Page 11 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Oct. 17, 1950 Mount Team No Match Terrors Drop For Green Terror Power F & M Contest Western Maryland Diplomats fought game to the dropped a hard- of By Keith Radcliffe Franklin & Marshall, 25-0, Saturday, The Green Terrors scored their initial win of the season by October 14. stampeding Mt. St. Mary's 40-13 on October 7. The Terrors were The Terrors were a scoring threat at no time in trouble during the contest, and they controlled the only once in the game, when early in play most of the game. the first quarter on a sustained drive, Western Maryland won the initial toss, and Captain Ed Ryd- they passed and plunger to the F&M zewski elected to kick to the Mounties. Sid Albrittain booted a high one-yard line. After two unsuccessful end-over-end kick down to St. Mary's 20, where the Mount's fum- line bucks and enIncomplete pass, the bled. Otts Shearer pounced on the ball, and Western Maryland took Green Team relinquished the ball on over. Rydzewski drove five yards downs; and the Diplomats took over. The remainder of the half, the two !~~~~~\~e~:;taand~:n~:~St~eO~a~e~~ Freshmen Drop To teams seesawed back and forth with the Mounties' one-yard line. Rydzew- Balto. Jr. College neither gaining much of an advant- ski drove off tackle for the first score age. The half ended with an unusual of the game. The conversion was not After a scoreless firsthalf,apower- Vi<: Mawvifch, Guard Dwight Scott, Back flurry of interceptions. First, the Ter- good, and the Terrors kicked off. ful Baltimore Jr. College eleven tal- rors intercepted; then the Diplomats This time the ball was downed on lied once to beat the Baby Green Ter- intercepted in five consecutive plays. the Mounties' 30; but on their first rors 6-0. right Western Maryland Booters Lose Initial Just as WMC gained possession, the play from scrimmage, the Mountain- The contest was hard-fought gun sounded, ending the half. eers fumbled. Mitch Tullai came up up to the final whistle, and the Baby Terror Downfall deeply into Balti- with the ball; and once again, the Greens' penetrated on numerous occasions Struggles: Loyola/ 5-1; Penn/3-1 The downfall of the Terrors came Terrors took over. Through a series more territory in the second half. Hampered by of running plays, the Big Green again but were unable to push der into pay fumbles and a hard charging F&M pounded its way to the one-yard line. dirt. Keenan Score. Only Great Defensive Play line, the Green Team was unable to From there, the versatile Skitch Hen- Baltimore Jr. College scored late in gain much ground and, for the most derson punched over for the tally. the third quarter on a beautiful pass Tally Against Loyola Holds Nittany Lions part, played inside their own 35-yard Bruce Rudisill's boot was good; and and run. Baltimore's George Walter line. The Diplomats' first score came the score stood WMC-13, Mt. St. raced and weaved his way around the .... In their season's opener, the west- In a vain but valiant attempt to late in the third period after a sus- l\Im·y's-O, after only five minutes of right side of his own line and darted ern Maryland soccer team bowed to chalk up their first win of the cur- tained drive of 40 yards, climaxed by play. six yards into the end zone standing Loyola College by a score of s-t. rent season, the Western Maryland a 15-yard pass to pay-dirt. F&M Albrittain again booted for the Ter- up. The hard-charging Baby Terror Both teams were locked in a score- soccer team was subdued by powerful failed to convert, and the score was rors. For the moment neither team line exploded through and deflected less duel until halfway through the Penn State 3-1 at State, on Saturday, WMC-O, F&M-6. seemed to be able to gain much the extra point attempt. first quarter when Loyola penetrated October 14. Second F. & M. Touchdown ground and on the next series of plays the Green Terror defense for a score. Riding the crest of a 16-game win- Early in the final period, an off- they traded punts. Several extremely Seconds after this first tally, they hit ning streak, the inter-collegiate co- tackle buck carried F&M over for long passes were thrown by the Intramural Touch Football again to take a 2-0 lead. champs of 1949 were rather optimistic their second T.D. Again the conver- Mountaineers, but all of these were At this point Joe Keenan scored as to the outcome of the game. How- sion was not good; score: F&M-12, broken up by the alert Terror safety Program Now Underway the loser's only tally on 'an amazing ever, with only eight minutes remain- WMC-O. Several plays later, Lowder men. The WMC eleven regained pos- Western Maryland's intramural kick from near the mid-field sidelines. ing in the last quarter, the Terrors of F&M took the ball on the Terrors' session of the ball and moved it to the touch football league is underway In the second quarter, Loyola con- knotted the count at 1-1. Bob Kettells Mounties' 20 as the quarter ended. 47 and sped down the sidelines for once again this year. tinued to rtm up the score, hitting centered to the keen right toe of another Diplomat score. Once more, Represented by eight teams, the twice while the Terrors were unable George Daviglus, who blasted the nets the placement was wide; score: 18-0. Pass Opens Second Period league appears well balanced and at to tally. for the losers' lone tally. Fumbles by the Terrors and an inter- The opening play of the second this time it is a toss up regarding a Both teams remained scoreless Deep in reserves and laden with ference penalty brought the ball to period was a pass from Henderson to. winner. Rain forced postponement of throughout the third quarter and half great players, the Nittany Lions, who the WMC 6, setting up the Diplomats' Hart, who gathered it in on the five the first two games, the Eagles versus of the fourth, until Loyola College last week crumbled Bucknell 11-2, last score. From the six, they passed and romped over for the touchdown. Pi Alpha Alpha and the Gamma Bet boomed forth with a terrific drive came back to score twice as the gun into the Terror end zone for the T.D. The extra point attempt was wide; so tussle with the Comets. Both games which scored the game's final tally. sounded ending the contest. This time, the boot was good; score: the score remained WMC-19, Mt. St. will be played at. a later date. The Al Grimes, WMC candidate for All- F&M-25, WMC-O. The Terrors' hopes Mary's-O. After receiving the Terrors' first has been re-scheduled for Fri- American goalie last year, took the of avoiding a shut-out rose a few boot, a seemingly revitalized Mount day, October 13, while no definite date Green-and-Gold laurels by making at plays later when they intercepted on team moved the ball from its own 35- has been set for playing off the latter. least 21 saves. the F&M 33; but time ran out, and yard line to the Terror three by means Having held the offensively-potent of a series of running plays. Their Another award presented goes to t' Staters to three points and having the game ended before they were able fullback bulled his way over center participate in intramurals. There are penetrated their defense several ,to score. for the Mounts' first T. D., and the no individual trophies awarded, but times, the WMC soccer team is ready Team Tired conversion was good: score \VMC-19, points scored are kept during the year The Terrors did not play a bad to encounter Delaware Mt. St. Mary's-7. and the group with the highest'total , . and willing on Wednesday and Wash- game. During the whole first half, number of points receives a trophy. they showed that University they were a match A few seconds before the whistle ington College on Friday. The Terrors the seasoned Diplomats, most ending the first half, Henderson Another award presented, goes to are out to win. icr whom were back from last year's of plowed his way over for the Terrors' the organization exhibiting the great- team. In the second half, however, the fourth score. 'I'ereshinski's placement est amount of sportsmanship during made the score 26-7, Green Team on the year. 75 Girls Battle For Green Team tired. This factor, and top. the number of fumbles which jinxed the game, con- the team all through WMC Kkk October 9- Hockey Positions tributed largely to the Terrors' de- Eagles vs. Pi Alpha Alpha WMC again kicked off to the With one more week of practice be- feat. Outstanding again this week Mounts to open the second half. Just October 10- fore finally choosing teams, the 75 was the work of the line and the line as in the first period, the Mounties Comets vs. Gamma Beta Chi girls battling for places on class backers. fumbled the ball, and Otts Shearer re- October 11- teams are still turning out on the covered for the Green. Two plays car- Delta Pi Alpha vs. Alpha Gamma' hockey field each afternoon after ried the ball to the Mountaineers' 'I'au The Next Issue three-yard line, and Scott bulled his "Skitch" Henderson, Back school. way over for the score. The conver- October 12- There are enough girls out to have sion was perfect as WMC widened its Seminary vs. Rebels one team to represent each class with of the lead,33-7. October 16- enough left over to form two extra ones which will be called the green After the kick off, the Mounties lost Eagles vs. Gamma Beta Chi and gold teams. These two teams will Gold Bug the bali on downs, but soon inter- October 17- play each other when the games start eepted a pass on the Terror 45. Be- Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Alpha Gamma October 31, 1950 cause of penalties they were forced to Tou next week. kick on fourth down and the Terrors There will also be chosen a man- took over first and ten. The WMC October 18--- ager for each class team to assist eleven carried the ball on a sustained Comets vs. Rebels Bobbie Davison, the hockey manager. Your birthday's on the cal- drive of 60 yards to the loser's 10. October 19- Due to an earlier start in the sea- endar Mitch Tullai skirted around his own Delta Pi Alpha vs. Seminary son this year, the coach will be able to left end for the Terror's final tally of get in more practice for the two out- Your money's in for CARE the contest. Another good conversion October 23- side games which have been scheduled made the score 40-7, Terrors ahead. Eagles vs. Alpha Gamma Tau along with the intramural program. For 50c you now can say As the third period ended, the Moun- October 24-- Although there is a small turnout Happy Birthday every- ties were on the move at the Green 21. Gamma Beta Chi vs. Rebels this year, the girls make up in spirit where! October 25-- what they lack in size. Mounts Score Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Seminary See your Six plays later, the Mountaineers October 26-- ' Sigma Representative passed into the end zone for their last touchdown. The kick was not good, Comets vs. Delta Pi Alpha PATRONIZE and the score remained 40-13. For the October 30- rest of the game, Western Maryland Eagles vs. Rebels GCOI·UCTeeu.prakc, Cf!ntf!r OUR bad possession of the pigskin. The October 31- WESTMINSTER'S Terrors were on the Mount's 10-yard Alpha Gamma Tau vs. Seminary ADVERTISERS, line as the final gun sounded. November 1- ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE FAMILY The WMC team was a much im- Gamma Beta Chi vs. Delta Pi GOLD BUG ~- RESTAURANT proved ball club in this game. The Alpha line was at the peak of perfection November 2- Everybody Is Welcome Save Money both on offense and defense. The pass- Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Comets Save Trouble Benny's Kitchen er was not rushed once during the en- November 6- To Stop In At tire battie, due to excellent line play. Eagles vs. Seminary BAUGHER'S special Not the only place to eat in The outstanding work of Vic Make- November 7- Margaret & Earl's vitch, Otts Shearer, and George Tsou- Rebels vs. Delta Pi Alpha I. for MEAL TICKETS Westminster, but the best prake cannot go without mention; nor November 8- Now On Sale can the passing of Skitch Henders~. Alpha Gamma Tau vs. Comets ' SANDWICHES- 59 W. Main s«, Westminster Another standout was Dwight Scott, November 9- SOFT DRINKS Worth $5.50 _ Cost $5.00 Phone 654-J whose line plunges averaged about Gamma Beta Chi vs. Pi Alpha I FRESHMEN INVITED five yards per carry. Alpha
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