Page 35 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Jan. 9, 1951 WMC Cagers Win Boxing Team Over Drew By 32 To Fight Army The Green Terrors captured their Western Maryland's ten-man box- first victory of the current campaign ing team is conditioning for their on December 14 when they romped to first match of the current season with an 85-53 victory over Drew Univer- Army on January 13. sity, It 'was the season's opener at Watson Solomon is the heavyweight home for the Hill cagers. this season with a very good two- The Jerseyites took an early first year record. His previous experience quarter lead, but with Walt Hart, in the inter-collegiate association, Art Pisetzner, and Art Press showing and in many other matches, suggests , the way, the \Vestern Marylanders .. that Watson will have a very good erased the deficit and were out in season in 1951. trout after a fast and furious quar- Our hun d i- e d seventy-five-pound ter, 32-22, The visitors fell far be- class boxer will be John Molesworth, hind in the second period, with the who is quick to take advantage of score-board showing a 43-26 advan- openings in his opponent's defense. for the home side at the inter- His fast left hand and previous year's experience will be an asset to our Drew rallied slightly d'uring the pugilistic efforts this year. third quarter but was unable to come Another who should do well this anywhere near knotting the score. year is Ted Somakouris, one hundred Coach Ferguson poured in substitutes sixty-five-pounder. Ted hits hard, in the final canto and still the winners and has a year of good boxing behind increased their advantage, outscoring him. their opponents 2; 11. Jim Muller and Ed Barber will con- lt was Art Press, WMC forward, tend' for the hundred fifty-fIve-pound who topped the scorers. He swished berth. Ed fought last year and is 19 points. Hart took number two hon- VarBity CagcrB Afte'i' Hard p.ractice turning out to be a promising boxer. ors with 16 markers. Chuck Ham- His height is an advantage for his maker, Gl~en and Gold pivot man, U. of Md. Defeats Shoremen Edge Terrors weight. racked up ten points. Harry Le Few will probably be a Heffnger tallied 13 to pace the point-getter for WMC, since he is a losers, while Halden and Holzinger fast, hard-hitting, aggressive fighter. each dumped 12 points through the T:r~a~~da~~:~~~!,rifle- Fouls Big C,au~eOf Defeat This year will be Harry's third as a hoop. boxer. men of Maryland Univeraity downed After leading a great deal of the contest, the Western Mary- George Van Nostrand is out for his .Lebancn Valley • our own sq~ad here on the Western College in a game nosed out 58-55 by the Shoremen of Washington first year of boxing in the hundred land cagers were Maryland played nile sange, 1418-1338.. at Centreville. Although defeated, the WMC nun- The Green Terror team went wild forty-five pound class, and probably will take over that post next year. Tops Terror Team rods bettered their score of an earlier in the second quarter and scored a Gil Stange tips the scales at one match against the Frederick National big total of 26 points to lead the Dickinson Tops hundred thirty pounds, but has no The Green Terror basketball squad Guard and showed great promise of Shoremen by 10 points, 37-27, at the experience. The prediction is that he dropped its fourth game in five starts future strength in the form of fresh- intermission. Fouls, however, played will come along well, and bring in to a snappy Lebanon Valley quintet man additions to the team. Three a major role i~ the Terror defeat. Terror Team some victories next year. 82-72. freshmen fired the match, Gwinn, Art Press, one of the team's best po- The contest was nip and tuck all Wilson, and Hubach. Others of the ,tential scorers for the past two sea- The Green Terror eagers were un- At one hundred twenty-five pounds the way; with Lebanon Valley jump- class of '54 are\among the capable re- sons, fouled out several seconds after able to overtake the Dickinson squad we have Jerry Gr andea, an experi- ing out to an early game lead and serve force of the squad. the third quarter began. Another of in a final quarter rally as the Red enced, fast, hard-hitting Philippino right hand. with a power-packed staying just four or five points in High man on the team was crack- the squad's high-point men, Walt Devils came out victorious 54-48 in The team still needs more support front of the Terror team until the shot David Buffington, who fired 275. Hart, soon followed Press' footsteps the December 11 contest. in some of the lower weight classes, final quarter. Superior conditioning Just one point below was sophomore when he also committed his fifth per- The Western Maryland squad but aU in all, the squad should win enabled the victors to increase their John Twiddy with 274. sonal foul. started slowly and was able to score small margin to a safe ten-point ad- only nine points in the initial quarter. quite a few bouts. vantage in the final fifteen minutes. Leading WMC point scorer of the Boxing Sohednde The scoring honors were divided Intra';'ural Schedule game was Charles Hammaker, who The second quarter saw the Terrors Jan. 13, West Point Away for the evening with both Art Press tallied 20 Green Terror markers. He in even slower condition when they Feb. 3, Penn State Home March 3, Catholic U. Home managed to tally only four points. also was well up in the foul column and Walt Hart sinking 25 poiI~ts each. January with four personals. Before leaving March 9-10, ElBA Univ .. of Va. Both of the players scored 11 field 8-7:00 p.m. the floor, Art Press dropped in Dickinson, meanwhile, had bounded goals and thre,e free throws for their Delta Pi Alpha vs. Pi Alpha 11 ahead with 33 points at half time, score. totals of 25. Alpha points and Hart followed closely with just 20 over the Terror saw a pick-up in Freshmen Victors eight. Top man for Lebanon Valley and 8:30 p.m. The next quarter Green Over Sykesville high scorer of the game was Don Alpha Gamma Tau vs. Barons Top scorer of the contest was the Terror offense, but it was not un- Murawski, who netted 35 points. 9-7:00 p.m. Shareman Scallion with 31 points of til the final period that the Seminary vs. Rebels the Washington College total. Tenors got in full swing. 'Western Maryland's freshman bas- Schofield Wins Badminton 8:30 p.m. ketball squad rolled up its first vic- Gamma Beta Chi vs. Pi Alpha Corinne Schofield has succeeded in Alpha tory of the season by downing Sykes- ville 78-31 on December 14. out-pointing her opponents in the 10-7:00 p.m. Leading the Terror scoring was Blanche Ward Gym to become the Rebels vs. Delta Pi Alpha their center, Dusty Mat-t.inell,' who school's "Badminton Queen." Seventy- 8:30 p.m. racked up a grand total of 25 points. nine participantl took part in the Pi Alpha Alpha \is. Seminary Next in the column was Chick Silber- bird-flying intra-class, elimination 11-7:00 p.m. stein, who tallied 12 points on six contest. Alpha Gamma Tau vs. Gamma field goals. Gilda Hinman defeated Joan Kel- Beta Chi The Green team charged out in logg in the freshman tournament, 8:30 p.m. front during the first quarter as they and Nell Hughes won out over Doro- Barons vs. Pi Alpha Alpha scored 17 points. Their biggest period thy Stackhouse for the Sophomore 15-8:30 p.m. w~s ~he third when they tallied 28 title. Kay McLaughlin fell to Corinne Barons vs. Delta Pi Alpha points. Schofield, while Phyllis Smith re- 16-7:00 p.m. High man for Sykesville was Sand- tained senior class first-rank by de- Rebels vs. Gamma Beta Chi ers with ten points. feating Charlotte Janney. 8:30 p.m. lYe.stern Maryland College The school tournament was con- Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Alpha Gam- F.G. F.T. F. Pts. ducted on a round-robin basis, with ma Tau Forwards each class winner playing the other 17-7:00 p.m. Linton three winners. Corinne, junior repre- Barons vs. Seminary Needleman sentative, was the only contestant to 8:~0 p.m. Rogan succeed in out-pointing her three ri- Gamma Beta Chi vs. Delta Pi Trader vals, thus securing \he school title. Alpha Centers Martinell Jl 25 Four Western Marylanders Guards 12 Silberstein Named To All-Opponent Teams Campbell Brenda Lynch Harlow Henderson, Vic Makovitch, Mitch Tullai, and Henry Pfeifer 10 Norman have been named to all-opponent teams for the 1950 season. Drexel Institute of Technology had 78 !~:~r t~el::~e~~'~~:n~~~~:: ;~l::;S t~: both schools as an outstanding gua~d, choices were the pair from Western ;ss;e~~na ;~:i;:l"::~ ;:i~!v::da ,!:;e:!~! Freshmen Beat Maryland, the only club to defeat the season. Union Building is one of the favor- Dragons in seven games, and then by ite on-the-campus haunts of students .B.J.C. Squad a singJe point,'26-25. End Henry Nor; Uncle Sam interrupted Mitch 'I'ul- man and guard Vic Makovitch headed lai's education for a brief while; but at the University of Waihington. The freshman hasketeera eked out a the list on the mythical eleven. Nor , Mitch, who is a junior, will also be That's because the Union Building three-point victory, 55-52, over ti:~ man caught two touchdown passes back on the Western Maryland squad is a friendly place, always full of powerful quintet from Baltimore Jr. and intercepted a Drexel toss for a next season. the busy atmosphere of eollege College on the losers floor. third, while Makovitch played sixty Henry Norman, Terror end, is the The unique zone defense used by minutes of hard-charging, fierce_ only senior among the four. Hank life. There is always plenty of ice- the Baby Green team throughout the tackling football." weighs in at 170 and has played rug_ cold Coca·Cola, too. For here, as in contest completely stumped the Balti- On the two platoon squad picked by ged football throughout. university gathering spots every- more five. Franklin and Marshall, Vic Makovitch Sophomore, Skitch Henderson, prom_ where-Coke belongs. Dusty Martinell, freshman tap-in took the honors as defensive guard ises great things in his next two years artist, was high scorer for the squad and !'.Iitch Tullai was named as the of competition in the Western Mary_ Ask for it either way •.• both with a total of 25 points. Dusty also outstanding defensive quarterback. land backfield. These four men are trade_marks mean the same thinK. did a wonderful job on the freshman The Diplomats considered Harlow representative of the fine quality of football team. He was one of the Henderson the best fullback they had football played by the Terror team BOITLW UNDf~ AtJTHORlTYOF THE COCA·COLA COMPANY BY team's .best defen.s~ve ~nemen and encountered. this year. The record of 6 wins against WESTMlNSTER COCA-COLA BOTrLING CO., INC. from hIS end posltlon was a great Vic Makovitch, who was chosen by 2 losses speaks for itself. 01951,TMCoca·CoIoCompany ~ass recei~er.
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