Page 9 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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Library ""{estern Maryland College I?,01J B~,S'l;cr,J.;II~p=ER:=~~=~L=ITY===;- HOMECOMING ELECTIONS '11 .... PAGE 1 ______c.., "0" V'-O-I.-2-g-,-N-O-.-3------------::W::E::S=TE::R::N~M~A-:::R-::Y::-LA-::N:-D::-:C=O::-L=-=LEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. ~ ~RrlA!ln ,~ctober 17, 1950 tilJtA6Y' (/tlElt Men To Be Stuaents Come From Yearly Drive Opens Barbara PfoutzTo Rule Over Phillippines For WSSF Fund Girls' Guests Sweaen, on campus this year are by Ira Zepp Mid Century Homecoming Arriving Eva Lindahl from Sweden and J CITy Jand Hering, Ginny Hale, Janel Purdal, Jane! Cross At Dance Grandee from the Philippines. Service Fund) drive is once again Elected Class Homecoming Court Attendants The annual WSSF (World Student Eva, a transfer student from Ket- Sweden, completed her thir"- rinebold, teen years schooling which included underway and will last until Monday. in Elected by the entire student body, Barbara Pfoutz will rule The opportunity to participate Inter-Sorority Members grammar, high, and college last world student relief offers to each as queen over the Mid-Century Homecoming Activities. November spring. Many of us will remember her person on the campus a practical and 17-19, To Give Sadie Hawkins realistic method for constructive ac- Other court attendants elected yesterday are: Janet Hering, tion in world affairs. The purpose of Virginia Hale, Janet Purdal, and Janet Cross. Dogpatch dress will be the tional leadership that is so desperate- I When she was elected junior at-.' the educa- is to restore the WSSF prevailing style on the campus tendant last year, Barbara made her Saturday night, October 28, first appearance on a college Home- when the annual Sadie Hawkins' Club News coming Court, She is a psychology Dance, sponsored for the first ~:~~~:;;e~1~;a;;:~r: C:;:::i.e~: ::: . major and is a town day-hop. A mem- time by the Inter-Sorority Coun- that this sum is an adequate and ber of Delta Sigma Kappa, Barbara cil, is held in Gill Gymnasium challenging goal for which the stu- Classics Club has been a member of the cheer- from 8 to 11 p. m. dent body should strive to attain. Let With Dr. William Riddington, the Music for dancing will be furnished us all cooperate with the solicitors club's advisor, as speaker, the Classics _ by The Campusteers, WMC combo and respond with contributions for a Club will hold its first meeting in consisting of Bill Hallmark, Ed Jo- worthy cause. McDaniel Lounge at 6:45. sephson, Bill Simpson, and Betty Dr. Riddington will show koda- Bachtell as vocalist. chrome, slides to illustrate his topic along with other civilians of the "Modern Life in Ancient Lands." The Get Corsages island, was evacuted to another pro- Theta Sigma Chi of Gettysburg Col- Traditionally, the girls ask the fel- vince where he remained until the end lege have been,invited to attend. lows and provide them with vegetable of the war. Canterbury Club corsages. Prizes will be awarded for The hardships suffered under the Entertained by the Young People's the costumes best representing typi- Japanese occupation were more hor- Fellowship of Ascension Church, the cal Al Capp comic strip characters. rible than ever can be imagined, he Canterbury Club met on Saturday, The judges will be Prof. and Mrs. October 14. On October 29, Dr. Ensor Alfred deLong, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Eva Lindahl says. At the end of the war, he moved will deliver the morning service at the Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kor- to Manila, where he studied at the church. dalevski, and Miss Margaret Snader, sister Helen, who graduated from Union Theological Seminary for one The President of the club, Eliza- here just one year ago. year. faculty SPOnS?rs. beth Thomas, has announced that a To match the atmosphere of the For the last three years, Eva chose Also, Jerry was a guide to Corregt- spaghetti dinner will be held at the occasion, the anter-tainment., handled the language plan over the mathe- dor for the American .Embassy and Parish House of Ascension Church. by Phi Alpha Mu sorority, will fea- matical one. This included five lan- the U. S. Army last year. The supper will be open to the public. ture the Carroll County 4-H Square guages; French, German, Latin, and Jerry arrived by plane in San Tri Beta Dance Demonstration Group. Englisb besides certain other basic Francisco from Honolulu' on Septem- At the last meeting of Tri Beta, Cokes, cider, and doughnuts will be courses. These were arranged in such ber 19. His first glimpse of the United Evelyn Hoyle was elected viee-preai- sold by Sigma Sigma Tau, while Delta a way that the various subjects knit- a States, viewed from the window of a dent of the organization. Hal'bura Ploutz ted forming themselves 'together, Sigma Kappa will carry out the fall relationship among them. Pullman, was its backyard and there- MSM leading squad since her freshman I theme with corn 'Shocks and pumpkin fore, not quite as ehe imagined the The Methodist Student Movement year. decorations. Eva misses her little dachshund, greatest nation on earth. meeting was held 01). Wednesday, Oc- Janet Hering, who will represent Iota Gamma Chi is in charge of Jager, meaning hunter (although she He is eagerly awaiting an oppor- tober 11, at which time Coach Ha- the senior class, comes from West- publicity for the dance. Tickets, can claims that his capacity to hunt is tunity to see New York and Washing· vens spoke to 'the members on inter- minster and has been a day student be purchased from any sorority mem- limited only to the street cleaner) and ton, the two cities he believes most collegiate sports. The next meeting until this year. As a music major, ber or at the McDaniel and Blanche recalls the picture of her taU father representative of the United States. of the club will be a 'supper at the Janet participates in the College Choir Ward offices, at a dollar drag and leading the long little animal down Methodist Church, followed by a skat- and the glee club. She is also a mem- seventy-five cents stag. the street. ing party. ber of Sigma Sigma Tau. Proceeds from the dance will be Of the many impressions Eva has Poster Club The junior class attendant, Virginia used by the Inter-Sorority Council for received of the United States' conven- At the charter meeting of the Hale, makes her third appearance on the combined benefit of the sororities tions, probably the American sand- Poster Club held on Tuesday, October a court. She is the junior representa- on the Hill. wich has been most intriguing to her. 10, the club announced that a charge tive to the Student Government and a The U.S. traditional "sandwiched in" will be made for posters. AU publicity member of Phi Alpha Mu. affair differs from the Swedish elab- for Homecoming will be handled by Representing the sophomore class, Student BodyElects orately decorated slice which is eaten the members. Janet Purdal is a transfer this fall with a knife and fork. Poster Club meetings are held on from Converse College, South Caro- Eva enjoys, too, the sessions in the the first and third Tuesdays New Class Officers dorm which she feels typify the in- month. of each lina. The freshman class has selected .formal, friendly attitudes of her col- Alpha Kappa Alpha Janet Cross to represent the class on As a result of the balloting held at lege friends. Last Monday night, Dr. Thomas the Homecoming- Court. the Student Government assembly, Another foreign student who has Marshall related some of his impres- the officers of the senior, junior and recently been absorbed into the West- sions of Europe to an interested audi- sophomore classes were elected. ern ,.Maryland family is Jerry Gran- ence composed of members and guests Tow~ Rotary Club Among the senior class officers is dea, a pre-ministerial student who of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Iota Chapter. president Louis Pietroforte'. He has comes to us from the Philippines. Dr. Marshall's talk was the first in a Olfers Song Fest been president of the '51 class for the Jerry was born on the island fort- series dealing with the philosophical Sponsored by the Westminster Ro- last two years. A philosophy and ress of Corregidor near the American interests of students. tary Club, a Mid-Century Song Fest psychology major from Visalia, Cali- Army base formerly located there. Unless otherwise announced, guests fornia, Lou is also president of Gam- Shortly before Pearl Harbor, he, are always invited to attend these will be presented by the combined ma Beta Chi. meetings, and those interested in ac- servce! clubs of the town at 8 p- m., tive or associate membership are on Wednesday, October 25, in Alumni I.e Few, V. P. urged to see Dr. Holthaus, Alice Hall. Newly elected vice president Harry Home Cooking Found On Campus Winnberg, or Louis Pietroforte. The program will open with a med- LeFew is from Hagerstown. Senior Six senior home economics majors Home Economics Club ley of patriotic songs, to be followed class Student Government representa- may currently be found residing in tasks might be considered an addi- The Western Maryland College by the Kiwanis Club's rendition of tive, Harry is president of Delta Pi the big roomy Home-Management tional burden for seniors who must Home Economics Club was hostess at their representation song. The chorus a normal. senior carry simultaneously Alpha. the annual fall meeting of the Col- will then sing a group of weU:known House which is situated on the camp- schedule, there are definite compensa- Peggy Kerns, who has been secre- us directly behind the home of Presi- tions. lege Division of the Maryland Home "Gay Nineties" melodies. tary of the class of '51 since her dent Ensor. Economics Association. One of the evening's highlights will freshman year, was re-elected. Jay Jackie Brown, Peggy Brown, Ann The fact that the girls have already Mrs. Gertrude Bowie, president of be the appearance of a guest star, one Eggly, 'a Gamma Bet from Phila- Van Order, Sonia de Silva, Peggy gained weight pays tribute to the ex- the Maryland Home Economics Asso- of Western Maryland's blondes, whose delphia, was elected treasurer. The 'I'tmmona, and Mary~Kay Wills consti- cellent culinary arts displayed. Din- ciation, was guest speaker and chose name has been withheld as a surprise ner is eaten by candle-light every eve- new historian, Pat McLaren, a day tute the group which will completely ning, with a "company dinner" once as her topic "Professional Responsi- for those who attend the concert. their The Rotary There student, is an art major. manage the home for a six-weeks a week to which the current hostess bilities of Home Economists." Maryland representation Club will sing grand song and the were representatives from Lambert Elected period, under the sponsorship of Miss may invite two guests. Informal get- College for Women, Lutherville; Uni- finale will include popular tunes, con- The newly elected junior officers in- Daisy Smith. togethers on an open-house basis are versity of Maryland, College Park; cluding with the Star-Spall.gled Han- clude President Jack Lambert, who During this time, the girls will held after Chapel on Sunday evenings, and Mt. St. Joseph, Emmitsburg, has been president of the class of '52 have an opportunity to apply the and midnight snacks are much more present. Mr. Oliver Spangler, of the WMC that since he entered WMC. knowledge of home economics Cooking, convenient with an actual ice-box to The Camera Club faculty, is the accompanist for all the they have been acquiring. Other junior class officers are vice systematic planning of the daily rou- raid. With many new members joining groups. Mr. J. Francis Reese will president, Ira Zepp; secretary, Dotty tine of the home, and the management Second semester, a mass conversion the organi:l;ation, the Camera Club serve as master of ceremonies; the Shoemaker; treasurer, Kenny Shook; of an inflexible budget are accom- will take place and the Management- held a meeting last night. Maurice three conductors will be Mr. Philip and historian, Corinne Schofield. panied by the fun involved in the use House will be used for the child-de- Cubberly, president of the organiza- Royer, Mr. Kale Mathias, and Mr. Making" in on "Print tion, lectured The new officers of the sophomore of an exclusive "six-girl dorm". velopment nursery course, which is Carroll Fritz. Several members of the class are president, Ashby Collins; Each girl is responsible during her also required for home-economics ma- Room 310, Science Hall, at 7 p. m. college faculty will participate in the vice president, Art Shanklin; secre- stay, for the assigned duty of host- jors. Freneh Club chorus. tary, Barbara Davidson; treasurer, ess, downstairs housekeeper, upstairs The transformation will feature a Holding its meetings on the second An invitation has been extended for Jim Moore; and historian, Kay No- housekeeper, waitress, cook, and as- sandpile in the dining room which Monday of every month, Le Gercle everyone on the Hill and in Westmin- the wack. sistant cook. Each duty is held for a was formerly lit by candle-light, and Prancais gave two short plays at its ster to attend this performance, here. first of its kind to be presented Freshman class elections will be one-week's duration. the presence of rocking-horses in the last meeting, Monday, OCtober 9. held in February. Although ~he home-management once-sedate living-room. (Continued on page 4, col. 4) Admission is free.
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