Page 19 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Dec. 4, 1951 Terror Team Ends Season Bachelors Take '51 Women Play UndeFeated As Hopkins Bows Fraternity Grid Title By lI1a.rlonna, Wine Tom Scott's Bachelor charges ended The Girls' Hockey T~am finished As was expected, Western Maryland's football squad romped their intramural football season un- their 1951 intercollegiate schedule on to an easy 33-6 victory over a weak Johns Hopkins eleven to notch beaten, untied, and unscored upon, to November 16, against Notre Dame at their eighth consecutive win of the season and wrap up the finale of take the 1951 title. Jack Urion led WMC. The home team, sparked by an undefeated season. ..... the team in scoring,' carrying over their 5-0 victory over Mount Saint Agnes a few weeks ago, was in high With two minutes of play gone, six touchdowns to account for over spirits. Warren McFague, Terror fullback, half of the team's sixty-nine points. plunged three yards through center The champs, fast and fur-ious in of- The strong defensive play of both • for the first tally. Western Maryland's teams prevented either side from alert Mike Rentko had set up the !::~~Ieanodnl~ig~~c!nd~~~~seth;ve:~O;: making a goal and the half ended score as he pounced on a loose ball season, when they tussled the second- without a score. During the second that both Hopkins safetymen, Jack place Black and Whites to a 6-0 vic- half of play, the local girls skillfully Lay and Bob Wroblewke, had bobbled. tory on October 31. Their tremendous worked the ball down the field, and Ira Zepp missed the extra point. defense did not falter that day, al- ~~sft~:=~:;~~r:;r!~!:~J~ Another Jay miscue, a bad pass though the losers found themselves on ie~~s:n~ from center that got away from punt- the enemy five yard line four times over the goal line for a score. Later in the half, in spite of the outstanding er Ralph Cook, led to a 29-yard scor- during the game. Wrestling Captain, Jack Rail defense work of our goalie, Pat Her- ing thrust. Mitch Tullai provided the • In the runner-up position, the man., Notre Dame's Peggy Pocke payoff as he rambled 6 yards around Black and Whites scored 77 points to made a score which tied the game 1-1. to the Wrestlers Train end for the touchdown. Vic Mako- the opposition's 37. They won four and Although both teams made a de- vitch's attempt for the bonus tally lost two, both losses attributed termined effort to break the tie, the was successful, and the Green Ter- Bachelors. The second game, taking Due largely to the efforts of two game ended with a score of 1-1. rors held a 13-0 lead during the inter- place in the interfraternity tourna- students, Captain Jack Rail and Coach mission. ment November 16, Joe Deering and Ray Faby, the wrestling team will On November 19, the Womens' Ath- Jack Urion tallied six 1-1 pointers, letic Association gave a party in the on December McFague and Tullai Spark Drive and Lefty Kaufman carried over an swing into action and Marshall. 14, girls' gym for association members Franklin against McFague and Tullai paced drives extra point to subdue a fighting Pi and other interested girls. After a of 54 and 40 yards respectively, as the Art Press, Terror Forward Alpha Alpha team, 13-0. Hoping to better the record of last period of games, refreshments were the matmen unbeaten victors reached touchdown Ending in a blaze of glory, "Scot- year's squad, tough training are in now served. In the meeting that followed, the undergoing Ina Grice, president of the organiza- Ward ~e~~r~a~~:ddU;!~; t~:r th~:~hca~~;~ Basketball Season tie's Boys" romped over the Gamma basement of Albert Norman they hope tion, made a number of awards. Gold Bets, 34-0. Urton again led the scor- dormitory. After Christmas pointers on drives of 6 and 1 yards, ing parade with eighteen points. Tom to move to Gill Gym where a brand and green shields, bearing the gradua- to were presented tion year numerals ~:dt~a::;;:~07~d;r~e~~00percentage To Open Tonight Scott, Howie Zimmerman, and Dick new regulation wrestling mat will the following girls: Freshmen, Jackie Durst shared scoring honors also. await them. Bob McChesney, Hopkins guard, After vigorous pre-season training, Three of Alpha Gamma Tau's games This year's 17-man squad will in- Palmer, Carter Baum, Doris Tuck- gave the vanguished some solace in ' the Terror basketball squad will swing were forfeited to them. wood, Harriet Cooley, Mary Stuart, the last quarter as he pilfered a wild into action tonight in Gill Gym. clude such returning veterans as Joe Mary Warner, and Sophomore, Mar- center pass from Dwight Scott's The list of returning veterans is Ravenis, George Davtglus, and of lonna 'Vine. WMC monograms were hands and went off on a 97-yard run, headed by an all-time West.ern Mary- course Captain Rall and Coach Faby. presented 'to the following girls who for a tally. The conversion was missed. land ball handler and scorer, Art New among its members will be Art have earned 400 points in various Western Maryland came fighting back, Press. Returning stars Walt Hart, Shanklin, Jim Marsh, and a host of sports: Audrey Boyer, Beckey LeFew, with McFague racing a long distance Chuck Hammaker, Ernie Makowski, other fine wrestlers. Betty Calender; Shirley Cramer, and for the final marker. Makovitch con- and Art Plsetzner will make up the Charlotte Bonneville. The selection of verted to conclude the scoring activi- backbone of this year's squad along BasketbailSchedule Doris Tuckwood to represent ·the ties. with Bob Langrall, Soup Campbell, freshman class on the WAA board In the statistical department, the Bi!l Pfieffer,_Arnie Needleman, and was also announced at this meeting. game was as much Western Mary_ Harlow Henderson. Before the party broke up, Pat Ham- land's as was the score. Rolling up A tremendous addition to the Ter- Lebanon Valley _.._ ....._...Home eraly, Bobbie Davison, and Nell 265 yards on rushing plays and 57 ror cagers will be a long list of fresh- York Junior College Hughes entertained with singing ac- over the airlanes, they produced 17 men. This group includes White, Cline, VB. JV .. ._.._ _ _..Home companied by the ukelele. first downs. Hopkins had a grand total Cook, Darling, Phipps (Jerry's little 8 Bucknell .._ _Away Badminton is the intramural sport of two first downs as they went 33 brother), Lawyer, Whitehurst, TuB, 11 Navy _. .._(afternoon) Away of major interest at this time. A very yards on the ground and 11 through Mabry, Bopst, and Antonis. 12 Dickinson vs. JV .._..._._Away large number of girls have signed up the air for a total of 44 yards, one The squad is again coached by 14 American U. vs. JV ._...c.Home to participate this season. Rounds one less than their total yardage lost in Bruce Ferguson, who is assisted by January and two are nearly completed and penalties. Fine punting by Cook kept Jim Boyer. Wesley Gebhart will man- during the next few weeks a champ- the score from even growing larger 10 Mt. St. Mary's vs. JV .Home ion will be announced. as he kicked 10 times for an average 16 Catholic U. ...._ ._._.Away The basketball season has opened of 43.9 yards. Zepp, who covered the 16 York Junior College with games between the various so- booting duties for Western Maryland, VS. JV __Away rorities. On Monday, the 26th of No- hit the pigskin five times for an aver- 18 Washington College Home vember, the Phi Alpha Mu defeated age of 34.4 yards. 18 Baltimore Junior College Home the Iota Gamma Chi by a score of vs. JV Besides concluding an undefeated 34-11. This is the beginning of thel annual season, the Terrors also annexed the 21 ~:it~!o~~ar~'.s ~-;'-"JV _:=:·~~t~ interaorgr-ity bas k e t b a II Mason-lJi~n Conference F 0 0 t b a II 26 tournament. Last year the tourna- Championship and thirteen. consecu- ment was won by Phi Alpha Mu. tive victories over two seasons. Baltimore U. vs. JV Away Davison Elected To All-Star Team Johns Hopkins vs. JV Home Congratulations to Bobbie Davison Home Five:Terrors Named Good Health 12 13 Gettysburg vs. JV .Home who was recently selected at a region- Loyola vs. JV Home al play day held in Baltimore to play Catholic U. For Drexel Honors To 19 19 Baltimore Junior College ....Home on the All Star Iota Hockey Team. Chi vs. vs. JV December Gamma 7 All 23 Johns Hopkins vs. JV _.__Away Delta Sigma Kappa By vote of the Dragon football 26 Washington College _._._Away squad, five Western Maryland players From 28 Towson vs. JV ... Home December 10 Sigma Sigma Tau vs. were named to the annually-elected Phi Alpha Mu Drexel all-opponent eleven. March December 14 Phi Alpha Mu vs. Delta The sole repeater to this honor was 1 Loyola vs. JV __Away Sigma Kappa Vic Makovitch, the 182 pound guard who was responsible for blocking JV games scheduled at 6:45 p. m. December 17 Sigma Sigma Tau vs, three punts in a single contest this Varsity games scheduled at 8:30 p. m. Iota Gamma Chi season. Vic is without a doubt one of the greatest linemen, both offensively and defensively, to ever play on a Compliments of Western Maryland team. • .. There the herm,it Terror defensive guard Mike Chiri- J. R. EVERHART gos was named for his outstanding COLLEGE BARBER play. Ira Zepp, because of his great slaked my burning thirst At the Forks punts and ability at right end, was selected as one of the all-opponent ends. - Tennyson: Holy Grail In the backfield, Mitch Tullai and Warren McFague shared honors for "MEET AT the Green Terror team. Mitch, a fleet- Could be he found footed halfback, played his final sea- Coke at the hermitage. son here on the Hill. Warren McFague PETE'S is the hard-hitting Terror fullback, For Coca-Cola is everywhere and this year played his first season ••• and everywhere it has the same for the college. To Get Your Eats" delicious and refreshing quality. Wrestling Schedule :MainSL-Red Neon Sign December 14 Franklin and MarshalL __.Away . January The 3 T's 11 Baltimore University _.._.Home 19 Gallaudet .._. . Home Confectionery February 166 W. Main Street 9 Catholic University ._. Away 15 Loyola __.Home ICE CREAM 21" Towson ._.A way 27,28 Tournament aomED UNDERAUTHORITYO~ TH~ COCA·COLA COMPANY BY SOFT DRINKS At Johns Hopkins WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. DRUG SUNDRIES March 1 Bucknell .._ ..._.. ._.Home "'C:aIc.";'Gr~trode-i. © 1951, THE COCA_COLA COMPANY /
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