Page 25 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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Libr§.ry ~:estern MarYland College nllD.ster, Md. SNALLYGASTER ACP STUDENT RETURNS 1~'Ulf, POLL RESULTS PAGE 2 PAGE 4 Vol. 29, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 15, 1952 Mitchell To Direct Natio'nal Symphony Pi Alpha Alpha Jane McLeod. Named Editor In Annual Concert Program At WMC Slates Micl-Year Of 1952-53 Gold Bug Staff Ball On Saturclay The National Symphony Orchestra of Washington, D. C., long hailed as , Jane McLeod, class of '53, has been named Editor-in-chief of one of the leading major symphonic This year's Mid-Semester Hop, call- the GOLD BUG staff for the next year by Retiring Editor Stan organizations in the United States, ed the Plantation Ball in honor of Bowlsbey, with the approval of Mrs. Evelyn W. Wenner, faculty ad- will play a special concert in Alumni the birthday of Robert E. Lee, is be- viser of the paper. Glen Ashburn has been selected to succeed Jack Hall on Tuesday, February 5, at 8:15 ing sponsored by: the Pi Alpha Alpha Loper in the position of business manager. p- m. The orchestra is under the Fraternity and will be held on Sat- Jane, a Baltimorean, who was grad- permanent direction of Dr. Howard urday from 8:30 to 11:45 in Gill Gym- uated from Eastern High School with ].litchell. nasium. honors in '49, has worked on the , One of the nation's most repre- As the 'title reveals, this dance is GOLD BUG staff since her freshman sentative musical ensembles, the Na- based on the theme of a Southern year. Beginning her college literary tional Symphony Orchestra's growth plantation. Bob Hessenauer's'13 piece career as a feature writer, she soon has been nothing short of phenomenal. orchestra, formerly the Sam Proctor rose to head the feature page. Last Organized in 1931-with less than 100 Orchestra, will provide the music February, Jane was selected manag- sponsors, the National Symphony has from the "porch" of a mansion while ing editor and has served in that grown into an energetic organization couples dance on the "lawn". capacity up to the present time. which, during its 20th season, boasted The refreshments will also lend to Jane is majoring in mathematics, more than 7,000 subscribers to the the atmosphere, for a type of mint is junior class representative to the annual sustaining fund which guaran- julep will be served. Ed Shattuck is Student Government, and is a mem- tees its existence. chairman of the refreshment com- ber of Phi Alpha Mu, in which she mittee; John Isaac and Jack Lambert Truly, the "National Symphony Or- Dr. Howa1'd Mitchell are co-chairmen. Chairmen of the serves as editor of the sorority year chestra" in scope, this busy organiza- decoration committee are Paul Daw- book. She also is historian of her tion presents mow than fifty regular famed ballet company, an annual son and Tom Dryden, publicity is be- class, a member of the Lutheran Stu- events each season and provides musi- tour, a Baltimore season, and a series ing handled by Roland Fleischer, and dent Association, and is presently cal culture for Americans from all of popular concerts at nearby colleges Jack Loper is chairman of the clean- chairman of the script committee of over the country who are living in, and universities. . , up committee. The ticket committee the Junior Follies. or visiting the Capital, and for rep- In order that the National Sym- has Jim Vossrat its head and the Business Manager Appointed resentatives of many foreign coun- phony Orchestra may be heard by as tickets which are $2.00 per couple Jane lI1cLeod tries. In addition to scheduling 26 many Americans as possible during may be purchased from any member Glen Ashburn is a junior sociology regular concerts at popular prices in its 21st season, an extended tour has of Pi Alpha Alpha. Tri-J3eta Send. Delegates major who has served the GOLD BUG Washington's Constitution Hall, the been arranged throughout the East- in 'several capacities. He worked as orchestra also presents 12 special ern and Southern states. To Biological Conference proof reader during his first year, children's concerts, 10 free neighbor- All seats are reserved. Tickets are Mr. Lippy To Speak Western Maryland's Alpha Mu served as circulation manager last hood concerts, a series of outdoor con- $1.50, and may be purchased in Me- Chapter of Beta Beta Beta was well semester, and was named assistant certs at the Watergate on the banks Daniel Hall office. Student tickets may At Sunday Fellowship represented at the national biological business manager in September. He of the Potomac River, regular per- be obtained by presenting the college fraternity's Fourteenth. Biennial Con- is a Baltimorean and was graduated formances with an internationally activity card. Because of the necessity of utilizing vention held on December 27 in the from the Polytechnic Institute. He is every valuable moment in the prep- Betsy Ross room of Philadelphia's a member of Gamma Beta Chi. for Other appointments the .Direaor Of Selective Service :~~;io;e!~~n;x~:l~' ~eO.:~~d:~ ~~~~:; Franklin Hotel. semester will be announced by Editor- next morning, January 27. day WMC representatives for this two· In-Chief Jane McLeod in the next is- convention included Dr. H. P. Annoul1ces New Draft Policies Ja~,:::vo;o,o~ht,h's~:';:~;":'l~:~~:~i~ head of the biology de- sue, which wjll be distributed on Feb- Sturdivant, partment; Jack Loper, Tri-Beta presi- ruary 12. Major General Lewis B. Hershey, tlon Test may be considered by their :,il~.m~e a;e:I~~VSr:i~li~rV~~e'f:r~~~ dent; Dotty Shoemaker, vice presi- Director of Selective Service, today local board for deferment. The law nate to have obtained Reverend J. dent: Lionel Lee, secretary; Audrey Bristol To Present announced that Selective Service will provides, however, that local boards Edmund Lippy as a special speaker. Myers, George Daviglus, and Richard not make any special provisions to Hockstein. Viewpoint To IRe give students 30 days after the end of ~re:tnoo:e::q~~~d o;Othdee~:~te~i:~;~~ . ~~~~;PbL;:h t~:r;~~nt~~~~:ns~:~ Tri Beta conventions are held at their academic year to enlist in the is still discretionary on the part of the has long been beloved by many of the the time and place ~f the meetings of On January 21, Mr. James E. Bris- service of their choice. General Hersh- board. General policy is that students students and faculty members of the American Association for the Ad- tol of the American Friends Service cy explained that such arrangements :~:~;!.either or both criteria will be WMC. He is speaking on a very perti- vancement of Science so that its dele- Committee will participate in a forum are not necessary this year as the nent subject for this particular time gates may attend meetings of the discussion of American foreign policy 1951 amendments to the Selective A.A.A.S. and other affiliated societies. before the Ln t e rn a t i o n u lj Rela- Service law provide that students are all~\~:o~g~a~l\:e~~~~~~e a~e::i;e t!~: of the year, "The Value of Prayer." On the following day, 'I'ri Beta tions Club. The pacifist viewpoint to- henceforth to be deferred in Class until ordered to report for induction, !::ta~e;~mi/~~a;::; o~s~~r~e:ee~:~~hi:~ joined with other groups in sponsoring ward current world problems as pre- I-S instead of having their induction General Hershey explained, the Army, we are in today, and his views on' the a symposium on premedic education sented by him will be one of four postponed, They will, therefore, have held in the ballroom of the hotel. oponions voiced by Mr. Bristol, Dr. ample opportunity after the comple- :gar:~d ~:~ t~i:c:e~~c:~~nm:~1~0!9:~~ subject might add enlightenment to Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, former head Theodore Whitfield and two students tion of their academic year to enlist listment in any of the services after yo~rv:;;o~:m:~ invited to come and of the Western Maryland biology de- of Western Maryland College. in the service of their choice. partment, and now affiliated with the Mr. Bristol is a former Lutheran A student who is entitled to a ;:J:~~v~ee~e;~t~~e~:Zi:~;~:i!:orp~!~ share in thi.s program. College of the Pacific at Stockton, minister, now serving as the Associate statutory I-S deferment must be or- sleet examination. Due to the rescind- California, is the national president of Secretar-y of the Middle Atlantic Re- Beta Beta Beta and presided at this dered for induction, General Hershey ing of this interservice agreement last 1952, will also have ample opportunity meeting. gional Office of the American Friends pointed out, before he can be deferred year, any student desiring, in Janu- to enlist in the service of their choice. Service Committee. He is currently by this local board. The law says that ary, to enlist in the service of his EDITOR'S NOr_E-This article is engaged in conducting seminar study he shall be deferred "upon presenting choice will have the opportunity, Gen- eompoecd of ext?'acts from a five-page groups and speaking before college the facts" that he is satisfactorily eral Hershey observed; and it appears com1n.mtication received from Selec- Five Dollar Days audiences. Pursuing a full-time course at the probable that those students com- tive Service which may be seen upon James Bristol has been closely as- time the order for induction is issued. pleting their academic yeer in June request. Please note that attendance is sociated with the pacifist movement A student who is ordered for induc- required at all scheduled exami- for several years. During World War tion should not be thrown into a panic, nation periods, January 25-Feb- II he was imprisoned for a period of Generai Hershey explained. All that College Calenclar ruar-y L This is true whether an time because of his conscientious ob- is necessary is for him to request the examination or a class period jections to military service. Since his Dean or Registrar to immediately 'Vednesday, January 16 Wednesday, January 30 is held. seminary days he has been interested give his local board official notice that Basketball, Catholic U., Home. Exams, AM-4 TTS. in racial relationships and is at pres- he is a full-time student doing satis- Friday, January 18 Exams, PM-3 MWF. ent' associated with several inter- factory work and that such work ac- Basketball, Washington College, Thursday, January 31 Students To Present racial groups. He directed an interna- tually commenced prior to the date Home. Exams, AM-l MWF. tional work camp in Kingston, Jamai- the order for induction was mailed. Saturday, January 19 Friday, February 1 Piano, Voice Recital ca, area in the summer of 1949. Only one such deferment is assured. Wrestling, Gallaudet, Home. Exams, AM-3 TTS. Mt:. Bristol did his undergraduate President Authorizes Classification Mid-Year Hop, Gill Gym, 8:30 p. m. Exams, PM_Art 225, Biology 301, On Tuesday, January 15; at 4:25 work at Gettysburg College and re- The new Selective Service law pro- Sunday, January 20 English 233, Greek 101, Home p. m., eight of Western Maryland's ceived his B.D. from the Philadelphia .. vided for the Class I-S statutory de- Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, Ec. 405, Sociology 401- music majors will present a public Lutheran Theological Seminary. ferment and gave the President au- 9:15 a. m. Tuesday, February 5 recital of piano and voice selections thority to prescribe regulations gov- Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Second Semester Begins, 7:50 a. m, in Levine Hall. play DottyShoemakerReceives erning the deferment of students in Monday, January 21 National Symphony 0 r c he s t r a Marilyn Hardeeter will such numbers as he deemed necessary IRC "Meeting; McDaniel :younge, conceee, Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. rn , Haydn's Sonata in G Major; Mary No. Local Scholarship Award to the maintenance of the national 6:45 p: m. Basketball, Baltimore U, Away. Bell Shawn, Miniature Pastorale health, safety or interests. The Presi- Basketball, Mt. St. Mary's, Away. Wednesday, February 6 1, by Bridge; and Ruth Cole, Suite Dr. E~elyn Mudge, a member of the dent subsequently prescribed a Class Thursday, January 24 IRC Benefit Movie, Olivc'r Twist, No.1 by d'Albert. faculty of Hood College and former I1-S student deferment program Classes End, 5:05 p. m. Carroll Theater. Were My Song With. Wings Pro- instructor here has announced that a based on results of college qualifica~ Friday, January 25 Saturday, February 9 vided-by Hahn, and Ch.erry Ripe by scholarship has been awarded to tion tests. Students may be placed in Exams, PM-2 MWF. Wrestling, Catholic U, Away. Herrick & Horn will be sung by Paul Dotty Shoemaker, a WMC senior bio- this classification, General Hershey Saturday, January 26 Basketball, Johns Hopkins, Home. Thronburg; Schubert's Impromptu in logy major. explained, at the discretion of their Exams, AM-l TTS. Sunday, February 10 a Flat. lIlajor, Op, 142 will be given The award is being given by the local boards. To assist the boards in Basketball, Baltimore U, Home. Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, by June Lambert, while Marion Mar- Delta Kappa Gamma Society's Gamma determining which students should be l\fonday, January 28 9:15 a. m. tin will do Schubert's Impromptu in Chapter whose membership is com- given II-S deferments, a method was Exams, AM-4 MWF. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. ffi. A Flat Major, Op. 90. Josephine posed of teachers in Carroll, Fred- set up whereby students who are in Exams, PM-2 TTS. Monday, February 11 Kompanek will present Debussy's erick, and Washington Counties. the prescribed upper portit¥'! of the Tuesday, January 29 French Club, McDaniel Lounge, 7 A?'abe8que in G Major, and Pat Biddle Dotty plans to work in medical lab- male members of their class or who Exams, AM-Biology 101, 103; p.m. will sing Handel's Wh.y Do Th.e Na- oratory technology after her gradua- made a score of 70 or better on the French 303. Tuesday, February 12 tions Rage 80 Fiercely and Tschai- Selective Service College Qualifica- Exams, PM-5 MWF. Basketball, Gettysburg, Home. kowsky's Pilgrim's Song. tion.
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