Page 27 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 27
Terror Team Gains Victory In Homecoming Encounter Johns Hopk'n~ Squad Succumbs To PowerFul WMC Passing Attack Before one of the largest crowds ever to witness a contest on Hoffa field, the Terrors of Western Maryland College stopped Johns Hopkins' fighting eleven 14-6. The first two quarters of the Homecoming battle were scoreless "Withboth teams playing top notch defensive football. The fine punt- ing of Western Maryland's Ira Zepp was a great advantage to the Terrors in keeping the Blue Jays deep in their own territory for a great part of the game. The first Terror tally came mid-way in the third quarter when the alert Scoring Record Western Maryland defense picked up a Johns Hopkins fumble deep in the For Grid Season loser's territory. End Walter Hart Henderson block8, Tullai 8kiJ"41 ?'ight end. snagged a long pass and galloped the T.D. P.A.T. Safety Total remaining yards for the score. The Tullai s 36 Green Terrors Compile 6-2 Record; JV Booters Beat conversion split the uprights and the Norman 18 Terrors took a late game 7-0 lead. Henderson 18 18 Win Over Hopkins Closes '50 Season Gettysburg, 5-3 to! ~~wt:~a~~r l:~~ !~::~~oP~~7~ :~~~ewski 18 ground. Seconds later the Terrors Tereshinski 7 Upset Victory Over Drexel Highlights Campaign Culhane, Kettells, And found themselves making a not too Fieldman successful goal line stand. On a hard- The Western Maryland football final tussle brought together the hitting lateral play the Bille Jays Renaldi team closed its 1950 season on Novem- Green and their traditional rivals, Dix Score For WMC cracked across for the tally. The extra Zepp ber 18 by deieating Johns Hopkins; Johns Hopkins. Once again the Ter- The Green and Gold JV bootees point attempt was wide and the Ter- Scott and in so doing finished with a very rors came through and handed the trounced the Gettysburg JV team, rors held a one-point margin. Makovitch 5-3, in the victor's last game of the Phillips creditable record. Six wins and but Baltimore boys a 14-6 drubbing. With only a couple of minutes left Rudisill current season. in the contest the Blue Jays started ~;oo~os::;h~o~o:e:ea::o;:~~:~ ~ai:~ Laurels The Terrors took the lead early in to move but the powerful Western Point Total 147 outstanding record. _ Congratulations to Charley Havens, the first quarter when Soup Campbell Maryland line, led by the great play After an opening loss to a mediocre Dick Harlow, and Bruce Ferguson, hooked the ball from the left outside of tackle Sydney Albrittain, soon G-burg team, 0-19, the Terrors re- who took a group of boys with vir- into the nets. Gettysburg kicked off squelched the Hopkins drive. The Rydzewski Captains bounded to plow under Mount ..saint tually no varsity experience, and from center and the alert Terror line hard charging of the Terror line Mary's, 40-13. The next game played molded from this group a team as fine again took possession of the ball. In caused the Blue Jays to fumble and Football Squad was against Franklin and Marshall, as any produced here in recent years. a series of good passing plays they the Green team took over on the losers and the Big Green came out on the Honors should also go to the eight worked it up field, where Bob Ket- 30-yard marker. The captain of this season's West- short end of a 25-0 tally. In the fol- seniors who have played their last foot- tells, regular varsity lineman, re- Mitch TulIai skirted his own right ern Maryland grid team, Ed Rydzew- lowing contest with the Red Devils of ball game for the Green and Gold. ceived a pass from Jim Dix and the end and drove to the five-yard line ski, is a native of Baltimore, Mary- Dickinson, beating Terrors really came Sid Albrittain, Stan Fieldman, Frank blasted it past the G-burg goalie for Hank Norman, Krausz, himself in his the second tally. land, and distinguished Ed Rydzew- through, this highly-favored where, after an unsuccessful buck, two years of football here at WMC. eleven 29-~3. Hampden-Sydney was ski, Charlie Sykes, and George 'I'soup- Gettysburg was able to penetrate Henderson passed the pig-skin to After his graduation in June, Ed the next to fall before the Terrors axe rake; all had excellent records this the Terror defense and soon retali- Rydzewski, who made a shot-string plans to enter the coaching field. by a score of 19-7. The high point of year, and all contributed much to the ated. Even WMC goalie Cookie Cohen, catch in the end 'Zone. The second 'I'er- Captain Rydzewski attended Pat- the season came the next week, how- Terrors great 1950 season. who played a sparkling game between ror conversion split the uprights just terson Park School in Baltimore, ever, when unbeaten and untied Drexel the posts, was unable to stop the a few minutes before the final gun where he was one of the top backfield Tech was edged out in the last three 1950 RECORD score. sounded closing the game with the men for the Patterson football team. minutes of play by the visiting WMC WMC OPP. Late in the second quarter with the Terrors in front 14-6. This early training, Ed feels, had a team, 26-25. This game was the ut- Gettysburg 19 score at 2-1, Bob Kettells again saw Although low in score, the game let. to do with his dazzfing success in most in teamwork, no one individual's 40 Mount St. Mary's 13 light and drove the ball through the was by no means lacking in thrills, as college ball. are not limited to the work overshadowing the great team Franklin and Marshall 25 G-burg defensemen for his second tal- Ed's talents both teams, no matter how good or spirit which was present. The follow- 29 Dickinson 13 ly of the game. In the second half the Terrors con- how poor a season they have had, go football field, he also is one of the ing game saw a good Lebanon Valley 19 26 Hampden-Sydney 7 tinued their rampage of offensive on the Western team lose to the Terrors Maryland mainstays 19-7. The all out to beat their opponents in this basketball team. He was a constant Drexel Tech 25 play. Jim Culhane, varsity left in- old rivalry, This game marked the starter at the guard position last year 19 Lebanon Valley side, scored twice "to bring the count close of the 1950 season for both and is going to be in there for the Ba.sketball Season 14 Johns Hopkins University to 5-1 roe Western Maryland. teams. Terrors again this season. Soon Underway Football season is over and before too many days have gone by basket- bnll will take over the number one position in the sports world here at Western 'Maryland College. Even before the final grid contest, the cagers were going through their daily routine of passing, cutting, and getting their eyes on the hoop. Head coach t of the Terror cagers will be Bruce Ferguson, who is going into his eleventh year on the coaching staff here at Western Maryland. Fer- gie is also assistant football coach. 'kJede~.. MIVUfLa.uL eo/let;e VaJlJ4 BtUkeit.aJl ,ccI.eJuJe 1950 Girls Win Hockey Team December: Away S-Wagner Away ll-Dickinson Final Game Victorious, 3-0 14-Drew Away 13-Navy Home IS-Lebanon Valley Away High And Grice T.lIy Dadie Davis Scores ,1951 Against Maryland Col. Three For Green January: Away &-Washington The Western Maryland girls hock- 9-Mt. St. Mary's Away gathering spot of students at the ey team closed its four-game season Saturday, November 11, the gallant ll-Catholic U. Away victoriously as they defeated their op- lassies from Western Maryland Col- 13-Gallaudet Away University of Nebraska is Hermie's ponents from Maryland College for lege met the sttcksters of St. Joseph's IS-Loyola Home "Inn" because it is a cheerful place Women, 2-0, at Westminster. College and trounced them in a 3-0 20-Univ. of Baltimore Away The first period was a scoreless thriller. February: -full of friendly university atmos- duel with both teams driving deep In the early morning frost, Dadie 6-CathoJic U. Home phere. And when the gang gathers into· their respective offensive terri- Davis, the WMC center forward, 9----Gallaudet Home tories. A few seconds before the half- scored all three :goals. Her scores lO-Johns Hopkins Away around, ice-cold Coca-Cola gets the time whistle, Janet Hii..h. drove the were set up by tha.greet play of the 13_Washington Home first WMC tally into the nets .. offensive line. Only the excellent play 14-Gettysburg Away call. For here, as in university In the second half, the Western 17_American University Away haunts everywbere-Coke belongs. goalie held the WMC of the visitors' Maryland sticksters scored once team to three tallies, even though the 20-Univ. of Baltimore Home again as Ira Grice pulled the ball 24--Johns Hop~ins Home into the goal. ''The hockey season entire game was played in the visit- 27-Mt. St. Ma ..y's Home trade-markJ mean tM same thing. closed with the girls on the top end ors' territory. of ·.a·three win, one loss record. The ~ The St. Joseph team was enter- March: aOTTlfD UNOU AUTHORITYOF TliE COCA·COLA COMPANY 8Y team_ scored seven goals and were tained at lunch and at the Lebanon I-Towson Away WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTfLING CO.. INC. scored ·on'_twice by_their opponents. Valley football game that afternoon. 3_Loyola Away C 1950. T~. Coco·CoIa C"",pGny
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