Page 24 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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The Gold Bug, Dec. 11, 1951 High On The Hill Women To Sing In St.ti.tie. Show lnere .. ing Christmas Program College Grad Birth Rote The Women's Glee Club will present Current day affairs are calling btl Ira Zepp by Millard LenJallette graduated fir-ern "City Forever" and a Christmas program December 19 at more and more for an increased col- There is onJy one person on West- The mass of protoplasm under the joined the army for a year and a half 7:30 p. m. in Baker Chapel. lege graduate cradle roll. ern Maryland's campus that could be- blankets didn't move, "For the last with the Special Service. After his come nostalgic about "Basin Street time," I said, "where were you born'!" discharge, he entered Towson Teach- This chorus, composed of approxi- According to studies made by the Blues", "That Little Old, Sweet Old, The blanket was slowly pulled down ers College foi- a year, after which he mately seventy voices under the di- Population Reference Bureau, the D;rling Mother of Mine", and the and a face was exposed. I controlled transferred to \fMC. In time, this rection of Miss Evelyn Smith, will number of births per woman graduate sing "Lo, How A Rose E'er Bloem- "Stars and Bars' simultaneously. myself because I know that "it's not figure, topped with a shock of unruly ing", "While Shepherds Watched ,of the class of 1926 from 140 colleges This, of course, is Pat Huddle, the the face but what's behind it." red hair (he says) became a familial' Theil' Flocks by Night", ''Beside Thy throughout the country is 1.18. The enthusiastic and energetic "whirl- As I sat waiting for it to come to campus sight. His talents could not Cradle", "Good Christian Men, Re- highest rate of an individual school wind from Williamsport". The drive life, I thought-here is one of our long be hidden under a bushel, even joice", "When Jesus Lived in Galilee", was fqnml to be 2.62 as compared to and earnestness whicb characterize campus contradictions. He's a Dean though at times it's two parts corn. "The Cuckoo Carol", "Christmas Carol the lowest, .53. Western Maryland women graduates of that year show Pat's activity have made him an indis- Lister yet he studies only "Now and Natural wit, sparkling humor, and of the Pifferari", and "Ding-dong! a rate of .96 which is slightly below Then." He may be found in the grill Merrily on High". These carols rep- the average. at any time, but his work is usually resent It number of different countries. completed-c-one second before they The solo parts will be taken by Bar- Male graduates of the class of '26 lower the boom. He assumes a bashful bara Thomas and Josephine Kompa- rank slightly below average in the study. The average for males of all air around the ladies; but according nek, with Marian Martin as accom- colleges studies for '26 is 1.84 with . to reports he's the campus Casanova. panist. the highest for all colleges being 4.13 He's a procrastinator deluxe toward December 4 mat-ked this year's first' and the lowest, .39. Western Maryland undesired tasks, but always comes appearance of the Women's Glee Club male graduates of this class show an through with the goods. He's a past when they gave the concert to the average of 1.53 children pel' graduate master at "slinging the bull" but AAUW in McDaniel Lounge. making a better comparison than the dropped out of a class where this was women graduates of the same year. the only requirement. He's a strained The class of '41, for all colleges, bass but sits in the tenor section of I College Calendar I having been graduated for a decade the choir. He dislikes regimentation, show, in respect .to the male gradut yet he accepted a reserve eommission 'I'ueadny, December 18 etes, the average children per gradu- in the Army. Nativity Pageant, .Seminai-y, 8:00 ate to be 1.42; a rate higher than that You're right. It's Roland Pleischer. p. m. of the class of '26. The highest aver- He was born in Baltimore twenty- age for the men is recorded as 2.36 three years ago. In JUlle, 1946, he Wednesday, December 19 over against the low of .64. Western College Banquet, Dining Hall, 6:00 p. m. Maryland men of '41 have an average for his class, fl'aternity, FTA, LSA, SCA Program, Baker Chapel,1:45 of 1.19 children per graduate. of '41 record an Women graduates and SeA, Pat hils consistently been average, from all colleges studies, of Pat Huddle on the enviable Dean's List. A math Friday, December 21 1.19, a rate comparable to that of '26 major, he is auditing a course in Christmas Vacation Begins, 11:50 pensible member of many organiaa, bridge under Dean Free this semester. unabounding energy contrive to make a.m. women graduates. The highest indi- tions on the Hill. A history minor, he is always willing him a natural comedian. To my prej- Sunday, January 6 vidual colJege average found for wcm- Much credit for initiative and early to expound on his political theories, udice~. eyes, ~e's one of the most Christmas Vacation Ends, 8 p. m. enof the class of '41 is recorded as development of the Lutheran Student somewhat colored by his Southern Pl'OflllSlng artists at \VMC. He gets Wednesday, January 9 2.15 and the low .35. Western Mary- Association must be given to Pat. An sympathies. . a "bang" out of everything whether it LSA meeting, McDaniel Lounge, land women of this class show a rate of 1.07 per graduate. ardent Lutheran, he directed the LSA Any discussion of Pat Huddle be playi.n~ soc~er or .reading Faulk- 6:45 p. m. through two prosperous years and would be incomplete without the ner, wl'Itmg Ins senunar or str-um- For replacement of a class an aver- left his successor a goodly heritage. "Death Valley Gang", for his name is min~ the uke: He's the enthusiastic Thursday, January 10 age of 2.1 children should be born to President of FTA synonmous with it. Here is expressed pr-es'ident of PI Alpha Alpha and may Basketball, Mt. St. Mary's, Home. each graduate. As statistics appear at This year, Pat is the prexy of the a very definite aspect of Pat's Inter-eat be found there on any "fight night" Friday, January 11 present, Western Maryland bas some FTA and capable vice-president of the and personality. Under his formation ready to "lead.a", after the Wrestling, Baltimore U, Home. chances of reaching its goal in com- ing years. Gamma Bets. His uniqueness and and direction this familiar hill-billy event. When hIS spu+ts droop, he Sunday, January 13 abmty are remembered well by his band has not only popularized many makes the night flight to Baugher's Sunday School, Bakel' Chapel, 9:15 fraternity, when at the last minute, songs on campqs, but requests have where they have bot and cold running a.m. he conceived a prize-winning idea for come-from many county groups. Most waitresses. He's an organizer par ex- Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. "MEET AT their float in the Homecoming Parade of the script and lyrics come from the eellence ; the Peck's bad boy of the Monday, January 14 last year. Since then, William David pen of its founder and indicate a campus. Aw, but, "he'll gl'OWup." Assembly, Orchestra Concert, Alum- (his official handle) has been the unique sense of humor and musical ni Hall, 11;30 a. m. PETE'S source of many ideas, not only for talent. FI;~:-. Club, McDaniel Loung}, 7:00 floats, but for aU the entertainment You may find this well-known lad The 3 T's programs of his fraternity. in the second floor "day-room" of To Get Your Eats" Despite time consumed in working ANW driving Fleisher and Isaac mad Confectionery with Dixieland, or with Fred Burn- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Main St.-Red Neon Sign side out on a visit to their favorite 166 W. Main Street Compliments of habitat, whether it be across the , J. R. EVERHART country 01' across town. ICE CREAM Compliments of As we go to press, Pat is currently COLLEGE BARBER in sackcloth and ashes, lamenting the 'SOFT DRINKS At the Forks departure of Joe DiMaggio from the DRUG SUNDRIES Wine's Sport Shop • It Pays To Look Well ranks of the active. Vuit The No other store has a display of Avenue B.rber Shop Compliments of The Coffman-Fisher CO. Christmas Carcls, Gifts DEPARTMENT STORE Where The Students Go Gift Wrappings AVENUE LUNCH 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 85 Pennsylvania Avenue. As you see at l04Yz Penna. Ave. P. G. COFFMAN CO. • The Carroll Amusement Co. Wishes the Students and Times Building Westminster Faculty a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year From Eliza Cook Hunger is bitter ••• Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuoull 1 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays. Sunday Matinees: but the most accursed Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Holidays. Evening IIhow 9 p. m. 2 and 4 p. m. Week- of Want's fell scorpions Matinee 2 p. m.-Eveninp 7 '" 9 p. m. day showa continuous :from 4:30 p. m. is thirst. Afdaia WED., THURS., DEC. 19-20 WED., THURS., DEC. 19-20 Yet, thirst asks notbing more CLOSE TO 1\1YHEART B.Ol'l1BARDIER than Coca-Cola. If you're sauntering Ray Milland Gene Tierney Pat O'Brien Randolph Scott along or racing your motor~ start off refreshed ••• have a Coke. SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 6·7·8 SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 6-7-8 MY FAVORITE SPY HIS KIND OF WOMAN Bob Hope Hedy Lamarr Robel't Mitchum Jane Russell WED., THURS., JAN. 9-10 WED., THURS., JAN. 9-10 THE BLUE VEIL THE MAGIC FACE Jane Wyman Charles Laughton Luther Adler Patricia Knight FRI:, SAT., JAN. 11-12 FRI., SAT., JAN. 11-12 FORT DEFIANCE SILVER CANYON Dane Clark Bel! Joh.nson Gene Autry Gail Davis
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