Page 7 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 3, 1950 Terror Eleven Drops Tilt Varsity Eleven Combination To Gettysburg Squad 19-0 l "- Loser's Passing Attack Hints Of Future Strength With Revamped Air Defense Slated For Mounlies A powerful Gettysburg eleven handed the Green Terrors a 19 to 0 drubbing in their initial game Saturday at Gettysburg. The Terrors fought a hard battle and for the first quarter confined all hut a few minutes of play to within G-Burg's territory. Hank Norman blocked a Bullet punt early in the first quarter, and series of passes from Henderson to Jim Marsh recovered it on G-Burg's Hart, Krause, and TullaL But here 30-yard line. Paced by Ed Rydzewski, again the Havensmen seemed to lose the Terrors moved to a first down on their punch and G-burg took over. A the B-ullet's 18, but here the attack running play took the hall to the 20, bogged down and G-Burg took over. and from here the Bullets punted out The Bullets, on the next series of of danger as the quarter ended. plays, moved the ball about 20 yards, but fumbled; and the Terrors recov- Terror Line Weakens ered on G-Burg's 42. Western Mary- In the fourth quarter came what land's attack stalled again, and the seemed the complete disintegration of Bullets took over until a pass inter- the Terror line. Many times the fast ception by Jerry Phipps on the Terror charging Bullet line was in much too 36 stopped their drive. G-Burg held quickly for the passer to get off his Two Touchdowns Meet 'Your Western Maryland fast for the next three downs, and throws. G-burg'l;l line charged through Zepp standing on his own 30 got away on fourth down late in the quarter to Recalled On JVs Gridiron Stars OF 1950 Season a beautiful punt to the G-burg 25. block Ira Zepp's punf, which the Bul- In their first game, the Baby Green The Bullets moved the ball up to the lets recovered on tHe Terror's 20. Terrors showed they really have the 50 as the quarter ended. Score: 0-0. From here in two play,s'off-tackle they stuff it takes to play football. Ira Zepp-End-Jr.-"Hiram"- went to W.M.'s 2. On a pitch-out the Although they lost the contest they 185 lb. Bullets Score half back went over for .G-burg's final dominated play throughout the first Bel Air's contribution to the squad. The Bullets opened their passing tally. The conversion was no good, quarter, scoring two recalled touch- A good punter, who can be relied on attack in the second quarter and on and the score stood G-burg 19; West- downs. All the way through the game to get away those long ones when the five consecutive pass plays covered 50 ern Maryland O. A late drive by the the Baby Greens showed lots of hus- situation calls for it. A "Pre-flight;", Swinging back into the old grf nd of yards for their initial T. D. The Terrors was halted on the'G-burg 10 tle, even though they were out-scored, who wants to be a Methodist minister hockey practice at 4:15 every after- P.A.T. try, from the 17 because of a by a fumble which the Bullets recov- out-weighed, and out-experienced. when he finishes his work on the Hill. noon are returning senior, junior, and G-Burg holding penalty, was no good ered and a few plays later the game They did not stop fighting until the Bruce Rudisill-Tackle-Soph.- sophomore veterans. Of course, ex- and the score was 6-0. For the rest ended. final whistle sounded. Here is the "Moose"-200 lb. perienced freshmen and some learn- of the quarter, the game was played The Terrors had a passing attack team: these boys will be doing great Moose is a Hagerstown lad who will ing hockey for the first time are also inside WM territory. There were some which clicked whenever the passer things as the season progresses and see plenty of action at right tackle practicing on the eighth fairway. excellent passes by Henderson, who was not rushed. The thing lacking next year will probably be the main- this year. He is one of the "Iron Men" Char Janney is returning to the was able to hit his man almost every most was drive and punch on line stays of our varsity team. How about on the squad. Fifty·five minutes per goal cage for the seniors. Char is be- time, when he was not rushed. plays. Fumbles plagued them the en- getting behind the Baby Green Ter- game. ing supported by Alice Year-ley, Betty tire afto;rnoon. Ed. Shepter, and Libby Davis, who are Terrors Kick Michael Chirigos-Guard-lr.- Pass defense will need a lot of work Backs - Miller, Davison, Osborne, out for defense positions. Along with The second half saw the Terrors before next week's meeting with the Kelly, Pupa, Zimmerman, Needle- "Mike"-190 lb. these defensive -players are Mary kicking off to G-burg again. After get- Mounties and so will some parts of man, Faby, Mallonee, Van Nos- On offense or defense, at tackle or Ruth Williams, Dottie Frizzell, Rachel ting nowhere, the Bullets punted on the line. On the whole, the defensive .f.rand, Carfel, Ruehl. guard, Mika-ia a tough man to beat Early, and Peg Brown heading the fourth down. The safety man took the work of the line was good. Ends-Rogan, . Barber, Stouffer, Wil- any place. A native Baltimorean with senior offensive. ball and lateralled it to the other There were quite a few 60 minute son, Martinelli. , a lot of football talent. You'll see a lot But the seniors aren't the only ones safety, who was hit so hard that he men who deserve a lot of credit for Guards-Mahoney, Chambers, Sauter, of Mike this season. with veteran players. The juniors ex- fumbled. G-burg recovered on the their fine showings; men like Vic Ravenis. Ted Samakouris-Guard-Soph.- pect to provide keen competition to Terfor 30 and the Bullets moved to Makovitch, Bruce Rudisill and Walt Tackles-Muller, Berends, Trevethan, "Sam"-170 lb. other class teams. Ginny Hale, Jean Hoyt, Ina Grice, and Joan Brengle are the Terror 14 for a first down. From Hart, who, if out of the game at all, Green, Hasfip. Sam is one of the lightest but "fight- leading the forward line, while Lida her-e they-punched off-taCKlefor theh' were only out for a minute or two. • Centers-c-Ricker, Clssel. in'est" men on the line. He played Birdsall, Char Reed, and Joyce of the kinks By next week, all second score. The P.A.T. w~s good should be worked out of. the pass de- high school ball for Patterson Park in Schmidt expect to guard the back- and the Terrors trailed 0-13. rense and some of the holes in the line Baby Terrors lose Baltimore end-is up from last year's field. As they moved from their own 30 should be plugged. The Terrors made Jr. College Opener Frosh team. Already he has gained The sophs are whipping back into to the Bullet's 3-yard line, the Ter- a creditable showing against G-burg himself a permanent position on the shape with Frances Scaggs, Nancy rors began their last real drive on a and next week out for a win. Although out-scored, the Baby Ter- line. Wagner, Mary Ellen Sebastian, and rors were not out-fought as they suc- John Molesworth-c-Center-c-Jr.c-. Bobbie Davidson. cumbed to Montgomery Jr. College in "Big Mole"-180 lb. The upperclassmen may command their opening grid contest. Lives in Monrovia (that's in Mary- the advantages because of experience In the first quarter, the Baby gained through playing together sev- Greens rushed across the goal twice, land), when he's at home. When not eral years, but the "greenies" aren't on the field he is a real clown, but in however, both tallies were called back a game he can be depended upon to going to be walked over by anyone. because of penalties. The third Terror hold down his position well. Pat Herman is a very promising tally and the only score allowed by goalie, while both offense and defense the referees was made by Steve Pupa. Henry Nornfan-End-Sr.- have several excellent, though inex- Steve caught a beautiful flat pass "Hank"-I70 lb. perienced, players. They have a po- from Baby Green quarterback Howie Four years of football with the Ter- tentially powerful team which in- cludes Sue Cramer, B. Niemann, and Zimmerman and' raced the pigskin rors make the "boy from Syracuse" a B. Summers. back from his own 32-yard marker tough man to top. He's quiet and re- An open invitation is extended to through MJC. tacklers to pay dirt. served off of the field, but a real 'I'er- all those on the Hill to attend the in- Howie Zimmerman split the uprights ror in a game. for the extra point. tramural class tournaments. Montgomery Jr. College was unable Walter Hart-End-Jr.-"Walt"- Peg Brown. to penetrate Baby 'I'error-terrttory at 173 lb. all until the second quarter when Walt saw only limited service last Start This Cheerleaders fumbles and intercepted passes placed year because of a knee injury. them in scoring position. The Baby year he has already proven himself to on the Greens fought back valiantly, but be one of the finest players minute Football Season nevertheless, MJC was able to capital- Terror team. Another "60 ize on two pf their opportunities. man". Buck Picket of Montgomery Jr. Col- Martin Tullai-Back-Jr. "Mitch"- In G-Burg Rally lege tallied in the second quarter and 160 lb. Soccer Cotlch Corrado and some of his ohareee. was followed by Cushman, who scored Mitch came to Western Maryland Football enthusiasm got a big boost once in the second and again in the from Alden Station, Pa., via the U.S. last Friday night at the pr-e-Get.tys- League, winner, Bu-cknell is another third quarters. Paul Smith scored the paratroops. He's light and shifty, and burg Pep Rally: Soccer Team Opens away game on November 3.• final MJC tally in the early fourth can run like the wind. This fellow will Sponsored by the SGA, the pre- The team is limited in returning quarter. MJC was able to make only be a threat to anyone's goal line. game rallies are a regular autumn nomi- Against Loyola lettermen. Al Grimes, Southern Harry one conversion out of four attempts. Dwight Scotl-Back-Soph.- campus feature culminating in the nee as All-American downtown parade before Homecoming. goalie, Buck Picket kicked the point. "Scotty"-170 lb. Friday's affair was emceed by head Corrado To Take Coaching Position ~:!~:~~i~ldB;~!gi~u~:!n~e!~;s, fiJr~~ Up from last year's J.V. team, cheerleader Bob Winfrey. Supporting Next Tuesday on Hoffa Field, West- string returnees. Bill Rhoads, full- Nimrods Orgcmize Scotty is a real threat. He comes from him were the girl cheerleaders, Bar- ern Maryland's soccer team will open back for two seasons, was hurt dur- Ably coached by Sergeant Puryear, Arlington, Va., and he fights as hard bara Foutz, Betty Callander, Patty its 1950 season against Loyola Col- ing practice and is out for the rest the rifle team is getting ready to in- on the football field as his "Rebel" Ray, Mary Lau x, and Joanne wtegle. lege. of the 'year. augurate its 1950-51,campaign. predecessors ever did in battle. Added to the squad this year are Hank Corrado, former Terror foot- .500 Record Last Year The prospects indicate a winning Edward Rydzewski-Back-Sr.- freshmen women Lita Rollins, Ade- ball ace and a member of the famous Coached last year by Mr. Phillip squad. Last year, the Nimrods had "Ed"-190 lb. line Allan, and Janet Cross. Two new one of the best seasons in their his- cheers were introduced, one a chant, :::~r~a~i~a:t:;e~a:f:e~h:f~i~~r~' Uhrig, director of public relations, One hundred ninty pounds of power the other a team yell. tory, winning six out of eleven shoul- and push. lndespensible fullback who mel' spot. The new coach has about· th~~~U:: !~:n~~~~o~:;: ~~~~r~~ar is _del' to shoulder matches. They fired can pass or plunge through the line Two of last year's majorette squad, 25 charges working out in daily scrim- George Daviglus. George is an ex_ against such potent teams as Navy, for that needed yardage. Team cap- Ina Grice and Joan Brengle, will be mages. change student from Bolivia, where Georgetown, Maryland, and yet tain last Saturday. leading the team behind the band this October 14, the booters play Penn soccer is the national sport. emerged victorious. year. The majorettes have added four State, undefeated co_champion of in- Among the returning varsity rifle- raul Tereshinski-Back-Sr.- new members for this season: Joan tercollegiate soccer in 1949. The team men from last year's squad are Dave ''Terry''-160 lb. Barkelew, Joan Gabriel, Dot Redseck- travels to Penn for their first away Compliments Buffington, Paul Schatz burg, Ralph One of the last of the Glen Lyon er, and Mal'y Alice Amoss. game. of Gorten, and Bill Rhoads. A number of boys with the Green team. Another Coach Havens and Ed Rydzewski Undefeated champions (jf the Ma- sophomore and junior candidates fOl.\r-year man with the Terrors. Ex- introduced the varsity football squad son-Dixon Conference, Baltimore U. J. C. Penney Co., Inc. should afford Coach Puryear a wide perience plus talent makes Paul one to the crowd. Don McShane and will be hpsts to the Corradomen on range of manpower to build a winning of the most vaJuable players on this "Slim" Haislip put on a skit panning October 31. Last year's Southern combination. year's squad. G-Burg.
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