Page 60 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 60
The Gold Bug. May 1. 1951 Chicanery On WMC Campus Editar's Note-The following a?-ticle has been ?'eceived by the GOLD BUG and "In the spring, a young man's fancy is considered worthy of student attention. (and this does not fail to include the A fellow with the least modicum of was on the ROTC Officer's Club for fairer sex) lightly turns to" many respectability often marvels at the fair. things. Some call it "love," some call downright lowness of the tricks some Now a silk flag such as this one, it "spring fever," some don't bother to call it anything, but it hits them just people can play on others. We've had with a polished hardwood staff, metal the same. It affects us all differently! an example right here on the western ornaments and a leather-etta case is Campus of about as Iowa all expensive item in these times. The Maryland The weather is delightful; why not trick as could conceivably be charged fact is that to replace it would cost playa few games of tennis? The two against "college pranks." in the neighborhood of seventy dollars. reports we must write aren't due for It seems that the ROTC Officer's There didn't seem to be any other' a couple days more. A new acquaint- Club put on a very fine social affair choice. The Officer's Club voted to buy ance is made, or perhaps it's the this year-the Military Ball. Most of spring blush which appears on the us think the members of that organi- a flag to replace the lost one. It took and every cent in the club treasury countenance of an old acquaintance. zation outdid themselves in making left a thirty-dolla, deficit to be made A test tomorrow? So what! In a test, the dance a success and in fact the up by the members of the club. The you never find what you study, any, best Military Ball of recent years. members decided they'd have to bal- way. The orchestra was good, the arrange- ance the books out of their own pock- Your intentions are good. You sit ments were excellent, everyone pres- ets. down to study. You lay your plans ent had a fine time, and the decora- carefully-so much time for the play tions were really well done and ef- Here's where the irony comes into you must report on tomorrow, so much the situation. One week to the day af- time for the twenty pages of lan- fective. It's those decorations we want ter the new flag had been purchased guage, so much for -. The gang to talk about. and returned to the National Guard comes in! "How about a little hike This Officer's Club carries only a some person or persons unknown re- with a hot dog roast at our destina- small balance in its treasury to help tur-ned the original flag to the Gym- tion?" Well, maybe you won't be members of the club in successive nasium during the decorating for' the Prom. called on tomorrow-if you sit in the years get a start in making the ar- Junior-Senior The staff is back of the room and look wise! Away rangements for the dance. Conse- broken and useless which precludes quently, because there is such a small dull care - me for the wide open any possibility of returning the Na- to operate, spaces. cash balance on which are bgr-rowed tional Guard Flag to the manufac- much of the decorations for a full refund. turers s~~~ Wednesday Is Thursday Young Ladies so!!~~~v_::_~u,,~::o~le!:sst~!;, or improvised. True to form, this year 1t appears that the legacy of this tied by the French. Presumably the Wednesday is W~dnesday and the club members worked hard to year's Officers Club to its successors particular site was selected because Thursday is Thursday 52 times a Attend Dance counteract the limiting effect of small is going to be a zero bank balance and they wanted an inland water route. year, except this year at WMC. Last capital. Borrowing was rife from one damaged and unuseable Maryland ." Wonder if we'll have good week, Wednesday was Thursday and "Do you think he'll come?" "Do you every military and quasi-military or- State flag. We repeat-s-some thought- weather for May Day Saturday. "Such a big day for the ROTC. Not only did think I'll fall?" These were the ques- ganization in Westminster and the less individual or individuals has a route was available through Bayou the students have to worry about go- tions my cohorts asked in eager an- surrounding countryside. played a mean trick on a campus St. John, Lake Ponchartrian, and a ing to the right classes, but they also ticipation of one of the biggest social The morning after the dance, the organization. series of lakes ... " It sure was beau- had to worry about getting there on occasions that Miss Farrell allowed club members were removing the last tiful last year. I hope it doesn't rain. time, because it was an assembly day her young ladies to participate in. vestiges of the decorations from Gill Where was I? Oh, yes. "A short and schedule. "Miss Farrell's Academy for Young Gymnasium. When an accounting was Pins 'n Points easy portage between the river and After lunch many students and fac- Ladies" was the epitomy of correct- made of, the borrowed properties, it Bayou St. John was provided by the ulty members were on the brow of the ness, and the one dance that was spon- was found that someone had appropri- - The Associated Collegiate Press has Esplanade Ridge which was already Hill waiting for inspection to begin. sored each year was the only event ated a four by -slx foot' Maryland awarded the hunor rating of AIl- in use by the Indians when the French Some of the seniors were reminiscing which spurred the jeunes femmes American (Superior) to the GOLD exploration and settlement were and the conversation went something through many dreary hours. ~!:!\~;!w:~~;O~~h~alj1a~V~:~io~:i BUG for the first semester of this made." You know, this is the most stu- like this: Guard unit. year. This is the highest recognition pid piece of writing! Why doll't au- "Remember when the sergeant gave But now it was here! The "Elderly Of the thirty flags and colors used awarded by the A_C.P., and is a trib- thor's write books you don't have to one of the boys 50c to go to the movies Ladies' String Quartet" was tuning to decorate the Gym, there couldn't ute to Nancy Winkelman, former edi- re-read five times to get any sense out so we could pass the inspection." up in the 24" by 24" auditorium where have bee-n a better selection if the tor, and her stall. of them? "Remember when Babs wore red the May Promenade was to be held. appropriator wished to cause the Club Whatever we call this spring buga- socks and the sergeant asked him if Upstairs thirty young ladies scam- members headaches. That flag had, boo, however it affects us, of one thing he didn't have regulation ones. 'No.' pered about trying to maneuver a way only the week before, been presented Redfield Commends gown and get past to wear a strapless the National Guard unit. The Guards- ROTC Students we can be certain-it will not cause 'No, what?' 'No socks!'" the chaperones. Needless to say, I was by the Lions Club of Westminster to our mental processes to be more acute, "We didn't look that good; they included in the aforementioned clan. it -..111.,.,"'" '.n"pi.,,-us-tu t""'"pUL-SUl\.-,,!__ ~.._......._ .... "l.... lo. ... n." -_ ",
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