Page 16 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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4 The Gold Bug. Nov. 13. 1951 High On The Hill College Calendar Wednesday, Lutheran November 14 Meeting, Me- WAA Party, Blanche Ward Gym, Students 0:4.~ p. m. by Jim Muller by N flll Hughe8 Daniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m. wednesday, November 21 There are many fine things that can "Mum's the word" in introductions Friday, November 16 Thanksgiving Recess' begins, 5 :00 be said a~out Ira Zepp. He is presl- when it comes to the question of rela- Pep Rally, Alumni Hall, 0:30 p. m. p. m. dent of the Student Christian Asao- tions for this pretty dark-haired Saturday, November 17 Eunduy, November 25 elation, president of the Interrreter- senior. Corinne's just another one of Football, Johns Hopkins, away. Thr.nksg-iving Recess ends, 8:00 nity Council, president of the Gamma US; and judging from her numerous p. ,;1. offices and activities, she is quite a Sunday, November 18 big part. Anything you want to know, , Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 Friday, November 30 Corinne has all the answers, from a.m. CoIl e g e Player-a, "The Silver where to find a union flag among all Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. ·Whistle," Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. the Confederate enthusiasts to how to i\Ionday, November 19 Eunday, Deecmhcr 2 get to next week's football game on an Home Economics Club, McDnniel Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 empty pocketbook. Though this is her Lounge, 4:30 p. m. a. m. first year as a resident up here on the IR;45mp~e~~g, McDanielj Lounge, Chapel,!1i Hall, 7:15 p. m. Hill in Blanche Ward Hall, her do- MO:lday, December 3 main is quite well established. Just IRC meeting, McDaniel Lounge, listen for the room with seemingly the 6:45p.m. most occupants, and this grand cen- tral station is more than likely "Chlo- 60mpliments of rine's" room. Jhe Coifman-Fisher Co. "Meeting" is Corinne's middle name. There is hardly ever a day goes AVENUE LUNCH DEPARTMENT STORE by that she can't be seen hurrying Corinne Schofield 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 ei"ther to an SCA cabinet meeting for tive member of the MSM, of the Choir, 104 Yz Penna. Ave. which she holds the office of vice- and subscription manager for the president, or fulfilling her reaponsi- Aloha, all of which add up to "Tr-ump- bilities as president of the Sigma eter". Her talents lend themselves to Sigma Tau Sorority, or as program a diversity of activities and continue FRESH! Ira Zepp chairman for the IRC. In addition in athletics where she swings a mean she somehow finds time to be an ae- Pop Corn Beta Chi Fraternity, first-string end badminton racket, swishing that on the varsity football team, a mem- birdie neatly across the net to where Caramel Corn ber of Who's Who Among Students in yourself." These words are his credo, her opponent isn't. Result-Woman's Economical and Dependable Peanuts American Colleges und Univertrities, a and "Easy" has devoted his college badminton champ for the entire consistent "Dean's Lister", and the career to this belief. He has always school. In the summer, Corinne con- Dry Cleaning Service most popular guy on campus. worked unselfishly and without ten- tinues her badminton enthusiasm by Home-made Candy But this imposing list of activities fare for the college and its interests. teaching it at Camp Wright on the THE and honors doesn't describe what The Zepp system for moving moun- Chesapeake Bay where she has been THE TREAT SHOP "Easy" is to those who know him. On tains-i.e. holding down half a dozen a counselor for the past two years. WESTMINSTER the football field and the softball jobs at once, is to take each chore as True to form, her talents are not lim- diamond, the classroom, and the club- it comes along. He has the ability to ited here either for she is also the LAUNDRY room, Ira represents the kind of col- turn all of his energies to the success- editor of the Camp paper. lege man we would all like to be. His ful completion of the job ahead, Although Corinne is a history ma- Phone 328 G.t Murphy & Co. many activities and interests are felt whether it be sampling Cokes in jor, she Claims that her major ac- [n every corner of the Western Mary- Brother Huddle's suite, or cramming complishment is that she has already land College community, where he is for a stiff exam in folk-dancing. fulfilled her requirements in home ee Leave your bundle at the The Friendly Store Laundry Room in liked and respected, without compro- After graduation in June, Ira plans and chemistry, which under the cir- Old Main mise for what he is--a Christian and to concentrate his energies on prepar- cumstances, she considers quite a feat. Dormitory and Classroom a leader. ing for the Methodist Ministry at Versatile, friendly, talented all con- "Easy" is what he is b~cause his Drew Theological Seminary. But be- tribute toward making Corinne one Men Students-Ask About Our Supplies life has' purpose. He is one of those fore getting behind the pulpit, there of the winning personalities on the Green Tioket College Spedal rare individuals who know where they will be a ceremony with bells-s-and Hill. Here's wishing her the success 6·10 West Main Street are going, and how they are going to M~ry. Success is assured for a com- in the future that she has had here get there. "You've got to give of bination that can't be beat. atWMC! Westminster, Md. Compliments of & REIFSNIDER MODERN SMITH Incorporated The 3 T's G. I. Laundry LUMBER-COAL Confectionery T. W. Mather & Sons At your service, phone 1478 WESTMINSTER, MD. or call at office, 223 E. 166 W. Main Street Green 81. ICE CREAM Bixler and Guild It Pays To Look Well One day service Visit The SOFT DRINKS Drug Co. at office only DRUG SUNDRIES Avenue Barber Shop Drugs Cigars G::.yC up your pennys and Where The Students Go "MEET AT Cosmetics CJ::iC on down to 85 Pennsylvania Avenue J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Candies PETE'S For Over Half Century John and Main Phone 1050 BENNY'S Jewelry Expert Watch, To Get YourEats" Compliments of and Bye-Glass Repairing , Main St.-Red Neon Sign Wine's Sport Shop 105 W. l\-fain Street Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays' and Continuous 1 )1. 111. Saturdays and Holidays. JJo!itlays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Ben Franklin PrinteJ, Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. n- Ill. Evening show 9 p. m. Week. Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. I "He that can take rbt SUBMARINE NOV. 13 THE GOLDEN HORDE ,f TUES., NOV. 13 TUES., COMMAND is greater than William Holden Nancy Olsen David Farrar Ann Blyth he that can take cities."~---'=-"-'~, WED., TRUR., NOV. 14, 15 WED., THUR., NOV. 14, 15 Feature) (Double ON THE HILL THUNDER B. Franklin Claudette Colbert Robert Douglas DALTON GANG PODr RiduuJ' ~ .dlmanac, 1737 also FRI., SAT., NOV. 10, 17 FAST ON THE DRAW There's a time fo pause in every activity. THE DA Y THE EA RTH When you make that pause refreshing with STOOD STILL FRI., SAT., NOV. 16, 17 THUNDER ice-cold Coca-Cola you can take what comes Michael Cennie Patricia Neal Rex Allen IN GOD'S COUNTRY Mary Allen Kay with ease. SUN., MON., TUES., NOV. 18, 19, 20 LITTLE EGYPT SUN., MON., TUES., NOV. 18, 19, 20 (Technicolor) WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE Mark Stevens Rhonda Fleming (Technicolor) Richard Derr Barbara Rush WED., THURS., NOV. 21, 22 BANNERLINE WED., THUR., NOV. 21, 22 Sally Forest Lionel Barrymore THE LITTLE GIANT Abbott and Costello FRI., SAT., NOV/23, 24 MAGIC CARPET Lucille Ball John Agar FRI., SAT., NOV. 23, 24 THE HILLS OF UTAH SUN., MON., TUES., WED., Gene Autry NOV. 25, 26, 27, 28 AMERICAN ·IN PARIS SUN., .MON., TUES., NOV. 25, 20, 27 (Color) CAVE OF THE OUTLAWS Gene Kelly Leslie Caron Donald Carey Alexis Smith
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