Page 29 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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Library ',iestern Maryland College . !J3t"1j.'U:1ter, 1·/1(1. mrrry 1ItuPPt! QIQri.almull Nrw Irur Vol.28, No. 7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 12, 1950. College Players, Trumpeters Prepare Student Conductors Annual Seminary Pageant Tonight . Choir Present For Annual Dinner To Lead Orchestra Sym- Based On Far Eastern .Paintings Western Little Maryland's December 13, Tomorrow evening, Theo- Again this year, the Nativity Guild of the Westminster Chapel Service the Annual Christmas Banquet will be phony Orchestra will make its initial logical Seminary will present the outdoor performance of the Na- held at the usual dinner hour in the appearance of the year under student tivity. This twenty-first annual presentation will take place tonight Last Sunday evening, the College Dining Hall. conductors at an assembly in Alumni at 8:15. If there is inclement weather, the alternate date is Thurs- Players and the Choir combined tal- It has been the custom in past years Hall on Monday morning, January ents in the presentation of the annual for the women students to dress for- 15. day, December 14. Director of the program which is Christmas Chapel Service. mally for the occasion. This tradition The ten student directors, all sen- course offered each by the music de- Glee Club Presents The Choir, under the direction of has expired in the past few years, but iors, are members of the conducting entitled A Stor Roee in Thg. East, is Professor de Long, presented the first will be revived again this year. Dee- ....Miss Dorothy Elderdice. As the title indicates, the pageant for this year is Murray, Bet- AAUW Concert half of the service, singing the tradi- orattcns for the affair will be sup- partment and taught by Mr. Philip S. designed to emphasize the oriental as- tional Christmas Carols of several plied by the Trumpeters and the fol- Royer. Shirley Bankert pect. The Annunciation and Manger countries. Germany was represented lowing group of Junior girls: Libby ty Bachtell, Lincoln Justice, Patricia The Women's Glee Club, under the Tableaus are based on the paintings by the famous carol In Duwi Jttbilo, Schubert, Mary Bell Shawn, Virginia Shear, Audrey Meredith, Janet Her- direction of Miss Grace Murray, pre- of the Chinese artist, Lu Hung-Nien. and the contrfbuticn of France was Hale, SalJy Griffin, Corinne Schofield,. ing, Kitty Olewiler, Betty Crosswhite, sented its traditional Christmas con- Bring G Torch, Jca.nnette 18a.bel14. Dottie Shoemaker, Dottie Lien, Janice Harriet Kahn, and Bill Simpson are cert for the American Association of Costumes in Mongolian style will be Tile Choir terminated its selection of Zaiser, Jeanne Dixon, Charlotte Reed, debuts as conmdu,:,;,:;",,.,,.... '!"'1""'__ University Women, Westminster chap- used by the shepherds and wise men. the students who will be making their songs with the well-known "Hallelu- and Kay McLaughlin. Entertainment ter, on Tuesday evening, December The international aspect of the jah ChOl'US" from the Meesiah by will consist of carol singing by the ::oiiII.... :""IIIIOiI· ~McDaniel Lounge. pageant will be emphasized and pro- Handel. waiters, brought to a close with group Glee Club sang by 'memory vided by representatives of different geulptures Portray Nativity participation. an a appeJIa arrangement of The. countries now on the Hill and in the The College Players, under Miss Sh6phe. d's GhristWULlJ, a cantata by community. The Angel Chorus, dl- Esther Smith's guidance, portrayed the Morto J. Luvaas. Before each chorus rected by Mr. George Beanett of the Nativity of Jesus by the use of the and 0, a short spoken portion of the Robert Moton School, will denote in- sculpture. Members of the Choir pro- of the Christ Child was given. tei-recial significance. The Prophet of vided the musical backdrop for this The Cantata described the angels tell- the East and the Prophet of the West pageant, the themes being quoted ing the shepherds of the birth of carry the. contilluity of the pageant. from the Holy Bible, using the lines Christ and the journey of the shep- The thought is conveyed that while from the Gospels Mathew and Luke. herds to the manger. they differ in some respects, they are Kenneth Shook was the narrator, Anne Smutny compiled th, Christ- one in the spirit of brotherhood. while Mary Hawkins portrayed the mas Story narrative which was pre- 'those participating in the produc- Virgin Mary; John Suckling, Joseph; sented by Janet Hering. Soloists tion are as follows: Prophet of the Anna Lee Park, the Angel of Annun- were Winifred Spencer, soprano; Eva East, Kenneth Watkins; Prophet,' of ciation; and Bill Simpson, Herod the Lindahl, second soprano; and Marilyn the West, John Coffman; Mary, Bar- Great. Henry Ernst took the part of universities Hardester, alto. The descant 'was sung bara Ann Duley; Aununciation Angel, the first king; Joseph Luperini, the more Inter Mary Bell Shawn, Betsy Jones, James Coan; Josepb, Jack Ammon; second king; and Bill Simpson, the part of the anet Hering. Harriet ~ahn ec- Inn Keeper, Francis Kinzler; Wise third king. The inn keeper'wea Henry in mind, a . the soloists. Men, Harold Ammons, Frank Weller, Erw,t, Roger Ault was the first ahep- guratedat refreshments Arthur Neal; Shepherds, Robert herd; Fred Keefer, the second shep- it is still i Club by the Mussman, Billee Miek, Guthrie Mell- herd-; and James Sullivan, the third few drills er, Kenneth Conant, Edward Wright, shepherd. James Duley, Douglas Cooney, Ernest Tableaux Angels Hummer, Paul Woodbury, Jr., Wil- The angels used in the tableaux liam B. Hitchans, J. David Mench- were: Ruth Lee, Nell Hughea, Audrey hofer; Angel Chorus, Robert Moton Phillips, Kerseley Gates, Jane Hisle, Girls' Chorus singing Alklluiah by Marilyn Worden, Barbara Bankson, American airs,, by the Ann White; Soloist, Katherine Hill; Elizabeth Walter, Marsha Beebe, same arranger, will follow, conducted Angels at Windows, Paula Schilling, Jean Wilkes, Peggy Timmons, and by Harriet Kahn. ms was the Sue Chandler, Patricia Howes, Kathy Diane Carey. last meeting Widener, Marjorie Woodward; Angel As the finale of the concert, the The honor of the Nativity, Patricia Shaeffer; orchestra will .play "One Fine Day" Nationals: India, Kay McLaughlin; Students Organize from Puccini's opera, Madame- But- Siam, Pale Snidvongs; Philippines, terlf:y, to he led by Bill Simpson, with Jerry Grandea : Japan, Taekp Kami- Kitty Olewiler singing the aria. All Fund Campaign of the numbers to be played have yama; Korea, George Shyn; Germany, Sauerbrei; Hermann Netherlands, Canterbury The student body of Western Mary- been arranged by Mr. C. Paul Her- eld wednes- Henrietta Essom; Sweden, Eva Lin- land-College voted to have a student furth. in McDaniel dahl; Brazil, Sonja de Silva; Vene- fund campaign in cooperation with hn Anschutz zuela, Tony Lopez; American Indian, the Western Maryland Mid-Century Henry Morris; Booker T. Washing- Advancement Drive at the SGA as- ton, Prancts Gates; St. Paul, William sembly on December 5. Bill Simpson, Cook. preeiding officer, introduced the topic, 'I'he lighting of the Gold cross 011 and the voting follqwed after a motion the tower of the Seminary at six from the floor. Harry LeFew was o'clock will announce the performance named chairman of the general stu- with the traditional playing of Silent dent comntittee. Night on the chimes as a prelude. A committee composed of the presi- dents and at least one other repre- sentative from each class has been MS, a can- Ensor Addresses selected. These l·epresentatives who s Glee Club, will head the various class committees the senior class of If ace Murray. The are: Lou Pietroforte, Angela CI"Others, the Christmas season with DraFt Elegible Men Malcolm Meltzer, MiJlard Lescallete, of carob sung at the homes of fac ' ........ l!1III'lI""'followthe Christmas Libby Schubert, Jack Lambert, Jane members. The seniors will continue and will be presented in President Lowell S, Ensor delivered McLeod, Ashby Collins, Janet Cross, !~~~i:~ t~e~~i!~;OI~:gt:: 4~~~ a~ym~e- turned t~ th~ campus. . . Baker Chapel. a brief address at the Student Govern- and Dick Carvel. The carolers will assemble in FoUowmg lS a letter of apprecIatIOn Holy Communion will be observed ment assembly held last· Tuesday in At the SGA assembly this morning, Thursday evening at 7:00 p. m. in Alumni Hall, directed chiefly to the Bill Simpson presented Dr. Ensor, Blanche Ward Gym, where they will to ROTC cadets and ~a.nd me~bers Baker Chapel. men students, in which he stressed the who made a brief address. Dr. Ensor be served cocoa, coffee, sandwiches, • from the Professor of MIlitary SCIence MSM present world crisis and what it stated that his aim was to clear up a and other refreshments by the junior and Tactics, Lt. Col. Robert S. Red- At the last meeting of the MSM, means for the college man. few of the misconceptions that had members of the Intersorority Council, field: Dr. Ghandler of the Westminster arisen. He hopes that the students assisted by members from each soror- "Your interest and participation Theological Seminary spoke on "The Today, the United States faces a hnve the welfare of the college at ity. After refreshments are served, in an affair such as this parade, Life and Loves of John Wesley." situation which may !ingru· ten to heart, and will support the campaign the senior class will proceed as a on your own time, is commend- A New Year's Fellowship Banquet twenty yean, so that one of the gov- either becausc of their loyalty to group to the homes of the faculty able. It indicates a spirit of coop- is being held on the tenth of January ernment's major problems is to keep WMC or through the realization that members, where the carolers will sere- eration and an interest in your at the Methodist Church in Westmin- men moving through the colleges to the better the college beeomes, the nade them with a selection of favorite college community which serves ster. A well-known conference speaker supply future leadership and yet meet stronger their Alma Mater will be. old Christmas songs. to further amiable relationships from Baltimore is being secured for armed forces requirements. The most important thing is to know At the conclusion of the singing, the between the school and the com- this occasion. The conclusion that the college man that the students are behind the col- students ·will return to the campus, munity. Tri-Beta of today must draw is that it is his lege one hundred per cent. He closed where they witl be served a Christmas "Your appearance and conduct At the last regular meeting of Tri- duty to stay in college until the gov- his remarks by expressing confidence breakfast in a reserved section of the was exemplary. Comments of nu- Beta, Betty Simpson gave an account ernment calls him to do something in the WMC student body. Dining Rail. mel·OUS observers were highly of her summer which was spent study- Harry LeFew, before introducing complimentary. Your formation ing at the hiological center of the else; if no such call is received, it his committee, emphasized that this The meeting was then open to discus- and marching left little to be de- University of Ohio. The Tri-Beta's nlay be assumed that the most im~ was a student assembly, and, conse- sion from the floor. portant contJ."ibution can be made quently, there were no faculty mem- During the discussion it was sug- sir~d. also sponsored the movie, Maebetk, right here. bers present. He stated that the func- gested that the committee set the "I wish to express my apprecia- which played at the Carroll Tbeater Dr. Ensor emphasized the import- tion of the committee is to help or- goals for the classes on a percentage tion to each of you for a job well Wednesday and Thursday, December ance of "keeping your feet on the ganize the class campaigns and to basis, and this suggestion was ap- done. The manner of you)."partici- 6 and 7. The proceeds went to the grollnd and your head clear during make recommendations as to the pro- proved by the student body. The pation reflects credit on your Col- Milton Hendrickson Scholarship Fnnd, this time of crisis. This is no time motion of the drive. method of meeting the individual class lege, your ROTC unit, and upon which enables one student to take fOl· hysteria," he c:oncluded. "Any- The following recommendations of goals will be at the discretion of,the you as individuals. Your perform- courses in the field of biology each thing a man does should be done only the committee were then presented: four classes. The suggestions of the ance is indicative of the high cali- summer. the goal shall be set at $3,500; the committee were put in the form of ber of this unit, its cadet officers The annual Christmas party was after it has been thought through competition shall be on a class basis. motions and passed by the assembly.. and non_commissioned officers." held Tuesday, December 12. carefully."
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