Page 17 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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l.ibrary Th<)c '\;vsr·r.._ ;,:i:D:'v13:1d Co Lj.ege 'i;~stminster, Md. Prea~hers Sponsor Holly Hop ll IIHoliday Inn Mu·sic ByAbel This year the annual Holly Hop will be held Saturday, December 15, 1951, from 8 :30 p. m. to 11:45 p. m. in Gill Gymnasium. Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity is sponsoring this Christmas dance. Originality in decoration and theme will be the keynote of the evening. In the Holiday Inn atmosphere, gals and guys will "dance Vol. 29, No.5 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. December 4,1951 under the tree" to the melodious strains of Larry Abel's Orchestra. Some of the members of this band have played with well-known bands and orchestras throughout the country and are now studying at Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore. The orchestra has Sergeants Puryear, Derrick, Stephens~n . its own original arrangements. Couples will trip the light fantastic amid seasonal colors of red and green. Refreshments consisting of soft- Receive Government Call To Active Duty drinks and "Henderson's Special" will Banquet To Honor be served throughout the evening. Skitch Henderson is chairman of the etructed weapons 'classes, and has month basic course. From there, he Refreshment Committee and will be 1951 Terror Squad coached the rifle t~am. Last year, the will report to the 101st Airborne Di- assisted by Mike Rentko. Chairman team placed sixth in the Second Army vision at Camp Breckenridge, Ken- of the Publicity Committee is Ted To recognize the achievement of Area. In 1945, it was rated second in tucky. Bobilin, assisted by Dick Carvel. The 'Western Maryland's undefeated, un- the National Rifle Matches. . SFC Owen T. Stephenson will de- Decoration Committee is headed by tied 1951 football team, the College Master Sergeant Bruce E. Derrick, part on January 5, bound for Fort Jim Marsh; assistant, Art Press. will hold a banquet in honor of the who lives in Picture Rock, Pennsyl, Benning, where he, too, will report Bruce Rudisill is in charge of the squad, coaches and staff in the College as a second lieutenant for the officers" Clean-up Committee and will have the Dining Hall at 7:30 p. m. on Monday, basic course. Upon completion of this help of Paul Peshkoff. Don Wassman December 10. assignment, he will join the Fifth is in charge of invitations and will Invited guests include officials of Division at Indiantown Gap, Pennsyl- be aided by Alton Davidson. Tickets the Mason-Dixon Conference, Balti-· vania. Sgt. Stephenson, whose home to the dance are $2.00 per couple, and more press writers who covered WMC town is Bells, Tennessee, has served the chairman of the Ticket Committee sports, six members of the Baltimore on the Hill since 1948. is Gil Stang, who will have Pete alumni and trustees, six from West- Warner and f,lwight "Rebel" Scott minster, and the College Athletic working with him. Mitch Tullai is Council. The Mason-Dixon Champion- General Chairman of the entire dance. ship Trophy will be presented to the The "Preachers" are all joining in to team at this time. make this year-s Christmas dance a big suc~ess. The student body will be represent, ed at the banquet by Paul Welliver, president of Alpha Gamma' Tau; French (Iub Plans Ernie Makowski, Delta Pi Alpha; Ira Three sergeants of Western Mary- Zepp, Gamma Beta 'Chi; Roland land's military department have been '(antiques de Noel' Bowlsbey, editor of the GOLD BUG; called to active duty, according to Lt. Alpha; Alpha Fleischer, Pi, Stan Col. Robht s. Redfield, professor De Ccrote Francais will present its and Bob Wilson, campus sports wr-iter military science and tactics. of traditional Cantiqncs de NoH, a pro- and representative of the SGA. Master Sergeant Rufus C. Puryear, gram of French Christmas Carols, on Tomorrow night, the Westminster who has served WMC for eleven years, Monday, December 17, at 8 p. m. in Kiwanis Club will be hosts to the will report on December 10 to Fort McDaniel Lounge. team at a dinner at the Carroll Hotel. Lawton, 'Yashington, for .embarka_ A chorus of nearly eighty voices, tion to the Far East Command. Dur- vania, has served the local military under the direction of Beverly War- ing his stay on the Hill, Sgt. Puryear department as assistant supply serge- ner, will participate. In addition to Men's Glee Club has been the supply sergeant, has in~ ant and instructor of classes in wea- the traditional French carols sung pons and map reading. Sgt. Derrick, every year, several new selections will a reserve officer, will report tomorrow Sergeant Owen Stephenson be presented. Performs Sunday AnnualChristmas as a second lieutenant to the Infantry Soloists will include Jo Kompanek, School at Fort Benning, Georgia, SFC Pierre La Voy has arrived on Wesley Stone, Betty Simpson, Royden On Sunday, December 9, at 9 :15 ' where he will take the officers' three campus to replace Sgt. Puryear as Koehler, Betty Brandenberg, Mita ~'I:'~~U~a~~~lcb~a~:~r~ef:~~-~~:~~ Vespers Planned supply sergeant and coach of the rille Justice, Imogene Weybright, and Wil- team. Formerly, Sergeant La Voy liam Schneider. Duets will be pre- time by the student body. The annual Christmas Vesper Serv- coached the rifle squad of Johns Hop- sented by June Lambert and Bey The Glee Club, under the direction ice, presented through the combined Club News kins University. Replacements for the Warner, and by June Parker and. of Mr. Oliver Spangler, will sing for efforts of the College Players and the others have not yet been designated. Mary Emma Whitfield.' the Sunday Fellowship. They will College Choir, will he held on Sunday, sex As a prelude, Mr. Philip Royer, open their performance with lVhen December 16 at 4:15 p. m. in Alumni On Saturday, December 8, from violinist, will play Schubert's Ave Christ was Born of Mary Free, an Hall. 7:30 to 10:00, the SCA is sponsoring Betas with Gettysburg and Hood. Maria.: The Christmas story will be old English carol. The rest of the The play, in which the College a square dance to be held in Blanche Some twelve WMC students attended read in French by Larry Taylor. program will consist of 0 Come, 0 Players will participate, directed by Ward Gym. Refreshments will be pro- this meeting, which consisted of a To close the program, Miss Jean- Come, Immanuel, a 13th century Plain Miss Esther Smith, is entitled The vided. The purpose of this is to raise lecture by a doctor from Camp Dei- nette Free, a graduate of the Pea- Song, Willie, Take your Tiny Drum, Heart 0' Mary and was written by money in order to send a representa- trich, and an informal discussion body, will appear as guest soloist to a Burgundian carol, Deck the Hall, a George M. P. Baird. This little play tive to a conference in Michigan dur- period. render Cantique de Noel. . Welsh carol, and Silent Night, a Ger- takes place forty-two days after the ing Christmas week. The annual Christmas Party will Miss Margaret Snader, of the man carol. birth of Christ; and although the be observed at the next meeting. Dr. French Department, is the faculty Quartet To Sing author has used scriptural narrative Tri-&ta and Mrs. Sturdivant have invited the advisor of the production. Accompa- Kenny Shook, Jack Lambert, Clark as a background for the plot, the story On Wednesday, November 28, the chapter to theiu home for this event- is a new one because he has added local chapter traveled to Hood College to be held from 8:00 to 10:00 p. m. ~:tO:;~ff~he program will be Shirley ~:;::~e;h:~~e~~u~,a:~~k:d;l!a:i:7; his own imagination and has colored to attend a regional meeting of Tri- Monday, December 10. the facts with fancy. to the program with two quartet Lt. Ebert Honored numbers. They will sing A Carol for The cast of this production in- Seniors To Take Advanced Grad Choir To Participate an old English carol, and EVlwyman, TOW1! of Little At Fort Benning o Americqn Carol. Bethlehem, an cludes: Mary, Kerseley Gates; Joseph, Comprehensives In Major Field Kenneth Shook; Elizabeth Elizabeth, Bob Ebert, Western Maryland Col- This special program of Christmas Walters; Miriam, Elizabeth Kuhn; lege, '51, is starting off on his Army carols will be presented by the Sun- Chryseis, Ruth Lee; a woman, Nell As a part of the testing schedule students who so request. The test career with an enviable record. Upon day Fellowship. An offering will he Hughes. " which is designed to help Western scores will not be used in any way to graduation last May, Bob was offered taken and the money used for Christ- Under the direction of Mr. DeLong, Maryland College in evaluating its determine grades or class rank. The a Regular Army Commission through mas boxes, which will be given to the Choir will sing a number of tradi- academic program, senior students date on which this examination will the Military Science Department. He needy families in Westminster and the tional Christmas carols, including will take in May the Advanced Tests be administered is too late for results accepted the commission and his first surrounding area. Deek the Halls, a Welsh carol, To a of the Graduate Record Examination to be used by students who are apply- army station was the Infantry School Virgin Meek and Mild, a Spanish cooperating in the nationally admin- ing for permission to enter graduate at 'Fort Benning, Georgia. He was a WMC Represented At carol, and The Shepherds and the Inn, istered Institutional Testing Program. schools or for scholarship aid in such member of a class of two hundred six a Mexican carol. They will conclude This test is planned to give informa- schools. Students with these objec- second lieutenants, of which about Public Rel.tions Meeting· the service with "The Hallelujah tion about the effectiveness of the . tives in mind will probably desire to seventy-five percent were graduated Chorus" from The Me8siah. major-subject design, just as last take the Graduate Record Examina- from West Point at the same time Bob The American College Public Rela- year's Cooperative General Culture tion early in February. The regula- graduated from Western Maryland. tions Association District IV will Speaker To Discuss Test gave information about the por- tions under which the Institutional The class has just recently com- meet December 6, 7, and 8 at Hood tion of the college program which is Testing Program is carried on make pleted its work and the officers are College, Frederick, Maryland. Mr. Far Eastern Situation devot~d to general education. it necessary for such students to take being assigned to other stations. Lieu- Herbert Heston of Hood College will the- examination again in May. For tenant Ebert graduated number two act as convention chairman. On December 10th, the students of Exams To Be Three Hours these students the college will rebate of the two hundred six members of Some of the outstanding items on WMC will hear another speaker who The tests will be given in the week the fee charged by Educational Test- his class. As a consequence of this the tentative program include dinner has been obtained by the Cosmos of May 12. All seniors who may be ing Service for the May examination. outstanding record, the Commandant speeches by Dr. Andrew G. Truxal, Committee, which arranges for dif- graduated in 1952 will take the Tests Establish Quality Of Work of the Infantry School has selected President of Hood College, and P. ferent speakers to lecture on various examinations. E'ach examination is The most widely respected method him to remain at the Infantry School Stewart Macaulay, Provost of Johns subjects of interest in their fields. The approximately three hours in length of establishing the quality of work a as an instructor and a tactical officer. Hopkins; a talk by W. Henry Johns- speaker this time will be Mr. Wesley and constitutes a thorough testing in college maintains is through nation- His record speaks well of his ability, ton, Sports Publicity Director at Har- Day, who graduated from Western the field of the student's major con- ally standardized tests such as the his interest in serving' his country, vard University and newly elected Maryland College in 1931. Following centration. The student takes only one Graduate Record Examination. Scores and it reflects credit on his Alma President of the National American his graduation, he attended the Col- test, in his major field. It is anticipated on such tests help students to gain Mater. College Public Relations Association; lege of Agriculture at Cornell Uni- that considerable information valu- entrance to graduate or professional Two other graduates of the class of a television and radio session; a panel versity. He spent a' number of years able to a study of the college program schools, and to secure government or '51 also entered upon careers as Regu- on fund raising; and a panel discus, doing missionary work in Peiping, may be secured from the tests. industrial employment. Inspecting of. lar Anny Officers. William Davis sion on "The Influence of College Kalgan,. and Chengtu, China, which As was done with the Cooperative fleers from various associations are graduated from the Infantry School Publicity on Secondary Schools." gave him a better understanding of General Cultural Test, students who more impressed by scores from such and is now stationed at Fort Knox, WMC .will be represented by Mr. conditiOn::!there. desire to learn their scores wiIl be tests than by any other evidence Kentucky, where he is an instructor Philip Uhrig, Director of Public Rela_ The situation in the -Far East is, at told all information available. If the which can be presented. It will be of with the 3rd Armored Division. Brady tions; Dean L. Forrest Free; Ted Bobi- this time, something with which we results are not returned before gradu- the utmost value for all concerned for Kunkle has recently been ordered to lin, student Director of Sports Pub_ should all be concerned. Mr. Day will, ation from Educational Testing Serv- Western Maryland students to make the Basic Officers' Course at the In- licity; and Barbara Bankson, news with first hand information, make this ice, where the papers will be sent, the a good showing on the tests scheduled £antry School. editor of the GOLD BUG. problem clearer for us. scores and ranking will be sent to all for the week of May 12.
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