Page 20 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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The Gold,Bug. Dec.•4, 1951 I College Calendar I College Men Defend Campus By Don..,Makosky By EsteUe Zies 5 Dick Harlow, From Johns Hopk"lns" Invas"lon W;;;~Sd::e~:;:m:;: "Wait a minute, Don," says Kenny Kay McLaughlin moves in a sphere Sp.. ker, "Mo"J Problems of thO Shook oftentimes, "until I comb my of many activities and among a varie- hair." Although, to my inexperienced ty of people. She thinks deeply, feels ~~:~us,,, Baker Chapel, 6:45 Some time very early Thursda~ morning, November 15th, some Hopkins eye every lock of hair is in its place, emotions strongly, and works. in a students paid a visit to our campus, taking on the role of painters. They pro- Kenny, with a few flicks of the comb, firm, sure accomplishing manner. She Thursday, December 6 ceeded to paint the press box and stands on Hoffa Gi'e1d, Gill Gym, Yingling creates his truly immaculate coiffure. likes to laugh and talk-in sev'cn ac- Inter-sorority Tea, M c Dan i e 1 Gym, and also the Seminary. Painting wasn't the only thing these multi-talented Lounge; 4 p. ID. Personal neatness is, indeed, a part cents, no less. Home Economics Club, Hering Hall, boys did. They also took down one goal post and burned a large "H" in the grass on the Hill. Kay came to Western Maryland 6:45 p. m. When the Western Maryland stu- after sixteen years in India, one year dents discovered this later in the as a salesgirl in Hartford, Connectt- Friday, Dece!llber 7 morning, they were angry-plenty cut, and two years at Baldwin Wal- Faculty Recital, Mr. Philip Royer, angry,~ and that night they had a lace College in Ohio. Deciding to rna- violin; Mr. Oliver K. Spangler, chance to show what they thought of jor in sociology, she was one of the piano; Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. their school and intruders who marred few who took cultural anthropology Sunday. December 9 its appearance. Four Hopkins students before introductory sociology and Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, made the mistake of returning in a passed it! 9:15 a. m.' black Studebaker' about 12:45 a. m. Chapel, Rev. Wesley Day, Alumni Friday morning. The night watchman Hall, 7:15 p. m. sounded the alarm through the men's Monday, December 10 do/ms and the chase began. The men Assembly, Rev. Wesley Day, students were all over the campus in Speaker, Alumni Hall, 11:30 a. m. a matter of. minutes, some fully Football Banquet, College Dining dressed and others in pajamas and Hall,7:30p.m. Naturally everyone gives a buck for bath robes; and the girls were hang- Tri Beta Christmas Party, Dr. WSSF. ing out of windows wishing that they Sturdivant's home. could be out there helping the boys. However, this was impossible; so their Wednesday, December 12 ~ .. bu-d's eye view of the happening and Lutheran Stu den t s A:SSOClatlOn, periodic postings from the spirited Bakel' Chapel, 6:45 p. m. Methodist Students Meeting, Me- SUGAR ·N SPICE Western Marylanders below had to satisfy them. Daniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m. of his personality. Even his overalls Saturday, December 15 'N EVERTHING NICE Intruder Captured have a crease in them. Ken impresses Holly Hop, Delta Pi Alpha, Gill F'inalfy the girls received a reward new acquaintances and old friends Gym, 8:30 p. m. for their patient vigilance-they alike with his unaffected, clean-cut Sunday. December 16 witnessed the capture of a Hopkins friendliness. Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 6:15 Griffin's boy in Robinson Garden. He was im- .If ever there was a young man who a.m. mediately taken to the shower .room aimed to fill the cup of life brim-full, Christmas Chapel, Vespers, College of Ward Hall to have his head shaved Kenny Shook is that young man. And Choir, College Players, Alumni but was saved from this fate when it is his desire to fill the cup with wine Hall, 4:15 p. m. Dean Free arrived at the scene of of only the highest quality. If you Monday, December 17 action. The beginning of a "W" had asked Kenny what were, in his [udg- IRC meeting, McDaniel Lounge, been cut in his hair, but the shaving "ment, the vbest" things in life, he 6:45 p. m. had not begun. On the suggestion of might suggest: good food-thick, [(ay McLaughlin French Club Carols, CantiqU(Js de J. WM. HULL, .Ieweler the Dean, this enemy from the rival juicy baked ham, French fries and or on the stage, Kay has ability as Noel, McDaniel Lounge, 8 p. m. campus was taken to pay a visit to tender lima beans; inspiring music- well as a deep appreciation for the For Over Half Century our President, and it had been decided whether it be a beautiful sacred cho- fine arts. Baseball, volleyball, and Expert Watch, Jewelry to give him accommodations for the rus or Nat "King" Cole's arrange- badminton are her favorites in the The Coffm~n·Fisher CO. night when the town police arrived ment of "Mona Lisa;" an experience field of athletics, where she is a and Bye-Glass Repairing with the other three Hopkins boys. that thrills a person in the heart- participant as well as an enthusiastic DEPARTMENT STORE Since no reservations had been made, last summer's grand-slam home-run, observer. She can cook too and can 105 W. Main Street it was impossible for these boys to a gripping movie, a kiss. 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 spend the night and the police took enjoy all types of food. Brown rice Kenny believes that the richest ex- with a poached egg on top is a special them to their car which, by this time, periences in life are acquired by work- treat, but rhubarb pie leaves her cold. was not in running condition. ing on everything he attempts with "Kathleen Lenore" is a Trumpeter, Friday evening at the Pep Rally, all his energy and determination. So secretary of the SCA, a member of the FRESH! Mitch Tullai asked for volunteers for he flghts just as hard for the Black Sigma Sigma Tau sorority, Secretary, Compliments of a T6conna.isllance patrol; and all duro and White football or basketball team Treasurer of IRC and one of the ten Pop Corn, ing the night, figures could be spotted as he does for the varsity baseball selected for WHO'S WHO. To find Caramel Corn Wine's Sport Shop moving quietly along the perimeter squad'. So he sing's as fervently as time for study Is-a real problem, but of the campus. HoweV'cr, this was the first tenor of the Black and White the dean's list is evidence that Kay Peanuts extent of the action. Quartet as he does in his frequent manages well. Deep faith combined A special thanks to those boys who appearances as a baritone soloist. So with definite convictions influence all gave up tQ.eir sleep to go out and he has qualified as Miss Smith's latest her work and living. Home-made Candy protect our campus those two cold version of Rudolph ¥,alentino. So it is MODERN nights. This was a fine display of the that the Sunday Fellowship, under his A P. K.-the luckiest thing that THE TREAT SHOP G. I. Laundry school spirit Western Maryland stu- leadership, has had an invigorating ever happened to her, Kay assures dents have. program this year. us-she has the ability to meet people At your service, phone 1478 graciously and to speak intelligently There is one fact of Ken's character before an audience. Even the sixth or call at office, 223 E. which serves to enrich his whole per- grade class which Kay observes tea- sonality. That is his spiritual attitude. got to go home when she was telling SMITH & REIFSNIDER Green St. Compliments of Call it optimism, enthusiasm, eonfi- them of tigers and Hindus in India. Incorponted dence, or what you will, I am con- Practically everyone on the Hill knows LUMBER-COAL One day service T. W. Mather & Sons vinced that it springs .rrom a deep Ray, and those of us wh6 like to think WESTMINSTER, MD. at office only religious faith To me this faith is the we know her most intimately have a source of Kenny's basic attitudes and tremendous liking and respect for actions. her. 'I don't mean to paint a portrait of G.C. Murphy & Co. a faultless character. Like Shakes- After graduation? Eventually she peare's tragic heroes, Kenny has one hopes to take out a life-long partner- The Friendly St?re disastrous flaw: he has a peculiar ship and raise a set of twins for the aversion to tomatoes (the vegetable, class of '77. But at the present some- Continuous 1 p. m. Saturday! and I mean). thing in the field of social work or Dormitory and ClaSlroom Continuous 2 p. m, Saturdays and perhaps further study at Southern Holidays. Hcltdays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Methodist University is her goal. Supplies Sunday Matinees: 2 and" p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m, Week- PATRONIZE Whatever decision is made, life will Matinee 2.p. m.-E.-eninl'! 7 &; 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:80 p. m, OUR always be full for Kay as well as rich 6·10 West Main Street ADVERTISERS. and meaningful for those around her. Westminster, Md. WED., THUR., DEC. 5-6 WED., THURS., DEC. 5-6 LET'S MAKE IT LEGAL (Double Feature) BOYLES Bixler and Guild Claudette Colbert MacDonald Carey SKIPALONG also ROSENBLOOM RESTAURANT Drug Co. It Pays To Look Well FRI., SAT., DEC. 7-8 SUN SETS AT DAWN Drugs' Visit The ANNE OF THE INDIES Across from State Theatre (Technicolor) FRI., SAT., DEC. 7·8 Cigars Avenue B.rber Shop Jean Peters Louis Jourdan RODEO KING AND THE Cosmetics SENORITA Excellent Sandwiches Candies Where The Students Go SUN., MON., TUES., DEC. 9·10-11 Rex Allen Mary Ellen Kay Homemade Ice Cream John and Main Phone 1050 85 Pennsylvania Avenue A CHRISTMAS CAROL SUN., MON., TUES., DEC. 9-10-11 Alistair Sim Kathleen Harrison SILVER CITY Edmond O'Brien Yvonne DeCarlo WED., THUR., DEC. 12·13 No other store has a display of LOVE NEST . WED., THURS., DEC. 12·13 Compliments of YELLOW SKY Christmas. Cards, Gifts William Lundigan June Haver Gregory Peck Ann Baxter Gift Wrappings AVENUE LUNCH FRI., SAT., DEC. 14·15 FRI., SAT., DEC. 14-15 CARNIVAL TEXAS RIVER SNAKE As you see at 104Yz Penna. Ave. Howard Keel Esther Williams Charles Starrett DESPERADOES Smiley Burnett P. G. COFFMAN CO. • SUN., MON., TUES., GIRL SUN., MON., TUES., DEC. 16·17-18 DEC. 16-17-18 GOLDEN Times Building Westminster (Technicolor) THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE Mitzi Gaynor Dale Robertson Audie Murphy Bill Mauldin
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