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The Gold Bug, May 1. 1951 High Hill College Calendar Thursday, Baseball, May 3 U., Home Wednesday, May 9 American Tri Beta Picnic, 3-7 p. m, by Bill Hallmark by June Beaver by Art Press Friday, May" Lutheran Students Meeting, Mc- Golf, Baltimore U., Home Daniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m, Although I haven't seen him too What's the price of eggs in China This article will serve to introduce Tennis, Dickinson, Away Economics Club, Lewis Hall, 7 p. m. much this semester, even though he is these days? For information concern- a young man who should not need any Saturday, May 5 Thursday, May 10 my roommate, I think I qualify 'to de- in~ poultry products in the Far East, introduction to the students on the High School Guest nay G6tf, U. of Md., Away scribe this, man-about-campus known Hill. His accomplishments are familiar May Day Activities, Harvey Stone Friday, May 11 to everyone as "Jerry." to anyone who has followed the Green, Park, 1 :30 p. m, Sophomore Picnic His athletic ability need not be de- and-Gold on the field of athletics. The Lacrosse, Washington College, Junior Picnic scribed since you have seen him on "iron man," better known as Ed Ryd, Home Golf, Loyola, Home the gridiron on pass defense, on the aawski, played two years of varsity Baseball, Baltimore U., Home Tennis, Gettysburg, Horne h~rdwood leaping for rebounds with football and captained the team in his Pan-Hel Dance, Gill Gym, Classics Club, McDaniel Lounge, those "springs" in his legs, and star- senior year. 8:15-11:45 p. m. 6:45 p. m. ring on the baseball team, whether On the hardwood, Ed, though not a Sunday, May 6 Saturday. Ma1 12 handling the mound chores or scoop- great scoring threat, performed credit- Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 Baseball, Catholic U., Home ing up ground balls at the keystone ably and was best noted for his de- a.m. Tennis, JHU, Away sack. fensive genius and rebound strength. Chapel, Bishop Alexander P. Shaw, Lacrosse, Baltimore U., Home A member of the Preachers, Jerry Ed's ability did not end on the atb- Bishop of Baltimore Area, Negro Sunday, May 13 is also a future teacher of America, letic field. He contributed his services Methodist Church, Alumni Hall, Sunday School, Baker Chapel, having completed his six-week student readily to th~ ITA and was awarded 7:15 p. rn. 9:15 a. m, teaching at Sykesville (High School, the position of treasurer for the fall Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, 8: 15 Chapel, College Choir, The Cree- that is!). The 21-year-old native of semester. p. m. tum; Alumni Hall, 7: 15 p. m. Salisbury, Md., attended Wicomico Monday, May 7 Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, High School, earning letters in all ma- Elected Preacher President IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, 8:15 p. m. jor sports. From there he attended He is a proud member of Delta Pi 7 p. m. Monday, May 101 University of Maryland, only to Alpha and has given unselfishly of his Camera Club, Science Hall, 310, Recital, Janet Hering, Levine Hall, transfer to the Hill after two years. Peg Brown' services. He has engaged in aU intra- 7 p. m. 4:25 p. m. He proceeded to establish himself as mural sports, leading the Purple and WMC Concert, Lyric Theater, Bal- FTA Meeting, Hering Hall. an athlete, playing freshman football frozen rhubarb in May, and statistics Gold to many a hard earned victory. timore, 8:15 p. m. 6:45 p. m. and basketball before being elevated on Sunday bicycle riders, see Peg The fraternity was proud to bestow French Club Play, 8 p. m. Brown. Her private lingo keeps accu- Tuesday, May 8 Tuesday, Mar 15 rate tabulation on these most vital Assembly, SGA, Alumni Hall, Tennis, Delaware U., Away economic trends. 11:30 a. m. Piano Recital, Harriet Kahn, Christened Margaret Jean Brown, Golf, Dickinson, Away Alumni Hall, 8 p. m. Peggy has recently been renamed by Tennis, Penn State, Home Lantern Chain, Hoffa Field, her friends the semi-classical "Pe- Fraternity Banquets and Elections 9:15 p. m. gat.ha." Hailing from the thriving Carroll County town of Sykesville, SMITH 8< REIFSNIDER Peg arrived at WMC armed with all Everybody Is Weleome In~orporatecl the pqtentialities of a basketball star. To Stop In At Her abilities were recognized, and she LUMBER-COAL was the only freshie to make the var_ WESTMINSTER, MD. sity team. Basketball as well as other MI'S.,.I & E.,I', sports have held top place on Peg's I., interest list during her college career. Good Health As president of WAA and J winner of SANDWICHES- the Pinal Honor Award in athletics. SOFT DRINKS Peg· 'has contributed much toward To women's sports at Western Maryland. FRBSHMEN INVITED Unpredictable as the weather, "Pe- All gatha" majors in keeping people Jerry Phipps guessing and surprising everyone. Her From latest decision to start her practice to the varsity in mid-season of the teaching when all the education stu- upon Ed the offices of V.P. and Preet- J. WM. HULL, J.w.l.r REXALL 1949-1950 basketball campaign. dents finished, surprised even her! dent in his senior year. Plans To Teach Phys, Ed. Graduation will not complete her as- A physical education major, Ed will For Over Half Century Maryland with Western His future plans involve teaching sociation Gerta" (the temperamental for definitely prove a credit to his pr-ofea- he Expert Watch, Jewelry "Grim sion. Consistently a Dean's lister, and coaching, the army, and of course Dodge from way back) will chug up ranks high scholastically and will Ruthie-with Uricle Sam's Beckoning the hill all summer carrying Peg to graduate with honors in his chosen and Eye·GIass Repairing finger taking precedence. her education classes. Peg believes in field. Ed married a graduate of WMC WlNtmiftlta". The "thin man" may be found in "How to Be a 'I'eacher in Five Short and is presently residing quietly in 105 W. Main Street New Modern Drol Store the grill reading the SALISBURY Weeks" rather than the regular one Baltimore city. TIMES with Ruthie patiently sitting I would like to take this opportunity alongside, or in the education depart- whole semester method. to wish Ed success in all his future DRUGS Teaching, however, just comes natu- ment engrossed in visual aids and the rally. During Miss Gray's absence, endeavors. I feel Ed "has it" and will SCHOOL SUPPLIES like. At this time, he is doing his best "Professor Brown" took over the reach heights in later life. He can't COSMETICS to bring a Mason-Dixon championship freshman clothing class - practice miss. He is the type of boy everyone The 3 T's to Western Maryland; and at the cry teaching begins at colJege! is proud to call a friend. Confectionery SODAS "play ball," Jerry w:ill be seen on the As head of the Mischief and Good diamond. Humor Department, Peggy kept her 166 W. Main Street Bixler and Guild This June will bring an end to Jer- colleagues in merry spirits during ry's collegiate career, but his pleas- their six weeks adjournment to the I ICE CREAM Drug Co. ant disposition and hard work on the management house. Her remedy guar- MURRAY CLEANERS Hill will never be forgotten. anteed to cure you of all troubles, SOFT DRINKS cares and woes is-stand on your Pick Up and Delivery DRUG SUNDRIES John and Main Sts. head! Recent experiments have proved Every SHEET MUSIC this theory to be true. Monday and Thursday Laughter, fun, and frolic follow Peg POPULAR~TANDARD every minute of the day. To know CLASSICAL Peggy is to know happiness itself, for Phone all her cakes are "sunshine cakes." Reisterstown 371 RECORDS ContinuoUi 1 p. m. Saturday. and Choose from a Large Selection Compliments of , ContlDuo~ I p. m. Saturday. and Holiday.. Sunday Matinee.: 2 Uld 4 Hollda, •. Stu'. Music Shop Everh~rt Barber Shop ·"MEETAT Sunda, Matlll ... : I aDd 4 p. m. ' p. m. E ninl' ahow 9 p. m. W.. k- from 4:80 p. m. continuou. day .ho 34 W. Main St. - Phone 585 At The Fork Matln •• 2 p. m.-ZnDiDp ., a: II p. itt. TUESDAY, MAY 1 rET E'S Victor SAMSON AND DELILAH Stephen McNally Gail Russell MAY 1 TUESDAY, AIR CADETS Mature Hedy Lamarr WEDNESDAY, SAMSON AND DELILAH 8 WEEK COURSE G.C. Murphy & Co. , To Get Your Eats" WED., THURS., MAY 2, 3 Victor' Mature MAY 2 Hedy Lamarr THmTEENTR LETl'ER THURS., FRI., MAY 3, 4 Intensive summer school train- The Friendly Store Main St.-Red Neon Sign Charles Boyer Linda Darnell ing in shorthand and typewrit- LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE ing. A day course recommended Dormitory and Classroom FRI., SAT., MAY 4, 5 Richard Todd Ruth Roman for high school graduates and SATURDAY, MAY 5 college students. Supplies UP FRONT MAN FROM SONORA David Wayne Tom ~wen Johnny Mack Brown IF YOU CAN'T GET IT Summer classes begin 6-10 West Main Street SUN., MON., May 6, 7 MON., TUES., June 25 and. July 9 Westminster, Md. AT THE BOOK STORE SUN., MAY 6, 7, 8 John Barrymore, QUEBEC Corine Cobet Jr. TRY FATHER'S LITrLE DIVIDEND Attainable objectives are: Spencer Tracy Joan Bennett TUES., WED., MAY 8, 9 Double Feature (1) The ability to take notes on COFFMAN'S TOKYO FILE NUMBER 212 lectures and typewrite manu- WED., THURS., MAY 9, 10 FOUR GEISHA GIRLS IN PERSON scripts; (2) Basic training in BIRD OF PARADISE essential business skills; (3) Griffin's Stationery Store Louis Jordan Deborah Paget THURS., FRf.;"?ifA Y 10, 11 Credit toward graduation from Double Feature SHOW BUSINESS a complete Secretarial course. FRI., SAT., MAY 11, 12 ARMORED CAR ROBBERY MOTHER'S DAY CARDS Times Building Request Summer School Bulletin ONLY THE VALIANT SATURDAY, MAY 12 CREPE _PAPER Gregory Peck Barbara Payton RIO GRANDE PATROL Tim Holt STRAYER COLLEGE NOVELTIES GREETING CARDS SUN., MON., TUES., SUN., MON., TUES., 13th and F StI .• Washinlrton S. D. C. GOOD FOOD SCHOOL SUPPLIES MAY 13, 14, 15 MAY 13, 14, 15 Telephone. NAllonal 1748 VALENTINO RATON fASS Tony Dexter Eleano; Parker Dennis Morgan Patricia Neal
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