Page 4 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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'The Gold Bug, Sept. 22, 1950 Fads Of Twenties Summe; Bids Farewell Two Faculty Profs ProF.Whitfield Teaches Stage Revivals ... and summer cannot last." Receive Doetorates There is a poignant sadness in this At College Of Pacific It's a vicious' circle! Thirty years poet's words. How many of us wished During the summer, two members ago when our parents were in college, that our summer with its warm lazy- of the faculty had conferred upon they danced the Charleston, listened bone days and magic nights were them the degree of Doctor of Philoso- Dr. Theodore M. Whitfield, head of Western Maryland's history depart- to Dixie-land jazz, wore flapper hats, eternal? Now as the trees acquire phy. ' ment, spent part of the summer as an exchange professor at the College ~f the and played ukuleles. Now, in 1950, their new fall colors and transform Dr. Horace Townsend, Jr., profess- Pacific in California. He exchanged positions with Dr. Malcom Rogers Eiseler, the roaring twenties are here again the campus into a veritable wonder- or -of economics, received his degree' who came to the Hill during the sum- with all the trimmings. In the fashion land of reds and yellows, summer from the University of Pennsylvania, mer session to teach courses on the world, hemlines are going up and wears a halo. Careless days with no and Dr. William A. Liggett, associate American Frontier and the Roosevelt waistlines are coming down. Hats are thought of term papers and exams. professor of education received his Administration. smaller and close fitting, designed for Vacation days spent basking in the from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Whitfield and his family left the short, smooth coiffures so popular sun, riding the waves, or canoeing on Mrs. Evelyn Wenner will continue for the West Coast early in June, with flappers of both eras. If only a clear mountain lake. Even summer her sabbatical leave for the first se- reaching California before the open- Mother had saved her college ward- jobs when viewed in retrospect are mester. In her absence, Dr. Joseph W. ing classes on June 19. At the college robe, daughter would not need any tinged with glamour-yes, it was fun! Hendren has been appointed editorial Dr. Whitfield taught courses in Amer- new clothes this fall! Now summer is gone, but not for- adviser to the GOLD BUG staff. ican Government and History of The Charleston has been termed a American Foreign Policy since 1896. revived national craze-perhaps it is ~:!~::\:t~~~us~s th:u~:o:;te V~:~~iO~~ He also conducted a graduate course crazy, but its individualistic inter-pre- "What did you do? Whom did you see? tations are contagious, and it has Wait until you hear what happened The WAA Wishes on the Civil War and Reconstruction. coast-to-coast popularity. In the twen- to me!" Notes on summer jobs are After teaching the first semester at ties, the dance was thought wicked; compared; and sun-bleached blondes To Extend the College of the Pacific, Dr. Whit- now it is considered, like jitterbug- are eyed with suspicion. In McDaniel field and his family spent several ging, just strenuous exercise set to and Blanche 'Yard, summer romances An Invitation To Girls weeks on a general tour of the coun- music. Hollywood 'claims credit for its are re-lived, and the shiny, new snap- try enroute to Westminster. Dr. Whit- rebirth, and Negro dock worlters in shots which adorn the mirrors bring field, who has been on the Western Charleston, South Carolina, are said fond memories. Priceless mementos To Become Members Maryland faculty since 1929, is noted not only for his work in the field of to have invented the step combina- add a touch of summer to the rooms, education, but for his literary talents tions way back when. At any rate, and certain tunes recall nostalgic mo- This Year D-r. Theodore Whitfield Charteetoners are again burning up ments. Forgotten already are the LS . well. The second I volumo of his Bryan, book, "Whitfield, Smith, and the ballrooms where the cry is for Dixie and more Dixie. !%:~!~Is~::e~~~~ a_n!l:~~:d da:~c!~~~ Related Families," has been published Like the Charleston, ukuleles are Summer now wears a golden halo-- and copies of it have already been enjoying wide - spread popularity. everything was perfect. But all that G.C. Murphy & Co. sold in Hawaii, Canada, Tasmania, Seemingly millions of Arthur Cod- is the past, and as the crisp fall days Au s t r a Ii a, England, and states frey's proteges have sprung up over- at WMC bring new problems, joys, throughout this country. night. Once more fair young damsels and experiences, summer quietly Best Wishes The Friendly Store At Western Maryland, Professor are being serenaded ukulele style, and fades away and becomes a part of Whitfield is teaching courses in many a cooed is a first rate uke player. our ever-growing memory. For A Successful Year . Dormitory and Clanroom American, European, and Latin- in her own right. In that way moon- American history, and American Fur- light serenades become uke duets. Supplies. eign policy. Here on the Hill, ukes are very much College Calendar The 1950 Aloha in evidence. The dorms have been 6-10 w"es.t Main Street transformd into music halls, and the Friday, September 22- PATRONIZE strains of many revived tunes can be College Mixer, Blanche Ward Gym, W utminster, Md. OUR heard at any time. Just picture exam 7p.m. ADVERTISERS. week-not -only will there be radios Saturday, September 23- and phonographs to disturb study, Pcp Rally, Alumni Hall Steps, 6:30 but also ukuleles. p.m. A fad? Surely, but it is ours to en- Party, Methodist Cllurch, 7:30.p. m. joy now, and ours to remember in Sunday, September 24- later years as an integral part of our Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 life on the Hill. Who knows-perhaps a.m. in the future our collegiate sons ana Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. daughters will stage a revival of the Fireside, "Getting Acquainted," flaming fifties, complete with the McDalliei Lounge, 8:15 p. m. Charleston, Dixieland jazz, flapper bats, and ukuleles! Monday. September 25- l\luJ"phY'sOpen House, 7-8:30 p. m. Tuesday, September 26- ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE SGA Council Meeting, 5 p. m. GOLD BUG Big Little Brother Party, Harvey Stone Park, 7 p. m. Big-Ltttle Sister Party, McDaniel Compliments Lounge, 7 p. m. of Sorority and Frat Meetings J. C. Penney Co., Inc. Wednesday, September 27- Freshman Assembly, Alumni Hall, 12:40p.m .• SCA Meeting, Installation of Com- missioners; Speaker, Dr. Earl H. BE A LEADER! Furgeson, Westminster Theologi- Westminster's call Seminary; Topic, "Religion in College Life." New Modern Drug Store Leaders of tomorrow are being made Friday, September 29- DRUGS Pep Rally, Alumni Hall, 6:30 p. m. today-on the college campuses of Saturday, September 30- SCHOOL SUPPLIES America. And the Army ROTC is train- Varsity Football, Gettysburg, Away COSMETICS Sunday, October 1- ing the best of them. . SODAS Sunday School, Baker Chapell 9:15 a. m. Prepare now for leadership in national Bixler and Guild Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. emergency and in the competitive world McDaniel Lounge, 8:15 Fireside, Drug Co. Monday, October 2- after graduation. Get your U. S. Army p. rn. IRe Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, Commission, and learn to be a leader of John and Main Sts. 7 p. m. men in civilian life while you earn it. Tuesday, October 3- Sorority and Frat Meetings Point your path toward success in business and industry __:_success and leadership in the duties of citizenship- The Student Christian Association by learning in Army ROTC courses to make the quick, sound decisions that Hopes That All Students count. Of such stuff is leadership made. Will Participate In The Various Religious Programs This Year FRESHMEN: Register now for basic Army ROTC training! The Gold Bug Staff QUALIFIED JUNIORS: Wishes To Take This Opportunity Sign up now for advanced Army ROTC training! To Welcome See your ICJculty odviser OM your Prolessor 01 MilitCJry Science and TCJdics All Freshmen And Exchange Students RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS To Western Maryland College
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