Page 22 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 22
2 The Gold Bug, Dec. 11, 1951 A Chri.tmlS L.mcnt David Presents with apologies to T. S. Elliot Because I do not wish to go again Gift To Mother they presented unto Him Because I do not wish gifts ... " Nearly two thousand years Because I do not wish to go Davy's shiny, black galoshes slosh- ago, the tradition of giving gifts at Again into the crowded marts of trade ing through the puddles refiected his Christmastime was born. Through the I no longer strive to fight against such tiny, thin face. And his expraeaion years from the time of the Wise Men, crowds was indeed a surprise to the passerby! who paid homage to their King by (Why should the weary shopper Here it was the twenty-fourth of De- sharing their worldly goods with Him, sretch his legs?) cember, and his little countenance was to the present, this tradition has been Why should I fret pinched with worry. The tears raced interpreted in many ways; so that Because my Christmas shopping is down Davy's cheeks, leaving in their now, during this 1951 Yuletide season, not done again? wake, wide white paths on his forlorn as everyone is shopping for presents face. Yes, here it was Christmas Eve, for his family and friends, he is fol- Because I hope I never know again and Davy was carrying the weight of lowing the pattern of this ancient The bustling rever of the rush-time his seven-year-old-world squarely on tradition. crowds his shoulders. However, even in this age of com- Because I do not think He had looked through all the stores mercialization, Western Maryland stu- Because I know I can not stand for just hours and hours, in search of dents remember an underlying theme With arms piled high, within the his mother's gift: He knew just what of sharing with others. Here on the swaying bus he wanted, but it was hard for. a Hill, students individually and col- Because I know I cannot breathe small boy to shop in the midst of the '{ lectively are contributing to the wel- There, where people push, and motor- multitude of Christmas shoppers. In fare of others both here at home and men cuss, for that is shopping each store, he had been jostled and in foreign countries. Many campus again shoved up to counters, only to find organizations have undertaken special that the beautiful, golden crosses he programs directed toward helping Because I know that time is drawing inquired about were too expensive for someone else enjoy a happier Christ- near him to purchase. He knew that it was mas. These activities are varied in With but five shopping days to go just what his mother wanted. Hadn't nature, some consisting of tiJe collect, And what is bought is bought for a she talked about it continuously since ing of material goods, other consum- short time she had lost the one Davy's father had ing time and talent. For example, And soon to be returned given her? Well, Davy's daddy had there are general contributions to I regret that this is always true and gone far away, and it was up to Davy specific funds for overseas aid and the Yet J quickly buy the gift to keep his mother happy now. preparation of baskets of food fur And forget the price But Davy knew it was hopeless; families here. Certain groups travel Because I will not have to go again to nearby hospitals to present enter- Consequently I rejoice, when I have thus the tears and worry. He moved a dejected figure in along the street, tainment programs for the benefit of finished shopping all that Christmas spirit, kicking at the.. patients. Several of the aid pro- I am able to rejoice. the puddles, splashing water all about. grams extend over the entire year so Suddenly a tiny flash flew through the that this sharing is not merely con- And hurry home, with feet both centrated at Christmas, although at bruised and sore .. air and landed just in front of Davy. "I want you men to be psrticuillrly on your toes in case they set up any screen silvery ornament I It was a tiny, this time they receive special atten- And I hope that I may forget Davy began to think. It certainly plays against us." tion. These activities are a concrete These Yuletide throngs till Christmas contribution to the cause of universal time comes round once more wasn't a cross-e-but with a pretty, Unusual Snowstorm brotherhood during this critical period With joy and pain black, velvet ribbon and a box, it GIVE/I~TO in world relations. It is fitting that would be fine for his mother. Maybe these programs be highlighted during Because I vow I'll never go again next Christmas . MARCH Surprises Students Davy's eyes were wide as his moth- the Christmas season. And yet I answer • er opened her gift on Cbristmas morn- OF For what is done must be redone The several activities, although again ing. She gently lifted the necklace DIMES A chill breeze stirred bare branches varied in nature, are alike in the re- May next year's shopping start some from the box, and as she did so, a and dead leaves of the trees. Soon spect that they are perpetrated in an months before shaft of sunlight caught on its six JANUARY 2-31 sleepy-eyed students in all of the unselfish manner. It is understood that points. JANUARY dorms drowsily pushed back their the priceless gift of friendship reeetv, Because I'll start it in September It was a beautiful Christmas scene. covers and strum bled from their beds ed in return and the satisfaction of next year Davy murmured, "Merry Christmas, to greet another day. Everyone doing something worthwhile and con- And finish it before Thanksgiving Mother", as she fastened the Star of dressed in the usual bleary haste to structive is ample reward for the The Christmas season will seem glad, David around her neck. get to that breakfast coffee; no one service rendered, if one must seek a not drear On Christmas there is an air of had any idea what was hovering over reward for good deeds. It has been Because my shopping gamut's run equality and peace. It is only on this the campus. said many times that it is more bless- And yet I say it with misgiving day that a Jewish star could replace a Then "it" happened I Soon the air ed to give than to receive, and stu- was filled with a swirling, dampish dents have found in the past and are Please, let it be done! Christian cross. white cloud, and the grass was al- experiencing now that this is true. "Peace on earth, good will to men." most hidden with a sprinkling of the The contributions may not assume Care for us shoppers now and in the same. It was snowing! beginning of last minute rush Thus came the true enormous proportions, but they are Care for us now and in the last winter! People had been talking snow given voluntarily and in that intang- minute rush. and wishing snow for days, and now ible manner which is termed the D.S. it was here. Practice teachers awak- Christmas spirit, so that in this sense, DR. CLYDE A. SPICER ened their roommates. with gleeful they grow in importance. Most of the shouts of "No school today," while activities are conducted with little phs, a graduate fraternity at JHU. in other parts of the county, their fanfare and with no desire for recog- Pins In Points An active church member, he is a little pupils were no doubt screaming nition, but are carried out with sin- vestryman and treasurer of Ascension the same thing. Other students pon- \ cerity and seriousness of purpose. Congratulations to the Preachers Church here in Westminster. dered, "Now, if it only keeps up a These programs are successful be- for their dance. It certainly seemed Dr. C. A. Spicer is a man of many little longer, maybe my first period cause of the close cooperation among to get everyone in the mcod-cfcr interests and abilities. During his prof won't be able to make it." the students working for this common Christmas, that is. pedagogical career, he has taught And so to breakfast! Everyone was cause. Almost every student partici- We're glad to see that the frnterni- French and chemistry ill addition to full of plans for a snow-bound day- pates, and it is this united effort that ties are using their talents for the mathemurica. At one time, he was a loafing, sleeping, studying (1)1 But, makes for success. benefit of the school. Witness the high school pr-incipal-s-and basketball alas, it was not so to be! When next signs in the gym done by the Black coach. Banking is It hobby, and for a . we ventured forth, the air was empty We believe that this spontaneous while he ran a tri-county bank in Vir- and clear, and the sun was beginning and unselfish giving is important to and White pledges. ginia. He is a sports enthusiast and to show a happy face which didn't fit '"'"\Ia~ enrichment of our lives because it We're still snooping fol' any new an ardent "I:error fan who rarely our mood. Regretfully, everyone re- is a service to others. It is a tribute engagements. Maybe Santa will pro- misses an athletic event. He was an turned to the world of work. Our to !he ideals of Western Maryland vide us the opportunity. active sports participant during his prize blizzard of 1951 was just a little College and a symbol of faith in man- Seems that the girls are getting II school days and played semi-profes- flurl'Y! kind. It sometimes passes almost un- little rough, judging from the number sional baseball. This scholar, coach, =~~~~~~~~~ noticed because of the many other of eaeuetttes after the bssketball athlete, and banker is also an avid holiday activities on campus, but it is game last Thursday night. gardener having It large vegetable THE GOLD BUG here nevertheless. We believe that Apparently some people were dis- garden adjacent to his home. Western Maryland students are sin- appointed when the few snow flurries cere in their desire to contribute to- on December II didn't culminate into • Professor of !\lathematics ward the welfare of others. and it is a blizzard. We hope that this past D,·. Clydfl A. SpiuJ' As a professor of mathematics, he this sincerity that we wish to compli- weekend has gladdened their hesrts. "coaches" his classes in everything ment. We also hope that there will not be too "Try a quarterback sneak for this from algebra to differential equations. M.mb.r J. M. many broken legs or teeth! calculus problem, 'cause you won't Dr. Spicer maintains an excellent Pr••• gain much yardage with a line teacher-pupil relationship and con- A .. oci.ted Colletl.l. plunge I" What other professor of ducts his classes in a pleasant and in- Snbscri,ption Price $2.00' It Year mathematics employs football lingo formal manner. He uses football plays (which every good Western Mary- to describe the method of solving UNDERCLASSMAN EDITORIAL STAFP lander understands) to illustrate the problems and it works! Extremely Edito,...ln.Ch'e( Jane McLeod.·S8 operation of difficult formulas? This modest, he is uncomfortable when his serves not only to clarijy the problems students confess that they cqnslder ;~~:~;~=__BO' but also to make the classes interest- him one of the oustanding profes- N..w~·Fea!.ur" Editor __ w;"""~.:~:.,~!~.i::, " ing. The only fallacy of this practice sors on campus. It is the ambition Gopy Ediu,r _ EdH.or __ is that some students seem to think of every math major to discover a E""hllnll''' Edlu,r _ . _ TyJ.inll' that the tests are more than "just problem within the realm of his Photoll'rII.pher~_ . ....._.._. '~2 Cartooni.t __ . scrimmages", as they are termed by ecurses which will "stump" him! The BUSINESS"ST.AFF 01'. Clyde A. Spieer-, .... Manall'er,~_~JackLopeT. '6% picture would not be complete without • Native Virginian :;:Pl~::~ ~::::~i:nB::n:e:=~~~A~~~i!~:::~~ :~rv~:·a~hiC~e;Sti~;!~~e~h:s Boller. Barun. Carter Janet. 01'. Spicer is a native Virginian, rua] curve with Spicer deviations"! NEWS STAFF, CBrol Coleman, Don Haut, Kay Rit.& Burket. but unlike some from this state, he The Spicers live at 17 Ridge Road. Poc:h. I""ne Pope. Sbirl~y Rlekerd •• J"n claims to be a citizen of the United Mrs. Spicer is It Virginian, also, but Spa!.>;. Doria Lee S..mllson. Joan Woolker. States. He received his Bachelor of F~~~Il~:1i~:~lp~:nnO~u..!I~h:jdt. J,a"", Arts degree from the University of ~~~:~. Jr., a teen·ager, is a Mary- SPORTS s'rAFF: Tom Dryden. Tom DOIl8I.... ~i~ Richmond and came to Johns Hopkins Grander, Merrill T,...der, Ma.lonna University for his Master of Arts and COPY STAFF: J....." Frllnz. Don Haut,,... Doctor of Philosophy degrees. He is a DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE Harlow. Kenneth Ruehl. Carville Do"",,,. Bu:r· Reprinted:from the member of Sigma Xi, an honorary COpy, CONTRIBUTORS, Stan Bowl$~. Kifer. Joan BUT1 Ann Eo ner. G ........ Mary De<:ember.l!H7wueof DQlIlU graduate fraterDi~y, and Gamma AI- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8 Wlnkelm ..n.
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