Page 31 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 31
The Gold Bug, Dec. 12, 1950 W~gn~r Trounces WMC Preachers Win In Season's Opener, 67-37 Interfrat Tourney The interfraternity touch football On Friday, December 8, at New York, Wagner College trounced season ended on Thursday, November the Terror cagera 67-37 in the loser's first scheduled game of the 30, in 11 Iflast of cold wind and lots of current season. rain as the Preachers eked out a 7-6 Wagner bounded out to take an early game lead and at no time victory over the Bachelors who ended during the course of the contest were , .. in a tie for second place. the Green Terrors in a challenging po- they had held at half time, 30 points. Adverse weather conditions, how- ait.ion. In the first quarter, the Wag- Art Press led in the Terror scoring ever, prohibited the playing of the ner quintet rolled up 21 'points while column with a grand total of 13 season's final game between the Black the only Terror who could hit the hoop points, while Jerry Phipps took second and whites and the unvictorioua was Art Press who scored one field honors with eight points. The Wagner Gamma Bet team. According to the goal to make the Terror total two at scoring was well spread out. Hanni- official decision, this game will be re- the end oi the period. gan and Mahala tallied eight apiece corded as a 6-6 tie. The second quarter found the Ter- and Finley, Doody, and BosJ'ey scored This final win ga~ the Preachers 1'01'5 in almost as bad shape. In this Seven each. Only one player on the their sixth consecutive undefeated fifteen, the Green team managed to winners' line-up was unable to score. season. Seven years ago they were score 11 points. Wagner, however, just doubled the Terror score as they downed once and since that season the half, Rifle Team Wins sank a grand total of 22 points. As the Preachers have remained unbeaten horn sounded, ending the first and have been tied only three times. Wagner was way in front with a total Basketball Squad Warms Up IV T 43 points against Western Maryland's FirstMeet By Two Preachers 6 0 13, a 30-point margin. Bachelors 2 In the third q6sl'ter the TerrOl's The Western Maryland rifle squad Terrors Drop Pre-Season Black and Whites 2 fell just three short of equalling- the squeezed out a two-point victory over Gamma Bets 0 victor's SCOI'eof 14 points. The reverse the Frederick National Guard, COln4 was true in the final quarter as the pany AIl5, at the Frederick Armory Clash To Lehi~hAt York Green team out-scored the Wagner on December 6. WMC Team five by three. The winners tallied 10 Again this year the team will be points while the Western Maryland under the able direction of Sgt. Pur- quintet, in a late game rally, scored year, who holds a number of Army Press Leads Green Terror Team, Wrestles 13. awards for marksmanship. The As the final whistle sounded, Wag- squad's manager will be David Scoring Total Of Seventeen Points ner was on top by the same margin Rhoads. This 133&-1333 victory marks the The Western Maryland College bas- The WMC hccpstera should be a First Match Jan.12 WESTERN MARYLAND first win of the current season; but Forwards F.G. F.T. F. Pts. since the team's schedule is incom- ketball team dropped their first game winning teant this yeaf, and through Against F & M Press , 5 3 13 plete, it will not be published until the of the season 46-50 to Lehigh at York, practice should be able to polish up Phipps 0 8 next issue of the paper. on November 30. The Terror team the many rough spots which were so Petetzner ,0 Western Mal·yland outplayed the Pennsylvania five for evident all through this game. Foul The wrestling team, bolstered by Makowski 1 Totals three periods, and led for almost the shooting will come naturally as the the retu-rn Qf four veterans from last Ryhne 0 1. Ralph Gorten 276 whole game. But poor conditioning season progresses, and the condition year's squad, is rapidly getting into Moore 0 2. John Twiddy 271 slowed the Terrors considerably in the of the players, also, should improve shape for the season's opening match Center ,. 3. David Rhoads 267 last period, and they were unable to with them. against Franklin and Marshall on Hart David Buffington 264 fight off their rtvajs. January 12th. Guards 5. Bill Rhoads 257 The Terrors fleer work was not too The Diplomats of Erunklin and Rydzewski 1 good, but the team at that time had Marshall are expected to have one of Kaufman 0 1335 had only four i-egu'lar practices. The the best group of matmen in the East. Hallmark 0 6. Ted Bobilin 245 foul shooting was the main factor in This will be the first of the team's Hammaker 0 7. John Clayton 243 the defeat of the Green Team. Only eight-match schedule, not including Langrall 0 8. Ed Shattuck 242 eight out of twenty-three free-throws the post-season tournament contests. Totals were made. Had the Terrors been able Back fr-om last year's team are Don 15 7 37 Frederick National Guard to hit the hoop from the foul line, they McShane, who wrestles in the 121 lb. WAGNER 1. A. Kinsey 277 would have won hands down. class, Frank Wilsey, who tips the Forwards F.G. F.T. F. Pta, 2. Heff'nen 270 Art Press took individual scoring scale at 136, and l6S-pounder Jack Bosley 2 3 0 7 Strine honors rcr the 'I'ervoi-s with 17 mark- RaJI. noem 0 0 3. ,. Crum 2.' el's. Ernie Makowski was close behind, Sweeney 3 0 264 sinking six out of eight shots for 12 Bob Wilsey, another veteran mat will captain year, last Hannigan 0 5. Miller 258 points. Lefty Kaufman, Roy Rhyne, expert. from Bob usually weighs in at the team. Gromisch 1 and Bill Hallmark showed great Centers 1333 promise, and can be counted on to play about 128 pounds. Blomguist 6. W. Kinsey a big part in the Terrors forthcoming From McDonogh, in Baltimore, Petruss COUle three good prospects in Ray Guards Fuby, a 175-pounderj Dick Carvel, a Doody 165-pounder; and John Mallonee, who Coates weighs in at 145 pounds. Other new- Mahala comers are Gil Stange, a light-weight Finley of 121 pounds, Ken Ruehl at 175 F'rolandei- pounds, and Al Trevethan, a 165- pounder. Dick Hochstein will provide 29 11 67 heavyweight material for the squad. Score By Quarters Under the coaching of BiU Kern 1 2 3 4 lind Leo Luthroum, the team has been Western Maryland 2 13 24 37 holding daily workouts. According to Wagnel' 21 43 57 67 Coach Ker-n, this yeal"s squad should be us good as any Western Maryland Boxing Team squad of the past rour years. January 12 Franklin and Marshall Away Needs Support 20 Gallaudet Away Feln-ua ry At latest reports, it seems doubtful 3 Drexel IIome whether Western Maryland College 10 Bucknell Home. will have the manpower to form a 14 Loyola Away boxing team for competition in the 23 Baltimore U. Away Intercollegiate Boxing Association. 28 Catholic U. Away Last year we lost. by g-raduation, our March captain, John Seiland, and Joe Cor- 2 Towson Away letto, heavyweight. Returning to the, 6-7 Mason Dixon Toul'ney team from last yeal"s squad are Ted Towson Samakouri!!, John J\folesworth, and Watson Solomon, all in the heavier weight classes. This year the team needs more strength in the lower Freshmen To Open ''MEET AT weight groups. Incidentally, the training schedule Against Dickinson £01' the boxer is compal"itiveiy easy on PETE'S With their opener last night at ~:~ ~~i;~~u~~'ur~a:a~s: a~~ :~~:~o:~! Dickinson, the Western Maryland in to train at any time dul'ing-the day. freshman basketball team remains a To Get Your Eats" Therefore, a boxer may work out question mark. daily without iear of interrupting his Superior State College is the Cafe- The squad has been slow in develop- Main St.-Red Neon Sign study schedule. teria because it is·a cheerful place ing, but Coach Boyer is of the opinion Western Maryland hail been boxing that tIley will be well-drilled and ill the Inter Collegiate League since -full of friendly collegiate atmos- ready by the time they take on the 1927, when Coach Harlow started the phere. And when the gang gathers Red Devil's frosh aggJ."egation. team. In that time the team has won No definite starting lineup can be Everybody Is Welcome second place in the intercollegiate around, ice-cold Coca-Cola gets the To Stop In At tournaments five times, and has :~~t~~::e:rya~~~iso:~!' s~::~l ~~~~:~ earned fourteen individual titles. call. For here, as in college haunts action as Boyer attempts to come up This season's schedule now includes everywhere-Coke belongs. with a winning combination. HOwever, Margaret & Earl', three matches: Penn State, and Gath- he has established a tentative initial fo, olic University, away j and Army at .. both quintet. At the-forwards, it will prob- home. Light or heavy weight, yonr trade-marks mean Ihe S4me thing. ably be Pat Rogan and Dick Linton. SANDWICHES- presence on the team is greatly Dusty Martinell \vill get the nod at SOFT DRINKS needed. Western Maryland needs BOm:£D UNDER AUTHORITYOf THE COCA.COLA COMPAtoI't IIY center, while the guard posts will be manpower to keep its fine boxing tra- WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA 80'ITLING CO., INC. held down by Bill Pfieffer alld Bill FRESHMEN INVITED dition of 23 yeal's standing.-Eds. C 1950, Th~ C<>C
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