Page 5 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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Miss Ward '"1. 11. c. Vol. 28, No.2 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. October 3, 1950 Frosh Sport Green, Yellow Beanies Paper Editor As Traditional Initiation Begins Announces With each Freshman exhibiting a green and yellow beanie on the morning of September 26, everyone on campus realized that fresh- Appointments man initiation had begun. George Davig_lu8 I All freshmen have a copy of the For the first semester, rules and regulations for this initia- Winkleman, Editor-in-Chief Nancy of Lee the tion and must carry them while wear- South America Sends Two Club News .1 ing their caps, include the GOLD BUG, has made new appoint- ments to the paper staff. Some of the restrictions I Ncrd- Taking the .place of Edward Alpha Kappa Alpha use of only the east entrance in by as managing editor is Alice Year- Students To WMC Campus on campus who is interested in phi- Science Hall and the west entrance in ley. Alice, a senior, who has worked Alpha Kappa .A:lpha asks everyone must always Lewis Hall. Freshmen years, losophy to watch] the bulletin boards walk on the sidewalk, never on the on the GOLD BUG for four editor last heJd the position of feature George Daviglus Studies Medicine In Bolivia; for the announcement of its first grass. At football games they go in year. Active in many organizations on meeting of the school" year. ;o;o~;e:hn~e~: in the section reserved the Hill, Alice is a trumpeter, treas- Brazilian Sonia de Silva Born In New York ch;;~er~~~;~~o~~~o p~e:~~e~~o;~el~!: In the rec room, the freshmen men urer of Phi Alpha Mu, a member of Among the many new foreign students at WMC this year are afraid of the word philosophy and are not allowed to use the pool table the Glee Club, and participates in George Daviglus, a transfer pre-med student from Cochabana, think they have to assume the posi- or ping pong table. Men or women many girls' athletics. She is also as- sociate editor of the ALOHA. Bolivia, and Sonia de Silva from Brazil. tion of Rodin's Le Penseur in order regardless of with whom they dance, Replacing Alice as feature editor George is not exactly new to this to understand the English language to learn from or contribute to a dis- must dance a foot apart, is Jane McLeod, '53. Jane worked as a Among other regulations is the rule country, having spent the past semes- very well, she is somewhat impatient cussston. Nothing could be further that no freshman may hold hands or feature writer on the GOLD BUG from the truth. ter as a student at the University of with her frequent confusion and, at last year. Texas. Prior to that, he attended high times, "a little terrified," \"If you're interested in the world display any other form of affection in The new copy editor is Phil Kable. school in Hillsboro, Texas, for one about you and the people in it, if you pub;iC. Phil is a pre-med student, a member semester in 1947. Sonia finds the presence of boys in make opinions about it, if you ask I • ~ en must carry matches et : all of the Bachelors, and business mana- George has graduated from the school and the brightly-colored clothes questions about it and try vainly (or tunes and men and women both must ger of the ALOHA, American Institute, the only Metho- aspects of American campus life dif- :~:c:s~~!~t s~:~ti~:~, :ut fi~~:; we;:bri~st:~~::~~~:d:~t or a duty Dottie Lee Phillips, photography dist. high school in Bolivia. While ferent from what. she would find in editor for the yearbook, has been ap- there, interest in Western Maryland her country, She is enthusiastic about opinion you're a philoeopher-." ~~~hp:~a~;;P~:: \~: c::~~s o~le~~e~: pointed exchange editor. Jay Eggly was aroused by an American teacher the friendly manner of the students rules. and Peg Brown are the new circula- of English who pointed out the ad- and the traditional "Hi" spoken by Camera Club Although the beanies will be worn tion managers. vantages of a small college and the everyone on campus. To begin its activities this year, the until Homecoming, a tug of war be- The GOLD BUG has recently re- individual attention one might get Sonia grew up speaking both Eng- Camera Club will hold its first meet- tween the freshmen and the sopho- ceived a rating of first class from the there. lish and Portuguese. Her father, a ing October 9th at 7:00 p. m. in room mores will be held on October 28 to Associate College Press, an organiza- U. S. Like Home Brazilian, had studied agriculture at 310 of Science Hall. tion of college publications. They give The United States, he has found, is the University of California for Movies taken last year by Robert see if these rules continue. a critical evaluation of the paper, very similar to his homeland in topo- twelve years. Her mother, an Ameri- Fra2er pf football games and other granting points according to the crea- graphy and climate. The most strik- can of Polish descent, spoke English campus activities will be shown. . Fund Director Announces tiveness, style, leads, and headlines of ing difference between the two coun- and learned Portugues after she Plans for the coming year include the news, feature and sports pages. tries, George pointed out, is the dif- moved to Brazil. Sonia has five sisters picture hikes, picnics, print competi- Additions To Committee tions and practical on the instruction ference in the seasons. It seems that at home in Brazil. use of the- excellent darkroom faciIi- Extensive plans which are neces- winter is just ending down there. By studying at Western Maryland, ties. """ ._ sary fQL_3.......successful major fund- As many know, Bolivia is a coun- Sonia is fulfilling the third of her try of countless revolutions and up- three chief ambitions: to attend a This is a membership meeting and raising campaign are being made here risings. George remarked that he has boarding school, to own a bicycle, and everyone is welcome. at \Vestern Maryland College, accord- been involved in and has had several "to study in the States," sex ing to Mr. Lawrence B. Avison, resi- cxciting ,cxperienees i~ some of th~m. Centering around the topic "The dent director of the fund-raising cam- paign. George expressed hIS great admira- Notice .To Men Value of Religion on the College Cam- Many of the departmental chair'- tion for Western Maryland and the pus," the SCA program for October men under Mr. R. J. Whiteford, the students and faculty. He stated that For the past few years frequent is planned especially for new students. general chairman of the National he has become fond of the spirited wishes have been expr-essed for a On October 4th, the Rev. Paul War- Mid-Century Committee, have been atmosphere he has found here. • male glee club or chorus on the West- ren of the Second Presbyterian Church American movies helped George ern Maryland campus, in. Baltimore will present the point of secured. Named Burdette prepare for the American way. Prob- Louis Pietrofortc is organizing view of the church. On succeeding Mr. Hubert P. Burdette has charge ably to the consternation of critics, such a chorus for western Maryland. Wednesdays the faculty and student he has found the movies to be closely view will be presented and then sum- of the Homecoming Convocation De- typical of American life. He requests t.hat all those mcn inter- med up with a panel discussion. partment. Mr. Burdette is a real ested who can carry a tune and arc estate agent of Mount Air-y, Mary- de Silva from Brazil willing to devote their sincere cfforts The special interest groups will Jand, president of the First National Braall's contribution to Western to such II. group, notify him at the hold their first monthly meeting on Bank of Mount Airy, aud a member Maryland's international family is earliest possible moment. October 11. of the Board of Trustees of Western Sonia de Silva from Santos, St. Paulo. Sunday School Maryland College. The man respon- Although born in New York City, Prof cle Long Aclcls On two succeeding Sundays, Octo- sible for special gifts is' General Rob- Mr. Lawrence AmBon Sonia has. lived all but her initial ber 8 and 15 at 9:15 a. m., Dr. Crain ert J. Gill. nine months in Brazil and is a Bra- Members To Choir will speak on "The Case for Chris- President of the Board of Trustees The Church Cooperation Depart- zilian citizen. tianity," .ot Western Maryland College and p\- ment is headed by Reverend O. B, At Western Maryland, she resides In addition to last year's members, The Sunday school is also sponsor- role officer of Maryland, Mr. F. Mur- Langrall, District Superintendent of in the home economics management the College Choir, under the direction ing a roller-skating party at Big Pipe ray Benson is at the head of the de- the Baltimore West District, Mr. house and is continuing her studies in of Professor Alfred de Long, has nine- Creek Park on Friday, October 13, at partment of Corporation and Founda- Howard Jackson, who was mayor of this field under a Methodist scholar- teen new members this year, most of 6:30 p. m. There will be a bus going tion, Mr. Lyman Long and Mrs. Caro- Baltimore for three terms, is if?charge ship. whom are from the freshman class. from the campus. line Taylor are in charge of the uf the Citizen Department. Sonia studied at Bennet College, a New sopranos are Barbara Almony, (Continued on page 4, col. 2) Alumni Department. Methodist school in Rio de Janeiro, Pat Herman, Eva Lindahl, Mary where she graduated as a home eco- Lou Mumford, Pat Per-ry, and Carol Ensor Ur~es 'Truly Great Year' In Convocation Speech nomics teacher and taught in second- Sause, Among the new altos are Lois ary school for three veers. However, Cermak, Kay lUcLaughlin, Nancy dO~ai~ ~~i: :n~::r::~O~~:;'it~w:~J s: the job we have to do is second to none pretty straight language, but we are she felt that her education and the Larre and Betty Parsons. Additions to in its importance for the human race. in a year of national crisis and we educational opportunities in her field the bass section are Pat Biddle, Don of the truly great years in western "The education and training of young owe it to our nation to give our very were limited in Brazil. McShane, John Pickett, and Gay, Maryland's history" was the hope ex- people in preparation for life as it is best." Because Sonia expected to be able White, The new tenors include Ed pressed by Dr. Lowell S. Ensor in his being lived in the very middle of the You, \V,M.C. Early, Paul Fornham, Paul Thron- convocation address September 25. 20th century is no mean task to be In discussing the Mid Century ArI- Dr. Ensor said that this is not just U. Of Md. Awards berg, Jim Hager, and Ambrosio another year, but the year and that taken lightly by either student 01' fac- vance Program to improve the col- uTged the Grandea. lege, Dr. Ensor students ulty." In (ddition to the regular Sunday Urges Cooperation and faculty alike that "you are WcBt- EnsorHonorDegree chapel service, the choir has planned between the faculty and student body ern Ma?-yland College, you are doing, and wherever He also urged a cooperative process you are and whatever program, u Christmas a concert pro- gram, and a spring production. to open the "doors of understanding people will be judging the college by Before a crowd of thousands of you. graduates and parents, Dr. Lowell S. At Christmas, a group of tradi_ that have been closed." You are the living incarnation of for concern As his second reason Ensor was presented an honorary de- tional carols, illustrating the joy of in making this a great year, Dr. En- Western Maryland and you can do the season in many lands will be pre- grce of Doctor of Humane Letters, at sor cited the present national crisis. more to sell the college (or sell it the' commencement exercises in June sented. "It naturally follows. that in this pres- down the river, as the case may be) at the University of Maryland. . The concert program, made up of ent crisis oUT nation is looking to its by what you say and what you do . Judge William P. Cole, Jr., chair- saqed numbers, Appalachian Moun- educational institutions and the per- than all the publicity that the ingenu- man of the Board of Regents of the tain melodies and folk songs, will be sonnel of those institutions to go all ity of man can manufacture. University, read the citation. The di- presented some time after Christmas. out in helping it assume its responsi- ploma was presented to Dr. Ensor by .:(oseph Haydn's oratorio, The Crea- bilities of world leadership." "Get On The Ball" Dr. H. C. Byrd, President of the Uni- tioll., is the choir's spring production. The president reminded the men in To usc the classical language of versity. In connection with the building the audience that they were here ani! the street,-let's get on the ball. We The hood Dr. Ensor is now entitled campaign, Professor de Long has ten- have an educational job to do; we to wear in academic processions is tative plans for Louis Pietroforte and not in Korea because "the government nave a nation to support in time of white, which symbolizes Humane Let- Betty Bachtell to organize a small, believes it's important for you to be crisis; we have a college to undergird ters. The lining is of blue and gold, workable number of choir members here. Any man who does not make as it takes its great step forward. In official C{)lors of the University of into a singing group f~r publicity this the best educational year of his is the mid-century year, let's Advance." deserve to stay. That life doesn't Maryland, purposes, D,'. Lowell S. E1l8or
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