Page 23 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Dec. 11, 1951 3 WMC Tops Dickinson Makovitch, Tullai Snare In 74·70 Cage Thriller After being unsuccessful in the National Grid Recognition first three cage tilts, the Green Ter- rors roared back to grab an impres- Vic Makovitch and Mitch Tullai, representing Western Mary- sive 74-70 win over Dickinson, Dec- land's undefeated, untied 1951 grid team shared top honors recently ember 12, in Carlise. when one was selcted as representative from the Hill to the "Little As before, the twenty-two point ef- College All-American" team, and the other to the Gray team playing fort of Art Press topped the Western in the annual Blue-Gray football classic. Maryland scoring; however, Chuck Completing his third season on the line for WMC, Vic was Hammaker and Arnie Needleman hit selected by an Associated Press poll as a guard on the offensive in the double column scoring .5 and platoon of the Little College All-American team. Twenty-two col- 11 points respectively. leges were represented on the team. Western Maryland, nevertheless, A native of Elmira, New York, Vic at Elmira Free Academy. After grad- Women's Sports was called upon to step aside as the received his pre-college grid training top scoring honors went to Jim Stark, diminutive guard for Dickinson, who uation he attended Alfred College and deposited 26 points through the later transferred to Western Mary- Pass In Review strings. land. In the four pre-Christmas contests Following the 6-0 Homecoming vic- Press }185 scored 105 points averaging tory over Drexel Tech, a Baltimore 26.25 points per contest, the Terrors Sun Sports Editorial proclaimed Make- After many weeks of hard play the have scored 267 points averaging 66.75 vitch the "Lineman of the Week." badminton tournament has finally It was in the fourth period of this per game, and the opponents have 'game that Vic blocked three Drexel been completed. There are six girls who are champions in their particular scored 309 points averaging 77.25 per punts, the last of which the Terrors class or dorm. Since there were so tilt. turned into a score. many freshmen participating in the This recognition is the first of All- tournament, they played not as a dorms. Bucknell Tops American style since the '30's when class but as individual according The to upperclassmen played Bill b&:ame Shepherd the nation's leading scorer and representative class. The following girls represent Terrors, 88-72 from WMC on the National All- the winners: Senior, Corrine Schc- A-merican team. field; Junior, Nell Hughes; Sopbo- western Maryland dropped its Sharing top honors with Vic is more, Bobbie Summers; and Fresh- second cage tilt to Bucknell, on Sat- Mitch Tullai, Western Maryland's men, Carter Baum :from McKinstry urday evening, December 8, on the crazy-legged, touchdown-hungry back- Hall, Sue Dorsey from McDaniel Hall, Lewisburg court by the score of 88- fteld ace. Mitch has been chosen a and Mary Warner from Blanche Ward 72, Hammwker r6aOlle'!'S lUI Hart and Press stand ready to 1UIs111t. member of the Grey team to play in Hall. The school championship is held From the foul stripe, Bucknell over- the December 29 bowl game taking by Freshman Carter Baum who after with 14 shadowed the visiting team as the Ter- Terrors Lose Third Dickinson Jr. Team '-place in Birmingham, Alabama. defeating her classmates, triumphed conversions in 22 attempts Mitch, like Vic, is completing his over the upperclassmen rcra collected only 10 out of 20 free third year of varsity grid competi- Interaorerity Basketball ~~r~~v:is~~!ert~eMBa::~at:d t~r~rt:~~ To Powerful Navy Tops ~/MC JV's tion. Tullai graduated from Newport The intersorority basketball games ~~~':ss~~an~~g:h:;:o:~, w~~e:w;;:end are coming .along line, i~ spite. of pointers tallied by the host squad. While visiting Dahlgren Hall Tues- The WMC Jayvee cagers suffered letters in several other sports besides _ many sore l'imbs and bruises. Smce day, December 11, the Green-and- their second setback in as many games Press Secree 30 football. my last report, three more g~mes have Gold cagera from the Hill suffered a by dropping a disappointing 91-35 been played. The Sigma SIgma Tau Art Press led the loser's attack, 75-51 setback at the hands of their contest to Dickinson's Junior Varsity Aftel' serving a hitch in the para- sorority defeated the Delta Sigma ~ caging 12 fielders and making good 6 powerful host---Navy. Th,is marked hoopatera, on December 8. The game troopers that took him on a trip to Kappa sorority by the score of 25=16. of the 7 foul shots which he attempted the third defeat for the Terrors. the Pacific and Japan, he returned The Phi Alpha Mu sorority defeated to give him a total of 30 points for the Western Maryland's Art Press, in was played in Carlise, Pennsylvania. home and enrolled at Western Mary- an independent team by the score of evening. Contributing to the cause was his usual true style, again captured Having difficulty finding the range land. Mitch is the brother of Si Tul- 25-8. The Phi Alpha Mu defeated the forward Walt Hart who dumped in scoring honors, dumping in 25 points. again, WMC's inexper-ienced squad lai, fot-mei- WMC grid1er and member Sigma Sigma Tau sorority by the 7 markers and 2 successful convers- Navy's guards, 'Clune and LAnge, each was able to "rip the cords" only 11 of the Class of '49. ions at the :foul line. The victorious dropped 13 points. times in field goal attempts :from Head coach of the GI'ey team is Rip score of 32-24. Bucknell quintet was paced by Bill scrimmage. Engle, Western Maryland graduate, Honorary Hockey Team Strella and Connie De Lccha, with 25 The first half was marked by a see- former player and coach, and now The W AA has announced the fol- and 22 points respectively. saw battle between the two squads, What little scoring that was ac- head coach at Pennsylvania State lowing girls as members of the hon- The Terrors bolted to a first quarter ::~h~ t~:~a~ou:l~S:~n~:~ynt~~ldhi: complished was well spread through- College. Advisory coach Dick Har~ orary hockey team: Becky LeFew, Ina lead of 21-13 but the advantage was slight 2 point advantage. The score out the lineup. Charlie Phipps donated low of Western Maryland will also Grice, Joan Kellogg, Janet High, Pat overcome early in the second 10 min- favoring Navy: 31-29. 6 points; Mabrey, 5 points; and new- serve in the same capacity fer the Fetcho, Pat Herman, Doris Tuck- utes. Bucknell led at half time 40-34 It was in the third quarter that comer Ray Davis, 5 points. Grey team in this post-~eason feature. wood, Bobbie Davison, Carter Baum, and went on to a victorious end with Navy found life both offensively and Charlotte Reed, and Joyce Schmidt. a final score of 88-72. Alternates on the team are Ginny defensively. While limiting the repre- sentatives from the Hill to but 7 Andrews, Lois Ohler, Jackie Palmer, points, the Sailors meantime were and Marlonna Wine. picking up 19. As the quarter whistle Snow Halts Game blew WMC was sunk beneath a 14 Jayvees Lose First point Naval lead. Last Friday's do ubi e- The final period followed very close- Cage Tilt To York header with American Uni- ly the one that preceeded it. Navy versity from Washington, continued to dominate play but the York Junior College eagere treated D. C. was cancelled because Western Maryland offensive looked the WMC Jayvees to an 82-60 defeat of inclement weather condi- good even to the end. when the Pennsylvania prep college tions. visited Gill Gym on December 4. Whether the game will be Al Deardurff led the visitors to rescheduled or indefinitely victory with a 28 point barrage while cancelled will be announced ~l'a!llln'!l the efforts of Freshmen Charlie in a later edition of this Phipps (17 points) and Tom Mabrey paper. (21 points) went to waste. Cirrl'ting!l ! Wil1lam "Soup" Campbell strength- ened the Jayvee floor game but again iii the combined attack of Deardarff and Dutchmen Win Marshall for the visitors proved too much to handle. 76-66 In Opner Griffin's ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE Fast, sharpshooting Jerry Landa led GOLD BUG the Lebanon Valley Dutchmen to a 76-66 victory, on December 4, in the WMC basketball season's opener played at Gill Gym. G.C. Murphy & Co. Good Health The first half saw both teams bat- tling furiousiy for the lead-neither The Friendly Store Pn!S8 clears tM boards. To team being able to grab it. Walt Hart and A,i; Press continually dropped Dormitory and Clesarccm All "two-pointers" to keep the local effOli; afire. Supplies Compliments of SMITH & REIFSNIDER From Visitors Take Lead Incorporated 6-10 Weat Main Street Third quarter action saw the Dutch- T. W. Mather & Sons LUMBER-'-COAL REXALL men edge into the lead and 'begin to WutnUnuer, Md. WESTMINSTER, MD. widen the point difference between the teams. However, just as the quarter closed, consistent hitting by Tull, White, Press, and Hart had narrowed Bixler and Guild FRESH! the score to an eleven point difference. BOYLES Early in the fourth period Landa Drug Co. Pop Corn RESTAURANT J. WM. HULL, Jew.ler fouled out with his team still holding Caramel Corn a 13 point advantage. Western Mary- Drugs Across from State Theatre For ()ver Half Century land then began to lind the range and Peanuts Expert Wateh, Jewelry at one time closed the gap in score Cigars or to five points. . Cosmetics " and Eye·Glass Repairing Unfortunately, the depth of the Home-made Candy Excellen.t Sandwicbes visitors's bench proved too milch an Candies 105 W. Main Street obstacle. Lebanon Valley dumped in THE TREAT SHOP Homemade Ice Cream 72 percent of their foul shots while John and Main Phone 1050 WMC converted on 69 percent.
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