Page 32 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug, Dec. 12, 1950 On The Hill Sorrowed Sits I College Calendar I of sportsmanship A fine attitude was shown on the part of Johns Hop- Tuesday, December 12 SCA Meditatio,!s, Baker Chapel, kins in their NEWSLETTER of No- by Cha1'ZfJ8 Shook 6:45 p. m. vember 17. They featured a wonderful Wednesday, December 13 Three years and three months ago, wl'it~up of our football team, with SCA, Girls' Glee Club concert, Fred Keefer and J ran to the last pictures of Harlow Henderson and Baker Chapel, 6:45 p. m. showing of Wilson together. Later we Mitch Tullai in action. Lutheran Students Meeting, Me- returned to the college witb equal The Mar-yland University Tbeater Daniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m, speed since my running-mate had to will present Caesar and Cleopatra Basketball, Navy, away catch a train. The incident is mem- December 11 through 16, with Ru- Thursday, December 1<1 orable to me because it was the be- doph Pugliese directing. Abo of in- SCA, Holy Communion Service, ginning of our fr-iendship and it terest in the DIAMONDBACK is the Baker Chapel, 6:45 p. m. marked one of the few times in the fact that at Md. U. there are 4.3 men Basketball, Drew University. home last three years and three months to every coed 1 Saturday, December 16 that I have been able to keep up with Here's an easy way to make $25.00 Basketball, Lebanon Valley, away the rapid Mr. Keefer. He is still run- in a hurey! Write a feur-Iine jingle Christmas Recess begins, 12 noon ning. Tuesday, January 2 about Lucky Strike cigarettes and FOr, whether his steed is Pegasus, sent to "Happy-Go-Lucky", P.O. Box Cbristmas Recess ends, 8 p. m. his '49 Ford, or shank's mare, Keefer 67, New York, N. Y. Yes, they ac- Saturday, January 6 of Keymar has become e going con- tually pay money for the poems, and Basketball, Washington College, cern in the often slow but perpetual you can send as many as you wish. away motion of Western Maryland College From THE MUHLENBERG Sunday, January 7 life. His r-ise from tbe saucy, unin- WEEKLY comes this gem, appropri- Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9 a. m. hibited farm boy to President of the ate at this time of year. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Argonauts and member of the Who's "A B or not a B, that is the Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, Who role of honor for 1951 smacks of Kitty OlewiJcr, Betty Bachtell, and Fred Keefer Horatio Alger or tbe dreams of Wai- question. Whether 'tis nobler in 8:15 p. m. by Harriet Kahn ter Mitly. But Fred's achievements the mind to suffer the classes and Monday, January 8 by Libby Schubert are. real, the only fiction in bis story lectures of outrageous professors, French Club, McDanicl Lounge, 7 p. m. being centered in the voluminous or to take arms by against a C of Tuesday, January 9 troubles and passing, end pages of literature which be consumes Basketball, Mt. St. Mary'S, away with a zeal highly becoming a twenty them." year old English major. Aiter graduation, Fred expects to Has Sense Of Humor Save Money move on to Duke, leaving behind only Through the magnifying lenses of a memory of the glasses, the wit, and Save Trouble his horn-rimmed glasses, Fred looks the perpetual motion which have left on the world witb surprising good their imprint on the wind-swept paths 8AUGHfR'S special humor. Being a little fellow, he has of tbe Hill. learned some unpleasant but valuable lessons in the society of the bigs and MEAL TICKETS not-so-bigs. These lessons manifest Now On Sale themselves in his behavlcr. IF YOU CAN·T GET IT But if his physical stature is slight, AT THE BOOK STORE Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 his mental capacity is tremendous, his determination and enthusiasm bound- TRY less, and his sense of humor iude- atructible. He is mature enough to COFFMAN'S understand. appreciate, and love sucb literary figures as T. S. Eliot, F'aulk- I G.C. Murphy & Co. Prima Soprano ner, and Shakespeare---while he is As the prima soprano of Western boyish enough to slap his knees in Stationery Store The Friendly Store Maryland, Kitty's unusually fine voice convulsion at a Bugs Bunny cartoon. was first heard on the Hill when she Whereas he used to lament his size, Times Building Dormitory and Clauroom made her debut as Jenny in Down Fred now sees it as a challenge and in the ValltlY. Since that time, she Actress As Well capitalizes on it likes a Mickey CREPE PAPER Supplies has made appearances ill most of the Rooney. No Bulldog Turner could musical programs on the Hill. Among What more can one ask for! Much have brought the house down the way GREETING CARDS 6·10 West Main Street them are the College Cboir, the Glee more, evidently, because Betty doesn't Fred "Green Terror" Keefer did in SCHOOL SUPPLIES Club, and the Collegiate Talent 'Pus- stop with music alone. She's the pride the Junior Follies last April. Westmiwter, Md. sic. This year, with this wealth of and joy of the dramatic art depart- first.hand experience, Kitty is teach- ment, which recently presented the The 'Immovable Object ing voice to six women students on play, The ill1:porla1UJeof Being Ea1'~ Many people predicted an atomic the Hill. neBt. Betty played the part of a cold explosion when Fred and Bill Simp- Finding time between the College and distant society snob. She played son (tbe immovable object and the A GIFT FROM GALLI HERS ~ Players' performances, Kitty exe- the role with artistry nnd finesse, but ir-reaistable force) came together as cutes the important oflice of vice- don't let that. fool you. Betty is not roommates, in the catalytic atmos- breathelJ the spirit of president of the Student Cbristian like Lady Gwendolyn at all. This phere of Old Ward. Their singular i7! our BtJrlt1npt1tOU8 wrappings. Association. She is a member at Iota vivacious Delt is known for her warm achievements this year, however, in~ Reasonable prices, of coureel Gamma Chi Sorority, constantly on cheerfulness which that famous smile dicate how well they get along to- "the go", and, just to emphasize her of hers reveals to all who know ber. gether. GEORGIANNA GALLIHER versatility, she keeps up \vltb her There are some lucky individuals academic work, which is illustrated who have been endowed with many 164 West Main Street by tbe fact that Kitty is a member of talents, but who realize that these the Argonauts. attributes must be supplemented with NORCROSS GREET!NG CARDS hard work and diligence for the pur. Likes Milkshakes pose of reaching the goal of true Griffin's Declaring that she has "no ~paril achievement. Of this, Betty Bachtell time," Kitty Lou likes to do what all is a living example. The Carroll Amnse1uent Co. Wishes the Students and the co-eds on this campus like to do in their spllre moments--eat. H~r Compumenti Delicious Food - Candies Faculty a l\'lerry Christmas and a Happy New Year favorite foods are. typical, too, at least the nice thick milk shakes and of Sodas - Greeting Cards the hot rolls. ea/I/UJI,J
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