Page 34 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 34
The Gold Bug, Jan. 9, 1951 It's Been Fun Survey States COilege Women Wilber Makes New Borrowed Sits Prefer .Teddy Bears: A Godfrey Year's Resolution The GOLD BUG receives the news- We hunted around for an ap- papers of college and universities all propriate q'uotation. Then we Now some people might think that over the country. These papers may tried to think of something. pro- by Ellen Rudolph to be afraid again-where is my psy- New Year's resolutions are something be read by students at anytime when found. And, as a last resort we One afternoon, when I have finished chology textbook? I run back to my to be made only to be broken as soon the GOLD BUG office is open. even read what other editors had my classes for the day-two periods room and leaf frantically through the as the opportunity presents itself, but The Greyhound-c-Loyclaz College to say on this subject of resign- of Grill-and have completed my chapters, but not one word on this that is not the case with Wilber, at The Cabinet-Geneva College ing. Everywhere we Jound the homework-reading a Batman comic subject. What Pandora's box did Mr. least not this year. The Johns Hopkins News Letter- same type of solution. After all book-s-and have nothing else to oc- Godfrey open for me by his little bit You see, it just so happens that Johns Hopkins University this research we would like to cupy my mind, I turn on the radio. of information? Do the psychiatrists \Vilber is a prime example of the The Villanovian-Villanova College ask a question-What is every- After a few whistles and some static, know about this? It rivals the hydro- pre-induction students here on the The Drexel Triangle-Drexel Insti- draft- Hill, or to use the vernacular, body so dejected and serious the gravelly voice of-guess who- gen bomb in its horrible possibilities. bait. Please don't mistake my mean- tute of Technology about? Arthur Godfrey---comes on. Arthur Are college women bestial? Do they ing, Wilber doesn't hold a grudge The Spectator-Concordia Teachers' Horace struck the right note Godfrey, king of the airwaves and prefer wild animals to human com- College when he said, "Let him give up television antennae, acknowledged panions? Do they want to .rever-t to against anybody because of this: he is The Wilson Billboard-Wilson Col- his place like a guest well filled." master of that classical instrument, primitive life? My mind whirls at the well aware that there is a job that has lege We'd like to think that this the ukulele! I know the minute I hear prospect-my brain refuses to go fur- to be done and he is ready and willing The Review-University of Dela- means with a longing glance at his voice that he will have something ther. Exhaust~d 'by the mental effort to do his full share. Some of you ware something he didn't have the of interest to relate. His program ri- of trying to fathom the murky depths might think that Wilber's resolution The Heights-Boston College time or capacity to taste, but vals Twenty Questions in the little of the problem, J fail asleep on the might be what it seems so many with pleasant recollections of the gems of infjlrmation he imparts. I am bed, clutching- my psychology book in others have made. It goes something Le vie Collegienne-s-Leuannn Valley food he did manage to eat. gradually falling to sleep under the one hand and my Raggedy Ann doll in like this, "Eat, drink, and be merry College Last February, a new staff set soothing influence of Mr. Godfrey's the other. for tomorrow we may die," but that The Brown and White-Lehigh forth its platform-greater stu- voice when something he says makes isn't what Wilber is thinking about. University dent interest in the GOLD BUG me sit bolt upright with astonishment. Coeds Spend Last No, Wilber- made only one resolution, State-to-Datt-State Teachers' through improvement. Well, our According to Mr. Godfrey, who gets but it might be that we all could learn College, Frostburg capacity wasn't always as large his information from a survey con- a great deal if we were to think abo~t The Diamondback-University of as our appetite' but we do pleas- ducted by a Mid-West university, 80% Days At WMC that one for a few minutes. The way Maryland antly recall a few improvements. of college women take a childhood toy Wilber put it is: "I, Wilber, resolve The Hatchet-George Washington One of our regular correspond- to bed with them, Teddy Bears pre- Finals are upon us! The morning that as I face the new year, I will have University ente noted only one mistake per dominating. of January 22 has dawned-a day faith that no matter what the future The SMU Campus and Limbo- page in a recent issue. Most 'of Personally, I have never observed much too lovely for the most abhorred brings, there will always be the hope Southern Methodist University the meetings were reported at this phenomenon. But if the- univer- of the college curriculum. My room- for a brighter tomorrow; and even The Brackety-Ark-Roanoke Col- the right time and place. Even a sity research staff says so, I'U-,take mate and I atumble blindly out Qf bed though we have to fight, and some of lege good percentage of names were their word for it. It offers food for at 7 a. m, and proceed to the dining us to die, it will not be in vain, because The Muhlenberg Weekly-Muhlen- spelled correctly. In passing we thought, at an~ rate. hall for breakfast-a breakfast which the forces of evil and slavery cannot berg College stand for long: and the final victory would like to say that this has Perhaps college girls are childish. is rather difficult to properly digest in will be on the side of peace and jus- The Gettysburgian-Gettysburg been due to a very fine job on No, I reject this theory as silly. Col- the usual manner. Back in the dorm tice and liberty." College the part of proofreaders and the lege girls-I mean women--childish! again, we sit and stare glassily at Mountain Echo-Mount St. Mary's copy editor. But we must all Absurd! But this child angle can be each other. Mter all, both of us are College sympathize with the over eager worked on. I have it! College women convinced that these are our final days The Baloo - University of Balti- reporter who made all of the fac- want to return to ..the uncomplicated at wonderful old WMC. Next semester Quotable Quips more ulty Doctors. life of childhood. Subconsciously they will find new faces replacing the two The Owl-TempJe University. As for news, we've tried to are thinking, "Ye gods! What on of us who are no longer college rna- From The Minnesota Daily come avoid having "all the articles on earth am I doing here 1" terial. • ' these Shakespearean words considered 1st page pertain to one phase of Now a new thought comes to me. the campus." And, we had the _ \\'hy the Teddy Bear angle? How m!~:-~~:-;!; ~:re f~:~~~ ~~st::o::~~ ~~~~o!~~~tea!O~,:~a:. week: Jerry Grandea ed forth. Like automatons, we walk How weary, stale, flat and un- ~:.t M~G~:th~:pl~~e~aM~~ ~v!-k~ come they have the inside track? Sin- ley as the speaker at Mid-Cen- ister implications begin to dawn on ~t~~: st~:~ re:~~ty ~~;;~:a:~:~n :~o,~~ profitable It was the first of May. The sun tury Convocation. That issue re- me. Cold sweat breaks out on my fore- see the cunning smile of the instructor se::l"l~~ me all the uses of this , ~;;:=d;:;O~~h :~I~e~O~!~sa:~e~e~~: quired many days and nights of :~t~it:~~o~sf~~a::ly~S~~r;:a~~~~~~ ~::;e:o:;:;~~u; !::~g:::I~!i~fo~O~~i Hamlet, countryside. The small- village of San ~trs~v~~~l f:JA;~r:ndnr:~~rfe~~: In order to get food from the stingy is the stack of little blue books for a Act I, Scene 2. Felipe woke up and immediately ad- great big exam. As they are diatr-ib- Day of First Exam Arrives: mired the beauty of the dawn. It was In some sections the personnel ::~~P::;~_ho:ar~~~l;e:~~;:i~y r~;~:~ c~~~~t.t~~hs:~d~hL: ~!::~ ~ti:dd :~:t tht~~~~t f:~::Ulth~~~~~::~ 0 ~:;~! 0 woeful, woeful, woeful ~es::v~~e~ ~~~e~oer ~v~~i~~~ th:xb~~r~~:~ ual pleas for nour-ishment, I result to nor sports departments made subterfuge. Putting dark circles under identical to those. innocent little com- Most lamentable day, most woeful tiful sun, the farmers of San Felipe the glaring errors that would my eyes with mascara, and sucking in position books that I used in the first day, went to their fields eager to plow the have been expected. my cheeks, I stagger. into the room grade. . Th~t ever, ever, I did yet behold! soil. Their children went to the vil- After hours of blood, sweat, and 0 day! 0 day! 0 day! 0 hateful ~ lage school. We also tasted some centro- iiox:. d;~:, ~~~~:~::s~k~b~~~i:~l :~ tears, we emerge from the examina- day! Unmindful of the outside world, the ~:~~~dbu~u~ere c~~~cif:eti!~a~~~ after I cxpire on the floor at their tion room. Our firSt final is over! Then Never was seen so black a day as village of San Felipe did not know my roommate and I decide to partake this: that the Japanese were already in the There's definitely a feeling of de. !~:~:~~gk:~i:~ :~l:_ao~it~~: ,~~:~ of a hearty lunch in the dining hall. 0 woeful day! 0 woeful day! next town-a few milcs to the- east. A ~~~~~nbg~ks~h~:e c~t~~ei~~i,~ga~~ ered, but I am not choosy. 'After being This could be one of our last meals in Romeo and Juliet, little later, however, the roar of en- \ honor system, and somehow we thus refreshed, I casually glance these hallowed halls, you know, be- Act IV, Scene 5. gines, the shouts of banzai, told the cause we've already flunked the first Composition Exam: remaining folks of the village that didn't quite convince the student ~:;:~~r~a:o:~h:::o~~ :~ki:!a:~ tcst. Why, I will fight ~vith him upon this something was wrong. The Japanese ~:s~r~~;~\n~~a~v:~~~~es~~ry~l- ment, is the third occupant of the Roommates Depart theme soldiers got off their trucks and began In these fields we probably ~~~~'a~~~e:;i~P~::ee,:!l~ra~:~;;~~lr~ an:i~a:lrr~;:ds~~~::~fae~:a~;u;s :ovoe;~ Until my eyelid~:~~e~~ longer wag. :~~!n~cfO~a~~~o~i~:;;u~:~{y~h~o~:~~ ~~~s::~YAn~~a~~ \~~r c~~t s~~~ a new and still more puzzling' aspect bye. She knows that I'll be back next Act V, Scene 1. knew where he was. The Japanese credit for any noticeable im- of the whole situation. I am beginning ~er:~U~~:I~; I~:::r~:k~~eev:tiu:~~:~: Fountain Pen Leaks: ~~;e~:dnd:r s:::c:.n::;e~i:n!e:t ;:~~ provement. But somehow we all feel proud Pins 'n Points and wish her luck when she returns Out, damned SP~i!c~~~k~say! eacked the village, something in the that we were a part of the GOLD ~ono:aa:~aZp3~r\hf~~~h,:eC!~;u:.last Act V, Scene 1. ~:~!a;:: ~~~~:~t:: e~~:i;' ~!~~~~O~;a~~ BUG this past year. It's been a Cupid's arrows have been busy dur- lot of fun-in spite of deadlines, ing the holidays. The newly engaged Each day 1 sit at home and watch Optimist Waiting for Marks: pole of the schoolhouse. The polc green reporters, bills, lack of couples are: the mailbox. 1 know that I have failed, Jf J may trust the flattering truth swayed and the flags fluttered proud- time and the interference of Judy Fraser, '51, alld Don Flowers but I wish the facility would please of sleep, ly and majestically mid the trees of studies. Virginia Hale, '52, and Jack Spick- hurry and scnd thc fateful news. Then My dreams presage some joyful the hills. The upper flag was the So we wish success to the new nail, '49 the white envelope arrives with the news at hand: Stars and Stripes and the other the staff, and we hope that when Angela Crothers, '51, and Len return address of my alma mater Romeo a7Ul Juliet, Philippines' own. The commander saw they resign they'll be able to Zawacki, '50 ~ stamped in the uppcr left hand corner. Act V, Scene 1. the flags and with a cruel smile curl- say-What's everybody else so Mary Lou Schanze, '51, and Allan I open it gingerly and unfold the pa_ . Pessimist Waiting for Marks: ing his lips, strode toward them, his sad and serious about? Maybe Pirie, ex-'5I per. 1 scream .in disbelief. I have Stay, then: I'll go alone: fear comes men instinctively following behind. they will feel as we do-that if Betty Brandenburg, '52, and Ward passed! Then the phone rings. It is upon me; The schoolhouse was in great panic only one person read the paper it Glasby, '52 my roommate. She has passed too! I 0, much I fear some ill unlucky when the Japanese arrived. The prin_ wasn't all in vain. Liz Adams, '53, and Arnold B. sit there in utter disbelief. Then we thing. cipal came out and asked the com- Chapin both cry out at once, "I'll see you on Romeo and. Juliet, mander what he wanted. The com- the 30th, old palf" Act V, Scene S. mander pulled out a Japanese flag THE GOLD BUG DO::~li!,~:,Z~~IO'51, and Lt. Chal;,? and told the principal to replace the two flags with it. The principal was '53, and Henry Johnson, Priscilla Ernst, '53 man enough to refuse, but a brutal Pat McLaren, '51, and Leon Stover, slap answered his refusal. Neverthe- '50 less, he remained undaunted. Anothel' four. three - Barbara Payne, '51, and Bob slap - two - did not flinch. Finally, The he principal \Vilsey, '51 Member Mary Lee Witzke and Bill Bartgis, was struck on the base of the head Associated Collegiate Press '51 .. and went down-senseless. The com- Golden suntans are prevalent on mander ordered his men to pull down Subs~ription Pri~e U.OO a Year campus these days. Some of the lucky the flags and then give them to him. students who took full advantage of By this time, the principal was back on his feet. The commander whipped their vacation and went ,to Florida the two flags across his face and are: Mary Laux, Elsie Maytrott and snarJed in a surly voice, '''Tear it!" Phyllis Eubank. "I will not!" the principal coun- Bill Monroe, '50, now serving in tered. Korea, recently has been recommend- "You will not? Then I will!" the ed for a promotion to 1st Lt. for commander retorted and then pre- bravery in action. pared to tear the flags. OUI' theme of safety i.n the last is- The principal shouted, "Don't tea!.' sue was part of a collegiate newspa- those flags!" He dashed forth to seize per contest sponsored by the Lumber- them but a gleaming bayonet met man's Mutual Insurance Co. for cash him. Still he lunged forward. A sec- rewards. ond thrust caught him in the heart If you know a former WMC student and he went down uttering-finally now in the armed services who would whispering, "Don't tear those flags!" like to receive the GOLD BUG reg- The sun hid above the clouds and ularly, please leave his name in the "Better lock the door, Ed. I seen some guys from the fourth section sniffin' did not come out until the next morn- office. around this afternoon." ing, as if in sorrow over the crime.
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