Page 3 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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Pinch. Hitting Passing Parade SPQrts Preview Of Coming Year Of Girls Sports Although minus several of the stellar attraction; from last Before long, things will be running year's squad, the Terror football team starts the season with such along smoothly as everyone settles returning veterans as "Mitch" Tullai, Stan Fieldman, Ed Rydzew- down to the normal life on "college ski, Frank Krausz, Paul Tereshinski, Maynard Fones, Hank Nor- hill" which includes many extra-cur- man, Sid Albrittan, Otts Shearrer, Vic Makovitch, Mike Chirigos, ricular activities as well as studies. Jack Marsh. Ira Zepp, Leroy Merritt, Frank Ligorano, Walt Hart, For the women students, one of the Jack Molesworth and Paul Welliver. highlights of this program is the Holdovers coming up from the Baby hart, Crawford, Honeruann, Keenan, Woman's Athletic Association, better Terrors have also been practicing Barber, Shanklin, LeFew, Klohr, known as the W AA. • since the first of the month. They are: Council, Landau, and Wagonblast. Perhaps the best thing to do would Harlow Henderson, Ashby Collins, The racqueteers also had a lot of be to explain just what the WAA is Dwight Scott, Eddie Barber, Bruce trouble with the weather, having and how it functions. The major part Rudisill, and Joe Renaldi. many of their matches cancelled. Phil of girls' sports on this campus is in- schedule that The Havensmen will defend the Sack, Ned Brown, Blackie Brandt, cluded in the intramural to classes. Prac- is set up according Mason Dixon Conference crown which Bobby Talner, George Tsouprake, Pat tices are held every afternoon during Hockey.Practice On The Eighth Fainoay they won last year by defeating Huddle, and Art Saltmarsh will serve the week and continue for several Hampden-Sydney, Johns Hopkins, as the nucleus next spring. weeks before the tournaments begin. Terror Stars Fie/dman, Tullai Washington College, and Mount St. Every girl who has attended the re- Mary's. Losing only to Gettysburg, quired number of practices will be they posted a seven and one record. placed on a class team. At this time, Return To Football Squad Highlight of the season was the 35-7 several outside games are usually victory over Hopkins, to whom the played; the varsity squad is' chosen Two of the outstanding players on last year's football squad Terrors had lost the Mason Dixon from the outstanding members of the were Mitch Tullai and Stan Fieldman. Both perform in the Terror crown by one point the previous sea- "A" teams. This yeaT,.it is hoped that backfield. Concerning season, Mitch last more such games will be played. All "If we beat Gettysbul'g we'll have thinks that the game with F. & M. J n their first scrimmage against outside sports activities are carried an undefeated season," says Mitch was the roughest. His cousin, Fred Shippensburg' State Teachers College on through the WAA Board which Tullai, hard hitting, fast running Tullai, gave him his hardest hit of fro m Shippens- consists of Peg Brown as president back on the Terror football eleven. the day. As usual Gettysburg is con- One of the Glen Lyon, Pa., crew, and Alice Yea r-ley as vice-president. Mitch is a History-education Junior sidered the hardest game. The game Assisting them will be Charlotte J an- who hopes to teach. Married and liv- with Dickinson should be interesting and .. ,. ~ ~ 'I· .f_ .. .. r~:!~o:~~~~ao!~:~~ ex- ney and Ina Grice as secretary hoard ing in Vetville, he is chaplain for the but Mitch thinks that the Terrors will Coach Havens respectively. The treasurer, also one of the '\;' • pecta the squad's members also include a representative Preacher fl'at frat and sports tcam mem- win. And, of course, it goes without saying outstanding everyone is out to beat that experience to par- for each sport chosen by the members bel'S. Hopkins. of the previous year. A Freshman rep- Stan Fieldman who besides football i . ~~!~li;~~:::~b~~ resentative will be chosen later in the also claims a summer career as a Die- . ._ the line. Leo Lath- year. The various managers and their • - roum, former Ter- sport are: Barbara Davidson, hockey; takes part in a sport she receives a -. ... ror varsity back- Joan Newell, badminton; Jean Hoyt, class numeral. After 400 points are - - field star, is now Ruthie Allen basketball; Ginny Hale, volleyball; received a WM is awarded, SOOpoints the assisting Nancy Leo Lat.hroum is hOP~~;C~~eg::::~tball I' Mary Ruth Williams, softball; Hughes, an M and 1200 points accumulated makes a girl eligible for a star. Every Winkelman, Nell archery; Everyone SoccerSehedule year a final honor award is given to team can better last winter's 6-15 1950 record. Definitely hampered by Walt ~~:nO:t~~~;:n~~:~ri:t~~:~t:p~~~sl~~:~ Hart's knee' injury, the team never October IO-L,oyola, Home ship and ability.· Ruth Allen and June j-eally got under way after a slow Graf received this award last year. start. Among those returning from October 14-Penn State, Away All girls are eligible for membership last year's squad arc: Jerry Phipps, in the WAA if they pay their yearly Ed Rydzewski, Ernie Makowski, Art October I8-Delaware, Home dues of fifty cents. Press, Art Pisetzner, Walt Hart, October 20--Washington, Home One of the major projects of the Chuck Hammaker, and Phil Sack. board is the coke machine found in the October 25-Jobns Hopkins, Away The boxing team had a very rough kitchen on the second floor of Blanche schedule last year and only turned in October 31-Baltimore U., Away Ward. All girls are welcome to usc one victory, losing to such powers as the machine as long as bottles are re- Army, Penn State, and Catholic Uni- turned to the machine and not left in versity. HalTY LeFew, Hank Norman, November oS-Gettysburg, Home the rooms or the halls. Ted Samakouris, Ed Barber, Jim The outlook on hockey this fall Luby, Francis Molesworth, and Hugh November 14_Franklin and Mar- seems a bit brighter than last year shall, Home since the squad was almost completely Stan Ficldnuui new at that time. With many return- November 21-;-American U., Away mond cab driver will be counted on ing veterans, especially the defensive players, they should have a successful for some more of his pile-driving backfield work. Jim Boyer Retires season ahead. A Baltimorcan, Stan played varsity June Gra! part Weather permit.ting' girls may take football fo), Forest Park High School. in golf and tennis at their own As League Umpire tennis; Joan Brengle, golf; Becky Le convenience. Here's hoping the WAA On the Hill he has also played some Few, hiking. will have a bigger and better year baseball. Stan expects to go into edu- After fifteen years as an American Letters are awarded according to R than ever before. cation and is also majoring in Eng- league umpire, Jim Boyer has retired point system; various points are given Peggy Brown, lish. He is a member of Delta Pi in favor of being a for each team. As soon as a student Alice Yearlcy. Alpha fraternity. gentleman farmer. Stan also thinks that the F. & M. He is planning to game Jest year was the team's hard- live at his recently est game. "I believe that I took the acquired Green- hardest physical beating I ever had in spring Valley that game," he said. As 'everyone else farm. he believes that the team to beat is In his second Gettysburg. As for Hopkins-"We'll Jim Boyer year on the Hill Continuous 1 p- m. Saturdays and win that." Mr. Boyer is serv- Continuous 2 'p. m. Saturdays and Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and! 4 ing in the capacity of assistant bas- Holidays. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week- ketball coach, varsity baseball coach Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. Mitch Tullai and football trainer. . Matinee 2 p. m.~Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. Varsity Football Ward are expected to return. q~q~1 Fri., Sat., Sept. 22, 23 Sat., Sept. 23 1950 Hampered by Kern's injury last I "STEAl\tBOAT AROUND THE "TEXAS DYNAI\IO" year, the Kernmen Kad a hard season. BEND" Charles Starrett Smiley Burnett Returning mattmen will be: Jack 1950 Will Rogers RaIl, Mike Chirigos, Marvin Siegel, Sun., Mon., Sept. 24-25 September 30--Gettysburg, Away Dan McShane, and Bob and Frank October 7-Baltimore Junior Col- Sun., Mon., Tues., Sept. 24-26 "KISS TOMORROW GOODBYE" October 7-Mt. St. Mary's, Away Wilsey. lege, Home "SUNSET BQULEVARD" James Cagney Barbara Haden October 14.-Franklin and Marshall, Despite the combined' efforts of Jim October IS-Gettysburg Freshmen, William Holden Gloria Swanson Away Boyer and Julie Dyke, the baseball Away Tues., Wed., Sept. 26-27 Oct.ober 21-Dickinson, Home team could only garner one victory Wed., Thurs., Sept. 27-28 "HOEDOWN" October 28-Hampden-Sydney, Home (with one contest remaining). That NOl'ember 2-Dickingon Freshmen, "UNION STATION" Eddie Arnold Jack O'Mahoney NO\'ember 4-Drexel Tech, Away was a close 6-5 win over Randolph- Home Nancy Olson William Holden Macon, due principally to Leo Lath- November to-Johns Hopkins Fresh- Thur., Fri., Sept. 2S-20 November lI-Lebanon Valley, Home roum's fine relief hurling. Dyke did a men, Home Fri., Sat., Sept. 29-30 "MY DARLING CLElt.tENTINE" NO\'ember 18-Johns Hopkins, Home- wonderful job trying to give the Henry Fonda Linda DarneIl coming Green and Gold a winner, but bad Nevember 17-Nottingham Academy, "PEGGY" weather, inexperience, and unsteady Home Technicolor pitching took their inevitable toll. Diana Lynn Charles Coleburn Sat., Sept. 30 This year tIle diamond squad will "LAW OF THE PANHANDLE" Save Money be built around first-stringers Ken t"eryt)Ody Is Welcome Sun., Mon., Tues., Oct. 1-3 Johnny Mac Brown Save Trouble Shook, Jerry Phipps, Bob Kaufman, Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Paul Tereshinski, while pitchers To Stop In At Betty ~~~;le BLUE, HEA v~~~· Dailey BAUGHER'S special Russ Shivers, Leo Lathroum, and Bob October 1-5 Bartl will return. Margaret & Earl's Wed., Thurs., Oct. 4-5 "DESTINATION MOON" MEAL TICKETS The lacrosse team also ran into a £0' "CRISIS" • Technicolor run of bad luck, winning one game in Cary Grant Jose Ferrer John Archer Tom Powers Now On Sale eleven. The stickers O\'ercame Frank- SANDWICHES- lin_Marshall on Holfa Field by a "7-5 SOFT DRINKS Fri., Sat., Oct. 6-7 Fri., Sat., Oct. 6-7 Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 count, but lost the rest by sizeaDle. FRESHMEN INVITED "THE HAPPY YEARS" "TWILIGHT IN THE SIERRA" scores. Returning met:ribers include Dean Stockwell Leon Ames Roy Ro~erl$ Dale Evans MacLea, Bill and Dave Rhoads, Ear-
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