Page 37 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 37
qaM fj, n s Lm-, Md. Library n ~larYland College MAY DAY LIBRARY ELECTIONS "9 DA'11 .... \ PAGE 1 PAGE 2 Vol. 28, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 6, 1951 Janet Hering Wins May Queen Election Hale RaYI Roberts Elected Attendants; l Editor Appoints Army Promotes Natzke To Rogan Voted To Freshman Presidency New Paper Staff Rank OF Lieutenant-Colonel Janet Hering was elected Western Maryland's 1951 May Queen Staff positions for the coming sem- at the assembly held this morning in Alumni Hall. Ginny Hale was The the winner in the contest for the junior court representative. ester have been announced by Stan Major Richard H. Natzke, the as- as a battalion staff officer, partici- sophomores voted for Patty Ray as their attendant. Pat Roberts Bowlsbey, new editor-in-chief. sistant professor of military science pated in the attack on Leyte. In 1945, was elected freshman member on the court. John Haller, a junior from Garden and tactics at Western Maryland he returned to the United States for ._ The freshman class also held elections for class officers. Pat City, New York, has been named recuperation from a wound received Rogan was elected president; Dick Carvell, vice president; Betty news editor. A transfer from Hof- and for reassignment. He was on re- Parsons, secretary; Nell Wicker, his- stra last fall, John soon became a re- cruiting duty and staff duty in Ohio torian; and Mary Ann Kifer, treas- to Athens, Greece, with the American Argonaut porter and later served as newe-fea- from 1946 to 1948 and was then sent Society urer. ture editor. Janet Hering, the May Queen, ap- Anita Fiery, '53, the new feature Military Mission as an observer with in June 1949 and has been Announces editor, comes from Hagerstown, Md. the Greek Army. He came to Western Plans peared on the Homecoming Court last She has been a feature writer for a Maryland fall as senior attendant. She is a pub- long time and will ,replace J ene Mc- here since as acting PMS&T and as- The January meeting of the Argo- lic school music major from Westmin- Leod, now managing editor, in charge sistant PMS&T. naut Society was held on Wednesday, ster and a member of Siima Sigma of the feature page. Received Bronze Star the seventeenth.. Plans were drawn Sports Editor Bob Wilson, the only
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