Page 15 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Nov_ 13, 1951 3 Alpha Gamma Tau Girls' Sports Events Leads frat League" by Marlon1w Wine Alpha Tau fraternity took The junior class won the intra- undisputed possession of first place mural hockey tournament with a rec- in the intramural football league last ord of three wins and no losses. Monday by virtue of a 13-0 victory The following girls made up the over the Drapes. team: Bobbie Davison, t Frances In this, their second game and sec- Scaggs, Barbara Bankson, Lois Ohler, ond win, Jack Urion'scharges showed Nell Hughes, Becky Le Few, Mary an alert and fighting team. The first Ellen Sabastian, Nancy Kroll, Char- touchdown came when a Drape pass lotte Bonneville', Nancy Wagner, and was snagged by Tom Scott, who car- Elsie Maytrott. ried the pigskin all the way to the The Towson - Western Maryland enemy goal. The attempt at the extra hockey game which was scheduled to point failed. Later, after driving deep be played November 1 was called off into Drape territory, Lefty Kaufman because of bad weather. This game flipped a short pass to Jack Urion, will not be scheduled at another. time. who went into the end zone. Joe Deer- Instead on November 8, there was a ing carried the ball over to make the game between the Green-and-Gold score 13-0. teams. The girls who played on these The Bachelors' other victory came teams were the ones who would have at the expense of the Black and represented WMC in the Towson Whites. A tight game all the way, game . . there was only one score. Joe Deering There are several students on the flipped a pass to Jack Urian, who took campus who ani doing an excellent the ball over for six points. The extra job in refereeing the intramural point failed. The Black and Whites, games as well as the various sports in fighting hard, rallied four times to the county. These girls have spent the Bachelors' five, but were stopped many hours in learning the various each time. rules of hockey, speedball, basketball, In other games, the Black and and softball. As the year progresses , lVa'rren McFaguf! pulled down after long gain Whites decisively beat the Drapes, and each new sport is started, they 19-6, on October 23. Six days later will Be doing their best to referee these games. The position of a referee Western Maryland Wins Baby Terrors Bow they subdued the Gamma Bets by a is often not an envied one, but it is 20-0 snagged two score. Landfeld very important and necessary to make and Me- passes for two touchdowns; Number Seven For Season To Johns Hopkins Teer, one. Ed carried over and extra . the game go smoothly and safely. Crawford Ken The following girls should be rec- Shook each an Scoring in the second and fourth point. ognized for their hard and sincere Grinding out three third period touchdowns, the Green Terrors quarters, the Johns Hopkins JV foot- On October 30, the Seminary and efforts at this job: Bobbie Davison, Charlotte annexed their seventh consecutive victory of the season with a ball squad downed the Baby Terror Drapes clashed in a scoreless tie. A Mary Will, Joan Hampel, Sebastian, B'onneville, Ellen Mary convincing 20-12 win over Lebanon Valley. ' eleven under the able direction of game between the Gamma Bets and Completely dominating play in the coach Joe Giannelli, 12-0. the Bachelors is scheduled for today. Betty Schmidt, Ina. Grice, Nancy first half, Lebanon Valley held a 6-0 After an interception by Al Bopst, The standing of the clubs as of Neel, Jean Hoyt, Ruth Garvey, and they put to- Soccer Team Martonna Wine. advantage at the intermission. After the Terror team began to move with November 5. Pct. The last intercollegiate hockey game a scoreless first quarter, their T-formation plays but heavy W. L. T. 1.000 for the season will be played at WMC gether a 60-yard effort which ended penalties ate up the precious gains Bachelors 0 .667 on November 16, with the girls from on a one-yard plunge over the middle. Victorious,1-0 and Western Mar-yland was unable to Drapes 1 2 1 .000 Notre Dame as the opposing team. Black and Whites with Walt Shonosky hitting paydirt The hard-charging Western Maryland score. A second interception by Bopst Seminary 0 .000 This game will undoubtedly be a very line caused George Cardone to kick Coach Philip Uhrig's booters ended again gave the Green team a chance, Gamma Bets .000 exciting and challenging one for the wild in his attempted placement. Ira their season victoriously by defeating but again penalities proved too great. Preachers .000 Western Maryland team. Support of Zepp's fine punting kept the Flying La Salle, 1-0, last Friday. A young, the student body will. certainly give incentive to the WMC girls to go on Dutchmen from other tallies. inexperienced Terror team playing a to victory. proved finally schedule rough their Western Maryland did a complete mettle against the hard-fighting Phil- Drexel Bows To Powerful The next intramural sport for about face as the second half opened women will start sometime during Soup Campbell banged in the W estern Maryland Squad when they recovered a Valley fumble adelphia club. the coming week. The sport of bad- on the losers' 15. From this point, With five minutes gone in the last minton has its origjn from England, they needed only five plays to hit pay- quarter, and now is a very widely played game dirt. Warren McFague smashed into only goal of the game on a penalty in colleges as well as the home. Bad- Dick Linton did the defensive work Vic Makovitch Leads Team To the end zone for his first of two touch- shot. Nick Gwynn, Dave Rhoades, and minton should prove to be a very ex- downs, and Zepp split the uprights to citing activity and it is hoped that all put the Green-and-Gold on top, 7-6. for the victors, while Fred. Over- Homecoming Victor,y Over Drexel those who are interested will sign up A few minutes later, the Terrors holtyer sparked the line. right away. Nell Hughes is manager Ham- Fleischer, Roland Charlie furthered their advantage with a 42- maker, Dick Durst, and Jack Clinger- of this sport and will post the sched- yard scoring drive. With McFague man were all outstanding in their last wes~l:;%~~yr~~d~~g~a;~i~y~~~!d ~p f~~r~?xthu~~~e:ec~Oti~~d~id~ ule of games on the physical educa- and Ray Stephenson igniting the game for the WMC eleven. Their fight tional board in the Blanche Ward spark, a series of line smashes carried iron triumph of the year as they topped a rugged Drexel Tech crew, Gymnasium. to the one-yard stripe. McFague will be sorely missed next season. 6-0. ripped through the line, and Zepp A great deal of credit should be Alter three scoreless periods, it was again successfully converted as West- given to the boys who did not see a blocked punt that provided the op- ern Maryland went on top to stay. much action during the season but portunity. Vic Makovitch,' who made SIGMA SIGMA TAU and came out to practice faithfully Arnie Needleman set up the final helped to make a soccer team possible. one of the greatest performances by a lineman ever seen on Hoffa Field, score as he pounced on the Terror blocked his third Drexel punt of the kickoff to give the victors possession game; and Pat Rogan fell 0]1 the pig- Calendars Ifi-yard 26. A on the Dutchmen's placed the ball on Hockey Team skin at the visitors' 12. Mitch Tullai roughing penalty spun off tackle to the 4-yard stripe; for the 11; and after one running play, and on the next play, fullback \Varren CARE who made a circus catch of the nine- Wi~s, 5-0' McFague blasted into the end zone. Stephenson tossed to end Walt Hart, yard pass then dove into the end zone Makovitch's placement attempt for the 50c will buy you a birthday conversion was blocked. for the score. Zepp's placement was The WMC girls' hockey team opened Early in the first quarter, Drexel wide, and the third quarter ended the season with a 5-0 victory over Mt. made their only threat. Quarterback calendar and send CAR E with the Terrors on top 20-6. Saint Agnes. At the end of the half Gene Hug and fullback Art Fisher packages to Europe. Quarterback Lou Sorrentino's fine the score was 3-0 in favor of WMC paced a drive that reached the Ter- aerials carried Lebanon Valley 79 with most of the action in the first ror 31-yard marker, but topnotch de- yards for a touchdown in the final half, played in the opponent's end of fensive play by the Green-and-Gold SeeaSIGl\1Asoon quarter. The climax of the surge was the field. During the second half, the forward wall prevented any materiali- a five-yard flip to end Joe Oxley. But play was still in the opponent's terri- zation. this ended the scoring activities for tory; but a few times the baH was Mike Rentko set up a touchdown the day as the iron Terror line out- played into the WMC zone. With the for Western Maryland as the second charged the Dutchmen to hold Sorren- quick thinking of the halfbacks and period began, only to see a clipping tino's passing attempts well in check. fullbacks, the ball was soon to the penalty erase it from the scoreboard. forward line, which kept the oppon- Lebanon Valley moved 159 yards on ents busy with their long and hard The Terror quarterback pilfered a the ground and completed 8 out of 21 drives for the goal. The game ended Hug pass on the Drexel 29 and travell- Griffin's passes for 127 yards as they rolled up with a victory for WMC, 5-0. The ed to the 24 before he was spilled. 14 first downs. One hundred sixty- goals were scored by Doris Tuck- Western Maryland drove to the four, four yards rushing and 23 yartls in wood 2, Ginny Andrews 1, and Ina but a fumble cost them the ball. On Walt Hart, Terror end completing 3 out of 12 pass attempts Grice 2. The following girls repre- the very next play Fisher lost it back Just Good Food gave the winners 11 first downs. sented WMC: Bobbie Davison, Jackie to the homesters as he attempted a loss of 26 yards. Only in the air were Lebanon Valley fumbled five times Palmer, Carter Baum, Doris Tuck- drive over the middle on the two-yard they able to move, and here they went and on four of these lost the ball while wood, Nell Hughes, Nancy Casky, line. Tullai circled his own right end forward with 9 completions ill 15 at- for a score, but the clipping penalty western Maryland gave up 2 out of Lois Ohler, Janet High, Ina Grice, forced a withdrawal of 15 yards, and tempts, for 60 yards. Rentko'a inter- their 3 miscues. Charlotte Bonneville, Mary Ellen Se- the Dragons held. ception was the only one of the day bastian, Ginny Andrews, Becky Le The third period was mainly a on either side. The Terrors tossed 8 Few, and Marianna Wine. punting duel between WMC's Ira times and hit for 4, for a total of 29- Good Health 111 yards on the and rolled yards BOYLES Zepp and Tech's Mike De Venanzio. ground. Due to the mud there were To led the former In the final analysis RESTAURANT PATRONIZE in the punting average 27.5 to 23.5 only 12 first downs annexed by both OUR clubs and it was WMC on top, 7 to 5. ADVERTISERS. although he kicked 6 times to the In addition to being Western Mary- All Across from State Theatre latter's 11. land's sixth win of the season, it was Western Maryland's hard-fighting From Compliments of line, led by Makovitch, Jim Marsh, its eieventh over two seasons; and its record with Drexel is now five out of J. R. EVERHART Dtts Shearer, and Jack Duhl complete- Homecoming slate, never having been REXALL five. They also a clean maintained Excellent Sandwiches ly smothered any attempts Drexel COLLEGE BARBER made to get their running attack go- Homemade Ice Cream At the Forks ing. As the final gun sounded, turned back before the eyes of the re- Drexel's rushing game showed a net turning alumni.
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