Page 26 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 26
The Gold Bug, Jan~ 15. 1952 Vacation Arrives-- Tomorrow I shall awake to a new world! It will be unreal, unbelievable DR. THEODORE M. WHITFIELD And IsGone Again for a while. For one of the greatest responsibilities I have ever undertaken- the editorship of the GOLD BUG-will be relinquished. It will no doubt be Among the luminaries which consti- At 3:00 p. m., on the afternoon of months before Monday and Thursday nights will pass without my feeling the tute Western Maryland College's fac- 'I'hursdae, December 20, 1951, a invisible magnet which has so long drawn me to the GOLD BUG office. It will ulty, there is a distinguished gentle- simple announcement came to the probably never be possible to go past the TIMES building without feeling the man from the "heart" of the South- 'I' ears of the yuletide gay students of Richmond, Virginia. This pedagogue WMC. Friday's classes were cancelled. ur~: t~::b~n f:~d :h:! t~:::s~g::~~f the paper. was graduated from the University The panic started! Stampedes broke from the duties as editor will be pre- ,-------------, of Richmond with an A.B. degree as out in all halls; stairways were jamm- dominant-but that feeling will not a major in history. He specialized in ed; phone lineups were endless; and last. There will be increasing nee- Pins 'n Points American History under Dr. John H. walls vjbrated with the din. In the talgia for the !OJickof typewriters, the Latane at Johns Hopkins University rooms, drawers were removed and smell of paste, the bustle of searching As we predicted, Santa left quite and was awarded his Ph.D. degree poured into suitcases, shoes flew from for scissors, pins, paper, mislaid a few diamonds in various stockings. from this institution. He is the head closets over to bags, and the book articles, for the visits to the adminis- Mary Bell Shawn, Anita Fiery, Marie of our history and political science de- f which had been concentrated upon tration building for faculty news, for Chenet, Susie Rinehart, Jean Kinnier, partment-Dr. The 0 d 0 r e Marshall five minutes earlier was stuffed onto the mad scramble at the printers' to and Ruth Lowe are all altar-bound. Whitfield. a shelf. make headlines and articles fit prop- nanCY Walker led the Christmas A continual stream of pilgrims mi- erly, for the chase after delinquent parade of engagements right before Varied Interests grated from all dorms, braved the reporters, the conferences on finances the -vecatton when she and Jack storm boot-clad, and slid down the and budget--even the incessant play- Molesworth decided to make a. per- Dr. Whitfield's doctor's dissertation Hill to busses or the Western Mary- ing of the juke-box in the Rec next manent duet. was awarded the Mrs. Simon Baruch land Railway. Snow, ice, rain, or sleet door. On January 7, fourteen Bachelors university prize for a paper related to Dr. Theodore M. Whitfield could not restrain these courageous Yes, it was work, seemingly endless went up to Taneytown and donated the \var for Southern independence. souls! ;rhe Christmas holidays had at times, and a terrific responsibility; blood. Sounds like a very good as well In addition to this book,'* has also ~ arrived with a bang at WMC. . yet I would not have missed it for as beneficial idea. How about some written a genealogy of the Whitfield, The Methodist Church in Westmin- We Return! anything in the world. Friendships more of us.doing the same thing? Bryan, Smith, and related families. He ster claims much of his extra curricu- Seventeen days later, beginning at made, experience gained, and lessons \Ve certainly have a talented group constantly pursues his interest in his- lar time, 'for he is an active member about 9:00 p. m., the wintry silence of the official board, a member of the learned will never be forgotten. For of musicians in our midst. Congratu- tory and is a member- of the Histori- choir, and a Sunday School teacher. of the Hill was again broken. Bag- it is working for others, with others, lations to all those who took part in cal Society of Carroll County, the Before it was disbanded in 1945, he gage in arms, students poured out of that gives real meaning to life. the student concert. Maryland Historical Society, and the was a member of the Westminster cars and busses to fill the empty The members of the staff are all to With finals just around the corner, Am eric a n Historical Association. Auxiliary Firemen and is an ex-presi- dorms once more. with bags under be congratulated, for they have done everyone seems to have that look of Here on campus, he is faculty advisor dent of this organization. eyes and ten extra- pounds, students an excellent job. It is largely due to studied determination. Don't worry- to the International Relations Club. unpacked weakly and, uttered faint them that we have been able to carry you can always "really get down to Many Occupations "Happy New Years." Dead greens and out a successful program. True, we studying" next semester! Well-Known Lectures tired decorations were stashed in the have not always seen eye to eye, we A Whitfield class means pop quiz- Dr. Whitfield's other jobs, in addi- waste can. Gifts from Santa Claus have disagreed occasionally; but hon- It's good to see some of the old zes, dynamic. lectures, and lively dis- tion to teaching on the Hill, form an were mutually displayed. At recupera- list; to him variety is the interesting est disagreement is healthy, and we alumni back with us this week. Here's cussions between professor and stu- spice of life. He was an exchange pro- tion parties with leff-over cookies and have all grown because of it. a hello from all of us. dent. He is' a rapid and interesting fessor for one semester with Pro: turkey sandwiches, coeds swooned Especial credit is due to Jack lecturer, and it pays not to cut his fessor Eiseilen from California. Dr. over new diamonds, and feebly hashed Loper, the business manager, who has class. Some students claim that he is Whitfield liked California, but not any out holiday gossip.' The book was re- had the thankless job of budget-mak- one of the greatest orators on campus. better than he likes Maryland, we are moved from its precarious position ing, collecting money, and paying The dialog of behind the scenes im- glad to report. While in Richmond, he on the shelf, and its dust scattered bills. A finer, more conscientious man personations of Dr. Whitfield invari- was once Santa Claus in a local store. by a violent breathy puff. Moans from could not have been found. ably includes "The test will not cover He is one-time "chambermaid and various corners of dorms announced We stated a ten-point policy in our the material before page one.", "Let's chaperone" to thirty mules on their :~m~n~C e::::~d;Je holiday season first issue, February 6, 1951, and can pass on," and "Save your Confederate way to Europe. point with pride to the fact that our money!" The excuse, "I can't do it He is a family man, the proud achievements along each point have because I am working on a Whitfield father of two daughters and two sons. .. been noteworthy. We had many as- term paper" is widely honored on cam- His oldest daughter, Mary Emma, is DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE pirations which were not accomplish- pus. COPY: ed, and we can look back on many Dr. 'Whitfield is a loyal Western now a freshman at WMC. wednesday, February . 6 things which we might have done or Marylander-that is to say one of his have done better-but we tried, and favorite sports is football. He rarely tried mightily, to be worthy of the misses a game; his sons see to that. trust imposed in us. In his devotion to football he is like We are proud of Western Mary- his Hopkins roommate, another WMC land, and we wanted the outside world professor now, Dr. Spicer. to be proud of her as well. We con- sidered every article, every opinion, every contribution from this pohit of Impressions And Depressions view. If we failed, it was an error in the judgment we are learning to de- by Archibald SnaUygaster, '55 velop, not carelessness or lack of forethought. I almost said, "No." You see, I specimen, but that's usually after I've We wish to express to you, each and was wounded, deeply wounded by the said something real funny! Girls are every member of the administration, results of my first literary effort. I silly, though, they always do the un- faculty, and student body our sincere know now that I made several tea- expected and there is no accountihg appreciation for your assistance and paws (I learned that from my French for their pecularities. Take the home- support. Your criticisms have been teacher, only she epelt it different) coming game-inches of snow-here kind and helpful; your contributions, when I first came up here, but it was they come pitty-pattying down the invaluable. very embarrassing to have people look hill, fur coats, heads wrapped up in And now the time has come to pass at me with that understanding sym- all kinds of gadgets, wool mittens, the torch to othere=-cthers who are pathy which said-"That's Snally- scarves around their necks, and on gaster, I know people can be stupid, their feet little pieces of leather held but surely not THAT stupid!" Then, together by a strap or two, feet and too, to be cited from the platform by toes sticking out all over the place the President-" ... even Snally, right in the snow. Now I ask you, is to help in any way if we are needed. gaster should be oriented by this that sense? I still creep with duck- Farewell is a most difficult word to time." That even was a stab in the bumps every time I think of it. I say-so I shall simply say "Good back. could understand' wearing "strap- night." It is growing late, and tomor- But I am softhearted; so when the pers" in the summer when feet need row plans must be made for the edi- editor stopped me in the hall the other air, but in the dead of winter? Brrrrr torial aad the copy for the next issue day and said, "Snallygnster, the stu- -I'm still shrivering in sympathy. --oh, I had forgotten-tomorrow I" dents have been asking why you I've decided that my wife will not shall awake to a new world. haven't done any more writing for wear toeless shoes in winter. the GOLD BUG. How about writing Speaking of the homecoming game an article for the next issue 1" I al- -that reminds me. Why didn't some- THE GOLD BUG one think to serve hot coffee? I walked t:~~e: ~~~I;o::~ :no;th:a~~n~i;u!;,t,,~ past the refreshment stand'; and the used space and could use you for filler attendant yelled, "Ice-cold Coca-cola- this week." I looked him in the eye, -right here." I yelled back, grimly, but he appeared kindly and not in- tending offense; so I asked him, "Ice-cold Snallygaater right here, too, "What shall I write about 1" Bud." I've decided I prefer summer Member to Western Maryland winters. A .. oci.ted Collegiate Press "You could write about what you My most frightening experience oc- And next year we're starting a fund to buy the horse. have learned, about your impressions Subscription Price $2.00 a Year of Western Maryland, what you are curred in the dead of night. I really planning to do after college, or what thought the Russians had landed! the light and dropped me cold. One of gaster, your progress this term de- you think of us by now." That was When I woke I was sitting up straight the m unkindly remarked, "Holy notes that your aptitude for college,hief ~ __Stanaowr.bey.·52 in bed. Everybody was slamming on Smoke! How wrong can one be? It's is so low that we hereby recommend. MBnaglnll Edltor .__ JBne Me~, ~3 leading with his chin, but he quickly New. Editon .__ ,.~_Jobn HaUer. '62 amended, "Of course, I can trust your clothes and shoes, 'tearing around, only Snallygaster." It wasn't just the ... " or "a letter from Dad saying, Barba.a -'.;," "=':11 words but the tone which htn-t me to "Come home, Son, the position of B..nkaon, '63 F,.'"" E
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