Page 8 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 3, 1950 New Men Students ~ittle White Wires Reveal SGA President Leads Active Campus liFe Meet Big Brothers Escapade OF Curious Boy Hearing rumors that there was go- by Herb Klinge'l" by Stan Bowl8by ing to be a Big and Little Brother "Who's that fellow with all the energy. . The one who's Party Tuesday night, I, being a pos- "Man is a curious animal." Little Bill, son of one of our better- always smiling?" sessor of a little brother, decided that known Vetville students, proved this statement to be fact last week the thing to do was to give the occa- at the very early age of five. For a long time, Little Bill had been ou~~tu~heenirG~~~r~~se~r~;~~id:~:.,~nswered, "That's Bill Simpson, vastly interested in the shiny little knobs on the dashboard of his sion the benefit of my presence. So, Bill's- smiling face first decorated with my little brother in tow, I am- father's car. He was particularly fascinated by the little silver but- this campus in 1942. A year later, bled into Blanche Ward gym. There ton that his daddy would push in, wait for it to pop out, and hand to Uncle Sam decided to utilize his tal- were freshmen - hundreds of them. his friends to light their cigars. The fact that, "No, no, it's hot!" ent, and consequently Sergeant Simp- Everywhere I looked, freshmen. I was frequently advised by his parents didn't decrease Little Bill's son spent most of his army career stared at them nonchalantly for about interest in the least. One Sunday afternoon, while visit- playing the tuba, piano, and string 20 minutes and arrived at the conelu- ing his grandparents on their farm, bass while touring the country with sion that this was the tallest and College Calendar Bill, discovering that he was no long- the 2nd Army Band. Since his return ugliest, though friendliest, aggrega- to WMC in 1948, he has been enter- tion of sociological phenomena I had Tuesday. 'October 3 er the center of attraction, sauntered taining many with his "enthusiastic ever witnessed. Frat and Sorority Meetings. out into the yard. The big black car singing," and impressing all with his Prom~tly at seven o'clock, Jay Eg- standing in the driveway proved to boundless congeniality and friendli- gly casually attracted everyone's at- Wednesday, October 4 Chapel, 6;45 be a temptation too great to resist. Baker SCA Meeting, Furtively glancing from left to right tention by viciously pounding the p. m., Rev. Paul warren, speaker. as added insurance that he was not Despite his many responsibilities, Steinway in a manner offensive to being observed, he climbed on top of Bill occasionally finds time to study both instrument and ear. Successful Friday, October 6 high up in the "Inner Sanctum" of in this ruse, he proceeded to announce Pep Rally, Alumni Hall, 6:30 p. m. the front seat. Standing on the seat, Hering Hall, under an antique lamp the course of events. Pat Huddle gave Circus, Poole's Show Grounds, 8:00 his vocal engine running at full speed, that seems to cover all of the desk the ball the initial shove by pounding p. m. (Tickets may be obtained Bill imagined himself careening mad- and most of Bill. Known among his the keyboard and vocalizing with his from SGA). ly down the land, as he turned the big wheel from left to right. Sudden- dorm mates as Keefer's Keeper, he is cohort and, I judge, friend Buck Saturday, October 7 famous for informal dormitory garb, Kelly. Lou Pietroforte carried the ball Varsity Football, Mt. St. Mary's, ly, he stopped. There were all those and for having pushed a car up-hill. on the next play for a substantial away. shiny buttons-and within reach. The unlimited energy is attributed to gain by strummin' and singin' several Freshman Football, B a Itim 0 r e "Daddy Must Be \Vrong" He didn't have to decide which one a daily breakfast. Bill Simp80n of his famous ballads. From the re- Junior College, home. to investigate first. He would find out That man with; the baritone laugh serve bench, Coach Eggly called upon Sunday, October 8 if it rea'lly was hot. He did! With sud- finds most of his pleasure in music room, behind the "welcome" sign, is Bill Simpson to deliver a monologue Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9;15 den determination, Bill pressed the a. m. and people. Bill's musical career first always open. The rest of his time is about a little boy who was afflicted Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7 ;15 p. m. knob just as his father had done. He began when, at-an early age, his fath- divided between the College Players, with a speech defect. After blowing Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, 8;15 waited tensely. It soon popped out; er started him on the alto-horn. But SCA, Delta Pi Alpha, and the Argo- his nose, Bill's trouble cleared up. and reaching through the steering when Little Willy slept through four nauts. Being conscientious and philo- Then Coach Eggly, apparently want- p. m. \~~eel, he pulled it out for a closer weeks of rehearsals, Papa Simpson sophical in nature, Bill thinks deeply ing to show that ole fighting spirit, Monday, October 9 view. "Daddy must be wrong," he gave up the effort., For the next few and believes deeply. Shallow living came into the ball game and deliv- Assembly, Student Government, thought, "because hot things are red." ~ars, Bill tinkered with every avail- and mediocrity have no place for him. ered Sam Spade. (You no doubt are 11;30 a. m." To be certain, he would prove it! He able instrument outside of a ukelele, He hopes to see the Student Govern- acquainted with his cousin - Steam French Club, McDaniel Lounge, 7 put his thumb on the little white wires and after mastering the tuba played ment carryon in the traditions and Shovel.) And so a touchdown was p. m. and quickly pulled it away, scream- and soloed in various all-State orches- policies of Western Maryland and scored. The lost freshmen were given Tuesday, October 10 ing. Stopping only long enough to re- tras and choirs. At WMC he has had feels that where there is a campus an opportunity to locate their broth- Soccer, Loyola, home. place the knob in the car, he ran to leading roles in the choir, band, and need the SGA should stand ready to ers, and tears came into my eyes as I Frat imd Sorority meetings. the house, yelling for his mother. He several musical productions. Bill plans satisfy it. We have seen. Bill enthu- witnessed these joyous reunions. Wednesday, October 11 told her he had hurt his finger; but, to teach public school music and later siastically lose himself in a job until As Coach Eggly said over his night Lutheran Student Meeting, Mc- do graduate study. its successful completion. With this cap coke, "The evening had atmos- Daniel Lounge, 6;45 p. m. when she wanted to know how he had done it, Billy resorted to man's oldest In his work and his travels "Big kind of spirit, we wish Bill every suc- phere. You could see it climbing all Canterbury Club 'Meeting. alibi and told her that he didn't know. Bill" has found an interest in people cess in the months ahead. over the walls." Methodist Student Movement Meet- A short conference ensued between of all groups ~and dispositions. His ••• Lunk ing. his parents, after which he was faced ewIV .... Friday, October 13 with the accusation that he had been College Alumnus (Continued from page 1, col. 3) Sister Party Held Pep Rally, Alumni Hall, 6;30 p. m. playing with the cigar lighter. Won- Party, Sunday School Skating Big Runs For Senator Lutheran Student Association Pipe Creek, qus leaves Baker d~ring at their psychic powers and plotting how to get out of the predica- All freshmen arc invited to attend InMcDanielLounge Chapel at 6;30 p. m, ment he was in, Little Bill glanced at Carl Mendell, former football play- the first meeting of the Lutheran Stu- Saturday, October 14 his finger. No more words were need- er on the Hill and a graduate of the dent Association to be held October As the men crowded into Blanche Maryland Home Economics State ed, for there on his throbbing thumb Class of '35, came in second in the 11, in Me Daniel Lounge at 6:45 p. m. Ward gym to meet their little broth- Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, 2 was the blistered impression of those Massachusetts primary in the race There will be an election of officers ers, the women. gathered in McDaniel p. m. little white wires. for a state senatorial seat. Mr. Men- and discussion of plans for the annual Lounge with their little sisters. Varsity Football, Franklin & Mar- dell, who ran on the Republican ticket, fall outing. Refreshments will be It was the first time that the girls shall, away. lives in New Bedford. served. have gotten together this year. Karen Soccer, Penn State, away. "MEET AT Although he did not win the nomi- wealeyanettes Novack, social representative of the Sunday, October 15 nation, Mr. Mendel! did receive many To stimulate interest among the SCA, called upon Bev Warner to lead Sunday school, Baker Chapel, 0;15 more votes than the incumbent, who Freshmen women, the Wesleyanettes in some group singing. Also present a. m. . ble to act as such. Libby Schubert, p. m. To Get Your Ep.ts" had held the seat for a number of are planning a special program f01" were several big and little sister com- Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7;15 p. m. PETE'S years. October 7 at the home of Mrs. Welli- binations who had gone to much trou- Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, 8;15 The new constitution containing the ideals and traditions upon which this dressed in a country style long dress Monday, October 16 Lounge, 7 IRC Meeting; McDaniel and sunbonnet, and Eva Lindahl, clad Save Money organization was founded, will be in nightgown and cap, did their ren- p. m. Main St.-Red Neon Sign Save Trouble presented at this time. dition of "Life at WMC." Kay Mc- Tuesday, October 17 Canterbury Club Laughlin and Mickie Remsburg also Frat and Sorority Meetings. BAUGHER'S spedal To give the Episcopal students the dressed for the occasion as Little Eva opportunity of meeting their Rector and Topsie. and getting acquainted with the After entertainment by Betty Simp- MEAL TICKETS group, there will be a tea given by son and the fourth floor McDaniel members of the faculty on Friday, Now On Sale Freshmen, reIreshments were served. October 6, at 4:30 in McDaniel The singing of the Alma Mater ended Lounge. the evening of companionship for big Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 and little sisters. Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Sunday Matinees: Holidays. Holidays. Evening show 9 p. m. 2 and 4 p. m. Sunday Matinees; 2 and 4 p, m. Week- ! G.C. Murphy & Co. Matinee 2 p. m._Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. Everybody Is Welcome Griffin's To Stop In At The Friendly Store SU_N., MON., TUES., OCT. .8-10 SUN., MON., OCT. 8, 9 "IN A LONELY PLACE" Margaret & Earl's . "SUMMER STOCK" Humphrey Bogart Gloria Graham Delicious Food - Candies Dormitory and Classroom 'I'echnicolor 10' Supplie5 Judy Garland Gene Kelly Sodas - Greeting Cards TUES., WED., OCT. 10, 11 SANDWICHES-- 6·10' We5t Main Street "KEEP 'EM FLYING" SOFT DRI~KS WED., THUR., OCT. 11, 12 Bud Abbott Lou Costello FRESHMEN INVITED Westminster, Md. "I.ADY WITHOUT PASSPORT" Hedy Lamarr John Hodiak THUR., FRI., OCT. 12, 13 "SO YOUNG, SO BAD" FRI., SAT., OCT. 13, 14 Paul Hendred Katherine IIIcCleod IF YOU CAN'T GET IT "BLACK ROSE" WESTMINSTER'S AT THE BOOK STORE Weuminste~'1 . Technieolor SAT., OCT. 14 FAMILY TRY New Modern Drug Store Tyrone Power Cecile Aubry "THE GUNMEN OF ABILENE" RESTAURANT DRUGS Rocky Lane COFFMAN'S SCHOOL SUPPLIES SUN.,,,~~O:r;~~U~:~~~k: 15~17 SUN., MON., TUES., OCT. 15-17 "DESERT Benny's Kitchen COSMETICS Teehnicolor Yvonne DeCarlo HAWK" Stationery Store SODAS Ray Milland Hedy Lamarr Richard Green 18, 19 WED., THUR.,.OCT. Not the only place to eat in Times Building Bixler and Guild McDonald Carey "SKIPPER TAKES A WIFE" Westminster, but the best WED., THUR., OCT. 18, 19 Robert Walker Joan Leslie CREPE PAPER Drug Co. "JOHNNY HOLIDAY" Edward Arnold 59 W. Main s-, Westminster GREETING CARDS William Bendix Allen Barton, Jr. John and Main SUo FRI., SAT., OCT. 20, 21 Phone 654-J SCHOOL SUPPLIES FRI., SAT., OCT. 20, 21 "RIDE 'EM COWBOY" "STORY OF G. I. JOE" Bud Abbott Lou Costello
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