Page 14 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 14
The Gold Bug. Oct. 31. 1950 Cheering Squad Musical Wonder Sweeps Nation Do,,'t Profs by Louie Pietroforte It's heard everywhere. are Fails To Rouse wearing it out, the folk dancers are waltzing to it, and it blares forth from Ever Eat? The men are whistling it, the uke players Spectators ~:::~:~~~t~~~~~~~o~~:!,o~:~ ;~~~ob::d t!~e:i:~!~,i:n~ rt~c:;~s~:~~~~~t c:;~ All Hallow's Eve is the one time in Just What Is pared to the approximately 400,000 juke boxes in the United States, most of the year when the unexpected becomes Our Green Terror team won a foot- which boast this record. It gets played about five times every twenty-four the expected. One is not astonished to This dlO#UJ/I.? ball game Saturday down on Hoffa hours on each one, or a total of some 2,000;000 times a day. There are 1,440 see teen-agers making off with a Field. Among the spectators were eight cheerleaders. The Band was mi~u~:si~h~e~aYde::;~he;eaasns,,::~itacan be heard around 1,400 times a minute. ;;::~:e:;~gg:~~ ~~~fe:g o~~or:;n:he~~ "Honour pricks me on. Yea, heard more often and louder than the song coming from the people" and guitar, was a powerful singer of half- wits. On the Hill it's the time when b~t hor if honour p~ck ~~ o~ rest of the spectators. "the corniest of earaches." Seven forgotten folk songs, and a man ad- an air of capriciousness sweeps the C. ah comet ~n'-l o~ en. and limp, they :::~.;~a~U:~I::~i"~::;bO~~-~;~~:!!:'~:<~~:::Et:::~~::~o::~;f:'~~;:OK~:i~:~£~~~:~::~~~~:~~:i.~E~~7:·£~;~o~~t~~::{~~~~ It is our impression that a cheer- companies have recorded this song dieted to violence and the knife. He students and- faculty alike. an o~our se ~ rk eg. no \~r ing squad has a definite job to do. If at the end of a game they and their audience are hoarse have done a good job. To accomplish ~~~ ;:l:;~r~t t~asF::~~ :~~~"t~~n!~ The same thing happened after he . tIe ones. They go in for the more Wha~rsa~nisth~~n~~~~ ~o:oo;:? this, the cheerleaders should be con- centrating on the stands not less than ~l~e~hi~n~oe!~:n;~o:: t~;;~ i:~sir~ ::;~ ;::s a~~~::;:~t;:h~l: :n L;~:~:~~::~~~ ~~fc~is:~a~:~atc::~ie:f ~~;h fa::l; air. A trim reckoning! Who hath three-quarters of game time-it' not ~:t~~et~:~l W?~o~'D~t~d~:s~::; actually leading cheers, planning, and popular song. Undoubtedly, there is ~~ru~c~!, :~~C~t h~a~a~h~e~:::~i::o::; homes. Yes, even professors can be coordinating them. . :~::fs~~~a~;;;~~c:r;~~!~~~ ~~:: ~~ the prisoners. As Lead Belly sang it, human b;~::i~:::~~:~:! List it? no. 'T is insensible, then? W.M.'s cheerleaders take a laudable the "B" or lightweight side of the ~~e;a: :::n::;r~;l~ :a~a;e:~:a~a:~ Since a student usually travels on h~~~t~et~:~1~i~;~ ':t~l.lUr;;i pletely engrossed to the point where ~~f~:~;i:!:'~i'~:d;~~E~::~~:;:~~;h:i!~h:n~o;h~:d'~~'!t~U;~i:t'a:1~:~:':~~~:";:~i:~::k~:~~~:~::?~f~;~;~!i~~s~ir~:o~~i~:~Y~~~~ interest in the action on the field. In fact, the squad often becomes com- cheers and yells actually originate from the stands. The game can be it, thi~a7t~~~:st~~I~::r~~us Past ~~~ ~~n:'ixf:::_~~;;e;::~rse in the ~;~ ~v::Ol~r:~~: ~~;.P~ :~:e!isdjbi:~ my catechism." seen much better from the grand- Such is the present of this ballad. However, the Lomaxes said the he should have something for some ... Shakespeare, King Henry stand, however, so perhaps they s should trade places. !!c:IS;e:r: aag:,e::r~:~~eJ~~~\!~U:~ . ~~~~~g~asL::~ ;~;~~ f~~~:.el~~~ half-starved collegians. However all [VB~a~!;~r1:J,Va:t~:~,~reach_ Sometimes, it is true, the squad and his son, Alan, who did a monu- learned the refrain from his uncle and ::m::~e:~a:~d~p s!~c:iXt~~a~~/ut:s: er, Pastor! Tell me this is not so. shows a lot of spirit and tries hard. Their results are usually disappoint- :~~::l i;Obth~sf ct::~~;;~ s~~;nft::r~~~~:e:::e~n:~m~ec~:~:~s t:athi~t o;and man's heart is through his stomach, HO(1~Jst~;~~~~;~~~~'~~t~er, ing, because they don't seem to under- "... we prophesy that it will some been stolen from an aria in Martha. ~~;!i:~·eancdh:~~e~st; compared to P1'eache1', Pastor turns upon the stand that spirit is something that builds up~it doesn't turn on and off ~:~ ~~I~neS::g:~; ~~!k~~::x~m~~~ ~;:pe~!~ ~:St!~a!r::e~~ :!d i:tS~::~ Dean Schofield's house is right ~~~:g ~~~n't!~~bt~gha::o~i;:;~ like water. Spirit star'ts off with the earthed the song in the course of their part of it, the Lomaxes believed, had ;~~~~dint~~.:st~:~~e~~ca~:: h~: ;~f~u~~ and calms his anxiety) ... yes, first pep rally and by constant and ~:S;;:;t~~.: ~t0gI~::d~e~~:a'!ni~:~~1r ~~th:~g~:~la~:~~~~teina ~~~:ra~~~z~ a home economics teacher. They sure- s01d~t~~~~i:~f;t~in!'e this is untiring is an excellent example of this. But, ;~;~inp:~;,~ay:u:.~;:o~~!~:::,~:~:~:~:;~~t.l~:::taino",,,byf" ~:~~~;:~::,:~~~~:i~:!:~::rt:{:~~~t~:;~t::rn:::~oa:e::::.::::: effort builds up to a peak such as Homecoming. The team itself the players are out there working and shouldn't also have to do a major po~'- Jl.iIJ-'-hll-~~_ MuJ,W, tion of the cheering. ~:sttsa:~:e~l~..,::;; ~~~~i~~~ee:o:!~r~~~ respective maternal and pater- There is one more home game be- ...,~ fer is a television s~t in every dorm, :~!ti;\~~:)Yes, ~on, honor is fore Homecoming. Perhaps we can but who wants that? All we want is Professor! Honor is some- get a late start and really have some- FOOD. thing, isn't it? thing for the big game with Johns Dr. Whitfield isn't such a bad guy, (Professor clears his throat.) Hopkins. The Terrors are going to although his tests are horrors. He Well, tpere is such a word and need plenty of support from the rest will surely take pity on a starving we call it an abstract noun. Gen- of the student body. They will be on crowd. Tramping around like this, erally, people attach a certain the field upholding a tradition very from house to house really works up connotation to the word, but it dear to the hearts of most Western an appetite. Jeepers, no food here, may very well be one thing to Marylanders. We should be ashamed either. What good will individual one person, another, to the next. if we aren't helping every step of .the copies of future tests do us? And, Some people have tried to locate way. what is this'business of Dr. Mar- it in the anatomy. For instance, Here are some of the things that shall's giving a schedule for pop in Hudibras, part three, canto would help our cheering. quizzes? Don't profs. ever eat? Oh, one, line four hundred and 1. More cheering during the games well, there is one place where we can eighty one, Samuel Butler says, ~we don't have to wait for the quar- celebrate the spooks-and-goblins-aay But Hudib1'as gave him a twitch ters-any pause will do. As quick as lightening in the 2. Get the cheering started before with some down-to-earth grub. Be it b1'eech, the games-then maybe we could ever so humble, there is no place like sound like we mean it when the team the Grill. Just in the place where honou1' comes on the field. is lodged, 3. Cheer the team for their mis- As wisa. philosophers have takes as well as their touohdowns. judgedr; 4. Concentrate on more than one B ecaU8,ea kick in that part more section of the stands. Tom Page Hurts honour than deep 'Wounds 5. Decide what the cheer is going Hello: Plans fOl" the Homecoming before. to be and then stay together on it. week-end are progressing rapidly. Ha! Ha! Well, shall we turn to 6. Let everybody know we have a The different clubs on the Hill have today's lesso~. '" '" Green Terror-he should have a very been assigned a apecific area for their active part in the cheering. display, and they have been asked. to You see, dear reader, now we 7. How about having the Alma enter a float or a decorated. vehicle in are both confused. Mater at every game? the parade to be held prior to the We know that honor is some- 8. It wouldn't hurt us to cheer for football game. Although it is optional, thing, yet neither of us will give the other team once in a while. various organizations have volun- the same definition. True, there 9. And, how about a few cheers for teered to decorate store windows are many instances upon which the team members who get hurt? downtown. This year, as in the past, we will agree that this is honor- More than once the people in the let us all make the visiting team at able and that is not. But is there stands have shown that they have Homecoming feel that they are among a gray area between these poles spirit. How about it cheerleaders- "Good Lord, Zimmerman, the wrong foot again!" friends. When they deserve it during of black and white, between hon- are you willing to yell and scream the game, give them a big hand and or and something-not-honor? Is yourselves hoarse? Are you willing to show them that good sportsmanship honor like a thermometer that work until you feel limp? Are you Wilber Attends Pins'n Points is the rule at WMC. we can measure varying de- willing, that is, to produce a maxi- grees? Those screams coming from Blanche Can a thing be three fifths a Mason-Dixon Conference Champion Frat Smokers Ward last week were not the result At a recent meeting of the Student honor and two fifths not-honor mum effort so that we can sound like school? . of unexpected visitors, but informal Government, Dean Free asked that and be called honor at the same Now some people might nave the sorority initiations for pledges. several requirements be met by all time? Or, as a geneticist would idea that the only thing that anyone Betsy Patterson, '52, got tha: organizations desiring to sponsor an say, can there be a hybrid kind THE GOLD BUG does at a smoker is smoke. At least sparkler the other night from How- event. First, to the Activities must be of honor? Really, we can't say an application submitted Commit- before is what Wilber thought ard Hughes. Best wishes! that Offidal ,tudent n8W'T>Rper 01 We_18rn MRq. last week. However, after coming Everyon~ looked pretty tired after tee whenever dances, informals, or right now because we still don't land College, publl.hed semi·monthly on Tn_ other social events are to be held in know exactly what honor is. through the entire ordeal with no the Sadie Hawkins dance. Girls, was Then again, can certain acts more battle scars than a greatly en- it the race for men, or the square the lounge or the gyms. Second, only come under the category of hon- ~Jarged repertoire of hU!llor ranging dancing? Congratulations to Daisy after the event has been approved by Acto! Msreh 8. 1879. the Activities Committee should the or and others under that of not- from light grey to darkest ebony, Wil- Mae and Li'l Abner-Carol Sause and hono}' ... or, can it be system- Member ber may be quoted as saying that the Charles Hughes. publicity for the affair begin. If atized? Well, that's hard to say, Associated Collegiate Press only thing that' actually does the Coach Harlow suggested a new Blanche Ward or McDaniel Lounge is since we still can't give an over- smoking at a smoker is the tobacco women's sport the other day. He said to be used, Miss Todd, Mrs. Veale, all definition of honor. found in the numerous cigars, cigar- that formerly the GOLD BUG editors Miss Parker, or Mrs. Jefferson should But honor is something. ettes! peanuts! popcorn! woops! par- were members of the boxing team. be notified well in advance to elimi- Yes, on that we agree whole- don me. Well, anyway, it is rather nate unnecessary confusion. Let us heartedly. common knowledge that a smoker is a cause no one expressed a-particular keep these requests in mind when we LonisPietroforte. false front set up by the frats to pro- desire for the choice delicacy to. be plan to sponsor a campus activity. vide a proving ground for their more put on the menu. Possibly worthy of talented members. Of course, there is honorable mention in the field of For some time now, the Student ~rative spirit on the part of the whole the secondary purpose of getting ac- drama and truly great character por- Government and several members of student body toward the new system quainted with any prospective pledges trayal was the performance of one of the faculty have been conscientiously will be greatly appreciated. that the frat members might know the b'hoys in the role of a tiny in- working to revise the honor system BUSINESS STAFF of. fant. Also there was that unforget- here at Western Maryland College. A For sometime now you have prob- BlJainCSII Man8gerll __ .Betty Lovelace, '51 Being a rather popular soph, Wil- able scene in which the main charac- tentative set of plans have been ably heard rumors regarding the Larry Bailey, '51 building of a new men's dormitory Advertising Manager BiII Rhoad .., '51 ber found himself invited to all four ter runs into the room screaming, drawn up and will be presented to the Circulation Managerll_.~Peggy Brown, '51 "It's all around me! It's all around student body in the very near future. here on the campus. Well, this project Jay Eggjy, '51 frat !·ooms. However, since the enter- taiC"'.mentwas of the same general me!" and when someone asked what At first, the new procedure will, in all has passed the rumor stage and is pattern, the· only thing left that is It was he replies, "My belt". probability, concern only juniors and fast progressing toward reality. Very worthy of mention were the refresh- Wilber says, "The frat smokers pro- seniors, but it is hoped that the sys- shortly, the campaign will be initiated ments. These included everything but vided an introduction to the lighter tem will be extended to include all to improve Western Maryland Col- au the kitchen sink, and that was only be- side of fraternity life." students shortly thereafter. A coop- lege.
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