Page 36 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug, Jan. 9, 1951 High On The Hill Tuesday, January 9 College Calendar 23 Tuesday, January Basketball, Mt, St. Mary's, AM-2TTS wednesday, January II) away Exams- by Betty Shivers by Betty Bruhtell by Dot Schmidt Luthe~an StudentS Meeting, Mc- PM-3MWF Audrey Meredith came to Western Daniel Lounge, p:45 p. m. Wednesday, January 24 If you happen to pass room 203 on Exams- the second floor of Blanche Ward, you Maryland in 1949 from Wesley Junior Thursday, January 11 AM-4MWF will hear strains from a borrowed College" in Dover and made a record Basketball, Catholic U., away PM-ITTS ukulele which June Beaver thinks she for transfer students by becoming Friday, January 12 Thursday, January 25 has learned to play. Even Santa Claus house president of McDaniel after Wrestling, Franklin and Marshall, Exams- realized that June's talents did not lie only a year on the Hill_.It's not hard away AM-4TTS in uke playi~, therefore she failed to to tell where she hails from; just Saturday, January 13 PM.......gTTS receive one for Christmas. However, listen to that soft drawl lambast any Mid-Century Ball, Delta Pi Alpha, Friday, January 26 the melody of "Those Endearing Yankee who tries to insult "God's' Gill Gym, 8:30-11:30 p. m. Exams- Young Charms" from the borrowed country." A pint-sized blonde, with Basketball, Gallaudet, away AM-5TTS and BioI. 301, Econ. uke continues to float down the hall. blue eyes, she's better known as Eth, Boxing, Army, away 309B, French 303, Greek 101, because she looks so much like an Sunday, January 14 Latin 103 Ethiopian. Sunday School, Bakel' Chapel, PM-IMWF Sh"e's a hard worker, but it doesn't 9:15a.m. . END OF FIRST SEMESTER! tlike;much persuasion to make her in- Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Tuesday, January 30 terrupt her studies for a "doe" session Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, Second Semester Begins, 7 :50 a. m. or a few haade of bridge. Every night 8:15 p. m. Thursday, February 1 at 9:55, she drops everything, but her l'\londay, January 15 Basketball, Shippensburg, home keys, and starts off on the nightly Assembly, WMC Orchestra, Student (Note change of detel) lock-up. She does her duty, but in- "I'll take the final check to see if Conductors, Alumni Hall, 11:30 Friday, February 2 the'doors are locked"; is a recurrent forms the McDaniel Hall girls as to a. rn. Concert, National Symphony' Or- statement made by Blanche Ward's which door will be locked last, so they IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, chestra, Alumni" Hall, 8:15 p. m. "Jr. Mom" every night at eleven. Lois can make the most of those few pre- 7 p. rn. Saturday, February 3 Hicks, our cbnscientious house prexy, cious minutes. FTA Meeting, 'Hering Hall, 7 p. m. Boxing, Penn State, home is unassuming but dependable and Thursday, January 18 Sunday, February 4 indispensable to all her dormitory Basketball, Loyola, home Sunday School, Baker Chapel, colleagues. As for this responsibility, Sat.urday, January 20 0:15 a. m. little things never annoy her and-she Basketball, Baltimore U., away Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p- m. can cope with the big ones efficiently" \Vrestling, GaVaudet, away Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, accomplishing everything with a mini- Sunday, January 21 8:15 p. m. mum of effort. Sunday School, Baker Chapel, With a variety of interests, Lodie 9:15a.m. PATRONIZE divides her afternoons between the l\lonrlay, January 22 OUR "ology" labs (histology, ecology, and Exams- ADVERTISERS. zoology) in her effort to attain a t..r.,! - 2MWF June Beaver biology major and home economics PM--3MWF and Art 227 minor, She heads the biological fra- plishments are far beyond strumming .fer-nit'y of Beta Beta Beta and spends MURRAY CLEANERS the ukulele, Arriving on the Hill, a many of her spare minutes catching Everybody Is Welcome freshman' from Patterson Park High bugs, beetles and any other specimens To Stop In At School, June has risen "High on the . to add to her collection. Pick Up and Delivery Hill." Recently chosen to appear in _ During her freshman and sopho- Every Who's Who Among Students in more years, you undoubtedly remem- tvt.rgard &' Earl' 5 American Colleges and Universities, bel' the pep and vigor that Lodie fo, Monday and Thursday June is president of Iota Gamma Chi added to the cheering squad at the sorority and news-editor of the GOLD various athletic functions. She has al- SANDWICHES-- Phone BUG. ways been a sports enthusiast and as- Audrey IIfel'idith SOFT DRINKS Reisterstown 371 Nevertheless, if you need someone sisted last year's men's sport editor to help decorate or make a poster at for the GOLD BUG. The first floor wing has grown ac- FRESHMEN INVITED the last minute, yell for June, for she Boasts Five Roommates customed to seeing a %lazed-ey~d Audrey, beating time with her bamboo has that special knack of doing things In our college society, she is prob- baton-just practicing for that con- Compliments and doing them well, just at the zero ably one of the few girls who can say ducting program. With Kitty as her hour. she has had five roommates (three roommate, you have the makings of IF YOU CAN'T GET IT of Serves Midnight Snacks ~~; ~~~i;ec~:~\!~~te~~gree) and a a fine duet, and they often bm-st into AT THE BOOK STORE J. C. Penney Co., Inc. If you happen to wander into her . As an ardent Delt, Lodie is a hard song at odd moments. But how would TRY I you like to be awakened by the strains room about midnight for one of her worker who really enjoys the activi- of "Jingle Bells" at 2 a. m.? Is it mother's wonderful cookies, you will ties in which she engages. She is a any wonder they have a collection of COFFMAN'S \ find June about to begin that 500 page .member of the Aloha staff, continuing old shoes and alarm clocks ill their book due tomorrow or if perhaps she her literary interests carried over room? does not have a book report or a from her position as editor of the Audrey will be 'in a In September, test for the next day, she and her Glen Ridge High School yearbook. new school, this time as a teacher, but Stationery Store Griffin's roommate will be gabbing ill some Neatness is an integral part of crazy jabber about the price of eggs Lodie's character. She -is a patient we know Eth'lJ make music wherever Times Building in China, frozen rhubarb, and bicycles listener to everyone's troubles, but she goes. - on Sunday. light manner conceals her own. With CREPE PAPER Delicious Food - Candies June has her serious side, too. a deep understanding and insight into These days, this Argonaut is making the whys and wherefores of others, Westminster', GREETING CARDS Sodas - Greeting Cards the library her second ho~e. That she has endeared herself to many but New Modern Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES seminar paper on Shelley has robbed pushes herself on none. Her dry wit Baltimore's Pratt Library as well as essence of genuine sense of humor WMC's of all Shelley's chief works. plus her conscientious scholastic er- DRUGS When asked what her hobbies are, forts add life to any gathering. SCHOOL SUPPLIES June would answer reading and Besides plans for a future in di- COSMETICS painting. Yet sleeping is really what ctetics, Lodie also hopes to apply her she does in her leisure moments, Many home economics with a "Homer" of SODAS nights her shut-eye is but a couple of her own. As a faithful member of hours long; so naturally she is ready the Letter-A-Day-TO-Future-Hus- Bixler and Guild to tumble into bed when it is possible. bands' Club, she is an artist with the Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Having spent die last two summers 'needle and in the kitchen. Drug Co. Holidays. Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 at Rosewood (as an attendant of Although she hails from Glen Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week- ~;:::e\~~;k~~: ~~:::sses that she has ..'~~~~,' ~::~:rs~~~ h:i~~~~n:an=:': John and Main Sts. Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. Maryland, where she is High Olt the ·HilI. TUES., JAN. 9 SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 7-8-9 This versatile gal, who has majored. r--------...;..., FOR HEAVENS SAKE KANSAS RAIDERS Future Teacher Technicolor in everything from art to biology, Save Money Clifton W~bb Joan Bennett Andie Murphy Brian Donlevy finally decided upon English and G.e. Murphy & Co. Save Trouble WED., THUR., JAN. 10-11 math. As for her future, this educa- WED., THUR., JAN. 10-11 tion student will tell you that she is The Friendly Store TWO WEEKS WITH LOVE HIT PARADE OF 1951 going to be a core-teacher. Yet her BAUGHER'S special Jane Powell Ricardo Montalban John Carroll Estelita Rodriguez real hope is to receive a scholarship Dormitory aJ1.(l Classroom ta study iIYEngland. Recently she has MEAL TICKETS FRI., SAT., JAN. 12-13 FRI., SAT., JAN. 12-13 even been talking about joining the Supplies . Now On Sale WATCH THE BIRDIE - REDWOOD FOREST TRAIL Air Corps. ' Red Skelton \ Arlene Dahl Rex Allen Jeff Donnell A sincere and faithful friend, as 6-10 West Main Street SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 14-15-16 well as II capable worker, June will be 1 Md. Worth $5~50- Cost $5.00 SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 14-15-16 successful in any position she may Westmins~, !'I1R. MUSIC Walt Disney's chor.ile. TREASURE ISLAND Bing Crosby and an All-Star Cast Technicolor WED., THUR., JAN. 17-18 WED., THUR., ·JAN. 17-18 PREACHERS MADE IT! That's all you need to know ... fOI" in that one little JOAN OF ARC HIGHWAY 301 phrase is the SUlumationof all the entertainment, quality, beauty and value Ingrid Bergman Hose Joseferrer Steve Cochran Virginia Gray FRI., SAT., JAN. 19-20 that make Delta Pi Alpha danfjes su~h worthwhile' affairs. It's the careful, FRI., SAT., JAN. 19-20 NORTH OF THE GREAT DIVIDE unhurried "inside handwork" that makes the difference in diderellt dances NEXT VOICE YOU HEAR Roy Rogers Perry Edwards Jane Whitmore Nancy Davis on the Hill. We invite you to discover a new dancing pleasure in our new SUN., MON., JAN. 21-22 SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 21-22-23 AMERICAN GUERRILLA IN TIlE Mid.Century Ball, Janua"ry 13, 1951. PAGAN LOVE SONG PHILIPPINES Esther Wi'lliams Howard Keele Tyrone Power Michellen Prelle
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