Page 28 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug._Nov. 28, 1950 I College Calendar I I ClUb News Frats Pledge GOLD BUG Editors Selected For '~ ho's 'Who' Wednesday, November 29 Chapel, Inter-Frat Cound! 57 Members SCA Meeting, Baker 6:45 p. m. In the balloting for the band most by Mickey Rupert by John Haller Friday, December 1 desired for the Pan-Hellenic Dance, This year, the fraternities on the "Where is Alice?" This is a recur- Small, but mighty is this popular Faculty Recital, Mr. Royer, Mr. the Student Body expressed a great Hill have admitted fifty-seven new rent question on second floor Blanche senior president who has had the Spangler, Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. preference for Ralph Flannigan and pledges into their ranks, one of the Ward as girls stream in and out of office of leader for the class of 1951 his orchestra. Second and third, but largest groups to be accepted in re- room 212 in search of the "little girl since his sophomore year. He first Saturday, December 2 far behind the leader, were Vaughn cent years. who isn't there". (She is usually in a enrolled at WMC in the fall of 1945, Barn Dance, SCA, Blanche Ward Monroe, and Claude Thornhill. At- Alpha Gamma Tau has selected but soon joined the ranks of the U. S. Gy.m, 7:00 p. m. tempts will be made to secure the most fifteen new Bachelots: William Bart-; Army as a paratrooper. In the Pacific preferred' band. gis, Dennis Boyle, Myron Brodie, Ken theatre, he served not only in a mili- Sunday, December 3 Childrey, Joseph Deering, Dick Durst, tary capacity but as an entertainer as Sunday School, Baker Chapel, MSM Lyman Earhart, John Edwards, Rob- well. Upon returning to the Hill he 9:15 a. m. All members have planned to dis- ert Kaufman, Jack Pickett, Dave first re-established himself in the Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. 'tribute Piggy Banks to raise funds Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, for the pictures and for the Home- Rhoads, Jack Urion, Roy Wallach, 8:15 p. m. coming expenses. John Wilhelm, and Frank Wilsey. Monday, December 4 Plans are being made also for a Delta Pi Alpha has admitted fifteen IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, banquet in January. Preacher pledges: Ed Barber, Carl Cohen, Charles Ecker, Wesley Geb- 7:00 p. m. Tri Beta hard, Harlow Henderson, James Luby, Arthur Pisetzner, Mike Rentko, Alft~~n,K;:~~ap.A~ha Meeting, Old . he~::!;et~h~:t!~::~s~: ~~l ~~~~;~ Bruce Rudisill, Andrew Rusinko, Roy ca3n;~~;:~~u~.l\~eting, Science Hall cal Laboratories at Lake Erie. Rhyne, Dwight Scott, Gil Stange, Pete Last Monday, November 13, there Warner, and Don Wasserman. Tuesday, December 5 was a meeting with the chapter from Assembly, SGA, Alumni Hall, Hood College. Dr. Woodent gave an Gamma Bets 11:30 a. m. illustrated lecture on "Changing Eleven new members have entered American Association of University Bacteriological Techniques". The dub Gamma Beta Chi: Stu Abrahams, Women Meeting, Girls Glee Club, will sponsor tbe movie Macbeth on Glen Ashburn, Walter "Soup" Camp- Coffman, Ashby Me Daniel Lounge, 8:00 p. m. December 6 and 7. bell, Ed Lang, Bob Langrall, Collins, Thomas James Alice YeaTley Wednesday, December 6 AKA Moore, Joe Renaldi, Art Shanklin, and Canterbury Club Meeting, McDaniel Next Monday's meeting will include George van Nostrum. dozen different places at once, or so it Lounge, 6:45 p. m. the reading of an article from Sep- Pi Alpha Alpha has accepted six- seems.) Whether they seek the Coke tember 1950 Hos-per'e IIfrtguzine en- teen pledges: Bob Alonzo, Bob Barn- machine key from the vice-president Thursday, December 7 titled The Snout, which will be dis- ard, Clark Callender, John Clayton, of \VAA, or money from the treas- Inter-Sorority Tea, Scholarship cussed afterwards. The following Ed Crawford, George Daniels, Ernie urer of Phi Alpha Mu sorority, or in- Cup, McDaniel Lounge, 4:15 p. m. meeting will be a discussion of the Green, Herb Klinger, Ed Landefeld, formation from the managing editor Friday, December 8 Honor system and everyone is invited Harold McTeer, Dan Osborne, Art of the GOLD "BUG, they all pursue Basketball, Wagner College, away to attend. Saltmarsh, Ted Samakouris, Carl the same person-Alice Anne Yearley. Lou Pietrotorte Sturgill, Jim Voss, and Hugh Ward. "Snooks," as she is sometimes called Sunday, December 10 The older members wish to say that because of her thirst for the why and the direction and organization of a Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9 :15 Reverend Holdt To Speak the pledges seemed a bit hesitant on wherefore of a matter, matriculated male glee club and a select concert a. m. which is scheduled to go on on the Hill after being graduated group in several states. As I!- junior Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. In Chapel On Sunday the first night of initiation, but they finally got it in the end. It has been tour from Towson High School. An out- with Betty Bachtell, Lou composed Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, observed, however, that the new standing figure in extracurricular ac- and directed Tmdition, a musical 8:15 p.m. Rev. Robert Holdt of Darlington, pledges have entered into initiation tivities, this campus Trumpeter has show which was presented as the Md., will be the. Chapel speaker on antics with more spirit and enthu- recently been chosen from her school Monday, December 11 Sunday. to appear in Who's Who Among Stu- Junior Follies. He often instrumen- SCA Meeting, Baker Chapel, The Student Christian Association siasm than average. It is with pleas- 6:45 p. m. or "guee-tar" dents· in American Umiuereities and talizes with "uke" for his collection as of CUlI.tiQUBS de Noel, French Club has invited Rev. Holdt to speak on the ure that the old members extend their accompaniment to their greetings new most sincere Colleges. folk ballads. Church and Social Problems and a brothers. Athletics occupy much of her Carol Program, McDaniel Christian Attitude toward the war. leisure time. Perhaps this participa- Scholastic Brain Lounge, 7: 00 p. m. Following Chapel, he will appear at tion in all sports has contributed to Basketball, Dickinson, away Fireside. On Monday afternoon Rev. her firm belief in fair play, and to her Scholastically, Lou is a "brain". Holdt will lead discussions on these excellent coordination and timing in His double major of philosophy and topics in the Gamma Beta Chi and MURRAY CLEANERS all she does. Indeed, efficiency is the psychology have not been neglected Delta Pi Alpha fraternity rooms. key note to her active life. for his many extra-curricular activi- Save Money Russ Deragan, president of the ·Why, she even reads the newspa- ties. He heeds the philosophical fra- Save Trouble Student Christian Association, hopes Pick Up and DeJivery per with scissors in hand! As a con- ternity of Alpha Kappa Alpha and that many students and faculty mem- Every sequence, friends are in the habit of spends many of his "spare" moments BAUGHER'S special bers will attend these discussions. Monday and Thursday dropping into the room to scan the in deep discussions in the Grill or his news while Alice is still dusting her solitary tower room. MEAL TICKETS· brains for the day's activities. They Another of Lou's many offices is "MEET AT Phone usually arrive before the ninth or Brother Chi for the Gamma Bets. He Now On Sale Reisterstown 371 tenth sneeze, at least. It is a rather helped reorganize the fraternity when unusual welcome, to be sure. How- he was a freshman immediately after Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 PETE'S ever, she is not allergic to people, the war. As associate and feature and no gathering is complete without editor for the GOLD BUG, his articles her. Although she is always ready for have been noted for their thought and Compliments a good time, Alice tackles more seri- unique style. To Get Your Eats" oE ous undertakings conscientiously. Upon g-raduation he hopes to con- G.C. Murphy & Co. Main St.-Red Neon Sign J. C. Penney Co., Inc. Plans Teaching Future !~~~e st~dY:~~ i~o:: ~astba~~~r~~! / The Friendly Store he~S:a:::~ra~i~:~c~e:~C~;i~:h~~~d t: _:::~l:n~iSs~~~:,u:~~a~!~ ;!rs:~t:r~!~~ entific aptitude to good advantage. You inevitably meet Lou on a walk Dormitory and Classroom Speaking of science, particularly bi- across campus us he hurries from one ology, plants seem to thrive under her meeting to another, but there is al- Supplies watchful care. Pets also are plentiful ways a broad smile and a "Hi" from home, but here dormitory regula- this guy who is definitely "high on 6·10 West Main Street tions limit her to a menagerie of the the Hill." Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and stuffed variety. Walk into the room in Westminster, Md. Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and the dark" some night, and you are Holidays. Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 liable to stumble over the latest col- Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week- lection of rocks, or some fluttering in- Matinee 2 p.. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. sects doomed to be Exhibit A. But Everybody Is Welcome I when it comes to a spider on the wall, Griffin's To Stop In At WED., THUR., NOV. 29-30 TUES., WED., NOV. 28-29 that is another matter. There is a Bud- Abbot Lou Costello time and place for everything. Margaret & Earl's Eleanor Parker Frank Lovejoy HERE CD.r.IES THE CO-EDS About this time, we should mention THREE SECRETS THUR., FRI., NOV. 30 - DEC. 1 her good-natured fiance, Bill Snyder. Delicious Food - Candies Eo, Quite naturally, he is her main inter- FRI., SAT., DEC. 1-2 Double Feature est. But whatever we say about Alice, Sodas - Greeting Cards SANDWICHES- Burt Lancaster Dorothy McGuire WHEN YOU'RE SMILING ROOKIE FIREMAN we cannot overlook the fact that she SOFT DRINKS MISTER 880 is a sincere and honest friend. SAT., DEC. 2 FRESHMEN INVITED SUN., MON., TUES., DEC. 3, 4, 5 Charles Starrett Helen Mowery Errol Flynn Patrice Wynmore ACROSS THE BADLANDS ROCKY MOUNTAIN ._- IF YOU CAN'T GET IT SUN., MON., DEC. 3, 4 AT THE BOOK STORE WESTMINSTER'S Westminster'. WED., THUR., DEC. 6, 7 Mickey Rooney FIRE BALL . Pat O'Brien TRY FAMILY New Modern Drug Store Orson Welles. MACBETH Jannette Nolan TUES., WED., DEC. 6, 6 Double Feature DRUGS COFFMAN'S RESTAURANT SCHOOL SUPPLIES FRI., SAT., DEC. 8-9 CHINA TOWN AT MIDNIGHT BEAUTY ON PARADE and- Hardy Laurel Stationery Store Benny's Kitchen COSMETICS MARCH OF THE WOODEN Vincent Price FRI., DEC. 7-8 THUR., SODAS SOLDIERS EUen Drew Times Building Not the only place to eat in Bixler and Guild SUN., l\~ON., TUES., Dec. 10-11-12 THE BARON OF ARIZONA Westminster, but the best Jimmy Stewart Barbara Hale CREPE PAPER DrugCo. THE JACK POT Spade Coole~A.T., pEC. 9Marie Hurt GREETING CARDS 59 W. Main St., Westminster ! BORDER OUTLAWS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Phone 654-J John and l\~ain Sts. WED., THUR., DEC. 13, 14 SUN., MON., TUES., DEC. 10-11-12 , Walter Pidgeon Greer Garson Joseph Cotton Linda Darnell THE MINIVER STORY TWO FLAGS WEST I
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