Page 12 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 17, 1950 Club News Myth Explains I College Calenelar (Continued from page 1, col. 4) Tuesday, October 17 Sunday Sehool Little Girl With Big Businness Black and White Smoker At the last meeting of the Sunday Seasons Wednesday, October 18 by Alice Yearwy School, a song fest was held in place Soccer, Delaware, home of the usual discussion, with Ashby John Ha,llGl' Three years ago, Mary Jean Rupert, better known to everyone SCA, Bakel' Chapel, 6:45 I), rn. Collins as the leader. Walking as Mickie, arrived on College Hill just as bewildered as any other Preacher Smoker The purpose of the Sunday School other morning, through back campus the I was impressed by a Freshie. She soon began to take an active part in the life of West- Thursday. October 19 is to discuss and hear the 'opinions of glimpse of the colorful, misty valley ern Maryland however, and now holds the position of Vice President Freshman- Football, Gettysburg, students on various religious topics. spread out before me. The cr-isp early of the SGA besides being a Trumpet- away The meetings are held at 9:15 in or- autumn evenings had brought color to er, member of the Argonauts, FTA,. Bachelor Smoker der that students may be dismissed in the famed Hoffa Field. Out beyond and chaplain of Phi Alpha Mu So- Friday, October 20 time to attend the church of their the Emmitsburg road, the faint bluish rority. Soccer, Washington College, home choice. outline of South Mountain was barely Having been born in Baltimore and Gamma Beta Smoker Student Christian Association visible. In a few weeks the whole since lived in Nashville, Tenn.; Dear- Saturday, October 21 countryside will be bursting with the born, Mich.; Drexel Hill, Penna., and Varsity Football, Dickinson, home With Dr. Makosky as speaker, the br-illi-cnt hues of autumn, and then the Hagerstown, Md., Mickle considers Sunday, October 22 next meeting of the Student Christian trees will be bare until spring when herseJf a native Hagei-stonian and Sunday School, ~aker Chapel, Association will be held on Wednes- again they will come to life. still roots for Hagerstown High 9:15a.m. day, October 18, at 6:45 p. m., in In the Greek myth, Persephone, School from whieh she was graduated. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Baker Chapel. daughter of Demeter, goddess the of in '47. Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, Lntheran Students Association good crops, was kidnapped to the un- 8:15 p. m. Mickle's main interests seem to lie Monday, October 23 With Pat Huddle, president, in derworld by Pluto. Demeter, mourn- in the deeper, more serious phases of FTA Meeting, Hering Hall, charge, the Lutheran Students Asso- ing the loss of her daughter, aban- life. Being a member of the eollege ciation held their first meeting on doned her role and allowed the leaves 7:00 p. m , choir for four years and a student of Alpha Kappa Alpha Meeting, Old Wednesday, October 11, in McDaniel to drop from the trees and all the piano and voice at one time 01' another, Lounge. Entertainment was provided earth's vegetation to wither up and Miekie says, "I appreciate music even Main, 7:00 p. m. by Dolly Dalgleish, Roger Ault, Betty die. Men had little food and conse- though I cannot create it." Dramatics Tuesday, October 24 Baehtell, Roland Fleisher, and Pat quently failed to make the usual sac- Sorority and Frat and writing are other favorites of this Wednesday, October 25 Meetings Huddle. rifices to the gods. Angered by the conscientious, serious-minded coed. November 8 has been set as the lack of sacr-ificial tribute, the gods Soccer, Johns Hopkins, away There's never a dull moment on the SCA Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, date of the next meeting. Movies of demanded that Pluto return Porseph- second floor of Blanche Ward when 6:45 p. m. past activit.ies of the LSA will be one to her mother; however, because Mickie's around. She's always got a Mid-Century Song Festival, Alumni shown to the group. Persephone had eaten several pome- funny tale concerning something that Hall, 8 p. m. granate seeds while in the under- has happened to her, or else she is im- Saturday, October 28 o Intersororily Council world, it was agreed that she should pressing her roommate and others Varsity Football, Hampden-Sydney, Because the need for the coed study return to the kingdom of Pluto for with tricks of all sorts. With eyes that home room has diminished, it was decided several months of the year. Demeter, sparkle like diamonds and curly hair Sadie Hawkins Dance, Gill Gym, to close this room at the first meeting overjoyed at the return of her daugh- that she can cut any time she pleases, Mickie Rupt!1't 8 p. m. of the Inter-sorority Council. It was ter, onee again caused the trees and Mickie has a contagious laugh that Sunday, October 29 felt that the coed study room could all vegetation to come to life. accounts for her many friends. Sunday School, Baker Chapel, not be properly proctored. In her sorrow each year for the Three Trumpeters 9:15 a. m. temporary loss of her daughter, De- Three-Letter Girl Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. meter allows life to wither and die, Oh, yes, I must not forget that this Meet New Girls fireside, McDaniel Lounge, G.C. Murphy & Co. but men have faith in the promise of girl with many abilities considers her- To start the year off, the Trump- 8:15 p. m. renewed life the ensuing spring. self quite an athlete, having been a eters met with all the freshman girls Monday, October 30 three-letter girl in high school-cheer- Argonaut Meeting, Me.Daniel The Friendly Store leading. During high school days, she to explain their organization and pro- Lounge, 6:45 p. m. SGA Committee Heads decided to take up horseback riding mote interest in extra-curricular ac- Tuesday, October 31 Dormitory and Classroom for leisure time activity; however,' tivities. "- Soccer, Baltimore U., away Supplies Rec Hall-Jack Lambert this interest was short lived. She was At the traditional .tapping cere- Elections-Sonya Wine assisted in mounting the horse but mony last spring, Mickie Rupert, Bulletin Hoard-Lois Hicks and Au- forgot to stop when on his back and June Beaver, and Alice Year-ley were 6·10 West Main Street drey Meredith just kept right on going, landing be- chosen to be the honorary Trumpeters Westminster, Md. Homecoming- June Beaver as Griffin's side the horse's feet on the other side. for the current year. The group also Chairman-Bill Simpson Aiter this, Mickie decided to limit has designated specific jobs with Alice Pep Rally-Senior Class, Lou Pie- herself to badminton, ping-pong, and, Year-ley as chairman, troforte, chairman dancing. secretary, and Miekie Rupert as Dance-Alpha Gamma Tau, Larry Bailey Planning to teach after graduation, treasurer. Delicious Food - Candies Weatminster', Game Halftime-Mickie Rupert, Mickie is now a student teacher at The main function of the group this Women's Student Council, Band, Westminster High School. Upon re- year will be to promote interest in Sodas - Greeting Cards New Modern Drug Store and Freshmen turning to campus after her first day, extra-curricular activities and to con- Publicity-Jim Williams, Libby she was heard to say, "Gee, did I feel tinue leadership in' the groups in DRUGS silly, they are as big as 1 am, but at which they are already aetive mem- SCHOOL SUPPLIES Schubert, and Poster Club Mal- Crouthers, Parade--Angela least I'm twenty-one." bers. COSMETICS colm Meltzer I suppose you are wondering how Displays-Stu Abrahams and Men's I know so much about this campus SODAS Student Council personality. 'Yell, you see, I'm her Reception-Russ Deragon and SCA roommate. Bixler and Guild Drug Co. Compliments . of IF YOU CAN'T GET IT John and Main Sts. AT THE BOOK STORE J. C, Penney Co" Inc. TRY COFFMAN'S Stationery Store Times Building Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays. Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 CREPE PAPER Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week- GREETING CARDS Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OCTOBER 18, 19 OCTOBER 18,' 19 THE SKIPPER SURPRISED HIS JOHNNY HOLIDAY WIFE William Bendix Stanley Clemments Robert Walker Joan Leslie "MEET AT OCTOBER 20, 21 OCTOBER 20, 21 STORY OF GI JOE !lIDE 'EM COWBOY and Costello Abbott Robert Mitchum Burgess Meredith OCTOBER 22, 23 SADDLE TRAMP OCTOBER 22, 23, 24 Joel McCrea Wanda Hendrix To Get Your Eats" TEA FOR TWO ing spotof students allhe University OCTOBER 24, 25 Doris Day Gordon MacRae JOHNNY ONE EYE Main St.-Red Neon Sign of Maine is the Snack Bar in Carne- Teehnicolo,: Wayne Morris Pat O'Brien gie Library because it is a cheerful OCTOBER 26, 27 .....OCTOBER 25, 26 plac~full of friendly collegiate DOUBLE FEATURE A LIFE OF HER OWN BIG. TIMBER atmosphere. Ani! when the gang Lana Turner Ray Milland BAMBA AND THE HIDDEN CITY MURRAY CLEANERS gathers around, icc-cold Coca·Cola OCTOBER 28 OCTOBER 27, 28 HILLS OF OKLAHOMA Pick Up and Delivery gets the call. For here, as in college THE PETTY GIRL Rex Allen Frizzy Night Every haunts el'erywhere--Coke belongs. Joan Caulfield Robert Cummings 29, 30 OCTOBER Monday and Thursday dskjor it I!ilhtr !fay. both Technicolor DEVIL'S DOORWAY :ra.:il!_marks mum thl! same thillg. Robert Taylor Paul Raymond Phone Reisterstown 371 ~onlEO UNOE~ AUTHORITY Of TKE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY OCTOBER 29, 30, 31 OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 1 WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTILING CO., INC. THE MEN THE ADMIRAL WAS A LADY C 1950, T~.C<><"·CQt"Comt>Q"Y Marland Brandal Teresa Wright Edmund O'Brien Wanda Hendrix
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