Page 61 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug. May 1. 1951 Terrors Stop Tennis Team Loyola Team Downs Am. U. Western Maryland, behind the effec- tive hurling of Pat" Biddle, scored .a 12-7 triumph over Loyola College in a Mason-Dtxon Conference'baseball con- test at Evergreen ori Friday, April 20. The successful offensive attack against two Loyola pitchers was paced by the first baseman, Lefty Kauf- mann, who enjoyed a perfect day at the plate, slugging out four singles in as many times at bat. .Catcher Dick Linton and Right-fielder Ken .Shcok contributed one-base hits, .two and one, respectively. Two Terrors, Paul Tereshinski and Maynard. Fones, banged out triples. Going the entire route for Coach Vince ,tandau shoots one. Jtm-Boyer, Pat Biddle limited Loyola to eight bingles, issuing seven free passes to. first and retiring five bats- Lacrosse Team Gettysburg Downs men at ll,ome plate. Str-anded on bases Tuesday, !\lay 8 was. an undecided contest Eclgf!clBy One WMC Sluggers Gamma Bets vs. Unknowns were seven Loyola runners. " .,' until the third inning when the. 'fer- Bachelors vs. Black & Whites' ' Open-Preachers The Terror baseball squad was lim- rors feathered a 4-3 lead with a scor- Western Maryland's stickmen lost a ited to a single hit by the opposing Girls Shoot Archery, Thursday, !\lay 10 ing surge of four runs. The remaining hard-fought decision to Dickinson on Preachers va. Unknowns four tallies occurred in the fourth, April 21 by a score of 8-7. pitcher as it bowed, 11-1, to the Get- Plan Soltball Games Black & Whites vs. Gamma Bets Starting off the game fast, Norm tysburg team on the winners' dia- Open-Bachelors ;~:;r::'fi:~t ;~~\~;~r;ra:;ii~dn~:!~ Needle, and Dan Honemann each mond, Girls' spring intramural program is Monday, !\lay 14 mitted four~rror5 in addition to its scored, putting the Terrqrs in a 2-0 A big fourth inning, in which Get- in full swing. Participation in archery Preachers vs. Gamma Bets collection 'of twelve runs.and nine hits, lead. Dickinson then took advantage tysburg scored nine times, turned a is available at a seasonal charge of Bachelors va. Unknowns while Loyola .scor ed seven runs on of WMC's penalties and scored once. close 1-0 'contest into a one-sided af- twenty-five cents. To avoid congestion, Open-Black & Whites eight hits and perpetrated four costly Wagenblast and Honemann tallied for fair. The runs scored as a result of the students are asked to sign up on Tuesday,-l't1ay 15 misplays. the Green, and Dickinson came back five' hits, three Terror errors and a the gym bulletin board. with one tally, and the score at the base on balls. Two home runs and a Afternoon and night games of soft- Preachers vs. Black & Whites quarter was 4-2. bases-loaded single highlighted the ball are being scheduled for the class Bachelors va. Gamma Bets Terrors Bow next period, and WMC led at the half scoring spree which came at the ex- teams. From the practices held thus Thursday, May 17 'Open-Unknowns Needle and scored in the Landau far, the conclusions are that the fresh- Maryland. pense of Western To. Baltimore U. by a comfortable score of 6-3. run in the first frame. scored its lone men have the strongest potentialities Bachelors vs. Preachers Western. .Maryland Black & Whites vs. Unknowns for the championship. ; Dickinson' came hack .·~trong in the It was scored !second half, aided i;>ya long string of 'without benefit of a hit. Lefty Kauf- The important points obtained at Open-Gamma Bets A five-run uprising in the bottom the New York conference by the Here are the rules set forth by the ,;Ofthe fourth enabled -Baltimore Uni- ~~:!:top:~a~~:sp~:e 6_:o::\h:c~~:~ man opened the game by drawing a Western Maryland delegation includ- League authorities on the intramural versity to rout the visiting Western free pass, advanced to second on a ed: intramural objectives, the ques- softball games: "Games will start as Maryland baseball team, 10-2. .whistle, and tht; game went into its wild pitch, took third on a passed bail, tion of compulsory physical education, soon as possible before daylight sav- Both squads banged out eight base first overtime. and crossed the plate on an infield student leadership in sports, the good ing time. No game will start one min- hits apiece, but the Gi-een-and-Gold'a The Terrors fell behind 7~6for the oU,t. and bad of "sports days," and the in- ute after 7 :00 during daylight saving inability to cashIn on their opport.uni- first time in the game, Dan Honemann troduction as safety into the school time. The team that cannot put a full took 'the next face-off and" raced down ties cost them the contest. Western the field, and scored for WMC, tying PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS system. An interesting tour was taken team on the field must forfeit to the Maryland stranded a total of twelve the game, and the game went into the opposing team. The teams will follow men on the- base paths, while the 'win- the regulations stipulated by the ners only marooned a half-dozen. Both second overtime. Dickinson scored and league' of past seasons unless other- teams played splendid defensive ball, held the visitors' attack to win, 8-7. 15% Discount It Pays To Look Well wise designated. The team captains 01' with a total of only two errors regis- Visit The coaches will provide umpires of no and Only for Students tered in the score-book, one on each the hosts to become the winning pitch- Faculty of' WMC, Seminary affiliation." side. Avenue Barber Shop Kenny Shook paced' the losers' hi~ REGEt~~D~~CES to the Bellevue Rehabilitation Hos- ting attacks with two safeties, include All Shlrtll . . .__ .18 pital, and the methods of dealing with ing a run-producing: double, and tw_o ~~~~et'..:__.:.~~~.=_.:__~~_:__-_===_~:~~ Where The Students Go handicapped students were studied. walks'- Bill Beck, Baltimore U. left Pillow Ca••• . ~~_ ._ ..__ .05 The association is planning to intro- .05 To .. el, __ ... fielder, and Bobby Thurlow, center Save Money Save -Trouble DRY CLEANING 85 Pennsylvania Avenue duce some of the ideas their repre- gardener for the victors, each rapped W:~~~~~~~~~~c.:=:=:=~__=__=__= I:~~ sentatives discovered at the meeting. out a pair ofIiingles' to aid the cause, Ladi.,,· DrlO8•.", CO.tII.~ ._.._ ).05 John Mayer, intial sacker for B. Ui, BAUGHER'S .pecial ~!r::;~~~_~.::~___.__~=___:::::_-_==.:: :~~ took honors for the game's longest hit Girls' Dru"Q __ . ~ . ,85 as he smashed a four-bagger. MEAL TICKETS Until fnrther notice, truck will Mon.:z._ be by Margaret & Earl's, Pat Biddle, Howie Zimmerman, and Thurs., Sat., 12:30·1:30, for pick- Lo~ven· Haines divided the' pitching Now On Sale up and delivery. duties for Western Maryland with Zimmerman getting 'charged with the Worlh<$5.50- ~sl $5.00 ~EW IDEAL CLEANERS ·set-back. Leithander Fred Gebhardt Rear 241 E. Green St. toiled the full nine on the mound for "y" on the campus is a favorite student gathering spot. At the "Y" -Coca·Cola is the favorite drink. With the university crowd at Duke, Before she steps out with the man. of herdreams, the smart coed will step as withevery crowd-Coke belong!. into Rosenstock's to see the amazing Collection of new fashions by famous makers. A cordial w~lcOl;ne awaits all Western Maryland women at 67 E. Asle/or il either way.,. Doth Main St., Westminster. trade_marks mean the same thing. lomfD UNDER AUTHORIYYOf THe COCA-COlA COMPANY IY WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BO'ITLING CO•• INC. C1951,Th.Coco.CoI
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