Page 30 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug, Dec. 12, 1950 Peace on Earth---1950 A WMC Coecl Writes To Santa Nineteen hundred and fifty years ago, to a sad and wearied world, came a Western Maryland College voice of hope: "For, behold, 1 bring you good tidings of great jo~', which shall December 1, 1950 be to all people .... And suddenly there was with the. angel a multitude of the Dear Santa, heavenly host, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on I know You will be surprised to re- earth, peace, good will to men.''' ceive a letter from me this year since ye~~:ou~~;~t ~:v:pa:r::m:~ thJ:~ Christmas Story, 1950 I have neglected our correspondence -- recently. But I have a few requests awakened, hoped and despaired, by Jo Bentz that you might be able to fill. I guess 1f' fought and died for the ideals herein I'm J10t abnormal when I ask for a expressed, peace and good will to "You'd better mtt; new dress or two to help complete my men. Fou.'d bcttl.t1" not cry; wardrobe rcr the holiday festivities I Tt is extremely difficult for us You'd bctter ,".at pout, hope to attend. You might even help Ame_ricans, who have been feared 1''111 tellin' you why- that along if you dropped my name with a love for God and respect for Santa Claus is comi11g to trn.01t ... and phone number in several mascu- our fellow men, who ask only to be al- line stockings I have knit. I would also lowed to live in peace with good will The boy in the next seat is only like a new diet formula which would toward men, to understand why time twenty. He has never been on all air- cause me to lose pounds in the right after time we have been called upon plane before. He looks around and out places without sacrificing chocolate to fight and die. And yet it is in the the window curiously. He's in uni- milk shakes. An enlarged allowance angel's message "which shall be to all form. "Are you going home for would be appreciated if you find an people" that we find the answer. Christmas?" you ask. extra one in your pack. 1 wouldn't Not just peace and liberty for the His smile tightens. "No. I'm going dream of asking you for anything so United States, but for all nations to Formosa. I'm on my way to Cali- huge as a cal', but it would be nice if whose liberties are threatened. fornia to be shipped over." Merry Illy best friend, Jane, got one. We "Oh." whnr-cun you say? Another Onrrstmes has just about Have a good time?" would also like a copy of all the com- arrived, 1950. Another year we Si11g Olu-istmaa? ing exams with the answers if you ~ You look at him. He's a short boy, carols, give gifts, nnd enjoy holiday could possib1,v manage it. Maybe you feasting-and another yenr the world from Dallas, with a rreckle-covered could even hint that the faculty dis.. I would be much Christmas---A Hoiiday? is filled with the horrors of war; an- face and blue eyes. He talks about his card the whole idea entirely. and kids other year the links of Qur family family-seven "All my brothers his mother But, gee, Santa and father. were in chains are scattered over the face of happier if in my Christmas stocking World War IT, but I was too young .. 1 could find that Christmas Not fOl' death! Not for the thousands of doctors, nurses, hospital attend- or-ig-inal :!e nee:~~:::~:t~~:r~h:~e,\;.::::yn~~~~ They all got back O.K." gift-"Peace on earth, good will to ants, policemen, and wrecker crews! Not for the thousands of anxious, griev- It was 3:15 a. m. when the plane teen hundred and fifty years ago. In men." ing families who will heal' words of doom-"dead"-"nevel' walk again"-or some ways, yes; in others, no. In the took off; so he tried to sleep. He can't. equally tr-agic phrases! Not for those who will be suffering iII. hospitals 01' proven atrocities of our enemies, we You can't either. those who have been hurtled into eternity! A golden-red sunrise sends its glow have the same barbaric tendencies oyer the sleeping, snow-covered roofs. Pins In POi!1ts· Wh~? Because we will be celebrat- wrote a play Continued Rain- that have existed among men since ing ow' holiday in a selfish, reckless the beginning of time. But in the The sun keeps rising. It doesn't The Thanksgiving holidays brought fashion. Walter Ferris Talr(!s United Nations, we have men, lead- know about ideologies of war. It a welcome interval of relaxation to all in 1929 which he called Death 1\ play to- Changing ToSleet doesn't care who kiJ1s who, or what ers, whether they be weak or strong, people it shines on, 01' how many .. of the hard workers on the Hill. They A Holiday. weee he writing whether or not they make mistakes, if any. also brought an engagement ring to day, he could find plenty of material who are fil'ying to find ways to solve \ the finger of Jo Bentz, '52. She plans to title Death Takcs No Holiday, or "Weather forecast for Maryland perhaps more afternoon world problems. • , The ROTC boys went dO"\fll"the hill to be married next summer to Johnny; Death- Takes even All Hol'idays. appropriately, and vicinity: Colder this in the low with lowest temperature God give us men-strong men who to march in the Ohrlatmas parade. In Wallace of Corsicana, Texas. Before each big holiday, the Na- 30's dropping to 27 degrees tonight. relief Overseas is being aided by will be able to see accurately, think their uniforms, guns against their various social clubs on campus. Gam- tional Safety Council prophesies the Continued rain changing to sleet ... " clearly, and act courageously! God shoulders, they marched to the town ma Beta Chi is sending aid to a fam- number of casualties expected during The icy rain beating against the give us nations that will put greed in the deepening twilight. ily in Europe; the Phi Alpha Mu so- the celebration. Memorial Day, windshield was a glaring reminder of and personal gain aside for world rority is taking care of a European Fourth of July, and Labor Day take a the weather in "Maryland and vicin- welfare and security! God give us "Now, I want eaeb of you to draw a .orphan; and Sigma Sigma Tau soror- heavy toll due to the exodus of city ity." He was driving horne for' the youth of all lands who will once again Christmas picture on the paper I give ity is selling birthday calendars in folk to the beaches. However, Christ- Christmas holiday; and Carol, his best dream dreams and work to fulfill you." order to obtain money for CARE mas and New Year's carry their own girl, was going as far as Baltimore these dreams, steadfast of heart and The West End first graders got out packages to be sent overseas. On the haeat-ds, Icy, snowy streets, everybody. with him. As the car sped along the spit·it. their creycns. home front, Pi Alpha Alpha will en- rushing from party to party, holiday highway, they made the final arrange- We are passing through dark days, 0111.' little girl drew a picture of a tertain with a variety show at the spirits-emotional and liquid-mixed ments for New Year's Eve, when he when it seems once again that the house, with a Christmas tree on either Strawbridge Home for Boys, Wednes- in unwise quantity, bring pain, sor- would be visiting in her home town. Christmas message has been lost for side of it, a red chimney, and a Santa day, December 13. This is the first of row, and destruction. 'IVhen the strains of White Christmo.fJ all time. Yet above the noise, con- Claus going down the chimney. At a series of programs to be given for What can we do? Much! It is most came ever the radio, Carel thought it fusion, and intense loneliness of bat- the top of the paper were some blue various organizations in this vicinity. difficult, for young people particu- was the opportune time to give Bruce tie, those same stars still shine on as loops. I examined her picture. "Isn't Have you seen the new sign adorn- larly, to "take it easy." 'Ve live in an his gift since she would not see him on of old; and to each fighting man that pretty. But what are these things ing the entrance to the GOLD BUG age of speed and accomplishment. But Christmas day. He shook the package tentatively and t.hen began to open it office? It should be hard to mills after wherever he may be, those stars still at the top?" members of the starr paint the door a if we pause each time we enter the with one hand. As he opened the box She looked hold the hope of the future, the hope "Bombs," she said. Ull matter-of-factly. bright green. driver's seat of an autonlobile and he glanced down at it. In that split of home and Ch.ristmas, that hope for Peggy Kerns, senior, has been ap- realize that the gaunt spectre of death second, the car suddenly skidded on climbs in and sits beside us, it may which he is willing to give his life if "fIe knows Tvillm you aTe sleephlg,- pointed by MADEMOISELLE to rep- help dete\" some of our carelessness. the icy road and plunged OVeJ: the em- need be. As he raises his eyes to those He know8 when YQ7~'J'; resent this campus on the magazine's There al'e some people who find bankment. There was a sickening stars, he hears again the angel's song; He knows when you've bee'/!.ba.d 01" CoUege Board. She will report to ways of assuring themselves that crush as metal was crushed like pa- snd he is filled \vith the courage to go good, MADEMOISELLE on campus news, they will..:l0t forget to be careful. A per. Then silence-terrifying silence on. To each saddened and lonely heart So bc good fer guodness sake. fads, and fashions. During the year small button, "Safety first, last, and -broken by the whine of a police at home, those same stars hold the ... Santa Cla,tls is cO'Il1ing to Wwn." she will also complete three magazine alway!!," pinned just ovel· tbe wind- sil·en. A state t'·ooper examined the in a competition for one promise of a new day, a day when assignments guest editorships, to be shield, is quite 811 effective method. unconscious form under the wheel. He of twenty once more the guns of wal' will be awarded in June. Everybody cnn not have or maybe called to his companion, "How's the silenced, when in all truth the words doesn't want such a reminder. If not, girl, Mac?" of the old carol will ring from the Congratulations to Pat Fetcho and th.:!y should at least develop a .per· "Dead." 'I'he trooper dosed his eyes wearily hearts' of all the people of all the Mistletoe Tradition Began sonal code for safe driving', enabling Chuck Silberstein lor their election as us to d"astically rerluce this year's fat' a moment. 'fho same old story. earth: freshmen student government repre- A. Scandinavian Legend ca:;;ualties. Such a code should in- Then he noticed the open box by "For lo! the days ate hast'ning on, sentatives! May they do their job well clude: Bruce's side. In it lilY one Hl'gyle sock By prophet bnrds foretold, and find success in this work. Decorations, Decoratioml, DecOl'a- I promise myself that I shall: und a note Wllkh read "IOU one sock. When with the ever-circling year~ Five of your Council members went tions!!! Chl'isbllas trees, poinsettias, 1. allow myself sufficient time to Caro1." Half-pityingly, half-contempt- Comes round the age of gold; to a regional SGA conference this wreaths, holly! And mistletoe----that reAch !!"IY destination, including tillle uously, he looked at Bl'uce and Whell Peace shall over all the eal·th past week in Washington, D. C. Rep~ wit.hered little branch of greenery for possible traffic delays. thought, "It's not 'lOU one sock. Its ancient splendol·s fling, resentatives from neighboring col- that hangs above the doors of most 2. drive at a speed which is safe Carol,' but 'IOU one life. Bruce!" And the 10Iwle 1110tid give back the leges and universities were present. homes, espeeially when there's a for my cal' and toe locality in which I song Several discussion periods occupied scheming co_cd residing nearby. Why, am dl'iving-even if this is below the Look Into The Future Which now the angels sing." rno!!t of the conference. The problems we've seen people covel' every store maximum speed allowed. under discussion were: distribution, in t.he city, literally begging for "just 3. not dl'ink if I'm driving and not by Jay Eggly honor systems, and how the student one little sprig" of that white-berried drive if I have been dl'inking. representatives can best ~erve the stu- plant! More fascinating' than the 4. obey all traffic signals, whether What are you going to do New THE GOLD BUG dent body. We hope. some of the ab- much desired twig itself, is the legend in or not any other vehicles are in sight and Year's Eve, 1985? Take a jaunt to the moon, spend it. behind Aunt with a weekend The. word mistletoe, will ideas sorbed suggcstions and 5. try to be as understanding prove v!lluable to you, should they be. flower language, means "give me a courteous to· road-hogs and stupid 1\1ary on the North Star, or take the made active. kiss." (!) From this pbl'ase, an in- driver~ as I would be to any other $2.51 excursion to outer space? Had the proverbial foresight heen triguing myth developed. As the story mentalll deficient people I may meet. Yes, you'll have your choice of as good as the hindsight, the misun- goes, Balder (the Scandinavian name 6. keep my cal' in the most perfect these and many more. Who can tell? derstanding following the assembly for Apollo) received a charm from mechanical condition possible. By that time we may even have been Member would not have resulted. The Home- his mother, Frigga, (or Venus) If you would make and keep such a able to make safe drivers out of all all evil springing the from Associated Collegiate Press coming generated enthusiasm for the against elements--fire, ail', earth, and code, you will undouhtedly save life; our present day highway cowboys. Now you know what'!; next. I go on four organization of and the participation and, as the safety so often experts Subscription Price $2.00 a Year of the public in a fund-raising cam- water. But Loki, an evil spirit as well say, it lllay be your own. to an es!>ay on why we should drive paign for WMC. This served to set as an enemy of Balder's, formed an "like mother says" so we can live to EOITORIAL STAFF the stage for the general campaign. arrow from mistletoe-a pla~lt whieh see these pllenomena of the future. I FAiwr·;n·Chi..l Stan Ilow!.b<>y.·6Z It was brought to the attention of did not grow fl'om any of the ele- of beauty and love, and because she tell you not to see how many people Managin!! Edito~ ... _.._.Jan~ M!in""" M"nllllel"5 Betty Love! .."",. '51 and improve her facilities. mother, became the white berries of tletoe--a tradition just as deepl~' You !reep that over-sized kiddie car Larry Bailey, '51 Ad"ertia;ng M..n~er _ . Bill Rhoad8, '61 You fired the shot heard by our mis~letoe. Much to Frigga's happi- rooted as, and more unh'ersally known on tIle road. Don't take the cu'!.'vesout CIrculation Managera____.Peg!lY B""wo. 'fil alumni, friends, anti the public. ,Let ness, Balder was restored to life again than, any we have in this country to- of that winding road. It's no fun to Jay Egg!),. ·51 our campaign be "the shot in the through the efforts of the gods: There- day. spend your "dough" on doctor's bills. arm" tJlat will put this eampaign well fore, Frigga deereed that the plant Of all the nights witkin the YCfJ,)', But just to make my point, I'll let ovel· its goal! mistletoe must never again serve as 011,oh, the lI~istletoo/ you in on a little secret----the "thing" Merry Christmas and a Happy New an instrument of mischief. That's the 1!'ight t,o loVlws dear, is the 1950 accident report for this Year. Frigga, since she wa~ the goddess Ok, ok, the 1nistletoe! nation.
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