketball the 123-1b. class match by pinning tourney. Mike Rentko and Ed Toman "The Blue-Gray Bowl Game pro- eid of the Baltimoreans in a quick shared scoring honors as the Preach- vided for me the finest culmination o minutes and two seconds. The ers edged the Black and Whites in possible as I completed my college owd was brought to its feet, cheer- their first game, 49-40. Chick Silber- football career. The spirit of the game g, as George worked a body press stein paced the losers with twelve together With the training and ex- give WMC the initial five points. points, and Ed "Speed" Lan'defeld was perience gained at Western Maryland the next bout, Toston of B. U. runner-up with nine. The Preachers afforded me the opportunity to com- owned Trimble in a minute and then faced the Kegs, whom they sub- plete my grid days in such an out- wenty-five seconds. In the shortest dued, 56-46. Mike Rentko again held standing manner." atch of the afternoon, Al Shapiro scoring honors with seventeen points, Speaking was Mitch TuUai who on inned the Terror's Jim Levay in one less than in the previous game. December 29, 1951, participated as a orty-seven seconds. Rhody decisioned Rogan, of the victors and Barnes and member of the Blue Team in the an- avenis, 4-1 in points, to pick up Komanick, of the Kegs, scored ten nual Blue-Gray bowl game held in hree for the visitors, making the apiece. VNth two victories behind Montgomery, Alabama. The game, eore13-5. them, a confident Preacher five strol- sponsored annually by the Blue-Gray In the 157-1h. class, Al DOOTY,last led onto the court to meet the Bache- Cradle Association for the Crippled ear Mason-Dixon Champion in that lors, a formidable foe. In the first Children of America drew over 23,000 lass, brought down Bill Brill in fifty half, the Preachers forged ahead 19- rabid fans. The fans themselves were cccnda of the second period. 15, and stayed in the lead to win by treated to one of the best bowl games Art Shanklin provided the crowd eight in a low-scoring game, 41-33. of the 1951 grid season as the Gray ith one of the most exciting matches Three teams are tied for second edged the Blue 20-14 as a final, des- f the afternon. From the sound of. place, with one victory and one loss peration pass was snagged in the end he whistle, Art was on the offensive. apiece. Alpha Gamma Tau, Gamma zone with but eighty seconds remain- e quickly brought his adversary, Beta Chi, and the Kegs are averaging ing. Walt" \Valtemyer to the mat, seer- .500, while the rest of the field has Mitch represented Western Mary- ng two points in so doing. Walte- not broken into the win column. land on the North's 24-man squad. yei- then proceeded to use a double The Standings: Because of his outstanding ability, he vr-ist lock, an illegal hold, giving Art Team Won Lost Pct. was in the defensive backfield for the nether two points. At the end of the Delta Pi Alpha.... 3 o 1.000 Blue. Offensively Tullai carried four it-st. period, Shanklin was ahead, 6-1, K,,,, .500 times from the right halfback slot . y virtue of another take-down after Alpha Gamma He also received the second half ,kick- n escape by Waltemyer. Art chose Tau _._ _ . .500 off for the Blue . op position to start the second three .50'0 Playing at his side was Pat O'Dona- inutes. Two more points came his Gamma Beta Chi hue, All-American from Wisconsin, ay by an illegal hold of Walt. In Rebels .000 while opposing him were Fred Ben- he last period, starting from the Pi Alpha Alpha .._ .000 ners, SMU passer of national fame, ottom, Art reversed his opponent out Hearts .000 and All-American Bill Carey of Mis- t a double arm: lock, and was on top Seminary ,000 Press scores two as White circles c[ter pass-off. sissippi State. Benners, the field-gen- uring the remainder of the bout. The eral of the Gray, was voted the out- nal point score was 12-1, putting the WAA Selects standing player of the game because otal match score at 18-8. Western Maryland Wins of his pin-point passing attack that Ray Faby then stepped irr to meet kept the South in the running coolest, Honorary id Golden, Mason-Dixon Champion Team throughout the entire contest. est year, and one of the First Mason-Dixon Game For his efforts, Tullai, like the estest, and strongest wrestlers ever The WAA Honorary Hockey Team other participants, received a gold o come on a Western Maryland mat. was announced last month. The girls football, a leather wallet, and a tel' scoring two points in the first selected as members of this team are Starting the New Year off in im- scant four points in the second quar- leatherette finger nail set, plus $100 eriod with a take-down, Golden chosen by the WAA Board, on the pressive fashion, Western Maryland's ter. Western Maryland outscored their for expenses. orked a body press on Ray to pin basis of their sportsmanship, skill, courts tel'S hnng a lopsided 68ยท49 tal- opponents 38-27 during play in the im in 4:06. In the unlimited weight attitude, pa.rticipation, as well as hav- lyon a visiting Mount St. Mary's second half. lass, Marsh and Millner went all the ing been a member of the first team quintet. This was the Terrors' initial ven- The ColTman-Fisher CO, ay, Millner of B. U. taking the de- for their class. Once again it was the Green-and- ture into Mason-Dixon play this sea- ision 8-4, to add three points to the I Gold's crack forward, Art Pr-ess, who son while the losers suffered their DEPARTMENT STORE 23 they had piled up in the course of In an interview with the members topped the individual scoring column. second reversal against one triumph. he afternoon. of this team, it was found that half He pushed 9 field goals and 7 penalty The victory gave Western Maryland 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 of them have been playing hockey its second win of the season, while it only three years, but several girls tosses through the hoop for an over- has received setbacks in three con- of 25 markers. all total Hart, Walt RiRe Team Bows have had more than five years ex- at the other forward post for the Hill, tests. JV team came through perience. Most of the girls have re- The Terror ceived all of their training in regular pumped in five baskets and four free in a blaze of glory as it trounced the BOYLES o Virginia Military school programs although a few of shots for 14 points. Tied with him was Mount JV team in the preliminary Ted Hachnowski, who Mount forward them have had the opportunity of contest of the evening. RESTAURANT The nimrods of Western Maryland going to a hockey camp. netted six and two. Third honors went College bowed to the l'iftemen of Vir- The sophomore class is represented to Joe Warner of Mount St. Mary's, Across from State Theatre ginia Military Institute, 1335-1283, in on the team by the largest number of who had 10 points. PATRONIZE a ahoulder-tc-sbculder match held on girls, Joan Kellogg, left inner, a fast After taking a six-point, 17-11, lead OUR -- the VMI range last week end. player, good in stick work and making in the first period, the Terrors piled ADVERTISERS. Excellent Sandwiches Leading the Terror sharpshooters goals; Pat Fetcho, left wing, first up a 30-15 half-time advantage as a was Nick Gwynn with 265 points out year on the honorary team and plays sturdy defense held the visitors to a Homemade Ice Cream of a possible 300. Close behind and in a good game; Ginny Andrews, center the number two position for the Green forward, scores lots of points and__is team was Fred Hubach with 261 always on the alert; Pat Herman, G.C. Murphy & Co. Comp1iments of points. goalie, always makes it tough for the Top man for the Cadets was John opposing team to score; and Mar- T. W, Mather & Sons Henderson, who fired 274. Needless to lonna Wine, left fullback transfer The Friendly Store "MEET AT say, VMI was a most gracious host. student, playing her second year of The Western Marylanders had free hockey. Dormitory and Classroom run of the gym which included swim- Veteran players on the team rep- PETE'S ming pool. On their second night in resenting the senior class, Ina Grice, Suppliei Virginia, the team was treated to a right inner, eight years of experience, Compliments of double header basketball game which and knows the game "like a book"; 6_10 West Main Street To Get Your Eats" featured VMI against George Wash- Janet High, left wing, a fast gal who Wine's Sport Shop ington and VPI against the Generals is sure to build up the score; Char- Westminster, Md. Main St.-Red Neon Sign of Washington and Lee. lotte Reed, left fullback, excellent in Coaching the Western Maryland defense work and member of the club this year is Sgt. Pierre LaVoy, honorary hockey team for four years; who replaced Sgt. Rufus Puryear, now and Joyce Schmidt, right inner, fast with the Far Eastern Command. gal ..with tricky stick work. Good Health Compliments of Score J. WM. HULL, J.w.I., Gwynn ;~~. Bo~~~ej~:~i:o~~:~g~St ~e~~e~::~~d a~~ To Hubach _.. 253 all around player who is always in the AVENUE LUNCH For Over Half Century Rhoads ..._ .. ._._ ._ 252 thick of the game; Lois Ohler, center All Wilson . ..~_. Expert Watch, Jewelry Clayton ._..._ 252 ~o:~e::; fi;I:~~;:ra~~n;:~~~ t~~mF~~~ From 104Vz Penna. Ave. and Eye-Glass Repairing l;:i REXALL Adams ._.... :~~~~y;~~:'he: !~:tle::~i~; t::lga::: 105 W. Main Street Titlow 246 The freshman class is well repre- Lambertson _ ._ 246 sented by Doris Tuckwood, center half Overholtzer. 239 back, a Pennsylvania girl who plays Hensler 234 an excellent game; Carter Baum, left half back, a girl from Bethesda, Mary- I land, who is very fast moving, alert Bixler and Guild FRESH! and hard-hitting player, and Jackie SUGAR 'N SPICE Pop Corn The 3 T's Palmer, right half-back, a Maryland Drug Co. Confectionery girl who can always be depended upon Drugs 'N EVERTHING NICE Caramel Corn geed game. to playa Peanuts 166 W. Main Street Cigars or Compliments of ICE CREAM Cosmetics Griffin's Home-made Candy SOFT DRINKS J. R. EVERHART Candies THE TREAT SHOP DRUG SUNDRIES COLLEGE BARBER John and Main Phone 1050 At the Forks
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