Page 26 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 26
The Gold Bug, Nov. 28, 1950 Underclassmen To Top Secret Mac Gi,ves Thanks, For His Blessings Borrowed Bits Edit Christmas Issue Is Revealed gave everyone a disgusted look, and out Mike? Aiter all, he's the guy who in the DIAMONDBACK is felt to be Mac hauled his suitcase off the bus, reeentljc appeared This article that won the Homecoming prize for us." The next issue of the GOLD then stomped up the Hill. Just to Joe didn't answer, because he was of universal concern. BUG will be edited by under- One of the latest records that have think that Thanksgiving was over for thinking of the very same question. Atop a windy hilI in the vicinity of classmen in preparation for a hit the juke boxes is The Thing. In another year-four evonderful days Then suddenly, Mac had an inspira- Maggie B. the other day we came new editorial staff. Each year character this song can be compared spent in eating turkey and sleeping all tion. After all, if Mike could do it, across an engrossed co-ed who was one or. more issues are put out morning. When he 'reached the dorm, why couldn't he? Mike was a great knitting what appeared to be an tsoso- by a .group new to their posi- to the shaggy dog stories. These are no he threw a blanket on the bed and guy, and Mac knew the reason. He Ies triangle with sleeves and a heel. the stories that have no point, tions. This practical experience punch line, no nothing and are told in went to sleep. Mac was disgusted. He had never been seen without a smile There was no neck. is helpful to both those trying a few thousand better-left-unspoken didn't speak to anyone, including his on his face----even after vacations. Not wishing to disturb her concen- out and to the regular staff as it words. People have been known to go roommate. After all, why should he Mike was always enthusiastic and tration by causing her equilibrium gives each an opportunity to berserk and almost annihilate the wit bother? Those wonderful days of loaf- ready to work for his Alma Mater. centers to vibrate we acted out a com- study the various capabilities, who has an endless supply of such in"g were over until Christmas, and Mac left the Grill, and stood outside plicated charade, meaning "What is The staff will include: editor- stories and insists on telling every he had to hit the books again. Fur- for a few, minutes. Thanksgiving it?" in-chief, Stan Bowlsbey; manag- one of them. To get this en a higher thermore, Mac was tired of the same wasn't over, he thought. It had barely Then we heard one of the saddest ing editor, Jane McLeod; news literary level, The Thing may be com- old professors, the same old girls, the begun. He looked- around at the fa- stories . . . one of the most outra- editor, John Haller ; feature edi- pared to the Lady and The Tiger, a same old books, and the same old ev- miliar landmarks. In front of him was geous examples of specialized writing tor, Anita Fiery: news-feature much discussed short story. One can erything else that he had seen around Carpe Diem, and to his left, Old for a limited public of the elect that editor, Barbara Bankson; ex- argue for hours about this one. To here for the past two years. Main-both standing silent, but with has ever been brought to light. Hold- change editor, Mary Ann Kifer; which door do you think she pointed? The next morning, our hero crawled years of tradition behind them. Mac ing up the worsted nothing, the con- copy editor, Audrey Groom. It is out of bed for his eight o'clock class, realized during that moment that he fused co-ed acted out a yarn which probably evident to many read- Maybe this song is even like some of more disgusted than ever. But he did had a lot to be thankful for. He was meant, "This is a present for my boy ers of the GOLD BUG that these the professors' lectures, the outlines condescend to speak to his roommate. lucky to be an American, and to have friend ... ", and then she was acting people are all either minor edi- of which read something like this: After a grumbled "Hi, did you have a had forefathers with the great faith no more. Those were real tears which tors or contributors. There A. Organized crime nice time?", he rushed to suffer in God to thank Him for the blessings flew from her overworked eyes. should also be some indication of 1. Definition through his first two classes until bestowed upon them. But most of all, Hleroglyphles the various openings in staff po- 2. Types time to go for donuts and coffee. Mac was a lucky guy because he had A sheet of knitting directions was sitions. Most of all this should Mac walked into the Grill and a chance to go to a wonderful college brought out and this child of horror prove that it is possible to ad- 3. The American gangster looked around. Soon he saw his old like WMC. Mind made up, he started explained her difficulties. At a glance vance if enough interest and ef- 4. A funny thing happened to me pal Joe sitting over in the corner. Joe off to the dorm, whistling a merry the sheet seemed to be written in a fort are put forth. on the way to school this morn- called to him, and Mac sat down at tune. Just then, one of the "same old sort of hieroglyphic shorthand, but we New contributors to the GOLD ing the table. The two started to talk girls" walked by, and Mac realized were told that all knitting directions BUG can choose to tryout along At any rate, The Thing has both- about the fun they'd had over vaca- that she was pretty cute. He whistled, are printed in abbreviations. We knew editorial or business lines. Or, if ered all of us for some time now. The tion, when suddenly Joe remembered and then dashed to his room, slammed what she was thinking, but she was they are not interested in these best way to learn what the writer something. "Say, Mac, did you know the door behind him, and with a big too polite to say so. . fields they can be typists or had in mind is to ask him, So, the that Mike has to leave on Monday? grin yelled, "Hi ya, kid," to his room- "I've done my best to figure it out," proofreaders. When a student GOLD BUG staff, in the middle of He's in the reserves, and his number mate. she said, "but something went wrong." shows enthusiasm, accuracy, and Homecoming preparations, wrote a came up the- other day." Mac just .There really was no need for her to a certain amount of skill, he can letter, and at long last we have the looked at Joe for a few minutes. tell us. he asked. Joe Class Of '54 be fairly certain to receive en- "Are you· kidding?", "What do they mean?" we asked. couragement or real advance- answer to the question What is the said that he wasn't, and changed the "Well," came the answer, "the first serious Heads ment. Of course, people are Thing? Unfortunately, space will not subject. But Mac wasn't listening, be- Onward abbreviation I came across was 'k'. I sometimes unwittingly over- permit the printing of the entire let- cause he was doing some looked it up in the dictionary and looked. If they keep plugging at ter we received in rcply. However, the thinking. Absent-mindedly, he asked Off with beanies! Down with rules! couldn't even find a meaning for it. the proofreading, typing, or ar- real news is that we now know that Joe a question. The freshmen are a part of the Hill So I introspected and came up with ticles assigned, they will even:' the Thing as the writer meant it is "What's the frat going to do with- now. No longer are we pointed out as the idea that to me 'k' meant knot. I tually be noticed. It is impossi- being different from upperclassmen, knotted two. ble to be ignored when you real- in regard to the way we look or act. Saint or Street? ly work at being a staff member. In fact, with our beanies off, we look Then it said 'p'. This time the dic- Take a good look at the tryout like any other student on the campus. tionary had a meaning ... peck. So staff. They are freshmen, sopho- We have newly found confidence, due I pecked up two "Stitches and knotted mores, transfers, and juniors- to the effects of time and experience. two more: pecked again, knotted ... pretty good coverage. Be sure to Our morale was boosted during pecked... until I came across one read their issue. Maybe you will Homecoming Weekend because we that said 'inc.' The dictionary says find that newspaper work is just were able to do our part in making this means inch. I turned back to the what you want most to do on the event a big success. We even felt directions and they said, 'inc.' So I the Hill. a little superior when we were able to started knitting one stitch for an inch show visitors around the campus, in- at each inch at each end of every stead of being told ourselves by up- other row, and that's when it started perclassmen. In fact, whether the looking funny." She showed us. It cer- sophomores know it or not, freshmen tainly did. Tom Page are a necessary part of this college. "Well," she continued, "that didn't What have we done? Individually, bother me ... I figured everything By this time, Homecoming is an freshmen have joined all types of ac- would work out all right." (Such opti- event of the past; but the SGA council t.ivities and clubs, in order to make rniem in one so old.) "But what really would like, at this time, to express its the college run more smoothly. Our got me confused was when the direc- appreciation to all who labored to own football team exhibited great tions said, 'inc. 1 st. k row and 1 st. p . make this affair a success. To merely teamwork on the field, as was proven _ row 'till reach underarm.' say thanks to everyone in general in the last Baby Terror game. Fresh- I looked up 'st.'-this was really a doesn't appear to be adequate; there- men cheerleaders have aroused great tough one. Did you know that 'st.' can fore we would like to be specific in so pep and enthusiasm from the cheering mean either Saint or street?" far as possible. We would like 'to con- section. Many precious hours were Ingenious Co-ed gratulate the participants in the pre- spent working on the Freshman fioat, We stared in amazement. At her game pep rally, the brilliant perform- only to have it collapse during the next statement we were dumbfound- ance of the dramatic art department parade. New talent has been discov, ed ; we had not known that the Mar-y- on Friday evening, all students who "To be brutally frank. l\Iahol).ey, the military department doesn't care ered in the freshman class which is land co-ed possessed such ingenious- blended their skill and originality in whether you want to be saved or nct-c-you'Il have to keep your rille clean!" being used to supplement that of other ness. dressing store windows and construct- classes. . ~Well," she said, "that took .a long campus displays and floats, the team Local Association All of these activities have pulled time but finally I figured that If they for their display of fighting spirit Pins 'n Points our class together, as well as im- wanted 'Saint' it meant holy, and you in the game with the Jays, the vari- Sponsors Concert Series proved the whole school. The class of were supposed to knit around a hole." together. (You were?) We have "And if it meant 'street', '54 does stand ous organizations who held open house No sooner than we are back on a filling Thanksgiving to knit long supposed over the week end, the Alpha Gamma The Carroll County Community campus after there is excitement on made it so through our own efforts. you .were You know how streets come squares. We are proud of this accomplishment, holiday than Tau fraternity for the wonderful Concert Association will present the the Hill. Did you. see our first real and are still prouder to belong to in long blocks." We did. dance they sponsored Saturday eve: first concert of their current season, snowfall? . WMC. It's a fine achievement to have Suddenly we realised that our new- ning, and last, but not least, all oth- Monday evening, December 4, when Charlotte Reed, '52, is sporting a become true members of this student found oddity was crying, and we asked ers who worked in any capacity to Sascha Gorodnitzki, nationally known new engagement ring from Ray Cush- body. It's a great feeling! her- what could possibly be the mat- pianist, will appear in the auditorium make this venture a success. en, '49. Congratulations! ter. She answered now she didn't of the Westminster High School. know whether to use 'street' or 'Saint' took our Looks like Mother Nature Gorodnitzki has the distinctive rec- Homecoming threats about Old Main Coeds Adopt Diets and the directions had slipped a new ord of more than sixty New York en- seriously. She blew Smith Hall's top one in on her that could mean either THE GOLD BUG gagements. In addition to being a re- over the week-end. It happens every spring-also dur- 'December' or ... the United cital favorite throughout In a recent issue of Publications States, Canada, and Latin America, the lI10dern Language Association of of ing the fall and winter, probably Another strong pressure group is during the summer, too. Since the col- he has appeared as soloist with the America, an article, "The Analogues leges are closed and everyone is scat- the vitamin-calorie school. "An apple Nation's leading symphony orches- of Chaucer's Prioress' Tale: the Re- tered, this cannot be verified. How- a day keeps the doctor away" and tras, including the New York, Chi- lation of Group C to Group A", ap- ever, during the year, whenever a "Down with starches" are their battle cago, Pittsburgh, Cincinnatti, Cleve- peared. It was the work of Miss Mar- dance is coming up, the girls in all cries. Members of this group can be Member land, Detroit, Baltimore, and others. garet Statler, distinguished alumna the dorms, on all the college campuses, identified by their vitamin charts and Associet,d Collegiate Press The local series include three con- and former editor of the GOLD BUG. all over the country, swear to do or the intent look upon their faces as certs. Following Gorodnitzki, Jane The National Poetry Association die for their diets. This dieting takes they total up their number of calories Hobson, an American-born young announced that in its publication, The many forms and, like cures for hie- for the day. If you are the normal, Mezzo-soprano, will appear in the Annual Aanthowgy of College Poetry, coughs, everyone has a method that hungry type, the best thing you can they'll guarantee do is sit at a table with several mem- is sure-fire. second of the series of recitals, Mon- poems by students of WMC will ap- First and most drastic is the absti- bers of this clan. You will be sure of day evening, January 22. The Men of pear: "The River of Hope", 'by Pa- nence school. They go on the theory eating well, and at dinner you will Shear, "Escape and tricia Unto Song, a male quartet, will be featured Death", by Hugh Laine ." that if eating less will make you lose probably inherit several extra pieces at the final concert, April 2. n little, eating nothing will make you of pie. The College Grill, now under the A special subscription campaign is direction of Mr. Charles Pfoutz, has lose a lot. So, for two days before the Each group hae. its partisans, and now being conducted for the students introduced several newpolicies. It will dance, they sit in the dorm during as they get weighed on the gym seale, of Western Maryland College. Stu- be open from 8 :30 a. m. until 10 p. m, mealtimes, chewing gum, smoking they each brag loud and long about dent memberships are $3.00, including cigarettes, and looking heroic. On the how much they've lost. It looks like BUSINESS' STAFF on weekdays. From 6:30 to 10 p. m., a night of the dance, they fold up like we'll have a fine crop of slender belles BlHllneu M ..n.5I:e...._________.Betty Lovelace, '51 tax, and may be secured from Betty "chef's special" will be offered daily. Lar,.,. B.Il.y. '51 Lou Brandenberg, Imogene Wey- a paper fan and are earted off to the at the next dance, but they don't faze Ad .... U.lnlr M.I\.Irt"J"_~. Bill Rh ... do.. '51 Additional supplies have also been infirmary, leaving their dates with my roommate. She eats all she wants Clnulatloll M..naa-eJ"S..-..-- Pe&"1J]' Brown. '61 bright, or Mickie Rupert. who are act- J.,. Eira-b, '61 added to the sundries department. dance tickets, cci-sages-c-and no girls! and stilf.Icees weight! How??? Why, CONTRmUTORS ing as workers here on the Hill. These Special consideration is asked of the 'fliey. return brightly, two days later, come right out in the hall. She. has a l!a.lT)' Gnnder. Jim Dorothe. people can be contacted at Blanche student body in doing their part 'in weighing five pounds more than when new exercise guaranteed to slim those Selimldt. Anita Fiery, M.ry Ann XU ...., Boh_ Ward Hal~, second floor. keeping the GrillI clean. they started dieting.' extra pounds off in no timel hie D..vfdaon. Bee.k)' Wew. ,
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