Page 6 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 6
The Gold Bug, Oct. 3, 1950 C~ Vacation In Europe Frosh Endure, Pins'n Points ApparelOrCampus tone and an obscure subtlety, once re- Sophs Enforce Blanch Ward is out in front again- Tom Page Someone, somewhere, in a refined Problemsi Which Is marked that Europe was a place in girls have the first candy machine to After successfully opening the new be installed in the dorms, It started which the ages met. Had he visited Freshmen and sophomores think off with a bang whcn everyone got a year with the Freshman Orientation More Important Europe in nineteen hundred and fifty, differently about many subjects, espe- free sample, Program, the student government is now ready to get down to some seri- cially initiation, as indicated by the or had he overheard the enunciations folowing paragraphs. ous work. "It seems to me there are of returned travelers he' would cer- Being a part of WMC is undoubt- Wedding bells have been ringing On October 6th the annual circus more important things to be tainly have qualified his statement to edly the desire of every Freshman; recently for Judy Damuth, ex. '52 and will return to Westminster. As in the done on campus." read: "Not only do they gently meet and even tho' we are supposed to Guy Whidden III; Joan Newell, ex.' previous years, the student govern- We should like to think that but r-udely- clash." For, whatever be dread the rules set forth by those '51 and John Long; Jean Simms, ex. ment and the Kiwanis Club will spon- pre- year this such a remark was made in ref- the impetus, Europe mixture of the old "silly sophs," we are sure that this is '51 and Dede Cooksey. sor this activity. From the sale of sented a curious erence to people painting a rain- and the new, each trying, so it seemed, their way of saying, "Welcome, Fre~h- tickets on the campus, the S.G.A. will spout when the roof needed re- desperately to equal up to the mark men, to our big family." Western Marylands' representative receive 25 percent of the proceeds Har- in the fashion world is Barbara pairing. However, it concerns of post-war expectations and pre-war We like the idea of becoming ac- ris, who recently appeared on the •which will be used for the benefit of something much more vital to standards. quainted with everyone; and if wear- SteWart's College Board in Baltimore. the student body. The S.G.A. extends will make us more this campus-the student gov- Europeans Play Own Parts ing our beanies or rather distinguish- their appreciation to all students who distinguished ernment. This was a unique year in Europe's able, we are all for it, No doubt we Some people take the "Keep Off the have helped to make this drive a sue- "It is the job of the student history. Nevel' before, it is supposed, will be weary of carrying that typical Grass" signs too ser-ioualy, Joan Kel- government . . . to encourage were so many exposed to so few. The freshman symbol on our heads after log is sporting a banged-up leg. The election for the Homecoming and maintain high standards of few, relatively speaking, were the awhile; but it will be fun and give us Tough luck! Queen and the Class Officers will take student conduct." (1950 Fresh ubiquitous tourists, each in his own a feeling that we are a part of WMC place at the assembly on October 9th. Handbook) We do not feel that Baederux, but all enjoying a dress and that we are welcomed newcomers There's a new hum of activity on On this date; however, only the Home- cheating is a high standard of circle view of the conflict of the ages; to the campus. campus. The Senior Home Ec. stu- coming Queen and the Class Officers student conduct. Also, since at times they themselves assuming an There will probably be many times dents have moved to the "Manage- will be elected. To avoid the usual role. The many were, sig- important stealing is not tolerated in any when we will wish that we were lucky ment House" to get a first hand ex- confusion, the election of the Horne- themselves, the Europeans society, it therefore should not nificantly, their own parts with an ad- upperclassmen instead of unfortunate perience at "Home Cooking." coming Court will be held during a playing flourish on a Campus where mirable stoicism, the victims of a freshmen. Perhaps we will break rules later assembly in October, Between citizens are being developed. mass, temporary, pacific invasion, and then be required to pay the pen- Did you notice that cute little car now and October 9th, let us all give constructive the thinking to alty, but that will be part of the fun. some However, such conditions do What was observed was singularly At any rate, time will tell. There will buzzing around campus, It doesn't question of possible candidates and to of a foreign ele- exist on Western Maryland's occasioned by the well known circum- be complaints; but ,we won't really mean the invasion cosmopolitan tastes their qualifications, for thc various ment-just the campus. And yet, so far this stances of the past decade. The inher- mean it, because we know that deep of the instructor in Dramatic Art, positions. year, the Student Government ent continental nature remains, but down inside, way down, the sopho- Don Bailey. has only concerned itself with it is now devoid of all pre-war forms mores are nice and don't mind us be- This year each of us should make it what students are wearing to and moulds and is oddly combined ing around. Let's hear some real noise at those our goal to attend every Friday night the dining hall! with a new and acute a wareness of 'Ve are going to do our best to win pep rallies! Your support can carry "pep rally" which will be sponsored of eco- the socio-political importance In the spring, we all filled out nomic advancement and stability. thllt_ tug of war; and .then, although the team through. alternately by the S.G.A., Inter-fra- a ballot pertaining to cheating. In the most obvious respects Eu- we cannot even the score with the ternity Council, the W.A.A., and the A survey disclosed that students rope was certainly the epitome of sophomores for putting us through four classes. All of us cannot be in the line on the field, but we can attend were willing to take action, But what one would expect. Unfortunate- such a hectic initiation, we will try who quiver at a glance, and certainly the rallies and the games. We bevea have you heard anything about ly, we often seek for only that which our techniques on the class of '55. there are very few innocent ones. terrific team, and they will prove this this problem since then? is expected. The typical national A Sophomore Speaks They all wear their caps at just the to everyone when they take to the Perhaps you remember a t r a its and characteristics have There is nothing that gives an up- right angle with name cards pinned field. At the rallies, we can express series of editorials last year con- changed little. Dignity, pr-ide, built perclassman more pleasure than stop- neatly on the back, Each one says our appreciation and let them know cerning the number of books upon ages of tradition in and ingrained. ping a timid little freshman as he or hello, to all upperclassmen (chiefly that we are behind them one hundred themselves values, sentimental stolen from the library. At that beautiful tributes to the past, cannot she innocently walks on the grass or those of the opposite sex) and is ex- per-cent. time also, the GOLD BUG criti- be erased. The British are still phleg- goes blissfully to class with no beanie tremely careful not to walk on the cized the Student Government matic, reserved, and commanding. perched atop her curls. We get that tiniest blade of grass. Even in the To put it mildly, Saturday night is Rec Hall we find them obedient-----the for not making an attempt to re- The French are not the less excitable wonderful feeling of superiority - upperclassmen are the ones protest- usually a non-eventful evening, In each per- cover at least some of the books. and emotional because of destruction that masterful air-which to the human ing because they must dance a foot fact, the campus often resembles the son knows is delightful well known morgue. \Vhat do you say This year, the library reports and death. The Italians have not lost spirit. We aren't purposefully hate- away from those freshmen girls. to the plan that this year we make 190 books missing and only 8 their gay, carefree, and unconcerned ful and ugly; we really do love each But just wait! One of these days Saturday night one of the highlights recovered. attitude, and every newcomer, but the desire we will catch Mary Smith going into of the week? Bill Simpson, our S.G.A. Also more important than ap- Change Is Evident for revenge now that we are sopho- the wrong door of Science Hall. On .a President, has several suggestions to- parel is behavior. Formerly, the But the fading of the design of mores is overwhepntng. lovely October evening when the moon ward improving the situation. Do you student body was made aware these established characteristics is the Yet, this year, things are different! is full, that handsome freshman lad have any ideas on this 'subject r " telling argument for cli'angc and the of Western Maryland's attitude realistic result of the influence of the 'There are no timid, little freshmen will walk his girl back to the dorm and forget the rules of it is against toward nocturnal visiting to times. Frenchmen no longer have the "all high and mighty lords" to The administration has had grass other colleges. Perhaps it was much time to leisurely sip cognac at walk through Carpe Diem. Sooner or planted in certain areas in order to felt that we should know how to sidewalk cafes. The thought upmost Take Your Pick later some unsuspecting soul will rest make our campus more beautiful. In behave by now. But the fact in the British mind today is the pre- his weary bones on the Mourner's addition, they have requested verbally that, in 1948, G-burg paid $850 cariousness of their economic position. Behold-s-check thc Western Mary- Bench. When that time comes, we will and through the medium of signs that to Western Maryland for dam- Into the natural Italian exuberance land College Freshmen, They carne be watching, and we will punish that the students refrain from parking in ages should show that at times has been injected a degree of serious by ones, by twos, and by threes. Some disobedient freshman. We'll get them fron't of Old Main, Lewis Hall, and in Fresh- came by cal', bus. or train. students don't behave. To the purposefulness enigmatical only to men-some 300 strong. And, of this ye~justwaitandsee1 the area from the lamp post across credit of Western Maryland, their post-war economic situation. group, there are always a fcw who from the Chapel to the Seminary en- there have been no visitations And so it appeared to us that even typify some certain types into which Co-Eels Eager For trance. The request that the students and thus far. But the human mind t.hough the past ages, in their artistic all of them fall during their first few keep off the grass parking Icave their in the automobiles lot has has a notoriously short memory and cultural sense, exist quite force- weeks on campus. Here are some of Delivery Of Mail been largely ignored. This is a reflec- and the Mount-Terror feud has fully, they and the accompanying the more easily recognized types. tion on the student government. Then, become quite bitter. modes of life are no longer the core Wise Guy-s-He's really doing the To see the crowds in the colicge too, some students continue to think Whether existence. of European this Cheating, the f t, behavior- be for iJJ or good concerns the philoso- college a favor to come here. If you post office every morning, you would that the roads are part of the Indian- don't they constitute a serious pher. Progress often means unwilling don't believe it, ask him. Within a think that the most important thing apolis Speedway. How about slowing problem? If a girl always dress- sacrifices. Jcrl"y Lockman, few weeks he intends to really start 'in college life is the receiving of the down to tbe moderate pace of fifteen es according to the rules but out and tour the country-side. Stud- mail. You get the impression that-the miles per hour? ies are not important to him because steals books, or a fellow never he is already too smart to learn any students (who are often bleary-eyed forgets his tie but paints an- Borrowed Bits more. at 8 A. m. anyway) had spent the During this year, let's not grow night waiting and eagerly anxiously other campus-which is more Football-brawn and more brawn. for a letter or two. lax in our manner of dressing, espe- important? You, Frosh, think your regulations He slapped a 6 ft. 210 lb. figure on Those who have a first period class cially for the evening meal. All of us Good grooming is essential, lire tough. According to the Muhlen- his application blank, got a letter have a golden oppor turrity to see an want to maintain the high standards student government, we agree, berg Weekly, their class of 1954 are from the coach, and r-epor-ted in early interesting variety of both the letter that are traditional at Western Mary- but we have been taught that well on their way to being initiated. September "to do or die" for the Ter- and the recipients thereof. There's land College. A neat appearance is a the body should be washed be- "1. All Freshmen must wear class rors. Usually a good-natured, likeable the girl who casually (and carefully) must. fore putting on clean clothes. hats, black bow tics (worn with a col- fellow, college wouldn't be the same lets her classmates see various letters .Let's make this our biggest and lared shirt), and identification but- without him. which she gets with engraved letter- most successful year. tons, which are to be worn over the heads from Yale, Princeton, and other THE GOLD BUG heart-c-on campus and at all college Timid, ~~~od:n!t::h~~::_wonders big-time men's colleges, and who then functions. - to inform the girl next to proceeds Offid"l .tudent new!Paper of Western lh,..,.· 2. Freshmen must wear their why he ever came to such a place. No her, in not too low a tone, about 1 in pencil; the unimaginative and not too bright ones begin a letter with the land College. published semi·monthly 00 Tu... trouser Cliffs 1'olled ten inches from refrigerator to go to once in a while, day. during October, November. J"ooa..,., "dear, foolish Jack" (or John, or Bill) brilliant remarks: "How are you? February. March and April. and monthly dnr-- the ground, Freshmmen must also no rug on the floor; and his room- who is just crazy about her. Fine, I hope, I'm fine too." And final- weal' a suit coat or sport coat and mate is for Truman. POOl'kid, every- ~~ga~:~~~m~i:~.Dm,,:~~~er';ta{if8Bt~'l~~te~ntp~~~ The male counterpart to this type ly there is the correspondent whom Ollie •. under th. Act. of ~hrch S. 1879, carry matches at all times. 5. Fresh- \~e~cw~~~: :::!~ receives per-fumed epistles on pink everyone would like to havc--one who Member men must be ready to recite, upon rc- ;wnh~si~::~i~~~t't· stationery that can be seen (and makes his letters so interesting and Associated Collegiate Press quest, the stanza and chorus of the Ma and Pa. from the country, he smelled) throughout the entire room. natural that you feel as if you were Hillbilly-up Alma Mater. They will also be held These letters usually begin with "My talking to him. SublJcriptJon Price '2.00 a responsible for the Freshman Pledgc, is the farm's contribution to higher dearest darling." But no matter who your corre- and all college songs and cheer-s. 6. education. He might make a good All Freshmen must sit in a specially cheerleader; all summer he's been hol- Ads Are Deflating spondents are, how well or poor-ly .Nancy Winkelman. '61 designated section in the rear of the lering "Let's go team." He will have Then, too, there is the excited and they write, how often you hear from _Louis Pieiroforte, '51 expectant recipient who opens a let- them, there's still the irresistible urge __ Alice Yearley, '51 chapel during all daily chapel pro- a big time at college. __ June Beaver. '51 yra:ms. 8. All Freshmen must par tici- Last, but not least, is the book- ter with an interesting, but unfa- to dash to the post office every morn- ____ J McLrod, '53 Sport.. SI.a . J"" K""nRn. '51 worm. He was probably valedictorian miliar postmark, only to feel like a ing and afternoon. Nothing is as de- Keith Radcliffe. '51 pa;~!n ~:~t::~~~~a~a:ant~:nces the of the local graduating class. Tho! punctured balloon when he discovers pressing as not having mail for sev- Bob Wilson. 'H Ne""s_Fe&ture Editor Stan Bowlsbey. '52 opening of Hanson Hall, a new brick curse of the less studious, he will end it is an advertisement for dictionaries. eral days in a row. You begin to won- Cony Editor. .Phii Kable, 'SI der what is wrong and consider BUSINESS STAFF dormitory which is to accommodate up with a grade point average that As for the writers of these prized Business Managers Betty Lo"elace, '51 98 women students. It boasts a laun- will pale 4.0. A wizard. He will un· letters, their types are endless. There changing your brand of toothpaste. Larry Baile}', '51 doubtedly be drafted Jnto the honor is the character who writes love let- And nothing is as ego-building as the Ad,-erti6inll' Manager Bill Rhoad., '51 dry with Bendix washers, a shampoo Circulation Manageno POltll'y Brown. '51 room with hair dryers, and modern society. After graduation he will prob- ters on penny postal cards, the girl smug feeling you have when three or Jay ful'll'ly. '51 who writes in purple ink on green four letters are reposing in your mail CONTRIBUTORS furniture. ably be a .filling station operator or a box, waiting for you to read them. Watch this column for intcresting drug store clerk. stationery, and the adolescent who news gathered from papers which So there they are--five of the types decorates envelopes with SWAK, lip- Just think-in that little box might Rudolf. Betty Shivers come to the GOLD BUG office. Learn that will emerge four years hence (or sticked impressions of her mouth, and be mystery:-adventure-or just news Simvson. Ann Smutney ho,,,, fortunate or otherwise we are in some of them will at least) as West- other cryptic messages. The cheap~ from home; but no matter what, it's Zies. John Haller. Bob Paul Thronburg. Lynn comparison to other collegians. ern Maryland alul1_mi. skatcs write on lined copybook paper mail1 Dorothea Schmidt, Dot
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