Page 18 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 18
The Gold Bug. Dec. 4. 1951 View4 dJ.1UUH ~4e d{ilJ_ ~o.p There' are many times when words s;e~ so inadequate to express all the DEAN L. FORREST FREE thoughts one bas concerning people and events which deeply touch his life. To say "Thanks" to our superb coaching staff and football team is not only On Snallygaster's first day at WMC, teacher-pupil relationship. As one of directs' the choir at St. Paul's Evan- inadequate but trite. And yet, we cannot let the season go by without making he encountered a man at a desk, puff- his students said, "You can kid around gelical Reformed Church here in an attempt to convey the appreciation that the faculty and students have ex- ing on the stump of a cigar. Undoubt- with him." Westminster. As for hunting and fish- pressed, to those who have brought such honor and disflnction to Western edly, Snally has seen this man manjr n;an Free's extra-curricular activi- ing, Dean Free says that he likes to _ Maryland in the field of athletics. more times since the initial contact, do what many students dream about- In this day of "commercial ath- for it is the rare student who does that is, slip away between classes to letics" it is good to know that we are not have the occasion to confer with go hunting. During the summer he a school which has developed an out- Pins 'n Points Dean L. Forrest Free. heads for northern Ontario to fish for small-mouthed Dean Free's office in the second sec- standing football team, rather than a tion of Albert Norman Ward is a veri- trout and in the out-of-door bass. This life comes interest football team which is pulling a school The Christmas issue of the GOLD naturally as his father was a natu- behind it. BUG will be edited by underclassmen table Grand Central Station every ralist and big game collector. When we think of the many hours in preparation for the appointment of afternoon. Both men and women stu- Dean Free is a native of San Fran- we have had for study or fun while a new staff for the second semester. dents invade the sanctuary, bringing cisco, California, ,but has lived on the the men on the team have been drill- Students who will -compriae the with them problems concerning almost East coast most of his life. He went ing day aiter day on the field, when we underclass staff for this edition will every phase of campus and student to Lafayette College for his AB and think that even now, they have hours be: Jane McLeod, Editor-in-Chief; affairs. Each minute brings something AM degrees and then to New York of hard work ahead to catch up on Bob Wilson, Managing Editor; Bar- different, and Dean Free likes this University for his doctorate in phi- the'r studies-it takes more than just bara Bankson and Carolyn Mangels, lack of routine. He enjoys being in losophy. He lives on campus now, and a love for the sport. Co-News Editors; Betty Walter, Fea- contact with the students and takes his only comment was that during It means a spirit to.give physically ture Editor; Ed Smith, Sports Editor; a sincere interest in them. He is sensi- summer vacation he missed the noise. as well as mentally. It means grim Charles Wheatley, News-Feature Edi- tive to the changing campus trends He is a "family man" and is very determination to come from behind tor; Gus La Mar, Copy Editor; and and this plus his intense like for peo- when all seems lost in the fina_}mo- Paul Farnham, Exchange Editor. ple make it easy to talk with him. proud of his two daughters, Elaine, ments of play. It means the example As Dean of Men, he has won the a graduate nurse, and Jeanette, a as well as the coaching ability of the We understand that one of the admiration of the male student body. gr-aduate of Peabody Institute. staff to develop fine men as well as young ladies in Blanche Ward had a The men students feel that he w.i)1al- fine athletes-men who are taught most entertaining party a few nights ways give them a fair deal and that Dean L. Forrest Free the rules of the game of life as it ago. Tea was brewed 'and homemade means a lot. The most difficult task should be played through the succes- cake was served. The next day sev- of this office is that of counselling dur- ties include the Westminster Kiwanis ses and reverses on the football field. eral of the guests.spent an interesting ing a critical period such as the pres- Club and music, hunting and fishing. By Marty Mn1lCh We are vastly proud of our unde- afternoon discussing the party in the ent when the selective service is call- Music has been an avocation since his feated season, the first since 1929; infirmary. ing young men into its defense college days, and he sings regularly Since the beginning of the semester, only eighteen teams in the country Congratulations to the cast and program. This same situation con- in the College Choir. In addition, he the Student Government has been try- can boast of this feat. We are ex- everyone else connected with The Sil- fronted Dean Free during the second ing to obtain a lounge for students' tremely proud of our second Mason- ver Whistle. Each year the College World War and he said that then, as use. It seems, for the first time, that Dixon Conference title in three years. Players seem to get more profession- now, it presented many heart-break- Post Office Rush we are nearing our goal. The large (Last year, we were ineligible be- al-and the sets more impressive. ing problems. basement room under McDaniel Hall and mathe- Brings ... Nothing cause not enough conference games Special laurels to Miss Smith for a Like our other deans, he is also a is the room that may be given the were played.) But even more, we are job well done! pr-ofesscr-c-of astronomy students. If the room is obtained, the proud of the men who have made this matics, to be specific. He enjoys teach- next step, and the problem, is furnish- Station No, it isn't Grand Central record possible. For not alone have The best news that we've heard [n ing and "wouldn't want to give it up." at the 5:00 o'clock rush hour. It's not ing it with comfortable chairs and they made football history. Among a long time is that Dr. Ensor has met Students enjoy his teaching, also, Macy's Bargain Basement on Clear- sofas. To finance the project, the Stu- those who have played their last game with the architect and has given him since he is one of those professors out-day. It isn't the football squad in. dent Government is planning a num- for WMC are leaders of the Student the "go ahead" on drawing up plans who do not insist upo~ a formal ser immage, and it's not a pack of ber of activities that include a donkey Government, the SCA, leaders of for the men's new dorm! hounds on a fox hunt. It's the post basketball game, a sponsored movie, classes, fraternities, and school or- burned as incense, or perhaps corn office at 9:00 a. m. and the selling of coffee and donuts in ganizations. They are leaving even Dr. Huber was absent from some of flakes for added comfort of a bed. Fight or die in the attempt is the the dorms on Sunday mornings. It more imperishable records elsewhere his classes a few weeks ago. However, The practical jokster never fails to must be remembered that these are than in the athletic hall of fame. his reason was perfectly valid-it's a realize that the late hours are more motto on every lip as the Battle of purely tentative plans. However, if To each and everyone, from Coach girl! Congratulations! conducive to wild imaginings of the the Bulge begins. The front lines they become a reality, you alone can Havens and Advisory Coach Harlow ..'\\"e seem to have a celebrity in our supernatural. There was a certain waver indecisively between defeat and make them successful. to the newest "water boy", on the midst-Bill Schneider is not only an individual who spent most of her victory. After vicious counter-attacks This year the SGA initiated the pro- squad, we say thank you for what you up and coming young singer but also waking hours dreaming up new ideas. from the enemy, several guerillas gram of providing seasonal decora- have done for Western Maryland. is the proud possessor of a new Ply- force break-through-Sand the allied tions for the rec room. Thus far the May your every future activity bring mouth. Wouldn't it be nice if we could One night she lowered a hammer on forces sift through the action zone. project has been unsuccessful. Mter you have only begun But courage, you the same measure of reward and all sinlf for our- Plymouths? a rope and tapped it against the to fight! Upon reaching enemy terri- one day, football decorations were window beneath. The listeners showed satisfaction. torn down by students who obviously little reaction to this stunt, but it tory the confusion is unearthly. Desti- did not consider the time and work The Associated Collegiate Press has A Note On The proved more dangerous as they re- nation-mailbox. Hair disheveled, lip- spent making them, and who were you're pressed their emotions and began to stick smeared, books scattered, set up a national college student opin- imagine it on succeeding nights. The surrounded by triumphant human not interested in the effort to make ion survey designed to bring to light Practical Joker jokster saw with glee the evidence of dynamos zooming past, and disgusted the rec room a more pleasant campus authentic student attitudes on many her handiwork and came upon a new individuals knocking you over. Decid- meeting place. Plans are being made subjects. The GOLD BUG will repre- idea. Suspending a lantern outside of ing against a grand leap over the mob, to decorate the rec room for Christ- sent the ACP on the Hill in conduct- The art of practical joking, it must the same window, she allowed it to you wend a devious trail behind book- mas, and your co-operation is asked. ing this poll, under the leadership of be admitted, is not inherent, but is swing like a pendulum. The inhabit- store counters and over benches. Roland Fleischer, who has been ap- a gradual learning process. It is in ants changed dorms the following lunge under several arms with a help- DeanOutlines View is sighted and you Destination pointed Survey Editor. part creative, but necessarily also part semester and appear to be living The survey, which will he completed knowledge gained through painful normal lives though they swear that ful heave from the mob. With tremb- during this week, will include such experience. The character of the prac- the other room is haunted. ling fingers you fumble for the key Of Athletic Board topics as the draft, cheating, sorori- tical jckater is a combination of sad- These are only a few of the ex- in your pocket and turn it jerkily in ties and fraternities, discrimination, iSlP-finding great pleasure in the Whether these jokes are "practical" the lock. A letter! The mission is com- The Athletic Council of Western dating, higher education and academic frustrations of his fellow man; ro- or not is a good philosophical question. pleted! You clutch the envelope greedi- Maryland College is proud of the 1951. freedom, along with national and '[n- manticism-realizing the aesthetic But it is true that they serve as an ly, look at the address and collapse football team. The boys played a diffl- tar-national topics of current interest. qualities of effect and revolting excellent diversion from excess study- against the boxes. For your room- cult eight-game schedule, winning all The results of the survey at West- against conventions; and, lastly, hum- ing or boring routine. . mate! their games. The Council attributes ern Maryland will be published, along or-the final test decided only if said the successful season to exeel1~t with the national results compiled jokster can laugh when the trick is technical coaching and a courageous from hundreds of colleges par-ticipat- played upon him and can see the crea- squad instilled with the indominatable in"!!:. tive genius invanother practitioner, spirit to win. This team never let up Few Props Needed whether ahead or behind on the score. DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE Relatively unimportant objects take Our coaches and boys worked to- COPY: on great meaning to the artist in this gether as one smooth operating unit. Wednesday, December 12 field; for example, take a spool of Western Maryland has its first al- thread at the hour of 1:00 a. m. In- legiance to the Mason-Dixon Confer- significant, y
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